“Say I trust you and that I believe my family is well. What is my life going to be like here?” I needed to know what he would expect of me as the wife of a dragon god.

“It can be anything you want it to be,” he offered carefully, watching my reaction.

“What about the nature of our relationship? Will I be expected to perform the duties of a wife?” I needed him to see where I was heading with the conversation. With my nerves frayed and cheeks heated, I didn’t want to say the words myself.

I didn’t want to proposition the Water God.

“I’m not entirely familiar with the duties of a wife.” He gestured at himself with one wave of his talon sharp fingers. “As you know, I’m not human.”

“Cooking and cleaning,” I started, then cut myself off to chew on my bottom lip. I rolled it between my teeth as I stared at the leftovers on the table and the dark blue dome overhead. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“The water spirits handle all that. You don’t need to lift a hand ever again. In fact, you could stay in bed forever if you like,” he answered. There was a quirk in his brow and a twitch on his lips. Like someone watching a game unfurl before their eyes.

“What about acts between man and wife?” I pursed my lips, nearly vibrating from my embarrassment.

The curl of his lips slashed into a full, knowing smirk. One of his fangs glinted in the moonlight, forcing me to focus on the shimmering blue scale texture of his skin and the lewd darkness swirling in his eyes.

“And what happens between human males and their wives?” He was teasing me. The realization slapped me, and I nearly giggled.

I could play his game.

“Well, I suppose it makes sense that a big fish wouldn’t know the intricacies of man and wife. In all your years, I bet you’ve never learned to please a woman,” I drawled out. I crossed my arms with a shrug, leaning back into my seat.

His dark brows shot into his hairline. The stray curl fell over his forehead again, and my finger twitched with the urge to brush it behind the long, frilled edges of his ear. When his mouth tugged into an offended grimace, I wanted to throw my head back and laugh.

“I can please a female, little rabbit.” His tone grew dark, low, and gravelly. It was a sound that traveled straight to my core and made me ache.

“Hm, I don’t know—”

My mouth snapped shut when he shot up from his seat. His wings flared out, causing the wind to stir, and his tail thrashed behind him. The smell of the sea and the darkness of night clung to him as the embodiment of water and the heavens. The sight of him sucked all the air from my lungs.

“Perhaps you need a demonstration,” he growled, his words half a promise and half a threat. They made my pussy tremble and the leaking arousal worse. I wasn’t wearing any underwear, and it made the slickness on my thighs frustratingly apparent.

Mustering up every ounce of courage in my veins, I met his ravaging blue eyes. I exhaled, steeling my resolve for the eruption brimming in the energy between us. “If you can show me what happens between man and wife, I’d be honored. Though if it would please me remains to be seen.”

Calder’s restraint snapped. In the blink of an eye, a massive dark blur of scales, wings, and claws surged across the table. The building tension exploded. A startled yelp escaped me, then massive talon tipped hands latched onto my shoulders.

Before I knew it, he swept the food off the table with one solid arm thick and corded with muscle. Everything went flying away and crashing into the sand. My back hit the driftwood surface, and I found myself staring up at twinkling stars glittering like distant diamonds in the sky. All the breath was knocked from my lungs, but I sucked in immediately when large, powerful hands grabbed my legs.

Those heated palms were larger than my face. It felt like he could easily break me even as his hands smoothed over my skin as delicately as someone holding paper-thin glass. The Water God was so careful despite his imposing size that it made my heart skip.

It didn’t take a lot of teasing for Calder to leap into action. He enjoyed humor and teasing, but he seemed to be a creature that was quick to act. And he wanted me. Our brief back and forth gave him the spark he needed to act on his desires.

Calder’s hands moved over my shins, under the dress, over my knees, and smoothed over my trembling thighs. My head dropped back onto the table as the god bunched the sky-blue fabric around my hips. His eyes fell to the glistening seam between my thighs and a guttural, beastly groan ripped through his chest.

“Are you wet for me, little rabbit?” Calder urged my thighs further apart, hungrily soaking in the sight of my pussy weeping under the light of the moon.

“Yes,” the word dragged past my lips in a wanton breath. I rolled my head forward, quickly noting him leering between my legs. His dark blue tongue swiped out over his blue bottom lip, white teeth flashing dangerously.

The scent of him washed over me—a heady aroma that combined the crisp scent of the sea in winter and the natural musk of a virile male. It drove me wild, and I needed him to be all over me, for his smell to linger on my skin.

I squirmed on the table, wiggling my pussy in his face. His heated breath licked at the inside of my thighs like the kiss of an open flame. It was almost unbearably warm. Then his tongue licked out over my knee, the twin ends leaving a wet trail.

And the ridges on his tongue above the split felt so inexplicable against my skin. The rough drag combined with the warm wetness made my stomach flip and my heart shoot up my throat. A low, breathless moan was dragged from my lips when his tongue finally flicked over my slit.

