
“You look stunning, Luna.” Kasey smiled at my reflection in the mirror.

I was wearing a long, flowy green gown that had a deep V in the back. The top was littered with fine crystals that sprinkled down to my hips. My red curls were swept to one side, hanging down over my shoulder with a crown of green vines and jewels pressed to the back of my head, keeping my hair in place. Hidden by my dress were combat boots that covered my feet, ensuring that I could run and fight as needed.

“You did great work, Kasey.” I smiled.

However nervous I was about the dangerous outcome of this day, I was excited to become the official Luna of the pack and partner to their Alpha. Not to mention, killing the woman who murdered my parents had a nice ring to it. I ensured that the dagger was firmly stored in my boot and stepped away from the mirror.

“It’s time.” Hayden announced, offering me and Kasey his arm. I looked at Kasey,

“You should stay here.” I told her. She looked at Hayden in surprise.

“Luna…..” She started,

“Kasey, you know what might happen out there. Hayden has been assigned as my protection. I can’t ask him to objectively guard me when your safety, his mate’s safety, is in question. I won’t do that to either of you. Please, stay here.” I urged her. Kasey and Hayden exchanged a look,

“Kas, I think that’s a good idea.” Hayden said and I could tell he was pleading with her through the mindlink. Finally, Kasey nodded,

“Okay, I’ll stay here. Thank you, Luna.” She bowed her head at me.

“I’ll give you guys a minute.” I said, stepping out of the door and leaning against the door frame.

“Thank you, Luna.” Hayden said as he closed the door to my room behind him.

“Of course, Hayden. No one should have to choose someone else over protecting their mate.” I said, taking Hayden’s arm and letting him escort me down the stairs.

“You look lovely, by the way,” He smirked,

“Our Alpha is one lucky guy.” I laughed at him but my smile quickly vanished when we reached the doorway to outside.

“You’re going to do great.” Hayden assured me, squeezing my hand which rested in the crook of his elbow. I nodded at him in appreciation. Pulling my shoulders back and standing tall, I motioned for the staff to open the doors.

As the doors opened wide, I noticed that the courtyard had been transformed into a magical fairytale. The entire Black Hallow’s community was seated in the white chairs laid out in rows. When I stepped off the porch, everyone stood, but my eyes were on my mate. He stood at the end of the aisle, underneath an altar of flowers, in a sharp looking suit. He smiled widely, welcoming me down the aisle towards him.

Hayden escorted me towards Jared who helped me down the rest of the aisle. My body seemed to float across the white carpet covering the grass, my only thought was on getting to August. My mate held out his hand for me when I finally reached him and I held on for dear life. He gave it a squeeze before stepping away.

“Welcome people of Black Hallows and the Crescent Moon pack! Please be seated.” August addressed his people,

“We are here today to welcome your new Luna into our pack. Although she has already made a lasting impact and is, undoubtedly, a fully loved member of our pack already, today we make it official.” August turned towards me, his Alpha tone proud as he commenced with the Luna ceremony.

“Josephine Valentine, do you swear to lead and protect this pack to the very best of your ability?”

“I swear.” I responded.

“Do you swear to be faithful to your pack and your mate? Aiding in the future of this pack and ensuring its survival?” August continued,

“I swear.”

“Do you swear to complete the role of Luna to the best of your ability?”

“I swear.”

“Luna Josephine, please hold out your hand.” August instructed me and I obeyed, holding out my right hand to him.

August took my hand and quickly sliced a blade across my palm. I closed my fist and squeezed, watching the blood trip out into an ancient looking bowl. August did the same, mixing our blood together, and then dropped a match into the bowl. He held the bowl and it’s flame in front of his pack,

“I give you your Luna!” He called out and the entire crowd jumped to their feet, erupting in cheer.

He sat down the bowl and picked up a golden crown. It was beautiful. The petite crown looked like a bunch of golden vines twisting around each other. August walked up behind me proudly, placing the crown on top of my head and officially handing me the title of Luna. August grabbed my hand and spun me around, planting a kiss on my smiling lips.

“I love you and I’m so proud of you, my Luna.” August whispered in my ear,

“I love you too, my Alpha.” I said back, kissing his cheek.

August escorted me back down the aisle and towards the reception area the staff had prepared. It was complete with a dance floor, DJ, tables, and a buffet station with freshly prepared food, drinks, and desserts.

“This is all so beautiful.” I said, looking around at the twinkly string lights, candles, and vases of flowers.

“You planned it, love.” August chuckled softly.

“Yeah, but I didn’t think it would turn out like this.” I said. August stepped back and held out his hand,

“May I have the first dance?” He asked. I giggled like a teenage girl and accepted his hand,

“You may.” I responded in my most formal voice. A slow song poured out of the speakers as August twirled me around the dance floor. It was then that our peaceful bubble of bliss was broken.

“What a happy moment this is. It makes me want to vomit.” Victoria’s sickening voice cried out across the field as she stalked out of the forest. August and I pulled away from each other, his arm going protectively around my waist as he stepped in front of me.

“My apologies to you, your highness.” Victoria fake bowed in my direction. I glared at her as my warriors made their move, quickly removing the civilians from the courtyard. Hayden, Ethan, Jared, and the 6 patrol wolves surrounded us. The rest of the warriors flanked out across the field.

“Ah, prepared for this moment, I see.” Victoria grimaces, pausing in her pursuit.

“I prepared them well, sister.” Mayze walked out of the house like a lioness on the prowl. Victoria was shocked, she wasn’t expecting to see her sister.

“Well, well, well….” Victoria sang, but I could tell she was rattled.

