The Water God swatted me down into the sand like a cat playing with a mouse. My head was still spinning when his hand domed over me, claws spiked into the sand. In an instant, he’d caged me to the ground with his talons acting as prison bars.

I felt like a bird in a cage—a sharp, scaley cage.

“I’ve caught you, rabbit,” he rumbled out. The thunderous timbre of his voice shook the ground beneath my back so hard it vibrated through my bones.

“Calder, wait.” I pretended to struggle, kicking and thrashing my legs uselessly. His massive, heated palm lowered, gently pressing me down until I couldn’t move. “I’ll be good, I promise,” I whined.

“You will. I know you will. But I am a dragon of my word, wife. Gods don’t break promises.” He raised his hand momentarily only to swipe one sharp claw down my dress. The fabric vanished as he tore it away.

The threat of claws as tall as I was on my skin should have frightened me. Arousal barreled over my fright, leaving it as a simmering puddle in the back of my mind. While a hint of panic remained, desire roared at the forefront of my instincts.

Naked and writhing under his heated palm, I felt the near scalding temperature of his scales on my skin. It was like standing near a fire when your skin was cold. It felt so good to slide myself against him, seeking friction on my pebbled nipples and tight skin.

Looking at him over the webbing between two of his digits, I froze while trying to catch my breath. His long, graceful neck lined with frilled fins, his colossal head topped with fins and horns, and those damning ocean blue eyes were magnificent to gaze upon.

A God of the Water. All mine.

“What… what are you going to do to me?” I rasped, then licked my bottom lip. Truthfully, I was already slick between my thighs, longing for his promised consequences.

“I’m going to devour you. I’m going to eat up every drop of you until you’re screaming, crying, begging me to stop.” He lowered his head, puffing hot air around me as he exhaled. “Even then, I might not relent in your punishment.”

His hand turned to the side, holding me down with two digits and keeping the tips of his claws buried in the sand. It left my lower half exposed to the elements and his ravaging gaze. A brief gust of cool night air kissed my shaking legs before Calder’s tongue darted out.

The dark shade of blue was nearly black under the silver moonlight. It was longer and wider than my entire body. He’d accidentally swallow me if he wasn’t careful.

Those split ends of his tongue moved independently. Each narrow tip flicking out, tasting the air over my body, was as long and thick as my forearm. A purring growl in his chest rose when he scented my arousal in the air. It pleased him that I was afraid, shivering, but also wanton and needy.

His gigantic, monstrous blue tongue slid over my skin. The hot, wet glide wasn’t unlike the sensation of his magical tentacles. It was pleasant and strangely erotic to feel the twined ends moving separately over my body, teasing and tasting every inch of me.

One end laved over my breasts, licking both nipples while the tip tickled my neck. The other end slithered over my tensing abdomen, wriggled over the patch of hair on my mound, and dipped between my thighs. My breath hitched at the full body assault burning me up from within.

The end of his tongue on my chest coiled upward, collaring my throat. I gasped at the pressure. It wasn’t enough to cut off my air, but to keep me in place and remind me who was in charge. The simple, strange control of his tongue leashed around my throat was lewd and made me drip.

And the other side of his split tongue lapped up the juices weeping from my pussy. I cried out, body arching into his palm when the tip nudged inside of me. With one stroke, his tongue filled me up completely, sending my eyes into the back of my head.

It was one thing when he ate my pussy before—his tongue was so long, so dexterous. It had nothing on his tongue in his divine dragon form. One end alone was almost bigger than his cock. Only the pliant, giving muscle, didn’t stretch as painfully. It was so big, so long and thick, that he rubbed on everything inside of me and bumped my clit with each thrust.

The other half of his tongue along my body and around my neck continued subtly moving against my skin. That exciting sensation paired with his tongue fucking me made my body seize with an orgasm in record time. I came so hard and so fast that I stopped breathing, overwhelmed by the heat in my body and the exploding stars behind my eyes.

Calder groaned, making his tongue vibrate all around me. It was an entirely consuming, all-encompassing feeling that thrilled the depraved creature within me that I’d become. His growls of pleasure as I came on his tongue were so powerful that they sent my body hurtling through the stars into another orgasm before the waves of the first had faded.

Slightly choking me, controlling me, as the other side slithered and coiled in my tight channel. That stroking, slurping tongue forced me into another wave of torturous bliss before I caught my breath.

My entire body was made of lightning and fire. Those elements battled under my buzzing skin as the Water God tongue-fucked me into orgasm after orgasm. I came until I was gushing on his tongue, until my throat went hoarse from screaming, and I trembled until my muscles ached.

It was a full body attack of ecstasy. Forcing me to climax repeatedly until my head spiraled into a woozy, erotic haze and my body quivered into a puddle was my punishment.

