It's been two days since Ben and Ethan shifted and I talked to my father, Alexander. It was a very eventful day. Zeno had been tailing me like mad from then. Yesterday I found him hiding in the tree line near my house. Mom was super mad but she let it slide because he very innocently said that he wanted to see me and I was running away from him which I was but I denied the accusations. Now, as a result, I am stuck with Zeno sitting beside me on the back porch, gawking at me like a creep. The most shock came from Alex. He didn't bring up the old things. I could see it on his face that it hurt him to even think about the past. He just asked me if we could start over and I agreed. He was suffering too and unlike me, he didn't have an amazing family to back him up. Apparently the Knights didn’t know where he was till Cassidy dragged him back to Greycoast. They met at the airport. Greyson had brought up them up with him. He was all alone all this time. No wonder he looked like that. We are making progress now.

“Aria your mom is looking for you.” Lucas called from the back yard doors.

I nodded and got up to go inside. Mom had been resting all day yesterday to gain her strength back and today we are having a meeting under the name of a party in our house. Zeno tailed behind me without saying anything or making any noise. The house will be filled with newly mated couples soon. I cringed imagining the sight.

“Mom you were looking for me?” I asked as I reached the kitchen to find mom going berserk in there.

“I need help with the cake. Kick your boyfriend out. We don’t want the repeat of what happened earlier.” She said looking pointedly at me as Beth, Ben and Ethan laughed.

“He is not my boyfriend.” I snapped but nobody paid attention to that.

“The knife would have hurt her. I had to dispose it off.” Zeno said from behind me.

Yup! The stupid one tried to kill a knife because I cut my finger while chopping the vegetables and then proceeded to dump all the other knives in the kitchen in the trash. That's how mom caught him and kicked the both of us out of the kitchen. I mean what the hell did I do?

“You heard her. Go help the others.” I told Zeno. He opened his mouth to protest but I cut him off. “I will kick you in the nuts if you won't get moving.”

He clutched his jewels protectively and scampered away. I see he hasn't forgotten that. I had kicked him in the nuts the day before yesterday because he tried to kiss me at the meeting house. Like I would let him get that close to me. He hadn't tried to approach me intimately since then and keeps on looking creepily from afar.

I started with the cake as the guest were due in an hour. Cassidy was looking after the setup of everything and the other boys were working on her command. She seemed to enjoy that very much. Greyson and the Knights were nowhere to be found. Mom said that they were running an errand. But everything was already almost done. What are they up to? Maybe I am just thinking too much into it. They really must be running some errand.

In the hour, I was done with the cake and mom had started putting the food on the table but I had started to notice something odd. Mom looked a little tense and so did dad. Cassidy was as bubbly as ever. If Cassidy is bouncing all over the place that means everything is fine. Mom must be stressed about the preparations.

Just as I was putting the last cherry on the cake, the doorbell rang and mom dashed to open the door. I washed my hands and made my way upstairs to get freshened up. I saw Zeno on the way glaring murderously at Lucas. It's a recent development since Lucas shifted and Faye, Zeno's sister turned out to be his mate. What a scene it was? Zeno only backed down when Ben and Ethan declared that they wouldn't let him near me if he wouldn't stop trying to hit Lucas.

I quickly washed up and changed into a simple dress. I came downstairs to find a very frantic Zeno looking everywhere for me. He crushed me into his muscled body... I mean not so desirable body as soon as his eyes fell on me.

“Let go dude.” I grumbled trying to push him away but he just tightened his grip and buried his face in the crook of my neck.

I could hear a couple giggles and a few displeasured sounds in the background. Not having any other resort, I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and he immediately let go, clutching his jewels. The majority of the male population in the house groaned or winced as I looked pointedly at the idiot moaning in pain.

“I told you not to touch me or I will hit you, didn't I?”

"Why the hell do you keep attacking my sensitive parts? Don't you want kids?” Zeno said groaning. His eyes were watering. Did I hit him too hard?

“I do want kids.” I said innocently. “A house full of them.” Zeno's eyes shined a little. “But me having kids has nothing to do with you.”

I smirked as the triumph on his face fell. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"What do you mean?” he growled.

“Just what I said. Don't touch me from now on.”

With that being said, I dashed up the stairs as I felt the atmosphere change in the room. Better get out of here before I get attacked. I could feel the anger radiating from Zeno in waves. I was about to lock my room's door when the door opened with a bang and I fell on my butt due to being pushed off balance.

A very angry Zeno stood in my doorway with his eyes swirling with gold. It felt like Ajax and Zeno were both partially in control. This is not good. I scooted backwards as he locked the door.

Holly goddess of the Caribbean island! I think I went too far this time. I need help.

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