
It’s been four weeks since our mate’s near death experience and I was a puppy glued to her side. Hunter had been right all along. One look into our mate’s beautiful hazel eyes and I was hers. I was hooked after one taste of her lips, one touch of her hand against my skin, and one night of sleeping with her in my arms. She was mine and I was never letting her go.

Maizey’s brothers sold their house in Covington and each moved into their own cabins not too far from the packhouse. As for Paul, he spent everyday in a new sort of hell. He tortured my mate for her entire life, twenty-one long years. His suffering would last at least that long. Currently, he was being hung by his wrists from the rafters of the prison, silver chains wrapped around his arms and neck, his feet just barely scraping against the ground. I wasn’t sure how long we were going to keep him like that, but so far, it’s been ten days.

I had just finished up another training session with the Warriors who all agreed to stay. For now, they were staying in the guest hotel while Hunter and I hashed out the details. A second packhouse for the Warriors was already in construction on the other side of Satin Moon’s territory. My Warrior pack would be on the complete opposite end of Satin Moon so it was far enough away not to disturb them but close enough to lend a hand and still create one unified pack.

Thus, Hunter was renaming his pack the Satin Moon Warrior pack instead of hosting a second pack on his grounds. We wanted to be seen as one. We did, in fact, share one gorgeous, sexy, smart, and talented Luna.

Hunter was in his office writing a proposal to share with the elders of the pack. He wanted to make sure that everyone was in agreement and informed of this new decision. He was going to allow the pack to vote on their opinions of renaming the pack, but we both had high hopes. He also had to inform the royal family about the creation of a new pack. But, the royals stayed out of werewolf business unless absolutely necessary, so we didn’t expect any problems there, either.

I was left to find our mate. I followed her scent through the house. Even though the entire packhouse was overflowing with lilacs and daisies, I was still able to pick out her scent above the rest. The day after the attack, I had ordered the house to have a constant supply of my new two favorite flowers. Hunter agreed that they were exactly what our mate smelled like, but we disagreed on the addition of rosemary.

I found Maizey in the library. I leaned against the door frame, watching my mate as she was consumed in a book. There was a huge picture window inside the small library with a windowsill big enough to sit on. My petite mate was pacing back and forth across that windowsill. She was absolutely adorable. She had her focus on a book, but all of my focus was on her.

After a few minutes, she looked up, seeming to finally sense my presence. She grinned and shut the book, hopping down from the window and dancing over to me. She threw her arms around my neck and reached up onto her tippy toes to kiss me. I hummed against her soft touch, gripping her waist greedily. Her and I had become much closer after she nearly died in front of my eyes. I decided then that nothing else matters but her and getting her to love me. She seemed just as open to the idea as I was.

“I love you.” She purred against my mouth. I groaned, loving the way that sounded.

“I love you, too, my little Luna.” I peppered her face with kisses and she dissolved into a fit of giggles.

“My big bad Alpha is going soft on me.” She smirked, weakly pushing me away. I growled and yanked her back into my chest, nipping at her neck,

“Only for you, my love.” I whispered into her neck.

“When are you going to mark me?” She asked me suddenly, craning her neck to give me better access. I kissed her marking spot and pulled back, cupping her face in my hand.

“When you’re ready, little Luna.” I told her.

“How do you know when I’m ready?” She cocked an eyebrow at me.

“Did Hunter explain to you when marking has to happen?” I asked hesitantly. She gnawed on her lip and nodded. I tugged her lip free with my thumb, running my finger tip along her moist bottom lip. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“He said it had to happen when completing the mate bond.” She whispered.

“It happens during sex.” I clarified bluntly to make sure that she understood. As of yet, neither Hunter nor myself had had the pleasure with our mate. A deep crimson blush spread across her face.

“I know that.” She was barely audible now.

“You’re still nervous about having sex with us, and that’s fine, but that means we can’t mark you, yet.” I explained, smiling down at my precious mate so she knew that it was perfectly okay, “But, we can make you our Luna before compiling the mate bond.” I said.

“Really?” She perked up at that.

“Yes, we can hold a Luna ceremony. You’ll get two, one for Satin Moon and one for my Warrior pack.” I grinned at her excitement.

“But, I thought they were going to be one pack?” She asked, cocking her head to the side curiously. I couldn’t help but laugh at her adorable expression.

“They will be essentially, but with two Alphas. Hunter will make the decisions for Satin Moon and I’ll make the decisions for the Warriors, but we’ll work together and everyone will respect us both as their Alpha. You will be the little Luna of them all.” I poked her nose gently with my index finger before giving her another kiss. She giggled and swatted at my hand.

“I don’t know if I’m ready to be a leader.” She sighed, looking embarrassed and worried all of the sudden.

“The people already love and respect you. They are ready to follow you. Besides, nothing would change until you’re ready. My mom will guide you through everything.” I assured her, rubbing my thumb soothingly across her cheek.

“If you and Hunter think I’m ready then okay.” She agreed, smiling sheepishly.

“I don’t know how we got so lucky to be gifted you.” I cooed, nuzzling my face in her neck again. I heard her soft moans and they sent me into a frenzy. I started needing her butt and kissing her neck, sucking hard enough to leave a hickey on my marking spot.

“Archer.” She moaned my name and that was it.

