A Girl Adopted by Wolves
Chapter 28- Amara

Aaron and I are walking towards the cafeteria right now. Its lunch already. He told me that the shifters were in shock yesterday, that's why they reacted that way. They almost lost one of their member and the presence of another alpha scared them. It was too much to take in for them at the moment. Listening about something and seeing it with your own eyes are totally different things. When they got out of that state, they all felt really bad for how they treated me, according to Aaron. But they still want to keep their distance as they don't want the involvement of another alpha in the pack. Asher was vexed. He wanted to come after me, but Leo ordered him not to.

We entered cafeteria and went towards our usual table. Alex glared at Aaron. Got to take care of that.

"Why didn't you come to school yesterday?" Elena asked.

"I was out of town. Aaron told you right?" I replied.

"Yeah. Are you alright? You look tired.” I am actually feeling exhausted. "Just tired from all the traveling." She actually bought that lie. Victory. Oliver and Natalie are acting normal. Maybe Alex told them about yesterday's incident. We ate, making small talks from time to time. Lunch went by quickly. Everyone went to their respective classes.

The end bell rang finally. Aaron and I stuffed our belongings in our bags. I really want to sleep right now. I don't mind even if it's the floor I am using. I am really struggling to keep my eyes open. Aaron dragged me out and I mean he literally dragged me out. We met Oliver and Natalie on the way to the parking lot. I climbed on Oliver's back and closed my eyes. Aaron is carrying my bag. I should ask Ryder to pick me up. I am really drained, I don't know why.

"Are you alright Amy?" Oliver asked as we reached near their cars. "Just feeling really tired.” I mumbled.

"I think we should take her home. She doesn't look good. I don't think she can walk back to her place.” Natalie said.

A warm hand touched my forehead.

"She doesn't have fever though.” I heard Aaron say.

I didn't open my eyes. I feel drained. I heard a sound of bike in the background.

"What happened to her?" A guy asked Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

That voice is familiar. His voice is really good. I like it.

"Amy.", the same person said. I really love his voice.

I slid off Oliver's back and opened my eyes. Okay now I am seeing things. I rubbed my eyes, but he was still standing there. I am in a dire need of hibernation. I am seeing things now. Phenomenal isn't it. I frowned.

"I should get back home. I am beat and I am seeing things. I should go sleep.” I said looking at the others.

"Amy who is that?" Elena asked.

"Who is who?" I asked confused.

"That guy behind you." My eyes widened. He really is here. I turned around facing Asher.

"What are you doing here?" I asked glaring at him. I am still mad at him. I know I shouldn't be but I am, so deal with it. He is looking really hot though. He is wearing black T-shirt, washed jeans with a red leather jacket. Leather jackets really suits him. WHAT? Stop right there. Get a grip Amy.

"We should get going." I heard Aaron say," Come on guys." he said to others. Traitor. They all left me alone with him. School is also empty by now. Great.

"I came to see you. Don't be mad at me please." He said mapping my expressions.

"Didn't Leo order you not to come near me?" I snapped. By now I was wide awake but still tired.

"He has no rights to keep me away from you." He said coming near me and stood right in front of me. This proximity between us is starting to get over my senses. My heart started to beat really fast.

"What do you want?" I asked but the force behind the words was lost. He is too close. I moved back a little, but he pulled me towards him.

"I am sorry. Please don't be angry with me.", he said resting his forehead on mine and closed his eyes.

He is leaning down as I am 5'3" and he is at least 6'2". He looks like he is in pain. Why is this affecting me so much? I tried to move away. But he held my face with his left palm and my waist with his right hand pulling me closer. I gasped

"I missed you so much. I love you Amy." he said, his eyes still closed. My eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Did he just say he loves me? But we just met. He tilted his head and pressed his lips lightly to mine. My eyes closed on their own. His lips are so soft. He started moving his lips. His grip tightened on me. I don't know when I started kissing him back. My hands got the brain of their own and they ended up snaked around his neck. I buried my fingers in his hairs, tugging at them. He groaned. He kissed me slowly and passionately. I forgot everything that happened yesterday. We pulled off for a much needed breath. He pecked me and smiled. Heat crawled up my neck and face. I looked down with embarrassment. I must be resembling a ripe tomato. Did I just kiss him? He laughed and hugged me, resting his cheek on the top of my head.

"You have no idea how hard it is to stay away from you. I will always stay by your side even if they kick me out of the pack.” He declared.

I looked up towards him. He smiled at me.

"You don't have to leave your pack for me. If you have to choose, please choose them. I don't want to separate you from your pack.” I said horrified. A wolf needs his pack to survive and I am not taking that away from him.

"Don't worry about it, they won't kick me out. You are my mate. They have no right to keep you away from me. It's against the pack rules anyways. Leo is just scared, that there is someone more dominant and powerful than him out there. Alphas don't usually tolerate such things. He will come around soon.” He admitted.

"How are you so sure?” I asked.

"We know each other since diapers. I know how his mind works." He said smugly.

I hummed in response.

"Let's go home. I called the diner yesterday morning to tell them that you are not coming this week.” What? Is he for real? I need to earn to survive you dumbass.

"How do you know where I work?" I asked frowning at him.

"Aaron told me." He said shrugging.


He swung his leg on the bike.

"Hop on." He said grinning.

"How are we supposed to go to my cabin on a bike?" I asked. Is he kidding me or has he completely lost his mind?

"We can't.” He said grinning widely. “We are going to my house.” "Why? Your pack won't like it." I said perplexed. I don't want to put him in a difficult position.

"Our pack." he corrected "They can deal with it. Come on. Let's go."

I sat on his bike and he zoomed off. I told Papa in the mind link about where I am heading. I held him tightly around his waist. He is going too fast. I hope I don't end up flying off of my seat.

"Slow down please. I really value my life." I shouted over the wind and the sound of the bike.

He laughed but slowed down. I rested my head on his back watching the trees passing beside us.

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