
“Luna, thank the Goddess you’re here.” Ethan met me at the gate to the packhouse.

“Give me an update.” I said, walking quickly through the house.

“There’s about twenty warriors down. Doc was able to make up some of that wolf-proof morphine and get everyone calmed down so he could start treating them.” Ethan said, pushing open the door to the hospital. Nurses were fluttering around the room, accessing the injured warriors. I located Dr. Brown in the back corner of the room working on a familiar wolf.

“Dr. Brown, how are we doing?” I asked, tugging on my lab coat in an attempt to keep my clothes clean.

“Good call on the morphine, Luna, this stuff is working wonders.” I look down at the wolf in Dr. Brown’s care,

“Hello, Vincinet.” I greeted the large man who had doubted my abilities just a few weeks earlier,

“How are we feeling?”

“Not too bad right now, Luna.” Vincinet grumbled.

“He has a few broken ribs and a pretty deep bite on his leg.” Dr. Brown said as he was applying a dressing to Vincient’s leg.

“Alright. Anyone you want me to take a look at?” I asked, gazing around the room.

“We just started addressing the injured after getting them calmed down on the morphine so feel free to just jump in.” Dr. Brown said, distracted with Vincient’s wound. I nodded and started making my way around the room.

“Everyone’s stable, August. It’s all under control here.” I mindlink August.

“Thank you, love. I have another couple of hours here and then I’m going to drive home.” He told me.

“Be safe, love you.” I said quickly before getting back to work.

“Luna!” Ethan flagged me down just as I left the hospital hours later.

“Please, Ethan, I’m exhausted.” I grumbled, rubbing the back of my neck.

“I know, Luna, I’m sorry, but we have to go over the security protocols. Many of our warriors are down now and our borders are weak.” Ethan said urgently. I sighed and nodded,

“Alright, let’s go to August’s office and figure it out.” I started down the hall but noticed that Ethan wasn’t moving,


“It’s just, I thought you would want to meet in your office. That’s where I sent the others.” Ethan said. I looked at him, confused.

“My office?”

“Yeah. Earlier today the Alpha had us set up an office for you. Kasey and some of the other she-wolves have been working on it all day.” Ethan shrugged.

“Okay….” I said skeptically,

“Lead the way, I guess.”

I had no idea how August got an office thrown together for me so quickly, but I had to remember to thank him for it when he got home. Ethan led me to a door that was right next to August’s office. He pushed it open for me and I stepped inside the beautifully decorated room. The walls were a deep maroon and the furniture all dark-stained wood. It was sophisticated and perfectly fit for a Luna.

“Hello, Luna.” The room, consisting of Hayden, Logan, and Wyatt, greeted me.

“Let’s get started.” I said, sitting down behind my new desk.

Wyatt and Logan came up with a plan to put some of the new warriors into the security detail and Hayden agreed to monitor the borders to make sure that everyone stayed fresh. Ethan would check in with the wounded tomorrow to see if anyone with minor injuries was ready to go back on duty.

“Just make sure no one goes back out too soon.” I instructed, very familiar with the wolves inability to rest.

“Yes, Luna.” Hayden said.

“What about the prisoners?” Ethan asked.

“August can take care of them when he gets home.” There was no way I was going down there. Ethan bowed his head in compliance.

“Do we know what the rogues were after?” I asked.

“They didn’t make any moves to come closer to the packhouse. It’s like their goal were the village homes.” Logan answered. I shook my head in disgust,

“Casualties?” I asked hesitantly.

“None.” Wyatt’s answer surprised me,

“Our warriors were trained well.” August would be proud to hear that.

“That’s great news.” I said. I had tended to the injured children and women who were in a private wing of the hospital. They all had minor injuries and most of them were sent home to heal.

“Is there anything else?” I asked, feeling the weight of exhaustion beginning to creep in.

“Not tonight, Luna. Thank you.” Hayden said, nodding his head for Wyatt and Logan to leave the room. He followed them out, briefly resting his hand on my shoulder and offering me an appreciative smile before leaving.

“You did great, Luna.” Ethan grinned proudly at me,

“You’re awesome.” He laughed, exiting my office. I shook my head at him with a smile, grateful for the fantastic Beta and Gamma that August had chosen.

I shuffled out of the office and drug myself to the bedroom. I flopped down on the bed and mindlinked August one final time,

“Everything is taken care of, August.”

“Ethan told me the plan, he said you were perfect.” I could feel the pride seeping out of August’s voice.

“I did my best.” I said sheepishly.

“I couldn’t have done it any better. I’m getting ready to leave now love, I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

“Don’t rush, drive safe.” I ordered him,

“I don’t need another injured wolf to deal with.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I didn’t have the strength to complain.

“Sweet dream, love.” I barely heard August as I drifted off to sleep.

I hadn’t realized how early I had fallen asleep until I found myself wide awake at 5:30am. I groaned and flopped down on the pillow, begging my brain to shut off. After 30 minutes of counting sheep, I decided I wasn’t going to have success and rolled out of bed. The other side of the bed remained untouched, telling me that August hadn’t come to bed yet.

“Where are you?” I asked August through our mindlink.

“Holy cow, you’re up early.” August chuckled.

“Shut up.” I grumbled at him.

“I’m about 2 hours away. I stopped over at a hotel, I didn’t realize how tired I was.” August sounded guilty.

“I’m glad you stopped and didn’t drive tired. I’m going to check on things, love you.”

I got dressed quickly and hurried down the steps to bother the kitchen for some breakfast. Rosie already had muffins freshly baked,

“Something told me you would be up early today, Luna.” She smiled, handing over a tray of chocolate chip and blueberry muffins.

