
I was in an even worse mood than normal while my mate was at work. She didn’t even need to work, Hunter and I were more than capable of taking care of her. But, apparently she loved her job and already told Hunter that she didn’t want to stop working. I grumbled as I went to find the wolves Hunter set aside for me.

“Alpha Archer.” One of the wolves spotted me first and ran over to greet me, “A team of 6 has already gone out to the spot where the rogues attacked to try and track where they came from.” He said.

“Good, I want to go there myself.” I said. The wolf nodded and led the way. He had another group of 6 with him. I didn’t bother to learn anyone’s names.

Once at the cliff’s edge, I shifted into Ryder and used his immaculate tracking skills to hunt down the rogues scent and their master. I recognized the scent of the man Hunter had killed yesterday. It was the same scent I had latched onto a few days ago and followed here. I haven’t seen Paul yet and just barely found his scent, so this man seemed to be the real face of the operation. His death will make it hard to find Paul, but I couldn’t blame Hunter for killing him before an integration could happen.

“We got something, Alpha Archer!” One of the wolves mindlinked me.

“What?” I barked.

“One of the rogues must’ve gotten away. We have his scent retreating.” He reponsed. I trotted over towards him. He was standing back at the cave where Hunter had hid our mate. I sniffed the air.

“Let’s follow it.” I ordered and the others agreed.

We ran through the woods and came out of the treeline. We had to shift then because we were inside the townline. Luckily, several of the wolves were carrying backpacks with clothes just in case we needed to shift. He tossed me and 6 others some clothes while half the men stayed behind in wolf form as back up. We followed the scent through town and ended up at a house that was surrounded by the most delicious scent.

“This is Maizey’s house. Her brothers are still living here.” One of the wolves told me. I growled instantly at the thought of a rogue coming near my mate’s house.

“Hunter came back here with Maizey shortly after the fight. The rogue must’ve been here after that, otherwise Hunter would have smelt him.” I said and the men nodded in agreement.

“Where are the guard wolves for the house?” One of the wolves asked and I started looking around, realizing that every scent here was old.

“Spread out.” I said and everyone sprang into action. I pounded on the front door, but nobody answered. Instead, the door swung open, already unlocked. I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“The guards are all dead.” One of the wolves said with a white face as we entered the house. All I could think was, please don’t let Maizey’s brothers be dead.

“Tear this house apart.” I ordered. I knew everyone was upset about their fallen brothers, but I didn’t have the luxury of letting them mourn. My mate’s family was in danger.

We covered every inch of the house and found nothing. No bodies, no blood, no sign of a struggle. I didn’t know whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. I mindlinked Hunter.

“Do you have Maizey’s brothers’ phone numbers?” I asked my brother.

“Why?” He knew something was wrong instantly.

“A rogue left the fight yesterday and came to Maizey’s house after you two left. Your guard wolves are dead and there’s no sign of her brothers. The house was unlocked but no sign of a struggle. I want to know if they are at work or kidnapped.” I knew my voice was void of emotion but I had to stay focused to help my mate.

“I’m with Maizey now, we’re getting ready to leave the office. I’ll call them and take her straight back to the packhouse.” Hunter said.

About 10 minutes later I felt a seering, white hot pain shoot through my chest and I knew it was my mate’s pain at hearing her brothers might be in trouble. I stumbled, clutching my chest and struggling to catch my breath. I shook my head, I had to stay focused. My mate needed me.

A little while after that Hunter mindlinked me to tell me that her brothers weren’t answering the phone and they didn’t show up for work today. Now we knew we had a kidnapping on our hands. It was time to get to work. I knew that I needed the very best for my mate, so I called my old Alpha, Sal.

“Archer? What’s going on?” Sal answered the phone after one ring. I had left his pack suddenly and without warning.

“I found my mate, Alpha. Well, Hunter found our mate and I had to come home to her. I thought that I didn’t want her but….” Alpha Sal interrupted me,

“We are nothing without our mates, Archer, you know that. You are stronger with her in your life. Not only that, the three of you are stronger together. Of course I understand that you had to go home and you can’t leave her.” Sal had a strong yet calming voice. He talked to anyone like they had been friends for years.

“I need help. My mate’s life is being threatened and her brothers have been kidnapped by rogues being led by their father.” I explained quickly. Sal was silent for a minute,

“Well, that is a predicament.” He grumbled, “I’ll send you twenty of our best. Why don’t you keep them? Start up your own Warrior pack there if your brother is okay with it, like we did in Maine. You were going to be my next Alpha anyway.” Sal said. I was going to talk to him about my idea of starting my own Warrior pack after Maizey was safe. He seemed to have read my mind.

“I was going to suggest that once my mate is taken care of. Thank you, Alpha Sal. My brother has already agreed to it.” I replied gratefully.

“It’s settled then. I’ll get twenty volunteers together and send them your way.” Alpha Sal said before ending the call.

