
Later that evening, I slipped away from Gabe and Ric to go and find our mate. I was determined to add my mark to that delicious neck of hers. Bounding up the steps to the packhouse, I followed my mate’s sweet cupcake scent all the way to her office. It was jam packed with all the women Harlow had grown close to during her time here. I laughed at the abundance of bodies and conversation, and searched the room for my golden haired mate. She was sitting behind her desk with a glazed over look on her face. She was so out of it she didn’t even notice my arrival.

Ahm.” I cleared my throat and the room grew silent. Harlow jerked up in her chair and smiled at me, her eyes pleading for rescue.

“I’m so sorry, ladies, but I need to steal my mate away for a bit.” I pretended to be apologetic.

Harlow threw herself across the room and into my arms,

“Take me away.” She begged and I laughed at her, ducking down to kiss her lips. She giggled and tried to pull away, but I kept her close, deepening the kiss.

“Alright, alright. Get out of here you too.” Mom shooed me away but her eyes were glittering with humor.

She might pretend to be disgusted by our affection, but I know that she’s really over the moon with pride that her sons have found such an amazing mate.

“You okay, Mom?” I paused to check on her. She smiled and pats my arm,

“Just fine, dear. Go on now.” She winked at me and I laughed before sweeping Harlow up in my arms and carrying her out of the room.

She squealed when I kicked the door shut and swatted at my arm.

“I can walk!” She demanded stubbornly.

“Not tonight, my angel. Tonight you’re all mine.” I said in a husky tone, purposefully flashing my eyes a dark black. She blushed and I heard her gulp as she locked her gaze with mine.

“Oh really?” She said in a hoarse voice.

“Yes, really.” I winked as we entered the elevator.

It didn’t move nearly fast enough but, finally we arrived on our floor and I carried her right into my bedroom. She looked around the room with wide eyes. This was the first time she’s been in any of our bedrooms and I wanted our time together to be different.

All in all, the room looked similar to hers only the walls were painted a deep navy blue. I sat her on the edge of the bed and knelt down in front of her. She sucked in her bottom lip and a deep, rosie blush covered her cheeks.

“My dearest angel, I love you so much and I want to give you all of me as much as I want all of you.” I cupped her face in between my hands and rubbed my thumb in circles over her cheeks.

Her eyes began to sparkle with flecks of ember and her skin was so hot my palms started to sweat.

“I love you, Griffin.” She whispered, nearly speechless.

“Will you give yourself to me, angel?” I was trying not to beg here but, I mean, I was literally down on my knees.

She grinned and leaned forward, pressing her lips to mine in a deep, soul mending kiss. When she pulled away, I was actually breathless. Her lips hovered just inches from mine when she smiled,

“Yes, my Alpha, I will.” She said in a voice that was so sexy I completely lost all control.

Frost and I growled together as I lunged myself towards her, knocking her back onto the bed. She giggled as I turned animalistic, diving my face into her neck and sucking on the spot that would soon bare my mark. I was sloppy with my hands as I ripped her free of her clothes. She gasped as I tore apart the fabric that kept me from her skin. Her gasps turned to moans as my mouth began to ravish her. I peppered her body with kisses and Frost began to simmer, purring with content.

I took my time to care for her body like the Goddess given temple that it was. She squirmed and wiggled underneath me and I could tell that she was getting in patience. I laughed as she tugged my shirt over my head and started fiddling with my belt buckle. I sucked on her nipples and her hands froze as her back arched against the bed.

“Griffin.” She whined and I chuckled, finally giving in to her desires.

I slipped my hand between her legs and began massaging her sex. I slipped one finger inside and then two, pumping in and out of her until she began to clench around my fingers. I tsked and pulled my hand away,

“Not so fast, my angel.” I climbed back over her body.

Griffin.” She complained again, looking at me with her seriously seductive eyes.

“Can I have you, angel?” I asked, nibbling at her ear lobe.

“God, yes, Griffin, just take me.” She cried out in desperation.

Her hands returned to my pants and she wasn’t giving up this time until my jeans were around my ankles. I kicked them off and positioned myself over top of her. She reached down and wrapped her petite little hand around my member and I hissed in pleasure. I wasn’t expecting that, but I guess I made my mate wait too long. I let her have her way with me until I felt myself twitching, painfully close to my release.

I moved her hand away and pushed myself into her, hard and fast. She gasped, her hands gripping my biceps so hard that I felt her nails digging into my skin. I enjoyed the stings of pain as I began moving slowly in and out of my mate.

She started to roll her hips and I knew I had teased her enough. I grabbed her breasts and pounded into her until we both released at the same time. I buried my face in her neck and sank my canines into my marking spot, claiming her as mine for eternity.

I wrapped my arms around her and rolled us both over so she could nustle into my chest. In seconds, she was sound asleep and I wasn’t too far behind her.

I felt her stir in my arms and I instinctively pulled her closer to me. She huffed in annoyance and continued to fight against my grip.

Shhh, go back to sleep, angel.” I whined.

“I have to pee, Griffin, and I swear to God I will pee right here if you don’t let me go.” Her voice was dead serious.

I instantly released her and she laughed. I heard her footsteps running across my bedroom and then the door slammed shut. I rolled onto my back and put my hands behind my head, watching the bathroom door for my mate. She opened the door and I grinned at her in her naked glory. She glared at me and scurried across the room, grabbing at the comforter to wrap it around herself. I gripped the edge of the blanket, refusing to let her take it.

“Griffin!” She whined, tugging at it with all her might.

I tugged back and she came crashing down onto the bed, right on top of my chest.

“Don’t run away from me, angel.” I said, pressing my face against her neck and kissing my mark. She shuttered against me and relaxed into my arms.

“I’m tired, Griffin.” She mumbled.

“Then sleep, angel. It’s the middle of the night.” I said, running my fingers through her hair.

She glanced around the room and looked like she wanted to argue. This was the first time she was sleeping in a room other than her bedroom or the couch. Finally, she climbed back into bed and snuggled up against my chest.

The next morning, I woke up at my usual time to find Harlow still sound asleep. She had rolled onto her side and now her butt was pressed up against my groin. I groaned and mustered up all of my control to move away from her. I carefully got out of bed and showered, tugging on a pair of sweatpants and a blue sweatshirt before sneaking back into the room.

“Not trying to sneak away, are you?”

I’m man enough to admit that I jumped and made an unusually high pitched noise at the sound of my mate. I hadn’t expected her to be sitting awake on the bed when I exited my closet. She doubled over with laughter at the sight of me and I narrowed my eyes on her.

“Were you trying to scare me?” I said in a deep voice, instantly shutting her up.

Her eyes widened and she started to scoot away from on the bed. I stalked towards her with dark eyes, like she was my prey. When I reached the bed, I trapped her between my arms and started to tickle her relentlessly.

“Griffin! Stop!” She was crying and red in the face from laughing so hard.

“You shouldn’t be so mean to your Alpha, angel.” I told her, pausing in my tickle attack, “Will you be a good girl from now on?”

“No, probably not.” She answered shamelessly. I chuckled at her,

“Well, you get points for honesty.” I gave her a deep kiss before she was wiggling out from under me, taking the blanket with her this time.

“I’m hungry.” She demanded, heading towards my door.

“You’re always hungry.” I laughed.

“Are you judging me?” She turned towards me with an offended look. I started to panic,

“No, never, my angel. You’re so beautiful….” When she started laughing the compliment got caught in my throat, “You were messing with me.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She ran from the room and slammed her bedroom door shut before I could chase after her. I shook my head at her escape. My little vixen.

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