I woke up alone the next morning in Calix’s bed. I groaned and stretched out my tired muscles, my body beautifully sore. Smiling, I thought about the wake up call I had in the middle of the night when Beau Feu had given up control to Calix again and he wanted his turn with me. I touched my swollen lips as I thought about the multiple orgasms both my mates gave me and Lavender was beside herself with joy in my head.

I tossed the covers off of me and stepped onto the cold wooden floor, paddling across the room and into the ensuite bathroom. I was still naked, purple and red love bites covering my skin, as I stood in front of the mirror admiring myself. I touched the mark on my neck, admiring the little dragon with the heart shaped tail and crown above his head with a smile.

I decided to run myself a bath and soaked in the warm, floral smelling bubbles until the water had run cold. Stepping out, I wrapped myself in a thick towel and went to find something to wear from Calix’s closet. I was shocked to find that all of my clothes I had gotten from the market with Vix were already hanging on the left side of his closet.

I laughed, shaking my head at my mate for assuming I was going to be moving into his room now that we were mated.

I mean, he was right, but it was still presumptuous of him.

I dressed in a loose fitting, flowy floral dress and tied my hair up in a bun high on the top of my head, not feeling like drying it. Forgoing shoes, I ran out of the room and practically skipped through the halls, following the faint scent of my mate through the castle. Now that I had accepted him, and we had mated and marked each other, his scent was becoming stronger to me. Of course, he smelt like a campfire on a summer’s night, warm, comforting, and undeniably attractive. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I was led to his office and I grinned as images of yesterday flooded my brain.

“If you don’t get in here, I’m goignt o come out there and get you.” Calix’s voice came from the other side of the door, probably smelling my arousal as the memories came in flashes.

I laughed and pushed open the door, running into his arms.

“Well, hello, my love.” He chuckled, catching me with ease and cradling me in his arms.

“Quite bold of you to assume I was going to move into your room.” I said, playfully glaring at him.

Calix smirked devilishly,

“It was, but I’m afraid I can’t take no for an answer. I have to have you with me.” His voice rumbled from his chest as he played with a loose strand of hair that had fallen from my bun.

I positioned myself on his lap so I was straddling him, my arms around his neck,

“I’m sure I can be convinced.” I purred and his eyes swirled red and orange.

“However long it takes.” He said in a low, husky voice.

Just before our lips could touch, there was a knock at the door. Calix threw his head back and let out a hearty groan while I laughed, removing myself from his lap despite his complaints.

“Come in.” I said and the door opened, revealing a surprise looking Magnor.

“Oh, your grace.” He bowed his head, clearly startled to hear my voice answering the door.

“What is it, Mag?” Calix asked, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

“It’s Revena.” As soon as the words left Magnor’s mouth I was murderous.

Calix let out a deep warning growl,

“What?” He snapped between his clenched jaw.

“The guards we sent with her haven’t come back and they missed their check in.” Magnor said,

“Go, find them. Take a patrol group with you.” Calix ordered, his eyes pinched together in fury.

“Yes, sir.” Magnor nodded and left the office.

“What does that mean?” I asked Calix carefully.

“It means Revena is up to something,” Calix stood and took me in his arms, “I want you to stay close to me and keep Grier beside you at all times.” His eyes were full of worry.

“I can handle myself, CAlix.” I scoffed.

“Please, my love, for me?” He begged and I sighed, giving in.


“Thank you,” He kissed me sweetly and then led me out of the office, “What do you think about holding your coronation?” He asked as we walked through the halls of the castle.

“Now?” I squeaked.

“Well, we’ve already done things out of order,” He chuckled, “So, I’d like to at least have you named the official Queen of the realm. If you’re ready, that is.”

“I don’t know….” I twisted my hands together nervously.

“River,” Calix paused in the hallway and turned me in his arms to face him head on, “Everyone who meets you already sees you as their Queen, and after yesterday, it’s pretty clear that you see you as the Queen. I just want to make it official.”

“I know you’re right, it’s just a big step. It’s giving up my right to the werewolf thrown.” I frowned.

Calix sighed heavily and cupped my cheek in his hand, leaning his forehead against mine.

“I’m sorry to push, my dear, you’re right, it’s too much.” He whispered.

“No,” I shook my head and backed up, “It’s not. I’m your mate, I want this realm to be my home, and my rightful place is on the throne, at your side. I’m ready.” I said stubbornly.

Calix grinned at me,

“Are you sure? We can wait….” He began, but I silenced him quickly with a kiss,

“I’m sure. I’m always sure.” I smirked and he chuckled at me,

“My stubborn werewolf princess.” He teased, rubbing his nose against mine.

We continued walking towards the front of the castle,

“One more thing.” He said and I grumbled,

“What now?”

Calix chuckled at my dramatic sigh,

“I’d like you to meet my parents.”

“Oh, sure.” I shrugged.

“Just like that?”

“You asked me to be your mate, I said yes. I asked you to mate and mark me, you said yes. You asked me to be your Queen, I said yes. Meeting your parents doesn’t exactly rank on my list of worries.” I laughed at him.

“I guess that’s true.” Calix shrugged as we entered the formal dining room.

Chef Heidi already had breakfast sitting out on the table covered in silver plumes. Calix pulled out the chair to the left of the head of the table and motioned for me to sit, he took his place at the head.

“How about now?” He asked and I paused as I unfolded the napkin in front of me,

“No time like the presence, I guess.” Man he was on a role today.

