
Every morning Molly and I drove to campus together. It was nice to have someone to keep me company and build a relationship with. Every afternoon Noah greeted me at the door when we came home. He kissed me and asked how my day was before vanishing to his office to finish up his work for the day while I did my school work. I liked to pick a new place each day to do my work. One day it was the library, then the parlor, the dining room, and, my favorite, the kitchen.

I liked sitting in the kitchen amongst the hustle and bustle of the kitchen staff and the hungry pack members who came and went. It’s also where I officially met Noah’s other brother, Jack for the first time. He was becoming a regular fixture at my study sessions as he joined me in the kitchen again this Friday afternoon.

“You’re always working so hard, Evie, don’t you ever take a break?” Jack laughed at me, grabbing an apple from the fridge and joining me at the table.

“Sure, once all the work is done.” I laughed at him just as my phone rang. I narrowed my eyes at him, warning him to be quiet as my Mother’s name popped up on the screen.

“Hi, Mama.” I answered.

“Evie! We haven’t heard from you all week.” Mom gushed.

“Sorry, Mom, I’ve just been busy.” I sighed. I still hadn’t told any of them about Noah and lying to her on the phone was too hard, so I just avoided her calls instead.

“Too busy for you Mama?” She sniffed and I rolled my eyes at her, knowing a fake cry when I heard one.

“Of course not.”

“What have you been busy with, little fish?” I heard my father’s voice come from the background.

“I got me some friends.” I mocked my mother. I heard my father’s laugh as my mom shushed him.

“I told you that party was a good idea, Evie!” Mom squeaked.

“You were right, Ma, as always.” I laughed.

“Well, it’s Friday, I’m sure you have some plans tonight?” My Mom was anything but subtle as she went on a fishing expedition into my social life.

“I’m not sure yet, I’m having a late lunch with my friends right now.” That wasn’t exactly a lie, I told myself as I looked at Jack. He gave me a stupid grin with his mouth full of apple. I shook my head at him.

“Oh, my, well I’ll let you go then, dear.” I could practically feel the pride radiating from my Mom.

“Love you, little fish!” My father yelled from somewhere in the background.

“Love you both.” I laughed before hanging up the phone.

“Your folks seem nice.” Jack said. I stared at him for a minute before I remembered that his wolf hearing allowed him to listen in on my conversations.

“They’re the best.” I agreed.

“A lot different from mine.” He grumbled.

“Do you see your Mom often?” I asked him quietly. I felt bad for Noah, Jack, Greyson, and Lucy. Their dad was a jackass and their Mom mindswell be a world away.

“Greyson, Lucy, and I spend one Saturday a month with her. We meet halfway between our two packs. And we talk on the phone all the time.” Jack shrugged.

“I hope I get to meet her someday.” I said. Jack grinned at me,

“You will and she’s going to love you.” I matched his smile and went back to work, finishing up my last paper so I could have the weekend free. Noah had promised me a shopping trip tomorrow.

“There’s my beautiful mate.” Noah purred, entering the kitchen an hour or so later. I smiled up at him and greeted him with a kiss. Jack made gagging noises before retreating from the kitchen.

“I love you.” He said, pinching my chin.

“Love you back.” I grinned, scrunching my face up at him.

“All finished?” He asked, looking at the explosion of papers on the table.

“Just finished up, actually.” I said, stuffing everything back in my bag and grabbing Noah’s hand.

“Any thoughts on tonight?” He asked. I shrugged,

“Whatever you want to do,” I grinned up at him,

“As long as I get to go shopping for the art studio tomorrow!” Noah laughed at me,

“That’s a promise, little mate.”

“Yay!” I squeaked, doing a little dance as we waited for the elevator.

“You’re cute.” He observed, smiling at me with a sparkle in his eyes.

“I know.” I shrugged smugly, making him laugh even harder.

“Do you want to stay in, go to the Den….” Noah was fishing for any clues on what I wanted to do today.

“Is everyone going to the Den?” I asked.

“I don’t care about everyone.” Noah replied, leading me off the elevator.

“Noah,” I whined,

“If you want to go hang out with your friends, we can.”

“I want to hang out with you, baby.” Noah said in his husky voice, spinning me around in his arms so he could take my face in both his hands,

“That’s all I ever want.” I surprised Noah by clutching his shirt in my hand and pulling him towards me. Our lips crashed into each other. I let my hands explore his body as Noah’s did the same. I slipped my hand underneath his shirt and left a trail of goosebumps across his bare skin. Noah growled against me,

“Everleigh,” he pressed his forehead against mine, gripping my arms and trembling,

“I only have so much self control.”

“Noah, look at me,” I demanded, removing one of my hands from his back and using it to force his eyes on mine,

“No more self control.” I told him, my voice dark. I saw Noah’s eyes darken as Remi pushed against his control. Noah searched my face and must have saw something that satisfied his need for consent because he swept me off my feet and carried me into his bedroom.

