
As Elder Jacob vanished from view, I felt Noah’s presence sneaking up behind me. I braced for impact as he wrapped his arms around my waist in his signature move, burying his face in my neck.

“I missed you, baby.” He mumbled against my skin. I laughed at him,

“What? You didn’t enjoy your time with Mr. Jacob?” Noah stepped to my side, eyeing me and Sawyer as we shared a chuckle.

“You met him?” Noah asked.

“I had the pleasure, yes.” I grumbled.

“He kept calling her Miss. Evie.” Sawyer said, twisting his face in disgust.

“Of course he did.” Noah rolled his eyes,

“I’m sorry you had to endure that.”

“She handled him like a pro, just like she handled those sluts in the rec. room.” Sawyer grinned. I narrowed my eyes at him,

“That’s not nice, Sawyer.” I scolded him.

“Who are we talking about?” Noah asked.

“Lauren, Rachel, and Madison.” Sawyer scoffed.

“Did they give you a hard time?” Noah asked with a serious tone, turning me to face him.

“They won’t anymore.” I shrugged.

“Evie…” Noah started to defend himself but I cut him off,

“I’m not worried about it, Noah. They’re old news.” I wrapped my arm around his and pressed my cheek to his shoulder, squeezing him tightly.

“How did I get so lucky?” Noah kissed the top of my head.

“What are you two doing here?” Noah asked Elijah and Molly.

“We just got back from lunch.” Molly said.

“Talk about bad timing. They ran right into Elder Jackass.” Sawyer grumbled.

“How did it go?” I asked my brother. He was grinning from ear to ear and so was Molly.

“Really well.” Elijah said, looking sideways at Molly.

“Oh, I’m so glad!” I clapped my hands together happily.

“We were going to go watch a movie in the theater.” Molly said. I exchanged a knowing look with her, winking and laughing as she blushed.

“Have fun!” I called down the hall as they made their escape.

“I could go for a movie, too.” Noah said, pulling me close again.

“Really?” I asked him, slightly disappointed. I didn’t want to interrupt them.

“Sure, a movie in our room. And by movie, I mean….” Noah wiggled his eyebrows at me and Sawyer made gagging noises, retreating from earshot.

“Alpha…” I gasped, lightly slapping his arm.

“You asked for it now, my Luna.” Noah purred, pinching my butt.

I squealed and started running towards the elevator, laughing. Noah caught up with me easily and chased me into the elevator, backing me up against the wall. The doors shut with a ding as Noah pressed his body tightly against mine, running his hands up and down my body. He gripped my hips and I moved against him, hearing a desired-filled moan slip out of my Alpha’s mouth. I reached behind him and hit the button for our floor. The elevator jerked upwards as Noah’s mouth explored my neck.

We stumbled into the hallway and fumbled our way to the bedroom. Noah never removed his lips from my skin and my arms never left his body. We crashed through the bedroom door and fell back onto the bed. Noah quickly removed our clothes and his body consumed mine.

The next week went along as normal. Elijah stayed for the full week, telling our parents that we were just having too much fun catching up for him to go home. We both neglected to update our relationship status. Elijah and Molly were hitting it off so well. He was handling everything better than I did. But, in my defense, I didn’t have my twin to help with the coping process.

Elijah was reluctant to have to go home on Sunday and Molly was positively panicking. I felt bad for them and I wasn’t sure what the solution was. I was lucky, I met Noah in the town that I lived in. I didn’t have to make the decision to move to another state to be with a person I had just found out existed a week ago. I had no idea how he would explain that one to mom and dad.

Each day I got to know the pack more and more, spending time in the game room, parlor room, and kitchen while Noah worked in his office. Noah and I spent the evenings together, intoxicated and consumed with our emotions; I couldn’t get enough of him and I knew he felt the same way.

Noah was becoming more and more persistent about marking me. He said it was his wolf urges beginning to lose patience. He was becoming even more protective as our time together grew and my exposure to unmarked males increased. He explained it as feeling on edge all the time, even when we were together. He said it was almost unbearable when we were apart.

I knew he was trying to respect my boundaries but he was struggling with his own strength as well. The idea of him biting me was terrifying, but I also felt the overwhelming urge to comfort Noah and ease his pain. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that he would never do anything to hurt me or put me in danger, so my fear of being marked was unjustified.

“What has you so lost in thought, little mate?” Noah asked, rolling onto his elbow and running his hand through my hair.

It was Saturday morning and I had been lying awake in the arms of my mate for about twenty minutes now. I had already given up on the idea of sleeping in my own room, and I was about two seconds away from moving all my belongings into his room and calling it good.

“I was just thinking about our conversation last night.” I said. Noah and I had talked about marking in length last night.

“Did you have any more questions?” He asked.

“No, no more questions.” I had asked him close to a thousand questions, talking well after midnight as I gathered all the information I could about marking.

“Good.” Noah sighed in relief. I laughed at him,

“I know I drove you nuts last night.”

“Not at all, love, I just wasn’t sure if I had any more answers left.” He chucked,

“What are you thinking?” He asked. I rolled over so I was looking in his eyes,

“I want you to call the witch and figure out how I can mark you. I want to do it at the same time.” I said. Noah pressed his forehead against mine,

“You sure you’re ready?” He whispered, his voice turning to velvet. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready for something like this, but I trust you and I love you. I want to do this.” I promised him.

“I love you.” Noah smiled, kissing me deeply.

“Come on, we’ve gotta get up.” I groaned, pushing him away before I gave in to his desires. Noah grumbled as I crawled out of bed.

“You’re so beautiful.” He purred as I scurried across the room in one of his oversized shirts and nothing else. I grabbed a throw pillow from the sitting area and chucked it at him before disappearing into the bathroom.

“What are we going to do about Molly and Elijah?” I asked Noah as I got dressed in his closest. Noah tugged a shirt over his perfectly kept chest, watching me with his greedy eyes as I shimmied into my pants.

“It’s up to them, Evie.” Noah said, eyeing my chest. I rolled my eyes at him as I covered up with a thin T-shirt.

“That’s not helpful.” I grumbled.

“What are we supposed to do?” Noah asked.

“I don’t know what I would have done if I was in Eli’s situation.” I sighed.

“I know what I would have done.” Noah shrugged, lacing up his shoes.

“What?” I asked curiously.

“I would have followed you.”

“All the way to Hawaii?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Hell yeah.” Noah said loudly, looking at me with wide eyes,

“No way I would have left you out of my sight.”

“So, you think Molly will go to Hawaii?” I asked.

“I don’t know what she’ll do.” Noah replied.

“I’m gonna ask her.” I declared, skipping out of the closest.

“Leave it alone, Everleigh!” Noah called after me as I danced out of the room.

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