9 Days Before
The Second Night

The relentless rain continued to downpour, soaking the streets and buildings alike.

Mier, a curious and observant teenager, raced through the storm in an attempt to reach the safety of his home.

His footsteps splashed through puddles as he navigated the treacherous path.

Each flash of lightning illuminated his surroundings, casting eerie shadows that seemed to dance in the dark.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck nearby, the deafening crack sending Mier leaping out of his shoes in surprise.

Heart racing as he stumbled forward, narrowly avoiding another lightning strike that hit a pole just a few meters away, its boom tightening his eardrums.

Panic set in as he continued to run down the path. His ears, ringing.

Seeking refuge, Mier darted into a nearby store, his breath ragged and heart pounding.

The store owner, equally startled by the storm's fury, quickly opened his doors to welcome him in.

Inside, the atmosphere was a mix of awe and apprehension. Each lightning strike outside was like a temporary spotlight, briefly revealing the chaos beyond the store's windows.

"Mom, my stomach hurts," a young girl tugged at her mother's sleeve, her voice trembling.

"It's okay, sweetie. We'll find you something to settle your tummy," her mother reassured, holding her close.

She turned to the store owner and asked if he had anything to help ease her daughter's discomfort.

The owner nodded empathetically and offered a soothing remedy, knowing that such gestures would be remembered in times of need.

As Mier observed the scene, a sudden gust of wind pushed the store's door open.

Entered a tower guard, rain-soaked and determined. His presence seemed out of place in the humble store.

"Why's a Tower guard down here?" someone muttered from the back, curiosity mingled with suspicion.

The guard's voice cut through the murmurs. "I'm here to assist. The storm's escalating, and we're directing everyone to the Towers for better shelter." His words were met with a mix of relief and doubt.

Outside, the storm's fury was relentless, the flashes of lightning creating a chaotic display that seemed almost unreal.

As the guard led everyone out of the store, Mier couldn't help but marvel at the carrier waiting for them.

Its construction material seemed like a secret waiting to be uncovered.

"Are you an engineer?" the guard sees Mier's appraisal, catching him off guard.

"No, just curious," Mier admitted, the guard adjusting his belt. The guard's chuckle didn't exactly answer his question, leaving Mier to ponder the material's composition and its purpose.

As the carrier reached its destination, the guard's demeanor shifted from casual to focused. "Okay, everyone out. Form a single file line and follow the guards. Stay safe." Guiding the passengers, beckoning them with a stretched arm.

The citizens quickly paced out of the opening, following the rules set by the guard, forming a single file line.

Lightning trembled in the clouds, illustrating a flowing river of illuminations, concerting a rolling thunder.

Mier gazed up towards the clouds, seeing an arching discharge haunting above, his vision getting dragged back towards the entrance of the Tower, its size an intimidating giant.

The group rushed into a cubby arch way of the Tower, slightly guarding them from the raging storm.

Rumbling pierced their ears as the doors opened with a surprising stride.

A pillar of lightning quaked in the background as the retreating figures made their way in.

Inside the Tower, Mier thanked the guard for his guidance just as a bolt of lightning struck perilously close.

Startled, the guard's protective instinct kicked in, and he shielded Mier from the danger.

"What's going on?" the guard exclaimed, his eyes scanning the area as if searching for answers.

Pushing Mier further inside, the door repeated its rumble as it sealed shut, swiftly as another bolt flew, hitting the wall nearby, taking out pieces of its material.

In the aftermath of the lightning strikes, Mier couldn't shake the feeling that something inexplicable was unfolding around him.

An unsettling feeling brewed within him as he pondered the strike patterns of Lightning, so unnatural... so precise.

"Almost like it's stalking a prey... Am I -"

"No.." He cuts the thought mid-process. Pacing back and forth as it brews inside his mind, the storm rages on. The rain picked up, turning from heavy to severe, pounding the Tower's frame.


"I know, Hunny, we'll be okay. The storm will pass over us in due time." The mother says, trying to reassure her daughter.

"It's okay..." The lady tucked her daughter inwards.

"It's okay.."