“Calder… Calder, stop!” Tears burned my eyes. “It’s too much. Please, I can’t.”

“You can,” he grumbled around his tongue. The assault continued, and I lost count of how many times he made me shake and scream. But it continued until my eyes hurt from all the tears I shed, and my limbs endlessly twitched from the never-ending jolts of bliss in my core.

Patchy clouds drifted lazily over the sky. The stars winked out, and the first fingers of orange and red crested over the sea, breaking up the horizon line over the water. But my vision was too blurred, and my mind completely lost. I couldn’t enjoy the sunrise when all I felt, heard, smelled was Calder and his driving, relentless tongue.

After another mild orgasm rolled through my body, Calder noticed the increasing light. He withdrew his tongue from my body, still holding me down with that giant hand. His head lifted, and something akin to a sigh vented through his nose before he looked down again.

“Times up, little rabbit. You’ve done so good at enduring your punishment through the night. You are a good girl, aren’t you?”

My head rolled, barely shaking in response. With the absence of his tongue, I was soaked and quaking under his heated hand. Trapped by talons and exhausted by pleasure, I hardly noticed when the wind kicked up and the ground shook.

Something else replaced the weight of his oversized dragon hand. A hard, lean body, still massive but better fitted against the softer planes of me. When his wings snapped out, my eyes fluttered open.

Calder was back in his draconic-humanoid form. The look in his eyes was nearly rabid, feral as he shook from the force of his lapsing restraint. He snarled, “As much as I’ve enjoyed devouring you through the night, I’m not done with you yet, wife.”

“Calder,” I whined, weakly reaching up to caress his face.

He pressed his face into my palm. He grabbed my wrist, delicately kissing my wrist. His voice was a tortured groan. “I love hearing you whimper my name. You’re going to do it again.”

The dragon grabbed my hips, flipping me over. I braced myself on my elbows and knees before face planting into the sand. A thin mewl breached my lips as he palmed my ass, spreading me open.

A shuddered breath escaped him. “Look at how gaping and wet you are. Fuck, you’re going to take my cock so easily.” He didn’t give me a chance to look over my shoulder before he’d grabbed his fat, heavy cock and plunged the tip into my stretched cunt.

I screamed at the sudden intrusion. Not because it hurt, no, my pussy was gaping wide from his tongue stretching me all night, but because my inner walls were overstimulated and tender. My nails dug into the sand as I scrambled away from him.

“Quit trying to run away from me, little rabbit. I’ve already caught you.” Calder’s grip tightened on my hips, claws pricking dangerously at my skin. A vicious growl ripped through him as pulled me back and slammed his hips into my ass. His cock filled me completely, throbbing within my clenching heat.

He yanked me back onto his cock again and again. His control and manipulation of my body in that exhausted, quivering state made me feel like a doll for his use.

“Your fucked-out cunt feels so good on my cock, Marilla.” His head knocked back and heavy breaths vented from his lips. He dragged each ridged inch of his length through me before slamming back in. “Shit, after watching and tasting you come all night, I won’t last long. I’m already so close.”

Everything that I was, my mind and my soul, every thought I’d ever had, all ascended into a higher plane of existence. I was thoughtless, mindless, floating in an endless sea of Calder and his body and everything he made me feel. His impressive, large cock was fitted inside me so perfectly, rubbing everywhere I needed him, and my walls were squeezing and fluttering on his length.

“Would you like to come again, wife?” he purred wickedly, claws scraping over my hips.

“Yes, please. Yes, I want to come on your cock.” As worn and used as I was, I could have ridden his cock all day long. I was hungry, greedy, feral for it.

Calder reached over my hip, hand drifting between my thighs. He found my swollen, hard clit and circled the tender bud. He teased it in tandem with his pounding cock, driving me into my hardest orgasm yet. “That’s it, little rabbit. Come for my dragon cock, fucking you senseless.”

Stars flashed behind my eyes and pleasure cascaded through me from my core to my limbs. Only Calder holding me in place as he chased his release kept me in place, otherwise I would have gone limp in the sand.

“Oh, Marilla, of fuck. You feel so good. I’m going to fill your pretty little pussy with all my seed.” My cunt milking his cock pulled him into bliss. His hips jerked as he came inside me, filling me so full it spilled out around his cock.

Calder fisted his hand in my hair, roughly pulling out of me. He twisted my body around until we were face to face. He smashed his lips into mine with a bruising intensity, sucking every pitiful whimper off my tongue. The taste of the sea and the warmth of his mouth made me want to worship him until the last star faded from the sky at the end of eternity.

“Oh, my brave, eager little rabbit.” He punctuated his statement with a gentle, caring kiss. “You’re mine forever, love.”

And I knew right then and there that I irrevocably belonged to the Water God.

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