
“Where are we staying?” I asked as August helped me into the black luxury car he had rented from the airport.

“The Hyatt Grand.” August answered casually. I rolled my eyes at him,

“What?” He asked, noticing my expression from the driver’s seat of the car.

“Of course you pick one of the nicest hotels in the city.” I laughed. The Hyatt wasn’t far from where I went to the medical school, the NYU Grossman School of Medicine in Kips Bay.

“My assistant set it up.” He shrugged as he began navigating the busy streets.

“You’ve driven in the city before.” I noted. August nodded distractedly,

“I’ve been here many times on business but have never seen anything other than the hotel room and whosoever office the meeting was in.”

“That’s sad.” I signed, clicking my tongue at him disapprovingly.

“Well I didn’t have a sexy tour guide before.” He winked at me with a crooked grin.

“You better not have.” I smirked.

We rode in comfortable silence the rest of the way to the hotel. When we pulled up there was already someone there, ready to take our bags and escort us inside. We bypassed the front desk, having already been checked in over the phone by August’s assistant, and we’re taken straight to our room: the penthouse suite, of course.

“You’re ridiculous.” I told August as he tipped the bellboy and locked the door behind him.

“What now?” August groaned.

“You couldn’t have settled for a regular room or even just a normal sized suite? We’re only here for a few days, August, this is a little extreme.”

“Is it?” He shrugged, moving our suitcases to the other side of the room. He seemed board with the room and I realized that he must stay like this all the time,

“Most of the time the company I’m meeting with sets up the hotel and pays for the room, they just coordinate it with my assistant. I hardly know what’s going on half the time.”

“Maybe I need to have a word with this assistant.” I huffed, plopping down on the oversized bed. August grinned at me, laying down behind me.

“Oh, why’s that?”

“She seems like a piece of work.” I grumbled. August flipped around in bed so his head was at the bottom where I was sitting, and propped himself up on his elbows.

"He’s fantastic.” I looked down at August and felt a hot blush creeping up my neck,


“It’s cute when you’re jealous, baby.” August tapped my nose with his finger and I batted at his hand,

“I am not jealous.” I mumbled.

“Whatever you say, love.” August hummed but I could tell that he didn’t believe me. I didn’t believe me. I decided to change the subject,

“What’s on the agenda, Alpha?” I smiled down at him, running my fingertip along his cheek and giggling at the way he squirmed under my touch.

“Nothing for today, I was just thinking about some room service and relaxing. Tomorrow I have meetings all day. Then, the next day I’m all yours. I might have a last minute meeting to finalize everything before we leave.” August explained.

“Sounds perfect, what do you want to see?” I laid down next to him so our heads were only inches apart.

“You, naked.” August answered. I shoved him so hard that he rolled off the edge of the bed and hit the floor laughing.

“I meant of the city.” I yelled at him, tossing a pillow in his general direction. August’s head popped up from the floor,

“Anything you want, love, I’m in your hands.” He winked at me. I grabbed another pillow and aimed it at his head. August pushed the pillow aside and tackled me on the bed.

“What are you going to do tomorrow?” August asked me as we settled in for a movie after we ordered room service. I nestled onto his chest,

“Stay in bed and order room service.” I shrugged. I felt August chuckle under me as he fingers found their way through my hair,

“That doesn’t sound very productive.” He teased me.

“I was considering going to my old apartment to gather up my things.” I added.

“I don’t know if you should go alone.” August said, his body tensing up. I rolled over and propped myself up on his chest so I could look at his face,

“I lived here, August, I know my way around.”

“That’s fair…” August grumbled, clearly not thrilled with the idea,

“At least take the car and my driver.” He asked.

“If it’ll make you feel better.” I sighed. August ducked his head to plant a quick kiss on my lips before I rolled back over and focused on the movie.

I was woken up by the smell of fall spices and August’s warm breath on my cheek.

“I’m getting ready to leave, love.” August whispered, kissing me softly on the cheek. I grumbled at him, barely opening my eyes. I heard him chuckle softly,

“Let me know when you leave. Sweet dreams.” I was fast asleep before August had even left the room.

A few hours later, when it was a much more reasonable hour, I found myself meeting August’s driver in the lobby of the hotel.

“Good morning, Ms. Taylor.” The driver said, holding open the door to the car.

“Thank you.” I said, nodding my head as I slid into the back seat.

