
Godric walked me to the bunker which was just now being opened by some of the guards. I was instantly distracted by the crying children who were coming up from the bunker and barely noticed when Godric kissed me goodbye. I ran over and started comforting the kids, and talking to the women. I learned that two of the women in the bunker were the mates of the warriors who died in battle. Their screams were horrible as they crumbled in pain and eventually died.

“Who are you?” A younger woman, about my age with shoulder length blonde hair and brown eyes, glared at me as I offered her a hand from the bunker.

“I’m Harlie.”

“You’re human.” She said, sniffing the air.

“Robin, be nice.” A brunette who climbed out behind her sighed, “I’m Chelsea. You must be someone’s mate?” The brunette said with a smile.

“I’m….” I released a deep breath when I realized I didn’t have any other option but to tell them the truth, “I’m the Alpha’s’ mate.”

I swear to God, the entire world stopped spinning right then and there. Every single person froze and stared at me with their mouths hanging open.

Shut. Up.” Chelsea gasped.

“You’re lying.” Said the blonde, Robin.

“Why would someone lie about something like that?” I laughed humorlessly.

“Robin, this is your Luna and I suggest you show her some respect.” Waylon snapped from behind me, not at all please.

Robin grumbled something and sulked away with Chelsea right behind her. I glanced behind me at Waylon who just shook his head. I decided to let it go and continued helping people out of the bunker. Now, everyone was much more gracious and kept bowing their heads at me. Eventually I let out a loud sigh,

“Please, for the love of God, stop bowing at me! I’m just Harlie.” I shouted out loud enough for everyone to hear.

Again, everyone stopped moving and talking to stare at me.

“You got it, Harlie.” A woman who looked to be in her thirties laughed and walked up to me, “I’m Sharon, one of the teachers at the school house.” She offered me her hand and I shook it.

“Thank you.” I breathed a sigh of relief.

“I was thinking I could take the kids and some of the other teachers, and go to the CC. That way the parents can recover, check their houses, and the kids can get away from all of this.” Sharon suggested and I nodded eagerly.

“That sounds perfect.” I said and Sharon grinned, heading off to execute her plan.

“Are you the Luna?” A short woman with black hair came up behind me, tapping me on the shoulder.

“Goddess, don’t call her that. It’s just Harlie.” Someone whispered when they passed us and I laughed.

I turned around and smiled at the girl,

“I’m Harlie.”

“Oh! I’m Sammy, Wade’s mate.” She grinned at me like I was supposed to know who that is, “The Alphas younger brother.” She explained and recognition dawned on me. I vaguely remember one of the brothers saying something about a younger brother before.

“It’s nice to meet you.” I shook her hand.

“We were coming home to meet you and I guess we had good or bad timing, depending on how you look at it. We arrived just after the attack.” Sammy explained, “Griff sent me here to see if I could help you.”

“Sharon and some of the teachers are trying to gather up the children and take them to the CC.” I said and she nodded, quickly running off to help with the kids.

“Miss. Harlie?” A young girl who looked to be no more than ten, tugged at my shirt. I leaned down and smiled at her,

“Yes, sweetie?” She had adorable strawberry blonde ringlets and blue eyes.

“My daddy isn’t coming back, is he?” She asked, her bottom lip quivering, “Mommy fell asleep and she didn’t wake up.”

I gapped at her with a horrified expression, but quickly controlled my face.

“What’s your name?” I asked her.

“Maggie.” The girl replied in a sweet voice.

I looked up and caught the eyes of someone who looked a bit familiar. She had the same blue eyes as Maggie but had dark, dirty blonde hair. She hurried over to us and wrapped an arm around Maggie’s shoulders,

“I’m sorry, Luna, my sister is just upset.”

“I know you.” I said to the girl, standing up.

“Yes, I’m Tulley, you met me at the CC the other day. I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were the Luna.” She tried to smile.

“Please, Tulley, just call me Harlie. What happened?” I asked gently.

“Our father was a warrior and he died during the battle today. Our mother went a few minutes later down in the bunker.” Tulley sniffed. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I grabbed Tulley by the shoulders and pulled her tightly against me in a hug. She stiffened at first but then relaxed and I felt her begin to shake with sobs. I reached down and wrapped an arm around Maggie, nudging her into our now group hug.

“Come on, I’m taking the two of you back to the packhouse.”

