
The packhouse itself was quiet and still. Waylon threw open the front door and I was greeted by chaos. The guards looked shocked when they saw me but didn’t dare say anything. Instead, several of them followed after us and, by the time we made it to the center of the packgrounds, there was a small army surrounding Nova and I.

Everywhere I looked there was fighting. I had never seen a rogue before, but I knew the difference between the pack wolves and the rogues instantly. They were smaller, dirty, and scrawny compared to the pack wolves and I also felt a deep seeded hatred towards them. There were dead human bodies covered in blood and dirt all over the place, but something told me none of them were members of the pack.

“Where are the women and children?” I asked Waylon as we neared the hospital.

“They all made it safely to the bunker.” He reported. I didn’t even know there was a bunker but I was glad to hear that they were safe.

The hospital was heavily guarded but they quickly bowed and opened the doors when we arrived. Waylon rushed us through the hospital, which looked no different than any city hospital I’d been in, with several guards hot on our heels. I had the feeling I would never be without guards again.

“Gamma?” A young woman with black hair and dark eyes, dressed in a lab coat, paused in the middle of the hallway.

“Dr. Mollie. I’m here with the Luna.” He said, stepping to the side. I rushed forward.

“Oh! Luna.” Dr. Mollie bowed her head but I was in no mood for the niceties,

“Where’s Griffin?” I demanded. Her eyes went wide.

“We just got him stabilized. He took a nasty blow to his underbelly. We can’t stitch wolves up because of their quick healing, but there was too much bleeding so we had to put compression dressings on it until the healing starts. He’s unconscious from the blood loss and we have him hooked up to some IVs.”

“Where. Is. He.” If I was a werewolf, I would’ve growled at this woman who was moving too slowly. As it was, my jaw was clenched and I forced the words out between gritted teeth.

“This way, Luna.” Dr. Mollie craned her head weirdly to the side like she was trying to show me her neck before she hurried off down the hall.

She pushed open a door and I rushed inside. Waylon and Nova stayed outside as I shuffled across the room. I heard the door close behind me and I was left alone in the dark room with Griffin. He was resting on a hospital bed with nothing but the soft glow from the machines to light the room, the quiet beeping and subtle drip from the IV were the only sounds in the room.

I hurried to his bedside and looked over him. His hair was a mess and hanging over his forehead. I gently pushed it back, running my fingers through his thick, shaggy chestnut locks. His face, which was pinched in pain, relaxed instantly. I shoved the chair away and curled into bed next to him, resting my head on his chest.

The silence seemed to stretch on forever. Waylon continued to poke his head in to check on me and give me updates on the fighting outside. Nova snuck in at one point to check on her brother before leaving again.

The fighting kept going for almost two hours before Waylon came in again to deliver the news. The battle was won, the rogues were all dead or imprisoned, and the pack had suffered minimal loses and injuries. But, there were losses. Five wolves lost their lives and five families would never be the same.

“How are Godric and Gabriel?” I asked quickly.

“They’re fine, Luna. They’re a little pissed that you left the house, but they understand. They’ll be here to check on you soon.” Waylon said before leaving the room.

I nuzzled closer to Griffin, feeling the need to be as close to him as possible, when suddenly I felt movement. He was burying his face into my hair, his chest rising as he breathed in deeply. I shot up, nearly cracking him in the jaw with my movements, and grinned at his alert and wide open eyes.

“You’re awake!” I cried, fresh tears welling up in my eyes. I threw my arms around his neck and shoved my face into his neck.

“I’m okay, angel.” He chuckled, running his hand through my hair.

He pulled me away and cupped my face, wiping the tears that were now rolling down my cheeks. I rested myself on his chest and studied his face for any signs of pain.

“Are you sure? Are you healing?” I asked, leaning back and pulling up his shirt.

“If you want to get me naked, all you have to do is ask.” He chuckled and I glared at him.

“Yeah, you’re fine.” I grumbled and he pulled me back down towards him, kissing my cheek gently.

“What happened?” He asked.

“The fighting just ended.” I said and his eyes went wide.

“Then, why are you here?”

“Because she broke out of her bedroom and used her Luna command on Waylon to get him to take her to your hospital room.” Gabriel’s voice made me jump.

“You did what?” Griffin looked horrified.

I jumped off the bed and threw myself at Gabriel and Godric. I checked each of them over for injuries and then hugged them desperately. They relaxed against me, each taking their time to breathe in my scent and calm their wolves.

“We’re okay, precious.” Godric said as he kissed my forehead.

“You shouldn’t have done that, little mate.” Gabriel’s tone was serious but his expression was loving as he cupped my face and crashed his lips to mine.

“I felt Griffin’s pain and I couldn’t just sit there.” I argued, breaking away from his kiss and hurrying back to Griffin’s bed.

Awh, my baby was worried about me?” Griffin grinned, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me down to his chest.

“Shut up.” I mumbled.

Gabriel and Godric pulled chairs up to the side of the hospital bed and made sure that they’re brother was well enough to talk.

