A Future History of the United States
A Modern History Lesson

The next few days were a whirlwind of activity for Tim, with special services being held at all fifteen churches within the city. In order to squeeze them all in, there were two days he found it necessary to conduct three services, one at 9:00 A.M., one at 1:00 P.M. and one at 7:00 P.M.

Several times disturbances arose during these meetings. In each case the offending parties were brought to the front of the church and the situation was handled as Ron had instructed. In one of the incidents, the individual was still shouting when he was dragged before Tim.

As soon as his captors released him, he threw a good sized rock at Tim, missing his head by a matter of inches. Even in this case Tim’s demeanor appeared unruffled as he followed his usual questioning and release of the offender.

The effect on the crowd was one of absolute disbelief. For someone to openly insult, and even attempt to injure, an Archbishop was something that normally brought swift and severe punishment; usually resulting in execution by burning at the stake within the hour. For this new Archbishop to release such a person, and actually say, “I do not condemn you,” was beyond comprehension.

It was Saturday evening when Tim returned to the Archbishop’s compound. By then word had spread throughout the city that this new Archbishop did, indeed, seem to be different than any within memory. For at least the past thirty years, each new Archbishop seemed intent in outdoing his predecessor in producing fear of punishment from the Church. In addition to this the word on the street was that it was dangerous to be an Archbishop. Few of them survived more than 5 years. While the official cause of death was always “health problems” several had died under very suspicious circumstances.

As soon as he could, Tim made his way to Mark’s office, hoping to be filled in on the local happenings while he had been touring the city. Sitting at Mark’s desk was a man he had seen in Son City but had never been introduced to. Ron was also present.

“The prodigal returns!” Ron greeted him. “Meet Stephen, your new secretary. Mark accepted the appointment as priest at St. John’s. He is already at the church preparing for tomorrow’s services.

“Come on in and sit down. We will be having a meeting with your bishops tomorrow afternoon. There are a lot of things you need to know before then.”

Tim stood in shocked silence for a few moments. He knew a meeting with the bishops was planned, but he thought it would take at least two weeks for them to assemble. After all, some were as far away as Little Rock, Arkansas, while others might even be in some other Archbishop’s territory. Just getting messages to them would take days, if not weeks.

Finally Ron spoke up again, in a gentle voice he said, “I don’t like to repeat myself, so just come on in and sit down.”

Between the fatigue brought on by the hectic week, and the shock of being informed the bishop’s meeting was less than twenty-four hours away, Tim was dazed. Slowly he walked over to one of the cushioned chairs and collapsed. “I hope I can stay awake for your lecture,” he said in a tired voice.

“Once you see where this is going I think your adrenaline will kick in. You’ll have more trouble sleeping tonight than you will staying awake for the next couple of hours,” Ron stated. “First, we need to go over some history.”

“I’ve had enough history to last a lifetime from Claude, Dennis, and others after you first pulled me into this mess,” Tim interrupted, rather petulantly.

Unfazed, Ron continued, “Most of that we might call ancient history. What we need now is recent history. Some so recent, you might almost call it current events.

“I know you have been quite impressed with what you have seen of Son City.” When it seemed as if Tim were about to say something Ron continued hurriedly. “Please don’t interrupt me. This will take long enough without me explaining things as we go. There will be plenty of chance for you to ask questions after I finish.

“What you have seen of our operations is a very small part. You might compare it to exploring the area within three kilometers of the Cathedral. There is a lot there, but even more further away. Son City is much like that.

“Several times you have asked questions about our operation. I have told you I would give you the answer when the time was right. That time is now.

“This all began back in the middle of the 20th century. Due to tensions between major world powers, it seemed a war utilizing atomic weapons was likely. Governments in several parts of the world developed bunker systems to protect high ranking officials if such a war occurred. I know we told you a little about that in some of your early instruction.

“Even after the threat was over, those bunker systems were maintained, some of them as tourist attractions; some as hideaways for the super rich. As technology improved, the systems for servicing these bunkers were upgraded regularly. Eventually they became entirely self sufficient.

“During the early part of the twenty-first century most people forgot about these bunkers. When Degan was elected President a few historians, scientists, and technicians recognized the direction the country was headed, and took refuge in the bunkers then available.

“As things on the surface deteriorated, and persecution of the intellectual class began, these leaders were able to recruit additional members into their group. In many cases, entire families were moved into the underground system.

“When the Church moved to eliminate scientists, technicians and intellectuals from society, we were recruiting that same group. This concentration of brain power allowed rapid advancement in many areas. Since the rest of the world was also in turmoil so there was no other safe place for these people to go this made our recruiting job easier.

“You have experienced transportation by small pneumatic tube capsules. We have many tubes with capsules capable of holding up to 300 people at a time. Similar improvements were made in energy and food production.