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Somewhere upstairs.

Amidst the chaos of the storm and the tower's safety, Clyista, a member of Crew 8, navigated the bustling corridors, checking on various systems to ensure everything was secure.

She had always been methodical, even in the face of unpredictability.

Her fingers danced across the console, monitoring power levels and ensuring the tower's defense mechanisms were prepared for the worst.

As Clyista worked, her thoughts briefly drifted to the recent incidents that had sparked concern among the crew.

Unusual energy fluctuations and anomalies in the weather patterns - it was all connected, she was sure of it.

Her eyes narrowed, determination replacing her worry as she vowed to uncover the truth.

Meanwhile, Eve, a scientist working within the tower, hunched over a lab table covered with complex equipment.

She was studying the energy signatures left behind by the lightning strikes, her mind racing to make sense of the unusual data while commotion unfolded on the first level.

There was something different about these strikes - a pattern that defied conventional understanding.

Eve's heart raced as a realization dawned on her. She glanced around the lab, her excitement tempered by caution.

If her suspicions were correct, this could be a groundbreaking discovery, one that might shed light on the mysterious events that had been unfolding.


Back outside, the storm continued to rage, its intensity undeterred.

Rin, Lin's sister, watched from her bedroom window, her expression a mix of awe and trepidation.

The lightning painted the sky with eerie brilliance, illuminating the city in bursts of blinding light. Rin's fingers traced the glass as if trying to connect with the raw power of the storm.

Resembling a vine on a leaf.

Downstairs, Mier, and the evacuation group settled with sleeping bags spread out on the floor.

"Can't we even get a room?" grumbled the older gentleman from earlier, eliciting annoyance from the Tower workers. Some shook their heads, while others wore faintly irritated expressions.

"Just be grateful you're not out there in this nasty storm. I've never seen anything like this before," the parent chimed in, addressing the gentleman.

"Well -"

"I hope my store will be okay."

"Mommy, can you ask the guard if they have anything to eat?"

The mother glanced down at her child, endeavoring to make the spot feel more homey. She brushed the sleeping bag to remove any debris or pests that might have crawled in.

"Silea, you'll have to ask yourself, but I'll be there every step of the way!" she assured her, her response overtaking the gentleman's previous mutterings.

He flung his arms in frustration, grabbed his sleeping bag, and stomped away, a Tower guard following closely to prevent any potential problems.

The two siblings held hands as they approached one of the guards, engaged in conversation.

The little girl went ahead, her mother trailing behind.

Mier averted his gaze and shifted to his designated spot, unfolding his sleeping bag.

Static clung to it, prompting a grunt and causing him to drop the bag. He licked his thumb and rubbed it on the fabric.

"Did something bite me?" he wondered aloud, scrutinizing his thumb for any bumps.

Instead of bumps, he discovered a series of tiny, intricate markings akin to keraunographics.

Veins rapidly traced these markings up his thumb, around his wrist, and continued up his arm, leading him to yelp and attempt to flick them off.

The commotion caught the attention of nearby people. Mier apologized, explaining that he thought something had bitten him. They dismissed it and continued with their tasks.

Peering down again, Mier found no markings, no damage, and the slight vibrations he had been experiencing had ceased. He felt puzzled. He continued to examine his thumb and arm, eventually plopping himself down onto his sleeping bag.

"I suppose I just need some sleep... today has been... quite a day," he mumbled as he lay down, using his folded arms as a makeshift pillow against the inflated bag's pillow.

"Goodnight, Mr...." the little girl commented on Mier's actions as she returned with snacks.

"Take these, just in case." She dropped snack bags and hurried back to their spot.

Her mother clapped and praised her, then helped her settle back into her sleeping bag, fluffing the makeshift pillow.

"Thank you!" Mier added. The mother looked up, smiled, and nodded. Mier stashed the snacks in the sleeping bag pockets.

"Wow, this thing has everything," he remarked while storing the snacks and then zipping the pocket shut. He gripped the blanket portion, cocooning himself.

The storm's intensity lessened, transitioning into light sprinkles, bringing back a sense of comfortable weather for the people indoors.

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