“Wait, our brother.” Tulley looked behind her to a group of young preschool aged children playing in the grass. She ran over and picked up a boy with dirty blonde hair, “This is Canyon.” She said, cradling the toddler on her hip.

“How old are you, Canyon?” I asked him nicely and he giggled, having no idea what was going on.

“This many!” He held up four fingers.

“What about you, Maggie?” I looked down at the girl and she smiled,

“Ten.” I glanced up at Tulley,

“I’m sixteen.” She replied.

“Come on you three, you’re coming with me.” I took Maggie’s hand and turned away from the bunker.

“We don’t want to be a bother.” Tulley argued.

“Nonsense.” I shook my head, “I would love the company.” I added and Tulley smiled at that, seeming a little more relaxed now.

I guided the children back to the packhouse and into the living room.

“Are you hungry?” I asked them. Maggie and Canyon nodded their heads enthusiastically. Tulley just shrugged.

I clicked on the TV and handed it to Tulley so she could pick something they would all like. Then, I went to the kitchen to find Amanda and asked her to make some snacks for the kids. I settled back into the sofa. Tulley sat beside me with her younger siblings curled up at her sides.

A little while later I heard the door open and the brothers spilled loudly inside. When they entered the living room I quickly shushed them and motioned towards the sleeping children. I moved off the couch and met them in the hallway.

“What’s going on?” Gabriel asked, taking me in his arms.

“Their parents were one of the warriors and his mate who died.” I said and they nodded in understanding.

“Warrior Jackson’s kids.” Godric said, “He was the only casualty who had kids.”

“They were so sad, I couldn’t just leave them there.” I said, almost afraid that the brothers would be mad at me, but, deep down, I knew that they wouldn’t be.

“You did an amazing thing, little Luna.” Gabriel smiled, giving me a quick kiss. Godric looked jealous, seeing as he was the only one who hadn’t asked to kiss me yet.

“We’ll get them set up in some of the spare rooms on our floor.” Griffin agreed, “What are their names?”

“Tulley, Maggie, and Canyon.” I pointed them out.

Tulley stirred at the sound of her name and her eyes fluttered open. She shot up when she saw the Alphas standing around her.

“Alphas.” She bowed her head and started nudging her younger siblings. Gabriel was quick to stop her,

“Don’t wake them. It’s okay, Tulley. I’m Gabe, that’s Griff and Ric.” He pointed out his brother with a smile, “Can we take you guys upstairs and show you to your rooms?”

“Our….rooms?” Tulley stammered.

“We’d like you three to stay with us tonight.” Gabriel said, “Is that okay?”

Tulley looked at me and I nodded encouragingly.

“Okay then, thank you.” Tulley accepted. She went to pick up Canyon but Gabriel stepped in,

“Let me carry him up.” He said and Tulley nodded. He picked up Canyon and something inside me seized at the sight of the big bad Alpha cradling a sleeping four year old.

Griffin offered to carry Maggie up and Tulley followed after them. I went to follow, but Godric grabbed my hand and pulled me in the opposite direction. I didn’t argue, knowing that the kids were in good hands. He led me into his office and shut the door.

“Are you okay?” I asked him but my words were silenced when his mouth came crashing down on mine.

I froze for a second before I let my body take control. I collapsed into his hold, his strong arms wrapped securely around my waist and the palms of his hands ran up and down my back. I clung to his biceps and allowed him to part my lips, moaning as his tongue swirled inside my mouth. He growled at my reaction and deepened the kiss. One of his hands ran down my back to grasp my butt as he pushed me against the wall behind us. I gasped as I hit the wall, but his second hand was tangled in my hair, cushioning me so I didn’t bounce my head against the wall.

I was gasping for breath when he released me, his lips trailing down my neck and stopping just above the spot where Gabriel had left his temporary mark on my neck. He nipped and licked the sensitive skin, and I came undone, shaking in his arms. I felt the wall shake as he slammed his hands on either side of my head. He pulled away from neck and leaned his forehead against mine.

“You are mine.” He growled, his eyes jet black.

“Godric.” He growled again when I said his name.

“You shake my control, precious.” He pecked my lips again, biting down on my bottom lip hard enough to make me squirm. He looked satisfied when he pulled away, “I love you, Harlow, will you love me one day?” He asked with a painfully hopeful expression.

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