
Matti went towards my bedroom while I went to the guest rooms where the kids were hiding out. They weren’t big into leaving their room right now and they mostly all stayed together in Tulley’s bed. I couldn’t blame them and I encouraged the boys to give them space right now. I knocked on Tulley’s door and she opened it hesitantly.

“Hey! Matti and I are having a movie night sleepover if you three want to join? There’s going to be snacks soon!” I said with a smile.

“Movie!” Maggie giggled, running towards me.

“I guess that’s a yes.” Tulley laughed. She picked up Canyon and they followed me to the living room outside of my bedroom.

Matti had found a bunch of blankets and pillows and made a huge nest on the floor in front of the sofa. Canyon jumped in like it was a ball pit and started to giggle. Maggie joined him and Tulley sat between them, holding them still. Matti and I joined, and we started looking through different streaming services that were available on the large smart TV.

Maggie shouted out when she saw the Disney movies and we ended up settling on a Disney movie marathon, starting with Enchanto first. We were halfway through the second movie choice, Inside Out, when there was a knock on the door. I scrambled for the remote and hit the pause button,

“Come in!” I called out and the door fell open.

Amanda pushed a kitchen cart into the room with a smile on her face. The cart was piled high with snacks in beautifully colored bowls. It looked like something you would find at one of those fancy birthday parties that rich parents had designed for their kids.

“Hello, ladies and gent,” She laughed when she saw Canyon buried in the blankets, “Gabe said you would like some movie snacks.” She grinned, pushing the cart towards our nest.

“Thank you so much Amanda!” I hopped up and started investigating the options.

Maggie had huge eyes as she zeroed in on the cotton candy. I laughed and handed the container over to her. There were two movie theater style popcorn buckets that I passed over to Matti so we could all share. I shuffled through some boxes of candy and tossed Tulley her favorite options. Canyon was happy with an extra large soda. I wasn’t sure if that was such a good option, but, hey, it’s a sleepover, right?

“I wanted to tell you, Amanda, that all of you’re cooking is so amazing.” I said once the kids were settled,

“Oh, Luna, that means so much! Thank you.” Amanda blushed.

“Seriously, it’s like the best food I’ve ever eaten.” I wasn’t even lying, her food was amazing. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“We work very hard to ensure that the ranked members are satisfied. If there’s ever anything you want changed or a special meal you’d like, Luna, please don’t hesitate to tell us.” Amanda bowed her head.

“I noticed that you call the Alphas by their names.” I observed, hoping that I could convince her to stop calling me Luna.

“Oh, does that offend you, Luna? I can certainly address them formally. It’s just, I’ve been here for so long and the Alphas insisted that I address them informally. I started in the CC and I’ve been cooking for them since they were boys.” She was rambling nervously now. I smiled and laid my hand on her arm,

“Amanda, please. I only said that because I was hoping to convince you to call me Harlie instead of Luna.” I laughed and she instantly relaxed.

“Oh, if that’s what you prefer.”

“Please. I just can’t get used to all the formality around here.” I said and Matti laughed from behind me.

“Yeah, I heard you yelled at everyone outside the bunker yesterday because they were all bowing at you.”

“It was a stressful situation, okay?” I snapped playfully, glancing at her from over my shoulder. When I faced Amanda again she was smiling,

“Harlie it is, then.”

“Thank you, and thanks again for all of this. It’s truly above and beyond.” I said,

“Man, Amanda, even your popcorn is better than anything I’ve ever tasted.” Matti moaned, stuffing her face with the buttery popcorn.

“It’s all the homemade and organic ingredients.” Amanda said and I shook my head,

“No way, it’s your secret touch.”

“You’re too kind, Harlie. If I may speak boldly,” She paused and I nodded quickly,

“Amanda, you can say whatever you want to me.”

“Thank you, Harlie. I just wanted to say that I’m very happy that the triplets found you. They are much happier now that you’re here and I can see how much they care for you.”

“Well, I appreciate you saying that, but I’m not sure if I’ve really done anything. Honestly, I think I’ve been a bit of a pain in the ass.” I laughed at myself.

“Oh that’s for sure.” Matti commented from behind me but I ignored her.

“Nonsense. Just having you here has had a huge change on the triplets.” Amanda said with a kind smile.

“Do you know where Gabriel is?” I asked her, my heart suddenly craving information on Godric and Griffin.

“In his office, I believe. Would you like me to mindlink him?”

“Oh, no. I was just wondering. Thanks, Amanda.” I said again before she left the room.

“What’s wrong?” Matti asked, giving me the side eye.

“Nothing. After this movie I just want to go see if Gabriel’s heard anything from the others.” I tried to sound casual but Matti saw right through me.

“You can go now if you want.” Mattie offered and I shook my head,

“No, it’s probably too early anyway, It’s only been a couple of hours. Let’s just finish this and enjoy the snacks.”