“Let’s try and track the rogue’s scent and Maizey’s brothers.” I said to the now 12 wolves who were investigating Maizey’s house.

10 of them left on foot to track their scent through town while I stayed with two others to take care of the pack members’ bodies. I knew Hunter would want an Alpha overseeing their arrangements. About an hour passed and the breeze started to blow my mate’s sweet scent towards me. I hurried out of her backyard and to the front of the house just in time to see a very angry looking Maizey exiting Hunter’s car.

“What are you doing here?” I snapped. Hunter vigorously shook his head.

“Don’t you start, too.” Maizey’s tone was the harshest I had ever heard it, and that included when she shouted at me on the cliff’s edge.

“I tried to take her back to the packhouse but she threatened to jump out of the car if I didn’t bring her here.” Hunter sighed, looking defeated. If the situation wasn’t so bleak, I would have found that slightly amusing.

“I want to see them.” Maizey demanded as she started walking around the house. I jumped in front of her and grabbed her arms, forcing her to stop.

“They are all dead, Maizey, there’s nothing you can do.” I stated plainly so that she would understand.

“I know what dead means,” She glared at me, “They were my body guards for three months. I want to see them and pay my respects.” She was doing everything she could not to cry, I could feel it like I felt my own unwanted emotions.

“You can do that at their funerals.” I refused to release my grip on her.

“You don’t have any right to boss me around, Archer. This is about me, it has nothing to do with the pack.” She spit. I ducked my head so I was eye level with my mate, moving one hand from her arm to cup her very pale face.

“Listen to me, little mate. I can’t imagine what you are feeling right now, but I know that no good can come from you seeing those wolves right now. You need to remember them how they were.” I said in a soft tone, the softest I think I had ever spoken.

Maizey was searching my face, her hazel eyes slowly relaxing. As her anger boiled away, the emotion was replaced by sadness and fear. Tears began to swirl in her eyes and I felt something clutching at the inside of my chest.

“I just want this to be over.” Her bottom lip quivered.

“It will be and soon. Maizey, I promise you that I will find your brothers and put an end to that vile man. I suck at being your mate, at being a son and a brother, and an Alpha, but I am a damn good warrior. This is what I do and I do it better than anybody. You just need to have some faith in me, little mate.” I felt a smile threatening to take over my lips and I shoved it down. Now was not the time.

“I believe in you, Archer.” I never needed anyone’s validation before, but damn if it didn’t feel good to have her’s, “Archer?” She said my name again. I was so lost in the sound of it that I almost forgot to reply.

“Yes, Maizey?”

“When you find Paul, I want you to kill him.” Her eyes hardened and I knew that she was absolutely sure of her decision.

“I promise, little mate.” I nodded once.

I had the sudden urge to trail my thumb along her bottom lip and I did. I felt accomplished when her eyes softened and her usual flush returned to her pale cheeks.

“Be safe and come home.” She added in a small voice.

“I’ll always come home to you.” The words slipped out of my mouth before I had the chance to think about them, but they felt right, nonetheless.

Maizey’s face broke out into an earth shattering smile, even though the sadness was still touching her eyes, it was worth every second of weakness I felt at giving in to my emotions. She reached up onto her tippy toes and lightly kissed me on the lips. It wasn’t nearly enough, but I tasted her salty tears on my mouth and decided not to press it. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“What was that for?” I asked and she shrugged.

“I wanted to try it.” She replied sheepishly. I smirked at my mate,

“You can try anything you want on me.” I said, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively. She rolled her eyes at me and giggled a little. I was happy as her spirits began to lift just slightly.

“Now, go home with Hunter and stay there. I promise I will call with any news.” I returned to my stern tone of voice and she nodded, seeming satisfied with our conversation. Hunter walked up to her then and took her hand.

“What do you need?” He asked.

“For you to stay with Maizey and keep her safe. I need to know she’s protected.” I replied easily.

“Of course, always.” Hunter said without hesitation.

“I called Alpha Sal with the Warrior pack and he’s sending a team of volunteers to help with the search. He also approved of me creating a pack here, not that it matters right now.” I announced.

“Good, we’ll take all the help that we can get, and that’s still good news, Archer.” Hunter said with an approving nod, “If you need anyone else, mindlink Beta Miles and he’ll send you the best. I’m going to fill him in and then send him out to you. Gamma Toby will stay with Maizey.” He added.

“Okay. I’ll let you know when I find something.” I replied. Hunter held his fist out between us and I bumped it with mine, something we used to do all the time as kids. He grinned at me and I couldn’t help but return it.

I watched as Hunter led Maizey back to the car, secured her in the seat, and then drove away. I didn’t move until their car was out of sight and I knew she was safely away. Hunter’s Beta could finish taking care of the dead wolves along with the two guys who were already here. I decided to join the patrol following the rogues’ scents.

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