“You’re the best.” I said, plucking a muffin from the tray and shoveling it into my mouth,

“Rosie, you know you can call me Josie, right?” I said, wiping the back of my hand across my mouth.

“I know dear, but you earned the title.” Rosie smiled, patting my cheek,

“I knew you would be our Luna from the moment I saw you and the Alpha at my diner.”

“You did?” I asked with my mouthful, shocked.

“Of course. An old woman can see these things.” She joked, tapping the brim of her glasses.

“Not old, wise.” I countered.

“A little bit of both.” Rosie shrugged and I couldn’t help but laugh at her.

“Luna, the Alpha said you were awake.” Ethan said, entering the kitchen,

Ooooh, are those muffins?” He asked, practically drooling. Rosie shook her head at the Beta and handed a muffin over. Ethan successfully shoved the entire muffin into his mouth in one bite.

“You’re going to choke and I’m not giving you mouth to mouth.” I warned him. Ethan smiled with his mouth full and I shoved his shoulder away in disgust. He followed me out of the kitchen,

“The borders were held overnight and we haven’t had any rogue sightings. The rogues in the prisons are ready to talk and our warriors are mostly healed. Many of them went back out on rotation this morning.”

“Thanks, Ethan, that’s good to hear. I’m going to go to the hospital in Little Compton to check in and see if there were any humans attacked.” I said, heading for the front door.

“I’ll send Hayden.” Ethan said, already retreating down the hall.

“I don’t need a babysitter!” I yelled after him but he pretended like he didn’t hear me.

“Idiot Beta.” I grumbled to myself, pushing open the front door and nearly taking out another person.

“Watch it!” A sharp female voice shrieked dramatically.

“Sorry about that.” I said, stepping away from the door to give the person room. I internally rolled my eyes when I realized who it was. Facing me was a set of familiar blue eyes and bubblegum painted lips,

“Savannah.” I muttered.

“Are you blind?” She snarled at me. I crossed my arms across my chest and resisted the urge to claw her eyes out with my bare hands.

“Did you need something?” I asked in a plain voice.

“Nothing you can do for me. I’m here to see August.” She purred his name and I clenched my hands into fists.

“The Alpha isn’t here right now. As Luna, I can help you with anything he could.” I tried to stay calm.

“I seriously doubt that,” She said suggestively,

“Besides, you aren’t the Luna and you never will be if I can help it.”

“Excuse me….” I snapped, but Savannah interrupted me,

“I am the rightful Luna of this pack. August will choose me! You’re just some plaything that he’ll get bored with.” This woman was dangerously close to being murdered. I took a deep breath through my nose and out my mouth.

“Savannah, I’m not sure what deloustional tea you’ve been sipping, but August is your Alpha and I suggest you show him some respect by addressing him as such and not questioning his choices. Whether you like it or not, I am your Luna and you can either choose to respect me or leave.” I glared at her, leaving no room for argument. I shoved passed her and headed towards the training ground, absolutely fuming and way too worked up to go to the hospital.

“I’m going to rip those pink lips right off her face.” I cried, slamming the heel of my foot directly into Wyatt’s chest.

“You’re going to kill me, first.” Wyatt said, doubled over and breathless.

“I mean, who does she think she is?” I growled, ignoring his complaints and landing a punch in the center of the pad he was holding out in front of him. He stumbled back at my momentum and shook out his hand.

“She had a thing with August for like five minutes and won’t get over it.” Wyatt rolled his eyes.

“That’s what he gets for not staying pure.” Logan chimed in, holding out another pad for me to punch.

“I’m not worried about August’s pureness,” I muttered,

“I certainly wasn’t pure for him.” Logan and Wyatt both covered their ears,

“La la la la.” Wyatt called out,

“I do not want to hear about this.” Logan gagged.

“Listen, Logan, not everyone is as good at restraint as you are, dude. And, Wyatt, not everyone is as big of a horndog as you.” I shamed both brothers who just shrugged in acceptance,

“But, that doesn’t give that blonde lunatic permission to act like she owns him.” I let out another groan and set myself up for a roundhouse kick. Wyatt lifted his pad up just in time to protect his face.

“You’re the Luna, Josie, you can kick her out if you want.” Wyatt shrugged.

“That might be a little extreme.” Logan said. I turned my glare on him,

“Or not.” He held up his hands in surrender and I took the opening, knocking him down on his ass.

“One day, you’ll understand.” I said, offering him a hand up.

“I hope so.” Logan replied.

“Honestly, though, you don’t have anything to worry about. Gus is obsessed with you.” Wyatt said.

“You really should stop calling him that, he hates it.” I smirked at him.

“That’s why I call him that.” Wyatt grinned mischievously.

“And I know August won’t even give her the time of day. Somehow, that doesn’t make me feel any better.” I pouted.

“The jealous bug has bitten you good.” Wyatt teased, earning him a punch to the face.

“Ow.” He grumbled, holding his bleeding nose as it snapped back into place and quickly healed itself.

“You’ll get over it.”

“What are you going to do?” Logan asked.

“Beat her face in.” I shrugged lazily, flopping down on the mat.

“That will solve everything.” Logan mocked me, sitting down next to me on the mat.

“I’m open to suggestions.” I said, staring up at the sky as the sun began to take over the clouds. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Kill her with kindness?” He said,

“I’d rather just kill her.”

“Ignore her?”

“Tried that already..”

“Well, then, I’ve got nothing.”

“Thanks a lot.” I sat up suddenly, nearly knocking my head into Wyatt’s jaw.

“That bitch.” I growled and took off running.

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