
“Come in.” August’s voice rang clear as I knocked on the door of his office.

“Love, you don’t need to knock.” He laughed at me as I entered. I shrugged,

“Habit, I guess.” August closed the lid to his laptop and pushed his chair away from the desk, opening his arms up for me. I danced over and sat on his lap,

“To what do I owe this visit?” August asked, nuzzling his face against my neck.

“I have a question.” I said, biting my lip. August ran his thumb along by lip, tugging it free of my teeth.

“You know what that does to me.” He purred and I giggled at his affection, noting the lust in his eyes as his hand ran up my bare leg and past the hem of my dress.

“I had a question.” I said breathlessly, my lips pressed against his ear. I kissed the soft spot under his ear and smirked at the tremble that took over his body. I pulled away and removed his hand from my thigh.

“You’re mean.” He pouted and couldn’t help but laugh at his tantrum.

“What’s your question, baby?”

“I want to start taking on more Luna duties.” I said. August cocked an eyebrow at me,

“That wasn’t a question.” I thought about it for a minute,

“I guess not.”

“I figured with having your duties at the hospital you wouldn’t want to take on too much here.” August said.

“My job as Luna is just as important. I can split my time between here and the hospital. As you know, my boss’s boss is very flexible with my schedule.” I winked at him.

It had been over a month since the incident with the rogue wolf Elm and I had started working at the hospital under the close guard of Gamma Hayden. Everyone at the hospital was great and I was surprised to find that more than half the staff were members of the Crescent Moon pack or at least aware of its existence. Those who weren’t knew that I was involved with the man who cushions the hospital’s bank account. All of this helped to ensure that I was able to create a schedule that fit my needs as a doctor and Luna.

“You can do whatever you’d like, Josie, you know that.” August smiled.

“Well, I wanted to discuss it with you and see if you had any specific request.” I shrugged.

“To be honest, there hasn’t been a Luna here for so long. I don’t really remember what her responsibilities looked like.” He admitted and I realized that my mother was the last Luna of this pack and that was over ten years ago.

“You probably know better than me anyway, having observed your mother.” I shook my head at August,

“My mother wasn’t exactly the most active of Lunas. Of course, now we know why.” I sighed, remembering all the times I argued with my mother for not being a more active member of the pack, for not being a true Luna.

“Then, I guess we get to start fresh.” August smiled, kissing my nose.

“I can take over the staff, oversee meals and parties. I remember my mother used to do that. She also loved to be the first person to welcome new members of the pack, it was the one thing she still did as Luna. Whether it be a new baby, a mate, or an outsider joining us, she always greeted them and showed them around.” I suggested. August looked somewhat confused,

“If that’s what you’d like to do, of course, but….” He paused, eyeing me.

“What?” I asked.

“I just thought you would want less house-wifey responsibilities.” August said hesitantly, trying not to offend me. I laughed at him,

“Obviously I’m no house wife,” I shoved his chest, laughing harder at his embarrassment,

“But, these things are important and I recognize that. Unless you want to be the event planner?”

“No, no that’s okay.” He said quickly.

“That’s just a small part of my day, August. I expect to be included in all pack business.” I said, hardening my expression.

“Of course love, you’ll be included in any meetings you want. I’ll happily show off my brilliant Luna to anyone who comes around.” He promptly shoved his face back into my neck, tickling me with breath. I shoved him away,

“Knock it off!” I laughed at him.

“I want to be a part of training, too.” I said, my serious face back on.

“My brothers are in charge of training unless you want me to change that….” August offered and I stopped him,

“No, I just want to help. They’re doing a great job, but I enjoy helping out whenever I can.”

“I don’t see why that would be a problem. It’s a good idea for the warriors to see you as their leader as well.” August said.

“Anything else?” He asked.

“I’m sure I’ll think of something.” I winked, kissing his cheek.

“I have a request.” August said, using his husky voice.

