Seeing my mate sitting on the bed with those horrible bruises on her neck because of me makes me hate and feel disgus for myself

But at the same time my wolf howls with happiness to have her here, wearing my clothes, next to me, in bed, looking at n with concern.

She cares for us.

She cries with happiness Mack.

My mind works a mile a minute thinking about how to start telling her all about my pack, about me. In the end I decide tc tell him briefly about my childhood, which was quite normal.

1 am the son of two Omegas who were gourds. My father’s name was Jules and my mother’s name was Samantha. I was their only son. So we were a small but happy family, we lived in a house in the centre of the pack, and we were under the orders of Alpha Prometheus his mate and his only son, the last descendants of the McDonner clan. The McDonner dynast had ruled Golden Moon for almost 500 years, but as time passed due to vampires and rouge attacks the family dwindled until only our Alpha and his son remained. I had been with him for some years, when I was ten he was already eighteen. And for as long as I can remember he was always overbearing and full of self-confidence. He thought that because he wa: the next Alpha he had the right to take whatever he wanted and to hell with the consequences.

I clenched my jaw in annoyance as I remembered the useless people who ruled us for so long.

“When I turned 18 I had my first transformation as did many others in the pack. Including the Beta’s daughter.

My throat goes dry and I have to pass saliva to continue. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Her name was Ana, and she was incredibly pretty, like a collector's doll, not very tall. She had amber hair with chocolate highlights, and beautiful honey eyes. Her skin was brown and she always smiled at everyone. On the day of our transformation we realised that we were mates. And we couldn't have been happier about it. 1 was dying with pride. I had the prettiest girl in the pack by my side and she had feelings for me too. Our families took it very well. Instead of rejectin me, her parents accepted me as their partner and opened their arms to me. The only ones who didn't agree with the unic were the Alpha, her mate, and his son Perseus. He was an idiot who was used to all the girls dying for him, and he was always after Ana, but she always and every time rejected him.

The image of Ana smiling at me crosses my mind and makes me smile wistfully.

“Months after we proclaimed ourselves mates, there was a vampire attack, where many, many people died, almost more than half the pack. Among the victims were my parents, and hers. We both suffered a lot because of it. We were still too young and needed our family by our side. While we were all mourning our losses, the Alpha's family was furious, shouting at us that we were useless, that because of us they had attacked and killed so many, that if we had followed orders nothi would have happened. Obviously nobody took it well, since the only one who had come out to fight by our side had been the Alpha, his mate and his son had stayed in the mansion in hiding. They panicked, if it hadn't been for the fact that another pack had come to help us, their whole lineage would have disappeared. The Alpha couldn't think of a better idea than to start pressuring his son to claim a female as his mate so he could have offspring and secure his lineage, I guess y can begin to imagine who Perseus wanted at his side.

I tell him with acid in my mouth, remembering that damned wretch.

“Her parents were thrilled with the idea, since there was no female in the herd with a lineage as pure as hers. The truth is think the families always dreamed of pairing them at some point, but that all changed when I came along. They conspire for weeks to separate us, tried to convince her that I didn’t love her and that I was cheating on her, that she would be better off with Perseus, a male of her stature who could protect her. When they realised that words didn't convince Ana they changed their strategy, they started sending me as a border guard to the farthest points, forcing me to leave her alo for many hours, I guess they were waiting for someone to kill me, which almost happened.

-One night during my patrol I could see how four bloodsuckers attacked a girl of no more than ten years old, I didn't thin twice before leaving my post to save her, I killed them without remorse, but the fight took its toll on me, and there I was, bleeding to death little by little, when the same girl I had saved saw me directly with her violet eyes, then I realised that she was a little witch, she thanked me for saving her and for doing so I saved mine. Don't ask me how she did it, but I on know that she cast a very powerful spell, one that I didn't even know existed and transformed me into Alpha.

I saw how Rae opened her eyes wide and started coughing like crazy, I hurried to give her more water, and once she was calmer I continued with the story.

“The thing is that I was very weak from everything and I fainted. When I woke up I had no idea how much time had passec but I guessed it was a long time. Tired and hungry I went back to my house to rest, on the way I found that there was an assembly in the centre, so I hopelessly dragged myself in that direction, imagine my surprise when I saw how the Alphas were giving a speech about how I was a traitor and that I had abandoned my pack because in reality I was the one who h: been helping the bloodsuckers all that time and therefore the one responsible for the attack. They claimed that one of m mates had seen me chatting with the vampires plotting against everyone and that he attacked us, killing my “allies’ and leaving me badly wounded and then running off to tell the truth.

A dry chuckle escapes my lips as I remember all the bloody lies against me.

-But that wasn't the worst of it, they also claimed that Ana wasn't my mate like everyone thought, that I had threatened h life all that time so that she would be with me. That I killed her parents so that I could keep her, because she was the rea mate of their son, Perseus, and that I had stolen her from them. They ordered everyone that if anyone saw me they shoul attack me and then take me to them for justice, but the truth is that most of them didn't believe what they said, they all knew me and my family, they had seen me being completely happy with Ana and never looking for more than what I had, but even so no one dared to contradict them. I escaped from the place and hid, then I looked for my best friend of all my life, Noel, and I told him the whole truth, he believed me and helped me to hide.

“The herd slowly fell apart, there was no money, no jobs, much less food, no one felt safe, there was a lot of crime among us and there was no justice, the streets were no longer safe for children to play, and there was a curfew, Noel and I starte talking to people, everyone was tired of the way we were living and how the Alphas were not doing anything to stop it. Yo could say we started a revolution. I was going crazy, as they had taken Ana to live with them in their mansion, and my wol was howling for her mate. In all that time I told no one but Noel that I no longer had the blood of an Omega but that of a Alpha. And so we secretly planned a coup against the McDonner family. The date was the day of Perseus and Anna's wedding. We waited patiently. And when the day came we struck, I stood in the middle of the ceremony and exposed the whole truth. As I had been attacked at the border and that I almost died to protect a girl, as they had been trying to get of me for a long time, I told them that Ana was my mate and that I loved her. When Ana saw me, she started to cry with happiness, and shouted to everyone present that she was getting married against her will.

