“Before I begin,” Thomas said, “let me make it clear I am speaking to you as a penitent believer, laying bare my soul to a Father Confessor. I pray that you will forgive those sins I have committed and, should I commit more sins during this disclosure, that you will forgive them also.”

“Thomas, I am, also, only a man,” Tim said in his best priestly voice. “I have no ability to forgive sins. Only God can do that, but the Bible is clear on this issue. In the book of 1 John we find the Apostle stating, ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.’ Rest easy on this and please continue..”

Thomas looked at Tim for some time before responding. “In the short time you’ve been here you have quoted more Scripture to me than our regular bishop has in the past ten years. He’s always quoting from the Church’s Book of Religious Rules and seems to have no time for the Bible.”

When Tim made no response to this Thomas went on, “Some things have been bothering me for a long time. Recently, though, it has been getting even worse. This may take some time, as I have many things that have been bothering my conscience. My story will have to begin with things as they were years ago if it is to make any sense.”

“Take as long as you need, Thomas. We have known for some time that certain things needed to be corrected. We need help from those of you on the front lines of our battle with evil to help us correct these problems. That’s why I’m here.”

Thomas sat back, closed his eyes and began to speak in a soft voice filled with emotion. “Though you out rank me in the Church hierarchy, I am much older than you. I come from a family with a history of longevity. My father died at age ninety eight while my mother lived a healthy, active life until the age of one hundred three.

“I am old enough to remember when Donald Degan was elected President! I can still remember what our society was like in the middle of the last century. Back then our schools taught real history, not the crap they put into children’s heads these days.

“You’ll have to forgive my sin of anger when I think of what the current Church leaders have done to our Country. If I had been more outspoken years ago, it might have helped. Then too, it might have just gotten me put away in some dungeon.

“Back to my story; Before President Degan people in this Country could believe, or not believe, anything they wanted to, as long as it didn’t interfere with others. The Conservative Universal Church, of which President Degan was a high ranking member, had gained a substantial following. The Country was divided between those who were strong members of the Church, and those who thought the Church was too radical.

“Church members didn’t like to be called ‘radical.’ They preferred ‘conservative.’ The Church was very good at getting their members to vote in every election, while many of the rest of the population were very apathetic in their political activities. This allowed the Church to take over all the leading positions of power before most people knew what was happening.

“Once the Church was in full control, they passed laws making it illegal to not be a member of the Church! They even managed to amend the Constitution to make the Church the official religion of the Country. Anyone who was not a professing member of the Church could be arrested, fined and ostracized from society. Employers were prohibited from hiring anyone who was not a member of the Church.

“I had become a member of the Church while in my teens. I became very involved and was thoroughly indoctrinated. I really believed everything the Church was teaching. This led me into the ministry. By the time I was twenty-five I was serving as an associate in a rather large congregation. I had been marked as a rising star. Everyone thought I was destined for great things.

“As I matured, I began to feel things were not as they should be in the Church. At first it was little things; a lack of concern for the homeless; failure to provide for the poor; things that could be easily overlooked or explained away by saying we didn’t have time for every little detail of life. We said we were concerned only with one major item -- the eternal salvation of peoples’ souls.

“As the Church gained in power, we began demanding more and more of the people’s time and money. The Biblical doctrine of a tithe was not considered enough. We started requesting, then demanding, more. Every couple of years the percentage required to remain in good standing in the Church increased.

“Since a substantial number of people were not donating the full requirement voluntarily, we convinced the Government to make support of the Church compulsory with substantial penalties for failure to comply. When even this didn’t generate enough to satisfy the leaders of the Church, they came up with the present system of automatic deductions each time you come through the church doors.

“By this time I had attained my present position. I have been here for many years. I have been blocked from further advancement because several times I made my complaints known to the Archbishop. I guess I am lucky that he didn’t simply have me disappear. I have heard of that happening to some others who feel the same way I do.

“During all this time, I have tried my best to fulfill all of my ministerial duties. The Church leaders have tried, but they can find no cause to remove me from this position.

