I yank the tent shut behind me, crowding Nadia in the small space and pulling the zipper down as promptly as I can.

Fuck staying away. Fuck ignoring her. Fuck everyone. Fuck forgetting what I want. What I need.

I could hear her from my tent next door.

If this woman is a test, I just fucking failed, and I couldn’t care less.

With the flimsy tent shut at my back, I kneel at the base of the sleeping bag, loving what she’s doing to herself underneath there.

I crawl over top of her, and she still doesn’t fucking stop. Up close, I can see the way her eyes have gone glassy with pleasure.

“You do not know what you’re in for, Wildflower.”

“Show me.” Her words are a plea as I reach over her to unzip the sleeping bag and flip it open, proving myself right. One hand shoved up under her shirt, the other stuffed between her wide-open little legs.

My cock was hard before, but the sight of her playing with herself has me straining against my jeans painfully. Something I’ll have to endure for a while longer. Because I don’t plan to make quick work of Nadia Dalca.

No. I’m going to savor this beauty.

I hover over her slender body, letting that sweet rose scent wrap around me like a balm as I straddle her legs. Fisting the hem of her sweatshirt, I yank it up, exposing her soft, round tits and pert nipples.

Just as incredible as I remember.

Her eyes fly open, wide and golden. Sweet like honey. But she doesn’t shy away from the way I’m looking at her.

My wildflower isn’t shy.

I let a blast of my jealousy out from behind the impenetrable wall I’ve created around my inner feelings. “You know what I thought that first night I saw you? Sitting up on that counter, kissing some careless little boy?” Watching her give that asshole even a minute of her attention has been pure fucking torture.

The highlights in her irises flare at the bite in my voice.

“What?” Her voice is thick, her tongue darting out over her bottom lip as she continues palming her breast.

I put my hands on her, starting at where her waist nips in, firm and narrow. Sliding them up, I admire how soft and smooth she looks beneath my sun-worn skin. When I hit her ribs, she shivers, and the hand fondling her breast drops onto my forearm, fingers stroking, urging me higher.

An invitation.

“I thought . . .” My hands hit the lower swell of her breasts, that tempting crease, and I groan. Palms enveloping the heavy flesh, I give her a gentle squeeze and flick my thumbs against her hard nipples, watching her jump beneath me. “I thought you looked too fucking good to be wasting your time with someone like that.”

She sucks in a sharp breath as I lean down, tracing the shape of her jaw with my lips and relishing the texture of the gooseflesh erupting across her tits. “I thought you looked like you needed to be handled by a real man. By me.” I nip at her ear, loving the feel of her fingers tangling in my hair, like she wants to keep me close. “I thought you looked like you were supposed to be mine.

She whimpers and clamps her lips together. How hard she’s trying to play it cool makes me smile.

“It’s okay, Wildflower. You don’t have to say anything. You keep your cards as close as you want.” I kiss her neck slowly, holding back the urge to bite her again and leave my marks all over her bewitching skin. “Your poker face is pretty good. But I know what we both felt that night. And I think I’m about done pretending we didn’t. You can show me your hand when you’re ready.”

Her responding chuckle is raspy and deep as she tugs at my hair. Something I think she likes just as much as I do.

“And what if I’m never ready?” The question is laced with teasing, but also with insecurity.

I rear up above her, letting a playful smile touch my lips, feeling just a tad like my old self gazing down at the beautiful woman beneath me. The wild child. The quarterback. The man who could fuck as well as he threw a ball.

I move down her body, leaving her question hanging between us until I’m able to grip the waistband of her thin leggings. “Then I’ll wait.”

The good humor seeps out of her features. “Don’t say that.”

“Don’t tell me what to say, Nadia.” I yank her leggings down and groan when I realize there are no panties between her pussy and me. Just bare, pink perfection staring back. “That’s not the game we’re playing right now.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She licks her lips nervously, eyes never leaving my face. “What game are we playing?”

I drop her gaze again, pressing a thumb against the seam of her, dragging the slippery wetness up over the hard bud, making her hips buck up into my hand.

So responsive.

“We’re playing the game where I fuck your tight little cunt like I’ve dreamt about since the first time I laid eyes on you. We’re not making love. I’m not being gentle. We’re fucking. And you’re going to take it like the good girl you are.”

Her eyes light as she whispers, “Yes.”

What I don’t add is tonight.