I squealed as he tossed me on top of the bed and crawled on top of me. I grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head, he did the same with mine. Noah’s eyes greedily took me in, running his hands across the new terrority. My skin lit up in a blaze of fire as his fingers danced underneath my bra. He made quick work of removing it.

I wiggled shyly under his gaze as his fingers grazed over my scars. He traced the claw marks from my shoulder, across my chest, and down my stomach, leaving a numb tingle in his wake.

“You’re so beautiful.” He growled, drinking me in and easing my nerves. I was doing the same to him, examining his tanned skin, chiseled abs, and delicate tattoos.

“Enjoying the view, little mate?” Noah chuckled. I bit my bottom lip,

“Yeah and it’s all mine.” I told him, wrapping my legs around his back and pulling him down towards me.

“All yours, baby.” He agreed, claiming my lips and nibbling on my bottom lip with his own teeth.

“I love you, baby.”

“I love you, Noah.” I was breathless with the sensation of Noah’s naked body against mine. He started kissing the bare skin his fingers were just touching, his eyes never leaving mine as his soft lips explored my scars.

“Every inch of you is so unbelievably stunning.” He whispered against my skin as his kisses moved to my lower stomach and hip, where the claw marks disappeared behind my back.

His thumb slipped under the waistband of my jeans and suddenly they were on the floor. Noah’s pants were quick to follow. Our bodies moved together like we had been doing it our entire lives, fitting together like a puzzle. Noah already had my heart and soul, but today I gave him everything else.

“You’re so perfect, baby.” Noah hummed, running his fingers through my hair as I rested on his chest. We were both wrapped up in Noah’s blankets, holding each other close.

“Noah?” I asked, arching my neck to get a good look of his face.

“Yes, love?”

“Last week at the bar that guy said something about marking and you said you would tell me about it later.” I said.

“I remember.” Noah nodded absentmindedly.

“It’s later.” I grumbled. Noah chuckled,

“So it is, baby.” He shifted on the bed, pushing himself up on his elbow so he could properly look me in the eyes,

“Marking is something that werewolf mates do to each other,” Noah began,

“You would wear my mark right here.” He said, tracing the outline of a circle underneath my ear and above my jawline.

“Like a tattoo?” I asked. Noah chuckled,

“No, not like a tattoo. I mark you by biting you.” I gasped, recoiling from his touch. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“You want to bite me?”

“It wouldn’t hurt, baby, it would actually feel very pleasurable. It happens during….well during mating.” He waved around the bed, motioning towards what we had just done.

“I’m going to need more details on this, Noah.” I looked at him with concern growing on my face.

“All it does is strengthen our connection, our bond. It lets other werewolves know that you’ve been claimed, same for me. Our scents would change, blending together to form a new one that was just for us. I’ll admit, it’s a bit of a possessive thing but it does feel good, baby, I promise you that.” Noah stroked my cheek assuringly.

“But, how would I mark you? I’m not a werewolf.” I said plainly.

“Really, I hadn’t noticed?” Noah teased me. I shoved his chest, making him fall off his elbow,

“We can call on a witch, she can give you a way to mark me.” Noah shrugged nonchalantly. I stared at him with my mouth gaping open.

“What?” Noah asked.

“A witch?” I gasped. Noah’s eyes widened,


“Noah!” I cried, slapping his arm,

“Is everything real?” I asked.

“Just about.” Noah said, trying to play it off.

“Vampires? Fairies? Mermaids?” I kept waiting to say something so outrageous Noah would tell me no, but it didn’t happen.

“Dwarfs? Trolls? Cyclops?” I kept going and Noah started laughing,

“Now you’re just going too far.” I threw my hands up in the air,

“Oh, so cyclopes are too far? Good to know.” I grumbled. Noah nuzzled his face into my neck and kissed it softly,

“I love you.” He chuckled,

“Does marking scare you, little mate?” Noah asked.

“A little bit.” I admitted.

“We don’t have to until you’re ready.” He said, cupping my face in his hand.

“But we will have to?” I asked shyly.

“Well….” Noah looked taken aback. It was then that I realized how big of a deal this marking thing was.

“It’s really important to you, huh?” I asked.

“It is, Everleigh. Not just me marking you, but me getting to wear your mark. It shows that we are connected in our souls. It’s….it’s the wolf equivalent of a marriage.” My eyes widened a little as I started to understand the concept.

“So, wolves don’t get married?”

“I’ll get married if that’s what you want, love. I want to be tied to you in every single way possible.” Noah purred, pressing his forehead against mine.

“Okay.” I sighed, closing my eyes.

“Okay?” Noah’s breath tickled my nose.

“I’ll get comfortable with the idea of you eating my neck and let you mark me.” I giggled and felt Noah chuckle against my forehead.

“Thanks, baby.” He kissed me lightly and then flopped back down on the bed. After a few moments of comfortable silence, Noah rolled over on top of me,

“Round two?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows. I threw my head back laughing, squealing when Noah claimed my neck with his kisses.

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