“Maybe mine was no big deal, but Ana was the daughter of some very kind and gentle Betas, just like her, and everyone loved her for her big heart, when she said that she had been forced to be separated from her mate to give puppies to another male, the few who were not yet on our side made up their minds. That was the straw that broke the camels back fight ensued, all attacking the McDonners and the few warriors who were loyal to them. I fought tooth and claw to get to Ana's side, and for that I had to face the Alpha and father of Perseus, everyone saw me surprised when instead of transforming into a small Omega I became a big Alpha, that made everyone fight harder, I fought with the man and killed him. I managed to get to my mate and pulled her out of the arms of that idiot Perseus. We took him and his mother prisoner and locked them in the dungeon. A mistake I would later pay dearly for. Everyone asked me questions about wh I had become and I explained how a witch had transformed me, they took it as a sign from the Moon Goddess and by unanimous decision they elected me Alpha of the pack. I took the position very seriously right away, and made it my business to make things better. I had Ana by my side, I proclaimed Noel as my Beta and the tyrants were subdued, everything was going much better. Until one night before I recognised Ana as my mate and Luna of the pack, the news car that Perseus and his mother had escaped. I went mad looking for them everywhere.

I scratched the back of my neck with a blank stare, I was getting to the most painful part of the story.

“I left no house unvisited in the whole pack, the only one I didn't visit was the first one I should have visited, the Alpha's mansion and where Ana and I had been living. I was walking home with Noel when I heard her scream. I ran like hell and smashed the door to get in, there was that a*****e with his bitch of a mother. The two of them were struggling with Ana, I think they were planning to kidnap her and ask for control of the pack in exchange for her life, but they didn't count on coming home so soon, we surrounded them and I demanded that they let her go, Perseus just looked at me with disgust, and came to the conclusion that whatever he did he wasn't going to get out of the situation he had put himself in alive. S he just spat a, “If it's not mine then it can't be anybody's.” And he ripped my mate's throat out in front of my eyes, it was fast that I couldn't do anything, when I wanted to realize his body fell to the floor and I was throwing myself on top of Perseus to kill him, his mother got in the way and I killed her without thinking, the a*****e didn't stop laughing the whole time, I smashed his face to pieces and left him unconscious, I told my men to take him away. As I took Ana’s body in my arms I cried like I had never cried before. I was devastated, the light of my life, the reason for my happiness, was gone. I buried my mate the next day, and we all mourned her loss.

I was silent after that, Rae was playing with our fingers that were intertwined, seconds later I saw her pick up the noteboc and pen again to write something and then show it to me.

What happened to Perseus after that?

I pressed my lips together in a thin line before letting out a breath and answering.

“I held him captive and for months I made him scream in pain, I brought wolves from all over to help me t***** him. He bled and cried and begged me to kill him. But it wasn't enough, nothing was enough to drown out the pain he felt. After almost a year of being imprisoned. He committed suicide, with his remaining teeth he tore off the inner skin of his cheek and choked on his own blood. I didn't feel anything when I heard the news that his body had been found. I focused on moving the herd forward, knowing that I was not the only one suffering, I vowed that no one would live through what I di And little by little we got better. I don't know how, or when, but people started to call us the strongest herd. And it went t our heads. I became more and more closed in on myself, And that's how we lived for five years. Until during a party where we were going to discuss alliances against the bloodsuckers a mystical pack appeared out of nowhere and turned our live upside down. Especially their Alpha, a beautiful woman with a hell of a temper, who in the end turned out to be my beautiful mate-.

I say the last with a shaky smile.

50 Alpha, take this as an order, the only order you will ever receive from me for the rest of my life. Stay by my side, forgi me for all my foolishness and bear with me for 'm sure I'll do more. Be the love of my life and I will be yours. I promise tc love and respect you. Not to doubt you. I will stay awake at night to watch over your sleep. To face your enemies as if the were my own. Do not forsake me and I vow to dedicate the rest of my existence to you.

I watched as Rayna’s eyes began to well up with tears, and she began to sob, and I felt my nerves eating at me. Mack was fidgeting and waiting for the answer. And the seconds that passed seemed like hours, maybe this was what she had felt when I didn't answer her when she told me her story. I felt my heart tear at the thought of how maybe she was devising a way to sweetly reject me.

I opened my mouth to apologize when I felt a weight fall on top of me, I didn't expect the impact so I fell off the bed with Rae in my arms. My head hit the floor and I groaned in pain. I wasn't the only one as the female on top of me also let out gasp of pain. I was about to angrily rebuke her for her outburst when I felt her lips touch mine.

I stood still for a few moments but it didn't take long for me to reciprocate, it was a soft and sweet kiss, her lips tasted minty and were soft from tears. I didn't try to make it go any faster, for slowly I was able to appreciate all that I had misse for so long. Mack howled with happiness. We parted moments later and pressed our foreheads together.

Yes, I'l stay by your side, forever. I whispered hoarsely, and if it weren't for the wolves’ excellent hearing I wouldn't have heard it.

it didn't take long for our lips to meet again, glad to be free to do so.

There were still issues to be resolved, but damn, we both deserved a moment of happiness after all we'd been through. And the problems weren't going anywhere, they'd still be there when we were ready to face them.

My hands reached for her neck to pull her closer while hers tangled in my hair.

I was never going to let her go.

For she was, is, and always would be MINE.

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