We watched the rest of the second movie and I was chomping at the bit to get to Gabriel. It worked out, because Canyon and Maggie were both fast asleep by the time the movie ended. Matti and Tulley helped get them to bed while I hurried towards the elevator.

“Everything alright, Luna?” Waylon asked, standing up from the sofa in the front living room.

“Yes, I just want to go see Gabriel in his office.”

“I can mindlink him….” He started to say but I waved my hand, cutting him off.

“No, I want to go down. I’m fine, Waylon. Just stay here.” He clearly wanted to argue but I shot him a glare and ducked into the elevator before he could say anything else.

I rode the elevator down to the first floor and carefully made my way through the hallways. This was the first time I was actually alone and I realized that I had absolutely no desire to run out the front door. Instead, I just wanted to find Gabriel. I was worried that I was going to get lost, but I found his office with ease and knocked on the door. It opened before I could remove my knuckles from the door.

“You don’t have to knock, little mate.” Gabriel smirked at me, grabbing me and pulling me against his chest.

“How did you know it was me?” I laughed. He chuckled as he nuzzled my neck.

“Your scent, of course. What’s wrong?” He asked, pulling away so he could cup my cheek.

“Nothing, I was just wondering if you’ve heard from the others?” I tried to sound casual.

Gabriel saw right through me. He pulled me over to the couch and sat me down on his lap.

“I promised I’d tell you with any news.” He said,

“I know, but I just thought that maybe you wouldn’t say anything until you had more information.” I mumbled, fiddling with my hands. Gabriel pinched my chin and forced me to look up at him.

“I would never keep information from you, little mate. I haven’t heard anything, yet. But, I’d imagine I’d be hearing from at least Griffin soon. They were only going about four hours away. Godric’s location was a bit further away.” Gabriel explained.

I sighed and leaned against his chest.

“This sucks.” I said with an exaggerated sigh. Gabriel chuckled and started running his fingers through my hair.

“I hate that you’re upset, but you have no idea how happy it makes me that you’re so worried about us. I know it meant a lot to Ric and Griff when you were made at them for offering to leave.”

“That’s some twisted logic, you know that, right?” I grumbled.

“It’s werewolf logic, my love.” He teased me, “What happened to Matti?”

“She’s still upstairs. We’re just stretching our legs after all the food Amanda left us.” I laughed, “I think I might’ve gone into a snack food coma at some point.”

“Nothing but the best for my girl.” Gabriel said and I pulled back to look at his face.

“You say that now, but wait until I’m 300 pounds from all the butter.” I glared at him playfully. Gabriel’s eyes went dark for a second and grabbed my face between his hands,

“You’ll always be the most sexy woman on the planet.” He growled and smashed his lips to mine.

All my thoughts and worries went out the window as his lips moved passionately against mine. He wasn’t gentle about it either as he pried my lips apart and dove his tongue inside my mouth. His hands were roaming my body, digging into my clothes with need as he pulled me tightly to his chest. I gasped at his aggression and my hands went around his neck on instinct. I dug my fingers into the collar of his shirt and squirmed in his lap.

Gabriel growled and I froze as I felt something poking me in the butt. It was very clear how turned on Gabriel was in the moment. He pulled away and stuffed his face into my neck, peppering my skin with open mouthed kisses.

“You have no idea how hard it is for me to stay in control. You’re my weakness, little mate.” His deep husky voice groaned against my skin.

When he pulled away, his eyes were pitch black and I could almost feel Lewy watching me. He leaned in for another kiss but quickly pulled back, his body going rigid. A fog fell over his face and I assumed he was mindlinking someone. I stayed quiet and waiting, not so patiently, for him to deliver the update. The second his eyes returned to normal and his face relaxed, I was hounding him for information. Gabriel chuckled at my eagerness and forced me to sit still.

“Everyone is okay, love. Griffin arrived at the campsite about an hour ago but he wanted to scout the area before he reported back. He said there’s no one there and, by their scents, no one has been there since we were attacked yesterday. But, there are definitely signs of rogues and there’s enough scent left over for them to track.” Gabriel explained.

“So, what are they doing now?” I asked.

“They’re going to rest for the night, and then start tracking and investigating the site in the morning.” He replied as he ran his fingers through my hair.

“And Godric?”

“I haven’t heard from him, yet. It’ll probably be a while yet. Why don’t you go back up with Matti and I’ll come up as soon as I hear something, I promise.” He stood up and I was forced to stand with him.

I’ll admit, the idea of going back upstairs and leaving his arms physically hurt me. Knowing how clingy and ridiculous that sounded, I shoved my instincts to the side and nodded.

“I love you, my little Luna.” He purred, planting another hot kiss on mouth.

“I love you back.” I grinned, kissing him back with equal urgency.

“You kill me.” He groaned when I retreated from his eager grip and ran out of the office, laughing the entire way down the hall.

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