“Okay?” I pulled back from his face, eyeing him cautiously,

“Let me give you a Luna ceremony.” I stood up from his lap and backed away from his desk.

“Josie…” August sighed, standing up from his chair.

“You haven’t marked me.” I said, keeping my back towards him. I felt August’s hand snake around my waist,

“And I won’t, not until you’re ready. We can have a Luna ceremony without you being marked. Everyone in the pack already sees you as their Luna, it’s just a formality at this point. It’ll make the business side of things easier. Besides, I want the entire universe to know that I have the prettiest, smartest, most badass mate as my Luna and no one else can have her.” I giggled at him as his lips found their way up my neck.

“We don’t have to if you’re not ready.” He said, kissing my earlobe.

I turned around in his arms and found his lips with mine. I ran my hands down his arms and played with the hem of his shirt, slipping up underneath it and running my fingertips across his abdomen. He growled under my touch, matching my movements as his hands found their way across my bare stomach. He pushed me against the wall, pressing his body against mine so I could feel every muscle.

“Is that a yes?” He asked, his lips ducking down towards the nap of my neck.

“I’ll think about it.” I grabbed his face and brought his lips back to mine eagerly. I yanked his shirt up over his head and felt him lock the door behind me before my dress joined his shirt on the ground. He cupped my backside and I jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. He walked us to his desk, clearing it off with one swipe of his hand before laying me down.

I fumbled with his belt, licking my lips as his pants hit the ground. I gasped as his kisses found their way to my chest. He trailed them across my scars, sending a chill up my spine, before slipping his mouth into my bra. I entangled my hands in his hair as the goosebumps overtook my body. My heartbeat quickened and I knew, with absolute certainty, that this man was my home. Any other life I had planned for myself didn’t matter anymore. This was exactly where I was meant to be and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

“Mark me.” I said with absolute control. August’s head snapped up, his eyes boring into mine and I could see Arlo staring back at me through them.

“Josie….” His voice was barely audible,

“I can’t….don’t tease me.” He begged, his control slipping.

“I’m not, I want you to mark me. I want to be yours, and Arlo’s, for the rest of eternity and I’m tired of waiting.” I bit my bottom lip, knowing damn well what it did to him.

“Mark me.” I demanded him, my Luna voice slipping out. August growled at my command and obeyed.

His lips took control of my neck, covering every inch of my skin as his hands gripped my hips in desire. In a second, his canines extended and sunk into the exposed skin that laid beneath my ear and above jawline. I gasped, crying out in pain before the pleasure took over. I felt his tongue licking the wound clean before it was replaced by more kisses. I collapsed back on the desk, suddenly overcome with exhaustion.

“Let’s get you to bed, my love.” I heard August pull up his pants and pick up our clothes from the floor. He adjusted my dress over my naked body and carried me back to our room. I fell asleep before my body hit the bed and it was several hours before I woke up again. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

When I woke up, my senses were on overdrive. I felt the empty bed beside me and quickly sat up. Without realizing I was doing it, my senses zeroed in on August’s scent. I could feel what he was doing, as if I was in the shower with him, I felt the steam from the warm water and could smell the cedarwood body wash he was lathering his body with. I had a sudden burning desire to be with him, as if my entire body had burst into flames. The idea of being away from him physically hurt me, the pain swelling in my chest. I crawled out of bed and practically ran into the bathroom.

“Care to join me?” August was laughing at me, clearly feeling what I was feeling. I yanked my dress off and stepped into the shower, feeling the water and his touch washing away the fire. I shivered at his fingers in my bare skin, gasping at the sparks he scattered across my body.

“It’s the mark, it’s enhancing our bond. The wolf in you is allowing the mark to work effectively. You’re now feeling what I have been feeling all along.” August’s voice was husky as his hands covered every inch of my body.

“You’ve felt like this the whole time?” I asked, feeling winded. August nodded,

“How did you stand it?” I couldn’t imagine feeling like this and showing the restraint and control that August displayed over the last few months.

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