“All the while I have continued to study the Bible. I have also, quite contrary to Church rules, studied the writings of earlier Church leaders. Behind you,” here Thomas touched a button on the side of his desk and pointed to the wall behind Tim. “I have books from such Church leaders as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Tertulian, Augustine, Martin Luther, John Wesley, John Calvin, and many others.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Tim turned to look. The books he had briefly seen when he first walked into Thomas’ office were once again visible. It was clear that Thomas had built a secure hiding place for these treasures.

“In my studies I have been shocked by the similarities of the Church in the early second millennium to the Church of today. That time is referred to by Church historians as ‘The Inquisition.’ It was looked upon as the most shameful period in Church history. And here we are repeating it!”

“When the Church first gained full control, they retaliated against their detractors by marginalizing them in society. Part of this, as I mentioned before, was by making it difficult, if not impossible, for them to find a job.

“In recent times, as I am sure you are aware, this repression has resulted in extreme measures. Anyone suspected of not following the Church teachings to the letter can be hauled before the Archbishop and accused of being a heretic. Those thus accused lose all their rights, money, property, and all too often, their life.

“I don’t know if it is true throughout the country or not, but our local bishop, the one I must deal with regularly, has established a quota system for the apprehension of heretics! Each local priest must present a prescribed number of accused to the Archbishop each month. These must come from within their own Parrish. No poaching on a neighbor’s territory! When this first started I asked why this had suddenly become so important. He laughed and said, ‘the Church needs the money and property.’ I was afraid to inquire further.

“At first he set a fairly low number; maybe one or two per month. The last few months he has required at least fifteen. And he has also said, ‘the richer the better.’ All this misery, just to satisfy the greed of the Bishop, the Archbishop, and the Church. They seem to have no concern for the future. All they can think of is grabbing as much money and property as they can as fast as they can.

“I have heard that occasionally a bishop can be punished by the Church by removing their authority and sending them to live in a monastery. If any bishop ever deserved such punishment he certainly does.”

“It does happen sometimes, Thomas. The punishment also includes the enforcement of a vow of silence for seven years.” He did not add that the only time this punishment was enforced was when the bishop did not provide enough ‘heretics’ to satisfy the desires of the Archbishop.

“You may recall, Bishop, I told you at dinner last night that I was concerned about the increase in poverty in our area. That increase is due entirely to the number of people accused of heresy! Every time someone is accused of heresy it throws their entire family into poverty. The Church confiscates all their assets and turns the family out onto the streets. Most survive only because a few people are willing to take a chance and provide them something to eat. Anyone caught helping like that will most likely be accused of heresy themselves.

“Most of those accused of heresy will confess right away, even though they have actually done nothing wrong. They are so afraid of the Archbishop and what he threatens they find it easier to tell a lie and confess, than hold to the truth and proclaim their innocence. Those who refuse to confess are tortured beyond imagination.

“Even having lived through it, it is still hard for me to believe all these things I have told you about have happened within my lifetime.

“I have unburdened my soul to you. Do whatever you must in keeping with your position in the Church. Whatever punishment is in store for me, I am ready. I can no longer stay quiet and participate in these unjust and unchristian actions. I have long considered resigning my position as priest, or entering into a monastery. I have the blood of too many innocent people on my hands as it is. I cannot continue like this.” With this he put his head on his desk and burst out sobbing.

While Thomas talking Tim was amazed at how much this story conformed to what he had been taught by those in Son City. The broad outline was the same, only the specifics differed and those differences confirmed, rather than refuted, the truthfulness of the information

Reflecting on this Tim walked over and put a hand gently on the shoulder of the sobbing priest. “I know you feel terribly alone. You are not the only one to feel as you do. I have talked to others who have given me a story very similar to yours” Ron, Dennis, Claude and ‘A’.’ he thought. “Remember, God works in mysterious ways. Always look to Him for strength in the time of your trials.”

Searching for additional comforting words, Tim stepped behind the seated priest. As he did the cross pendant hanging around his neck began to vibrate against the skin of his chest. Startled he looked around. Beside the curtain hiding the door to Thomas’ private living quarters was a simple blank wall. He stepped away from the wall and the vibrating stopped. Moving back toward the wall the vibration increased. Could it be possible that there was a portal to Son City right here in the priest’s office?

Regaining his composure, Tim again faced Thomas. “This Sunday I will conduct Services in your church. These next two days we can get to know each other better. I will do my best to help you decide what is best for you.”

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