“We lost five warriors and two of their mates didn’t make it through the loss.” Gabriel said and my eyes went huge. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Wait, their mates died?” I was shocked. Griffin squeezed me tighter.

“When a wolf dies, sometimes it’s too much for their mate. They can die, their wolves might leave them, or their wolves go feral. Sometimes they’re okay, just very depressed which can lead to suicide.” Gabriel explained with a solemn expression.

I frowned and looked down at Griffin, suddenly feeling very sad. I knew this matebond connection was a big deal, but now, knowing that two people died just because their mates did, it made it seem more real.

“Now you see why it’s so important that you stay safe, precious.” Godric said with a serious look on his face, “When Waylon told us that you demanded to be taken to the hospital I almost left the fighting right then and there to make sure you were safe.”

“You can’t do that.” I said quickly and Godric smirked,

“Don’t you understand, Harlow? Your safety is my life.” He leaned forward to kiss my forehead again.

“No, you don’t understand,” I said firmly, “If I’m going to do this, then I need to know that I have the freedom to do it my way.” I snapped at them and Gabriel grinned brilliantly at me,

“What do you mean, little Luna?” He asked.

“I won’t be kept hidden away in a closet while the pack is in danger and you all are putting your lives on the line. I know I can’t be out in the fighting but there’s plenty I can do like being here in the hospital or helping at the bunker. I won’t hide.” I glared at Gabriel as I spoke but I noticed that his smile just got wider.

“That’s my Luna.” He purred proudly.

No, no, no.” Godric, on the other hand, looked terrified.

“Godric, I had a small army on me when I went from the packhouse to the hospital. Even if I wanted to be, I wouldn’t ever be unguarded.” I sighed at him. He grunted but said nothing.

“I hate the idea but I’m so proud and happy to hear you talking about taking on the Luna role.” Griffin said, his face still hidden in my neck.

“I’m not saying yes right now, but I’m definitely not saying yes if today was any indication of how you’ll handle me.” I said stubbornly.

Godric grumbled incoherently.

“And I’m excited to have that conversation, love. I’m very proud of how you handled yourself today. I’m impressed that you were able to use your Luna tone on not only the guards, but the Gamma.” Gabriel picked up my hand and started playing with my fingers.

“My what tone?” I cocked an eyebrow.

“It’s your tone of authority. Just like we have an Alpha tone, you have a Luna tone and aura. It’ll become stronger once you are marked by us and have your Luna ceremony. But, based on the fact that you can use it already, I’m guessing you’re going to have a pretty commanding aura.” Gabriel said just as the door to the hospital room slowly opened.

“Alpha Griffin, I would like to check on your wound.” Dr. Mollie said as she entered the room.

Godric and Gabriel stood up and moved out of her way. I tried to as well, but Griffin wouldn’t let me go. I smiled apologetically at Dr. Mollie but she just shrugged and worked around me. She undid the compression dressings and I was shocked to see that there was nothing left on his stomach but red angry looking scars that resembled a set of claws.

“All healed up, Alpha, you’re good to go.” Dr. Mollie nodded approvingly and left the room.

Griffin hopped up and quickly got dressed.

“Harlow,” He held open his arms for me and I walked into them, “Thank you for worrying about me so much and coming to heal me.” He said in a low voice, leaning down to press his forehead to mine. I heard his brothers quietly leave the room.

“I didn’t heal you, your werewolf-ness did that.” I said and he chuckled.

“Yes, my werewolf-ness helped, but my mate helped even more. You made my wolf stronger and allowed him to heal me quicker, just by being near me.” He smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear and cupping my face.

“Really?” I was continuously surprised by this mate business.

“I told you, angel, your scent is a miracle.” He winked at me and I felt myself blushing, “I wonder if I may have the pleasure of kissing you?” He asked politely, leaning even closer to me.

I sighed and melted against him, nodding blissfully. I couldn’t form the words but, luckily for me, Griffin didn’t need them. He took my nod as consent and pressed his lips against mine. His hands flattened against my back and pulled me as close to him as I could get while my arms snaked around his neck, digging into his long hair. He groaned as I tugged at his hair and deepened the kiss, nipping at my bottom lip and slipping his tongue inside my mouth.

I felt myself moaning into his mouth and a growl vibrated from his chest and through me. I felt the butterflies in my stomach catch on fire and turn into a deep, lustful desire. I was breathless when Griffin pulled away and buried his face into my neck. He kissed that delicate sweet spot where Gabriel said their marks would go, only he kissed the opposite side as Gabriel. I gasped and felt a shiver run down my spine as he licked the sensitive skin there.

“I love you so much, my angel.” He purred against my neck, his hot breath and deep growl shaking us both.

I grabbed his face with my hands and pulled him from my neck so I could look into his eyes. I saw nothing but honesty, love, and admiration in his dark green orbs. I sighed and smiled at him, giving him another quick, but sweet kiss.

“Shall we?” He asked, motioning towards the door. I nodded and, hand in hand, we walked out of the room.

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