Tonight, that’s all we’re doing. I’ll stay in familiar territory for us both because that’s all she can handle right now. I can tell by the panicked look she gave me when I told her I’d wait.

God knows I have no clue what I’m doing beyond meaningless fucking, but I’m going to try. I’m crossing off that goddamn bucket list of hers if it’s the last thing I do.

I run my thumb through her wetness again. Watching her squirm. Feeling my dick pulse. And I realize that even just simple fucking with Nadia won’t be meaningless. It can’t be.

“Do it.” Her eyes dance now. I see them twinkling with excitement in the soft glow of the tent.

“Do what? Why don’t you tell me what you want?” I swipe up and press down on her clit, making her moan.

Right before she says . . .

“Make me take it like the good girl I am.”

With that, I scramble back and rip at her leggings, wanting to see her smooth, bare thighs spread wide for me. Once they’ve cleared her ankles, I sit back on my heels to appreciate the view. Pale pink sweatshirt pushed above her collarbones, round globes and hard nipples highlighted by the glow of the fire outside. The flare of her hips that leads down into toned limbs.

“Spread your legs. Wide. Let me see it.”

She does it instantly, and I groan at how willing she is. How confident. It’s my undoing.

“Now fuck those fingers, just like you were when I came in here.”

“Like this?” she asks, batting her eyelashes and sounding far more innocent than she is.

And fuck her fingers she does. Two of them glide in and come back out glistening with her wetness. Fuck.

I reach over my shoulder and pull my shirt off before standing crouched over in the small space to do away with my pants and boxers. Then I’m hovering over her body, spread out for me like a fucking feast. One of her hands plays with her tits while the other pumps slowly between her legs, her hips tipping up as she grinds against it.

When I drop to my knees between her legs, she whimpers, and I catch the flash of her white teeth biting into her puffy bottom lip.

“Touch me.” Her eyes glow with arousal.

I chuckle and roughly fist my cock, jerking it in her direction like I’ve been dreaming of for the past several weeks. “I don’t think I will. That’s not the game, remember?” My palm slides over the length of my shaft, and I let my gaze trail down her firm body until it lands on her pussy again. The way it’s stretching around her two fingers as they glide in and out.

“Add a finger.”

Her eyes flutter shut, a stuttered moan erupting from her lips as she obediently adds a third finger, stretching herself so eagerly. My cock swells in my hand as her hips swivel to accommodate the fullness.

“Oh goddamn. That a girl.” My voice is a raspy growl, still acutely aware that we need to keep it down in here. “How do you feel?”

She whimpers, voice thick. “Full.”

I’m certain I’ve never been harder in my life. My cock aches and wetness glistens on my crown. If I don’t tear my eyes away from Nadia riding her fingers for me, I’m going to blow all over her right here and now.

“That’s it. Lose the fucking sweater.”

She makes a quiet whining sound as she tears her hands away to pull the sweater over her head, but before she can even finish, I dive and run my tongue through her soaked core. Just once.

“Oh, God!” She curses as she chucks the shirt across the tent and then pushes up on her elbows to stare down at me.

“Do you have any idea how delicious you are, Wildflower?” I can’t stop my eyes from roaming her bare body as I kneel above her. “How delicious?”

She opens her legs even wider, breasts heaving. I love how bold she is. How unashamed.

“Greedy girl.”

“I am.”

Her pussy glistens before me. “You’re fucking soaked. And you taste like candy.”

Her fingers curl into the sleeping bag beneath her, the sound of her nails sliding across the nylon loud in the otherwise quiet tent. The corners of her heart-shaped lips tip up as she smirks in my direction and shrugs lightly. “I could be wetter.”


I run my tongue over my teeth, lower my head, and then spit on her already slick pussy.

“Fuck.” She gasps as I shove one finger into her roughly.

“Is that better for you?” I add a second finger and her silky heat clenches, wrapping around them.

“Yes!” Her legs tremble under the strain of holding them open so wide. I add a third finger and feel her pulse, working to fit me in.

I pump into her and smile. “I’m going to be so fucking good to you, Wildflower.”

“You better,” she says breathlessly, a shadow of emotion flitting across her face.

And with that plea, I throw one of her legs over my shoulder and make myself comfortable between her legs, watching my fingers disappear into her body, setting a leisurely pace.

“First you come in my mouth. Then you come on my cock.”

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