Calix reached across the table for my hand and I settled mine into his, allowing him to press his lips against my knuckles.

“I truly am the luckiest man alive.” He smiled against my hand and I blushed,

“Shut up.” I mocked him, yanking my hand away and he laughed at me.

Severs filled into the room and began lifting the plumes from the silver trays and revealing the bountiful breakfast. As they lifted the dome over my head, I flinched away and Calix noticed.

“What’s wrong?” He was on high alert.

“Nothing, it’s okay.” I shook my head.

“River.” He gave me a warning look and I sighed,

“It’s just the silver, I didn’t want it to touch me. It’s just a natural reaction.” I shrugged.

Calix looked between me and the silver dome, a quiet growl coming from his chest.

“Get me Heidi.” He demanded and the servers nodded, scurrying away.

“Calix….” I started to say, but he shook his head.

“Your highness? Is something wrong?” Chef Heidi asked as she entered the room.

“I want everything silver removed from this castle and replaced with anything else. No silver is permitted inside this castle, is that understood?” He ordered.

“Yes, sire, of course.” Chef Heidi nodded quickly and left the room, probably to begin disposing of the vast amounts of silver in the kitchen.

“Calix, that really isn’t….” I tried to argue, but his stern look shut me up, “Fine.” I grumbled, giving up.

Calix grinned at me and started to serve up the food so I didn’t have to touch the silver trays. Luckily, our plates were white china and the utensils were a brown brassy color. I couldn’t imagine what the castle staff was going to do now that both silver and gold were banned.

“You’re so dramatic.” I mumbled in between bites of pancakes.

He winked at me,

“Nothing but the best for my love.”

A few minutes later, the sound of footsteps entering the castle had be immediately on edge.

“It’s my parents.” Calix said, offering me a comforting smile.

That didn’t relax me any.

Vix entered the room first and I was glad to see a familiar face. She was followed by an older version of her and Calix, to a tee. There was no denying that these people were their parents.

Calix stood and I did as well, placing the cloth napkin from my lap onto the table.

“Mother, Father, I want you to meet my mate and the new Queen of the realm, River Storm,” He proudly introduced me, “River, these are my parents, Steffan and Thora.”

“It’s so nice to meet you.” I smiled politely.

Thora scurried around the table and pulled me in for a hug,

“Oh, it’s so nice to meet you, dear. I’m so glad my son found you.” She gushed, squeezing me tightly.

When she finally released me, Steffan walked up behind her with a kind looking smile, offering me his hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, River.” His eyes were sparkling and I couldn’t help but smile back.

“You as well, King Steffan.”

“Nonsense, it’s just Steffan to you.”

“Oh, or grandma!” Thora squealed, earning a stern glare from Calix,

“Ma.” He groaned.

I couldn’t help but laugh at their exchange.

“You remind me so much of my parents.” I said,

“Anything you need, sweet girl, we’re here for you until you can speak with your parents again.” Thora smiled kindly at me.

“Thank you, I appreciate that.”

We all took our seats and resumed breakfast, engaging in polite chit chat around the table. It was the first time since I got here that I felt familiar with the situation and not like a foreigner. Sitting around the table with these people felt like dinner at my home with my parents and brothers. It was the most normal thing I’ve experienced inside this foreign realm. I could see myself getting along with Calix’s parents and relying on them, but it also made my heart long for a reunion with my own parents.

I was encouraged by what Thora had said, her optimism about seeing my parents again, and I held on to that to keep my spirits high.

“So, when will we be having a coronation?” Thora asked as the servers came back to clean up the breakfast plates.

“As it so happens, River has agreed to have her coronation forthwith.” Calix said, grinning at me and picking up my hand from the table.

“How exciting!” Thora clapped her hands together and I suddenly felt nauseous.

I looked at Calix with panic stricken eyes and he ran his thumb comfortingly across my knuckles.

“Something low key, Mother. Just the family for the coronation and then a public tour of the regions to meet the people. Small and simple.” He put to bed any ideas of an extravagant affair and I silently thanked him for that.

Thora frowned, earning a chuckle from Steffan,

“It’s okay, dear.” He rubbed her back soothingly.

“Fine, something small it is. When?” Thora asked.

“River?” Calix looked towards me and I shrank under the attention,

“Whenever you want.” I shrugged.

Calix squeezed my hand again and turned back towards Thora,

“A week, then.” He said,

“I’ll get to work.” Thora said, standing.

“Everything gets run by River before plans are finalized, you understand, Mother?” Calix stood and stopped her from retreating.

“Yes, of course.” Thora nodded and kissed her son’s cheek before paddling out of the room.

Steffan rose from his chair, squeezing my shoulder and shaking Calix’s hand before leaving the room as well.

“Vix,” Calix looked towards his sister who was watching the exchange with amusement, “Keep Mother under control.”

Vix snorted as she rose from the table,

“Right.” She laughed, patting Calix’s shoulder before winking at me and leaving us alone in the room.

“I’m sorry about them.” Calix shook his head, pulling my chair out from the table and helping me to stand.

“For what? They’re great. I meant what I said, they remind me of my family.” I smiled up at him.

“I’m glad to hear that. My parents would love to spend more time with you, I know it. Whatever you need,” He kissed my temple, “I am sorry about whatever my mother ends up doing for the coronation, though.”

“Maybe she can just have it without me?” I shrugged and Calix threw his head back laughing,

“Yeah, I’m sure that’ll work,” He joked, “Come on.”

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