
It took me half the time to get back to the packhouse once I knew my mate was awake. I ran ahead of the rest of my team, and only Cambridge and Callie were able to keep up with me. I shifted on the go and bounded up the front porch steps to the packhouse, quickly grabbing a set of clothes from the closet. I knew from my brothers that Harlow was back in her room resting after getting the all clear from the doctor. I was too impatient for the elevator, so I took the steps two at a time and ran towards the door to our wing.

I crashed through the door and Waylon jumped from where he was sitting on the living room sofa.

“Dear Goddess, Gabe, you scared the piss out of me.” Waylon grumbled, sitting back down.

“Gabe?” Griff poked his head out from Harlow’s bedroom door and I hurried inside.

“Where is she?” I growled, sniffing the air for her rich hot chocolate scent.

“She’s in the shower.” Ric said from where he was leaning against the bathroom door.

I listened closely and heard the shower running.

“Is she okay?” I was worried she would fall or hurt herself.

“Nova is in there with her.” Ric said and I sniffed, realizing that I did catch a slight whiff of Nova’s scent.

I started pacing her bedroom. Griff and Ric laughed at me.

“We’ll give you two some time.” Griff said, clapping me on the back before they left.

I impatiently waited for Harlow to finish up with her shower. When I heard the water shut off, I jumped off her bed and stared expectantly at the door. A few minutes later, it opened and Nova jumped back,

“Shit, Gabe!” She shrieked, “I did not expect you to be standing here.” Her hand fluttered over her heart, but I was too busy looking behind her for my mate.

“Cool, just pretend like I’m not here.” She mumbled to herself before slipping out of the room.

“Gabe?” Her sweet voice came out of the steam of the bathroom and then she was standing in front of me.

She was wearing a pair of short cotton shorts and a plain T-shirt, her wet hair draped down her shoulders. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her tightly to my chest, pressing my nose against her neck.

“I’m so sorry.” I felt myself begin to tremble and a lump formed in my throat.

“Gabe, Gabriel, look at me.” She tugged at my arms but I refused to remove myself from her neck.

She ran her hands through my short hair and I finally freed myself from her neck to look into her eyes.

“I love you so much, little mate, and I’m so sorry that I wasn’t able to keep you safe.” I felt tears welling in my eyes but I refused to shed them.

Harlow cupped my face in her too small hands and forced me to look at her.

“I love you, Gabriel, and I’m not upset at all. You saved me and that’s all that matters.” She spoke sternly, studying my face to make sure that I was listening.

I could no longer control my desire for her, so I crashed my lips to hers and moved urgently against her body. She collapsed into me, running her hands up my biceps and then wrapping her arms around my neck. When she was breathless, I pulled back and started trailing kisses over her jaw and down her neck. I sucked on the spot where she would wear my mark and left a hickey before traveling back up to her mouth.

I kissed over every last bruise on her face and held her cheeks gently in my hands.

“Gabriel.” She whispered, her eyes swirling with all sorts of emotions.

“Yes, my greatest love?”

“I want you.” She said in a husky voice with lust and desire clear on her face. Her cheeks flared a bright pink and I could smell her arousal in the air.

I growled and shoved her against the wall, holding her arms above her head and ravishing her lips. She moaned into my mouth and her body began to tremble. I pulled back, Lewy clawing in my mind, and locked eyes with our mate.

“Are you sure? Harlow, I don’t think I can mate with you without marking you.” I told her.

She bit her lip and nodded.

“I want you completely, Gabriel, and I want you first.”

“Your wish is my command, love.” I smirked at her mischievously before returning to her lips.

I released her arms and she dropped them around my neck. I fiddled with the hem of her shirt and she allowed me to pull it over her head. I was pleased to see that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath. I directed her to bed and gently laid her down, gazing over her perfect body with my lustful eyes. She squirmed and tried to cover her bountiful breasts with her hands but I growled and yanked her arms away, pinning them above her head.

“Don’t ever hide from me.” I demanded and she nodded, biting her lip again.

I growled at how sexy she looked doing that and buried my face in her breast. I ran my hands down her waist and clung to her hips. I felt her small hands reaching for my shirt and I helped her take it off of me. She tossed it on the ground and began running her hands over my chest and abs. I shivered at the sparks that showered between us.

I kissed every bruise, every scratch, every swollen spot of her skin with care before returning to her lips.

“Gabe.” She moaned with need and I took that as my cue.

I pulled her shorts off in one swift motion and kicked off my sweatpants. I pulled back so I could look in her eyes and saw nothing but love and excitement. She was blushing but it was no longer from embarrassment.

“I love you so much, Harlow.” I said in a voice that was hoarse with desire.

“I love you, Gabriel.” She replied in a small voice.

I reached my hand down between her legs and started to pleasure her. She gasped and wiggled under my touch, gripping the bed sheet in her fists and curling her toes. I pushed her to the edge and then threw her over, growling as I watched her face contort with each wave. When she finished, I positioned myself at her open and arched over her body so I could kiss her when I entered her. She gasped and I froze, allowing her to adjust to my size, before her hips started grinding against me.