Encouraged by the scent of my arousal and my glistening sex, a noise of hunger thundered through Calder as he plunged his face between my thighs. He dug his claws nearly painfully into my hips as he jerked my ass up so my pussy met him halfway. My ass hung in the air, cupped in his massive palms as his slithering serpent’s tongue delved into my pulsing cunt.

A sound escaped me—one unlike any noise I’d ever made before. I’d never been licked down there, and now I couldn’t control my volume as the Water God’s tongue lapped along the groove of my pussy and the split ends teased my entrance.

“Fuck!” I whimpered, twisting and writhing.

Calder’s tongue moved with a mind of its own. It was impossibly long and thick thanks to his godly size, and that meant he could fill me near to bursting. The delicious stretching and wriggling of his tongue sinking deeper into my clenching cunt only drove me further into the clouds.

The ridges on his tongue targeted my clit. Each bump as his tongue stroked inside of me elicited another bout of electrifying pleasure through my body. I was so wet, and he was salivating from how badly he wanted to eat me, that it made his tongue drive into me with insane ease. Over and over, the twin ends reached the depths of my cunt and stoked the flames in my belly.

“You taste so good,” he groaned against my pussy, holding me carefully as I quivered in the palms of his hands. His saliva and my juices were weeping out of me with each lap of his tongue, dripping down my ass and onto his hands.

With certainty, I knew I was a demented creature. I was being viscerally ravaged by a dragon—by a god. Against whatever better judgment I’d had before, I’d teased and encouraged him to show me the pleasure he was capable of. And he seemed more than willing to provide it.

Calder’s massive wings spread wide, partially blocking my view of the inky black ocean and the midnight sky. It was easy to believe that we were the only two creatures left in the world floating in a liminal space where we were unbound and free to relish in the bliss of one another.

The fear of his appearance and what he was lingered in the pit of my stomach and the back of my throat. Those claws could shred and flay my skin. His teeth could rip and consume my flesh. Every inch of him radiated with effervescent, formidable power—he was a predator, from his horns to his claws to his wings and even the wicked mouth sucking, licking, and lapping at my pussy.

And that ribbon of fear of the Water God only enhanced everything else. He was powerful, and he was frightening, but he was delectable, and he knew how to use his goddamn mouth to make a woman scream.

Threads of pleasure curled around me, lifting me higher and higher as liquid heat coursed through my core. With my ass in the air, cradled in his hands, my arms flailed around me, scrabbling for purchase on the table with my back arched and dress falling around me like a waterfall.

The coil of heat in my center grew taut, inching closer and closer to the edge of something big, something brighter and wilder than I’d ever felt on my own.

“Ah! Oh, gods!” I cried out, lewd noises flitting past my lips.

Calder withdrew his tongue from my pulsing pussy, roughly sliding the ridged part of his tongue over my clit. The appendage slithered back into his mouth, and he eyed me with vicious mirth.

“Not gods. Just the one, little rabbit. I’m the only god you’ll worship for the rest of eternity.” He massaged my ass, watching as I squirmed before him exactly like a helpless rabbit.

“Please. Please,” I whined from the loss of his tongue and the pleasure he’d ripped away too soon.

“Oh, does my little wife want to come? I was so worried I wouldn’t please her,” he crooned, his sinful voice dripping with wicked intent and sarcasm. The sound of it was an intoxicating concoction rolling through my head and provoking goosebumps that flared over my limbs.

“Please. Please. Please,” I mindlessly chanted.

“I’m working on it, wife.” He licked his tongue between my ass, through my tender folds and up to my buzzing clit. A groan of appreciation grated through him. “You taste so fucking good. Hells, you taste like fresh warm peaches on a summer day. I could eat you for hours.”

The Water God’s tongue plunged into me again. Both ends worked in tandem, twisting and curling against my g-spot as he tongue-fucked me. Once again, those ridges rubbed over my clit, and he growled in the back of his throat. The addition of those snarling vibrations rolled down the length of his tongue and speared my insides with pleasure.

All at once, a blinding, furious maelstrom of pleasure ripped through me. The coil of flame erupted in my belly, and golden bliss cascaded through my insides. My cunt gushed around his lapping tongue, and the dragon god drank me down, swallowing every drop of my release.

Twitches and aftershocks wracked my body, and they were forced to continue as Calder drank me in. He didn’t stop until the pleasure ebbed and the minor spasms slowed. The salacious sight of him drawing his tongue over his lips as he lowered me back onto the table made my face burn.

“No one’s ever done that for me before,” I admitted, half out of breath.

“Good. I’m the only one who gets to eat you, little rabbit. And you taste divine.” High praise coming from a god.

My eyes closed for a moment, right before something hard nudged at my quivering sex. A shiver rolled down my spine from the electric sensation. Eyes flaring open, I spotted an impressive tent pitched beneath Calder’s toga and grinding against my pussy.

He noticed my surprise, and the corner of his mouth kicked up, fangs flashing at me. “You didn’t think I was done with you, did you, wife? Isn’t it customary to consummate the marriage?”

Oh fuck, the dragon was going to break me in half before I saw the sun rise again.

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