I kicked the door shut behind me and locked it without breaking away from her skin. I clutched her butt and lifted her effortlessly from the ground. She squealed and wrapped her legs around my waist on instinct, her hands kneading my hair. I moved my kisses up her neck, across her jawline, and towards her lips. I claimed her mouth and pushed my tongue inside. She wiggled against me and my member immediately stood at attention for her.

I walked backwards towards the desk and cleared it off in one sweep, laying her down. She was tugging at my shirt and I gave her what she wanted, yanking my shirt from my head. As her hands explored my bare chest, I pulled off her shirt and unclasped her bra. My mouth found her breasts and I started sucking one while using my hand to play with the other. She was gasping and moaning, her little noises encouraging me further.

I ran my hands greedily over her body. I felt my fingers brush against something unfamiliar and I paused, lifting my face from her breasts to see what my hand had touched. I felt myself start to shake as I examined her body. This was the first time I had properly seen my mate naked outside of the darkness of our bedroom. Her stomach was covered in scars. Round looking burn marks stood angrily near her belly button. My hands were shaking as I outlined the marks with my fingertips.

“You asked me once if I had more scars.” Maizey’s voice was gentle and quiet as she ran her hand through my hair.

“What are these?” I asked in a low voice, resisting the urge to growl.

“You don’t want to know.” She mumbled. I looked into her eyes then.

“I want to know everything.” I argued. She sighed and sat up, watching as my fingers drew circles around the old wounds.

“Those are from a fire poker.”

“A…fire poker.” I felt Ryder seething with rage.

I pulled away and turned her around. I needed to see her back, I needed to know everything. I gasped as my hands caressed her back. It was covered in small circular burns.

“Those are from cigarettes.” She confessed.

“And this?” I asked, running my hand up her back and towards a half-moon scar on her shoulder blade.

“A beer bottle.” I felt her wince at the memory. She abruptly turned back towards me, taking my face in her hands.

“They don’t matter anymore. It’s just proof of what I survived. It’s not my future.” Her words soothed Ryder and her fingers against my skin calmed me. She ran her hands from my face down to my chest.

“It’s not like I’m the only one with scars.” She said, her fingers tracing the thin lines I had over my abdomen, “I thought werewolves had super healing.” She asked.

“Not against silver.” I replied, shivering as her fingers felt ghostly on my own scars.

“Are these from silver knives?” She asked. Over my stomach, chest, and shoulders were several thin lines of different sizes.

“Yes.” Also among the lines were circular indents, mostly on my arms and shoulder blades. Maizey turned me around just as I had done to her and ran her fingers over the small circles that were back there as well.

“And these?” She asked.

“Silver bullets.” Being a warrior came at a cost. She tugged at my shoulder, turning me back around to face her. She pressed her forehead against mine.

“I don’t know what you have survived, but I know that our souls are made of the same darkness.” She mumbled and I felt my heart beat quicken at her words. I pressed my mouth against her needily and our desires picked up right where we had left off.

I fiddled with her pants and pulled them off. I ran my mouth down the length of her body until I reached her thighs, peppering them with open mouthed kisses. I watched her face as I pulled her panties off. She closed her eyes as I ran my thumb over her sensitive skin. She was biting her lip again, heat pouring out of her skin as she enjoyed herself. I positioned my mouth between her legs and got to work.

Her moans filled the air and her hands gripped my hair, pushing me closer to her. Suddenly, she yanked hard and came undone around my mouth. I chuckled against her and moved up to meet her lips. I kissed her deeply, making her taste herself on my lips. She wrapped her legs around my waist again and tugged me even closer.

“I want all of you, Archer.” She whispered. I looked back to study her face,

“Maizey?” I wasn’t sure that I heard her right.

“I’m ready, I want you and I want Hunter, forever.” Her eyes were alive with anticipation.

I knew that my little mate never said something she didn’t mean. She always thought over every decision she ever made, even if it was just deciding what she was going to eat for breakfast.

“Are you sure?” I was shaking with need and desire, and Ryder was telling me to shut up and just take her.

“Yes, but don’t mark me, yet. I want you and Hunter to do that together.” She blushed, seeming embarrassed by her own request. I grinned wickedly, intrigued by the idea.

“Whatever my little Luna wishes.” I grinned, crashing my lips to hers again.

This time, I gave into all of my desires. I quickly kicked my pants off and pulled her to the edge of the desk. I gripped her hips and positioned myself between her legs. I looked at her in question and she nodded, eyeing my member like she was worried about it fitting. I chuckled,

“I love you so much, my sweet Luna.” I bent down to kiss her as I manevered myself at her entrance. With one push, I was inside and she was moaning underneath me.

I released her lips and she gasped loudly, clinging to my back like her life depended on it. I buried my face in between her breasts, muffling my own groans against her skin. It didn’t take long before we both were overwhelmed with pleasure. I sat Maizey up and swept her sweaty hair away from her face. I trailed my finger down her jaw line and kissed her sweetly.

I heard someone fiddling with the door and then it opened. I growled and turned around, blocking my mate from view. But, it was only Hunter who entered the library, quickly shutting the door behind him.

“You two make it impossible to think. You know my office is just down the hall.” His eyes were dark with desire, smelling the arousal from our mate. Hunter grinned at Maizey and walked over to us. I stepped to the side and Hunter wrapped his arms around our mate.

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