Goddess, I wasn’t going to last long at this rate.

She shuttered and her body trembled under mine as she came undone once again. I started peppering her neck with my kisses, prepping her marking spot. I let out a growl and her hands ran up the back of my neck and into my hair just as my canines extended and buried myself into her neck. She cried out in pain for half a second before she was moaning again. We both rode out the last of our high before I collapsed beside her and pulled her against my chest.

She was asleep the second her head hit my chest, the marking had taken the last of her energy. I closed my eyes and was quickly pulled into my own peaceful slumber.

I woke up hot as hell. I groaned and looked down at myself. I wasn’t under the covers and my own body temperature felt the same, but half of my body felt like it was on fire. I looked to my side and saw my mate curled up comfortably against my side. Reaching towards her, I brushed some of her hair from her face and gasped. Her skin was what was on fire. I sat up quickly, disturbing her sleep and causing her eyes to snap open in shock.

“What’s wrong?” She gasped, looking around for signs of danger.

“You’re hot, Harlow!” I said in shock. She blinked at me, flabbergasted, before she started to laugh.

“Well, so are you, Gabriel.”

“No, I mean you’re burning up. You must have a fever, an infection or something.” I was on the verge of panicking.

“Gabe, relax.” She grabbed my hand and forced me to sit back down, “I feel fine. I don’t think that I feel hot.” She said, touching her forehead.

“Harlow, I’m a werewolf, my body temperature is through the roof and I think you’re hotter than me.” I was seriously concerned.

“You need to chill out.” She scoffed, jumping off the bed and disappearing into the bathroom before I could stop her.

“Griff, Ric, get in here!” I yelled through the mindlink.

Not two seconds later they came bursting into the room in just a t-shirt and boxers. I glanced towards the window and realized that it was dark outside and they must’ve been sleeping.

“What’s wrong?” Griff’s eyes were huge and wild.

“Where’s Harlow?” Ric was looking around in a panic.

“She’s in the bathroom but, when I woke up, she was on fire. She’s acting like she’s fine.” I explained.

Ric started pounding on the bathroom door. Harlow yanked it open with a furious expression,

What?” She snapped.

Ric stepped towards her and grabbed her arms.

“You’re hot, Harlow.” He declared. She rolled her eyes, but before she could yell at him, Griff stepped forward and tested it out for herself.

“I’m fine.” She shouted at us, wrestling free of their hands.

“Wait, wait, did you mark her?” Griff said, grabbing her arm again and pushing her hair to the side.

“Yes.” I said proudly. Harlow started to blush.

“What if this has something to do with the dragon thing?” He asked.

Griff and Ric had mindlinked me about Harlow’s new dream with the Moon Goddess and her heritage that, supposedly, involved dragons. I wasn’t sure I believed it. Dragons weren’t supposed to be real. Then again, neither were we.

“You think?” Harlow’s eyes went wide, “I don’t feel anything, though?”

“Dragon’s breath fire, right? Well, maybe having hot skin is part of the deal.” Griff shrugged.

“You’re just making this stuff up.” Ric grumbled.

“Well, it’s not like I can just Google it, now can I?” Griff snapped in his direction.

“You all need to relax. I feel fine. I actually feel amazing compared to when I woke up.” Harlow looked annoyed at the three of us. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Take your shirt off.” I said, pulling her from the bathroom doorway.

“Excuse me….” She started to argue, but I already had her shirt over her head, “Gabriel!” She shrieked, covering herself up.

“Look. You were covered in bruises and swollen just hours ago.” I stared at her flawless skin with wide eyes.

Griff and Ric looked at her from behind me. I could practically feel the arousal coming off of them in heated waves.

“Get it together or leave.” I snarled at them, shoving them away. I handed Harlow back her shirt and she quickly covered herself.

“I’m going to try not to be jealous right now.” Griff huffed, looking away.

“I’m not. I’m jealous as hell.” Ric glared at me.

“Don’t be, please.” Harlow was frowning now, looking upset.

“Angel, don’t be upset. We just all want you. We’re not mad at you for choosing Gabe first. We know that we’ll all be together when you’re ready for it.” Griff smiled reassuringly at her and wrapped her up in his arms.

“You look beautiful with one of our marks. I can’t imagine how stunning you’re going to look with all three.” Ric grinned, his eyes flashing between black and green.

“You’re not going to start breathing fire now when you’re mad, are you?” Griff asked when he released her.

“How should I know?” Harlow cried out and we all laughed at her.

“What time is it anyway?” I wondered.

“Like 3:00 AM, you woke me from a dead sleep, man.” Ric complained.

Awh, are you a grumpy Alpha?” Harlow babied him, squeezing his chin. He swatted at her but was smiling like an idiot, “Come on, all three of you, I think we’ll all fit.” She declared, throwing herself down in the center of the bed.

“Wait, really?” Griff looked giddy. Ric, on the other hand, didn’t need to be told twice. He climbed in behind her and yanked her to his side.

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