“We have small nuclear reactors capable of producing enough power to restore rapid surface transportation to the entire country. These reactors also break down water into hydrogen and oxygen for use as fuel.

“While we have all these things in our system, we do not have the manpower for a violent overthrow of the current government. Even if we did, we would not use it that way. We do not want the people to feel we have gained control by force of arms.

“You were told before that we have been working for years to place people in key positions within the Church. These people are all truly devout Christians. Every one of them would be willing to lay down their life for the sake of Christ if it would further God’s Kingdom on earth.

“We are not, however, Christians in the way the Church currently teaches. We are Christians as the Bible teaches.

“It has been said that they who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Most people of today either have forgotten, or never learned, history.

“Early in the second millennium, the Church was so dominant it began to enforce adherence to its teaching through what was later called ‘The Inquisition’. Anyone deviating from the official doctrine was accused of being a heretic. They were tortured, imprisoned, had their property confiscated by the Church, and in some cases burned at the stake. Today’s society is almost an exact repetition of that time!

“The first Inquisition was brought to an end primarily through technology. The development of the printing press made copies of the Bible readily available to the general population in their own language. This made it possible for them to read the Word of God for themselves and see that what the Church was doing was not in keeping with God’s design.

“Other improvements in technology, along with new discoveries or rediscoveries in science, helped to bring that dark chapter of human history to an end. As part of this process, the old documents that had been maintained by monks in their libraries aided greatly.

“In today’s world, simply restoring technology would not be sufficient to overcome the oppression of the Church. The best way to reform the Church is from within. That is why you are so important.”

Up to this point Tim had been listening with obvious boredom. His face lit up with Ron’s last words.

Noting this, Ron continued, “As I said earlier, we have been able to place many people in high ranking positions within the Church. The one position we have been unable to touch is that of Prelate.

“You may be aware that the Prelate’s headquarters is in a building known as the ‘White House’ at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. For many years it was the official residence of the President of the United States. As such, with the threats of violence against the President, it was highly fortified and carefully protected by the best technology available.

“One of those defenses was the installation of instruments to detect any attempt to tunnel under the property. Because of this, we have been unable to install any portals in the building.

“Another was control of admission to the facility by DNA analysis. Anyone wishing to gain admittance has to place their hand into a device that reads the genetic code of that individual. If their DNA is not recognized by the system, the device locks down on their hand making it impossible for them to move until guards come and release them. If they have not been invited by the Prelate on official business, they are executed immediately!

“Each Prelate for the past thirty years has hand picked his successor whose DNA profile was entered into the system. In the last two cases it has been suspected that the successor had a hand in the demise of his predecessor. They would also select a few highly trusted individuals whose DNA would be recognized by the system.

“This machine is considered so foolproof that there are not even any guards close by to monitor it. When someone gets their hand stuck, it triggers an alarm in the police station about four blocks away so an officer can go check things out. This system is considered so secure that no guards are allowed inside the fence surrounding the house. This is due to the fear they may become part of a conspiracy against the Prelate.

“The Prelate meets his very infrequent visitors in a room called the ‘Oval Office.’ This room and the Prelate’s living quarter are protected by additional DNA verification machines. There is one major difference. Any unauthorized person sticking their hand in either of these machines doesn’t have to worry about waiting for a guard to release them. They are immediately injected with a fast acting poison. An automated system removes the body.

“The present Prelate, even though he has been in this position for four years, has thus far declined to appoint anyone as his successor. We are sure this is because he fears anyone he selects will not be able to resist the temptation to take his place.

“He has also changed the system so only his DNA profile will automatically allow access. Everyone else, even those officially invited, must wait for the guards to release their hand and permit them to pass into the controlled area. At least that was the way it was until eighteen months ago.

“He has allowed no one, not even me or my fellow Bishop Extraordinaire, inside the White House compound in the last year and one half. He has communications equipment somewhat like what we in Son City use, to let us know what his latest orders are.

“When the Archbishops remind him that Church rules demand he select a successor, his answer is, ‘The Church rules are whatever I determine them to be. No one will be appointed until I am quite aged.’

“With these security procedures in place, he feels quite safe in his hideout. If I had to go to those extremes for safety, I would feel like I was in prison! However, he sits there in his office issuing orders to detain more and more ‘heretics,’ confiscate more and more property, and send more and more money to him. He has not the least concern about what God teaches, or what God wants done in the world.

“Yes, he sits there. No one can intrude on him. He is absolutely safe. No one can get through his defenses. At least, that’s what he thinks!

“And that, Tim, is where you come in. That is why you are so important to the success of this mission to return true Christianity and Democracy to this Country!” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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