I gripped the material of my dress, itching to grab the blade hidden in my boot. Jared stepped up beside me, sensing my uneasiness. I looked at him sideways and saw him slightly shake his head, telling me to wait. Mayze stepped in front of all of us, squaring off with Victoria.

“I prepared as well.” Victoria said just as howls escaped the darkened forest.

Rogue wolves crept out of the trees while a bunch of women, one could only assume were witches, circled the rogue pack. With the presence of rogue wolves, my warriors shifted, waiting for their orders. August and I shared a look, both nodding at the same time as he took my hand in his and gave it one hard squeeze.

The time for negotiation was over. There would be no peace.

“Attack!" August and I simultaneously ordered our wolves.

A howl ripped through the air as the wolves lunged into attack. My 6 patrol wolves shifted around us, standing guard. Hayden and Ethan reamined human along with August and Jared. With the protection of our 6 wolf guards, we moved through the field of battle, stalking towards our target. Mayze was in front of us, leading the charge with a golden orb of protection surrounding her.

“You chose the wrong side, sister!” Victoria yelled.

“I chose my side a long time ago.” Mayze said back, coming to a stop about ten yards away from her sister. We stopped behind her, fanning out to create a line of defense.

“You are a fool.” Victoria spat.

“No, dear, you are the fool clinging to a nightmare that you should have dropped a hundred years ago.” Mayze scoffed.

Jared and I exchanged glances and decided to act now while Mayze was distracting Victoria. I gave August’s hand one last squeeze before slipping off to the left side of the group, Jared creeping around to the right. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Be safe and stay sharp, love.” I could sense August’s fear and worry rolling off him in waves.

“Always.” I made sure he felt my confidence and love through our link.

I watched carefully as Victoria and Mayze continued with their sibling-like bickering. Jared and I were parallel to each other, mimicking our moves as we stalked the witch. Were flanking Mayze in no time. I reached under my dress and pulled out the dagger, holding it tight to my side.

“Don’t think I can’t see the pathetic Alpha siblings trying to sneak attack me.” Victoria’s laugh interrupted my thoughts.

I gripped the knife tighter as I felt a presence prowling behind me. In one swift movement I tucked the knife away in my boot and slammed that same foot into the head of a rogue wolf. The wolf’s giant head shook in surprise as he stumbled backwards. The rogues were smaller than our pack wolves, they had no allegiance to a pack and that weakened them. But, he was still a wolf with very large canines that were snapping towards my carotid artery.

I reached out and grabbed his snout, prying his jaw open and using his own momentum to shove him across the field. His body slammed into a large boulder and stilled on the ground, likely unconscious. I shook my hands out, loosening them as another wolf eyed me up. Before the rogue wolf could reach me, Shaw and Dax slammed into him, ripping the wolf to pieces. Ace was at my side at the same in an instant, eyeing up any other rogues that wanted to try and attack. I nodded towards Ace who bowed his large head, indicating his allegiance.

“Watch my back.” I instructed Ace as I turned around to locate Victoria.

She was still engrossed in conversation with Mayze, both witches enclosed in a shimmery globe of protection. I sensed August a few yards away, he had let Arlo out to play. Jared was engaged in the same battle as me on the opposite side of the field with Max, Ash, and Blaine aiding him. Ethan and Hayden were standing guard of the witches, still in their human form, waiting for Jared or I to have the opportunity to attack.

“Heads up, Luna." Ace called out to me.

I turned around just in time to see him fending off another wolf attack. All three of my guards were busy, so it was my turn to be on the defensive. I put my back against a tree and scanned the battlefield. I zeroed in on a witch who was tormenting one of our warriors. I glared at the witch across the field and took off running. The warrior wolf, Samuel, sensed my approach and continued distracting the witch. I grabbed her hair and yanked her down, slamming her head into a rock and watching as life left her eyes.

“Thank you, Luna.” Samuel bowed his head at me and then dove back into battle.

I did the same. After taking down a handful more witches and wolves, I didn’t see an end to the fighting. I took off running towards the forest, sensing Ace, Dax, and Shaw collecting behind me.

“We need to get to the witch.” I mindlinked with the patrol, and then with Hayden and Ethan,

“Look alive, I’m going to make a move.” I felt my dress flowing out behind me as I ran through the trees.

I had purposely chosen a dress design that was made of light material, it was flexible enough to fight in and not get in the way. Mid-stride, I yanked the knife from my boot and hid myself behind a tree on the edge of the forest. Three wolves formed around me as I eyed the target, trying to find a way in.

“All wolves merge on the witch. I need a clear path from the forest.” I called out to my pack.

“We’ve got your back, Luna.” Dozens of voices responded in my head, the loudest being my mate’s.

I watched in awe as my pack descended on the witch, even with rogues and witches on their tails. They formed a circle around Victoria and Mayze, keeping Victoria’s army on the outside and my pack on the inside. Hayden and Ethan took post on either side of Victoria, ready to restrain her. Arlo stood alongside Jared as they prepared for my move.

“Let’s end this.” I said, clutching the knife in my hand as I started running towards Victoria. I caught Mayze’s eye who nodded towards me.

When I was a few feet away, Mayze did a move with her hand and Victoria’s forcefield vanished. Hayden and Ethan dove towards the witch, grabbing her hands and knocking her to her knees. Mayze’s eyes were glowing and I guess that had something to do with why Victoria wasn’t using her magic to fight back. Arlo pounced, his entire body covering Victoria, pinning her down. I dropped down to my knees behind Victoria, my head hovering over hers. I saw the fear in her eyes as I pulled out the red tipped blade,

“Your reign of terror over my pack is finished.” I growled at her, plunging the blade into her heart.

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