Chyani's peaceful life on a human lunar colony is abruptly stripped away when a yautja hunter, Raven Tide, invades her home and comes to abduct her. But there's more going on than either of them realizes. There's a war going on, and an ancient deadly enemy is on the hunt, forcing the unlikely pair to work together if there's any chance of survival.
This is a companion book to The Hunter's Song.
It is not necessary to read The Hunter's Song or the sequel to enjoy this book.
The events in this book occur after The Hunter's Song and sequel The Hunter's Song II: Lost Blood but this book contains no spoilers for the sequel book.
!!WARNING!! ‼18+‼ Only! There are fighty-bits, trauma-bits, and there are explicit sexual events marked by 🔥 in the chapter titles. P.S. I don't own Predator, this story takes place in my own personal yautja/predator universe. Also, I did make all the doodles.
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