“Where can I take you today, ma’am?” He asked after settling into the driver’s seat. I gave him the address to my old apartment building and watched out the window as the city sped by.

“If you’re available, I’ll probably need some help carrying things to the car.” I said to the driver as we arrived at the apartment complex.

“Of course, ma’am, I’d be happy to help.” He replied, pulling the car up to the main lobby and opening up the car door for me.

“Please, call me Josie.” I said to the man, having enough of all the ma’am business. The driver nodded his head, but I got the impression he wasn’t big on smiling.

“Allow me to park the car and then I’ll meet you.” He replied.

“Sure, apartment 12B.” I said, walking into the lobby as the driver held open the door.

“Do you have a name?” I asked, pausing just inside the door.

“Franklin, ma’am.” I sighed at his formality. Somehow, I wasn’t surprised that August hired Franklin as his driver. He wasn’t much for conversation, he didn’t smile, and he was all business.

“Ms. Taylor!” The man behind the lobby desk grinned, moving around the desk to approach me.

“Hi, Ronnie.” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Oh, I’m so glad you were able to make it back in. Your brother called and said that you had moved and might not be back to move out.” Ronnie was my favorite receptionist by far, the exact opposite of Franklin the driver. He was always smiling and accommodating.

“I was able to plan a last minute trip to grab some of my stuff. My brother has movers lined up to pick up the rest.” I said, pulling my apartment key out my bag.

“Can I offer some assistance?” Ronnie asked, following me to the elevator.

“Can you just give my driver a luggage cart? He’ll be coming in to help me move.” I said, pressing the up button.

“Absolutely, Ms. Taylor.” Ronnie held the elevator doors open as I stepped inside.

“Thanks.” I pressed the ‘4’ button and watched the doors slide close.

I sighed, pressing my eyes close as the elevator moved upwards. I was amazed at how different I felt coming back here. It has only been a few weeks, but my life here already feels so forign. I used to love spending an afternoon chatting with Ronnie in the lobby or wandering around the streets outside my building. Now, I just wanted to return to the pack and get back to my life.

“I’m at my apartment.” I mindlinked August who immediately answered.

“Okay, love. Have Franklin help you move.”

“Already on it. You know, you could have picked a friendlier driver.” I smirked.

“Can’t have a man be too friendly around my mate.” August teased. I rolled my eyes at him,

“You’re ridiculous. How’s the meeting going?”

“Long and boring. I’d rather be with you.”

“I’d rather be with you too.” I sighed.

“After you’re done at the apartment, why don’t you meet me for lunch?” August offered and I perked up at the idea,

“Okay!” August chuckled in my head,

“See you soon, love.”

“I love you.” I said.

“I love you, too.” August ended the mindlink.

I was standing in front of my apartment door by the time August and I finished talking. I jiggled my key in the lock and pushed open the door. I flicked on the light and dropped my key on the entryway table. I started in the bedroom, yanking my clothes out of the closest and laying them on my bed. I dug my suitcases out of the closest and carefully folded my clothes so they would all fit. I emptied my dresser into another suitcase and zipped them closed.

I tugged the comforter and sheets off my bed, folding them up and setting them on top of the empty mattress so they were ready for the movers. I unplugged all my lamps and cords, packing the chargers I needed and leaving the rest. I moved to the bathroom, piling all my essential supplies into a small duffle bag. I started throwing old cleaning supplies and other unneeded items into a large garbage bag when there was a knock at my door.

“The doorman sent up some boxes.” Franklin said, pushing the dolly into my apartment. Stacked on top of the cart were a couple empty cardboard boxes.

“Oh, that’s perfect.” I pushed the boxes into the living room and showed Franklin the suitcases he could take down to the car awhile.

I loaded up the biggest box with all my books. I used a few of the other boxes for anything I wanted to donate since there was so much the packhouse already had. I emptied my kitchen cabinets and put everything I wanted to keep on the table for the movers to box up. I did the same in the living room.

A few hours later, I had the entire apartment either packed up or ready to be moved. Franklin loaded the car with all my stuff all while not saying more than ten words. I sent Franklin down to the car for the last time and stood in the doorway of my apartment for the last time.

“See you later.” I whispered, giving a small wave to the place that had been my home. I rode the elevator back down to the lobby and said goodbye to Ronnie.

“Mr. Hayes called with an address for lunch.” Franklin said as he opened the car door for me.

“Okay.” I said absentmindedly.

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