By all the gods that exist, I need you to swear to me that this isn't a joke. -My Alpha, I would never play with such a delicate subject. -But how is this possible? I say with disbelief in my voice. -Come on Rae, I think you're old enough for the poor doctor to be explaining to you how a baby is formed, don't you Doc: My Delta says mockingly, the look I give her makes her smile fade and she clears her throat to become serious again. “How old is he? According to my calculations, about five weeks, but that's not the important point to make about the pregnancy. Logan and I both tense up and move so close to the doctor that he has to take a step back so our bodies don't touch. “What's wrong, is she okay? The questions cross each other and the look he gives us clearly shows his indecision about who to answer first. Finally, a expected, he fixes his eyes on mine and answers me. -But there is something I need to tell you. From his folder with my details, he pulls out an ultrasound scan and hands it over for us to look at. Maybe it's because I'm not a doctor, but it took me more than a couple of minutes to understand what his point was, Log: and 1, as alike as ever, noticed it in sync. For at the same time that I fainted from shock he let out a loud curse. 8) Please. No. -Pleaserrrrrrrr. No. -PLEASERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR-. “No, and that's my last word. Logan throws knives at me with his eyes but 1 ignore him, he's been trying to convince me since I regained consciousness that he should be the one to break the news to Jason to see his reaction, but no, he's my mate, and I'm the one who shou be breaking the news to him. Oh come on, you're dying to see his reaction too. Luna says with a mischievous tone and 1 hide a smirk. Logan keeps mentioning all the benefits of telling Jason in a way, that according to him, my mate will never forget, as we walk towards the warrior training area, today Jason has practice with his squads. And I know maybe I should wait for him get home and be alone, but I really thought he was going to need the support of his Beta and anyone else he could get. Especially with a little surprise in store for him. There goes my she-wolf again with her unwelcome comments. When we finally arrive, I can see my partner, who is in the circle, fighting with Noel and another man. The technique he uses is an offensive /defensive one, and I can recognise several fighting moves from my pack that I taught him. A smile of pure pride graces my lips as I watch the Beta fall on his a*s, which turns into a smile of something else when I realize he's barefoot and shirtless. Showing off that body that had been the bane of many before me. But now it was mine, mine alone. And 1 didn't plan to share it with anyone, except my children. All the other people, who were mostly men too, shouted words of support to Noel and the other one. That caught my attention, it wasn't normal for the warriors of a pack not to support their Alpha, so being careful not to attract attention with my presence, I approached as stealthily as possible. -Come on Beta! We don't want to train at four in the morning! Fight like your life depends on it! Between other shouts I could understand the general message, Jason had gambled with his men, I didn't know what woul happen if he lost, but a Machiavellian idea popped into my head. 50 you want your Alpha to lose, huh? I asked innocently, approaching from behind the group of men who, for experienced warriors, were clearly surprised that they hadn't heard me coming. For from one second to the next their smiles disappeared and a sudden pallor covered their faces. Perhaps I still did not have a perfect relationship with them, which made them fear and respect me. “We didn’t say it like that Luna. Said the boy in a nervous voice. And I suppressed a growl when he called me that, I still wasn't used to that title, since I came back to life for the second time, everyone treated me as an Alpha, and not just any Alpha. 1 know your intentions, now answer the question, do you want Jason to lose the fight? Between them they look unsure before one of them gives me a hesitant yes. My smile widens at their affirmative. “Watch and learn pups, that's how you distract an Alpha with a few words. I wink at them and move a few steps closer to where they are fighting, I watch as Jason kicks the warrior in the stomach causing him to recoil and lose his breath, as he recovers, my mate fights one on one with his Beta. -Don't get distracted love! I say shouting for him to hear me when a successful hit from Noel causes him to lose ground, he gives me a quick glance before refocusing. “I never get distracted in a wolf fight! He replies as he throws a punch that Noel narrowly dodges. -Good to know,” I take a deep breath and shout, “That means you'll win the fight on behalf of the babies I'm pregnant wit As s00n as the words leave my lips I feel all the male attention fall on me, not only from my mate, but also from the men behind me, and from his opponents, Jason turns to look at me and Noel without being able to stop the attack that was already in motion knocks him to the ground with a strong punch to his temple. I see my partner's eyes close and he drop like dead weight with a thud. I rush over, but don't have to, as my mate raises his hand to reach the spot where he was hit, showing me that he didn't pass out, he just took a really good punch. Noel was already helping him sit up when I reach them. I can hear Logan's laughter behind everyone, and I give him a mental command to shut up. -Are you okay? I say with concern as I kneel down and move his hand out of the way so I can look at the wound. Yeah yeah, I'm fine, but I think I misheard you, did you say you're pregnant? He asks with excitement and fear in his voic Her golden eyes search mine and I can see the spark of happiness there. I give her a blissful smile, and in response I take her hand and direct it to my flat belly where I hold it. -Did you hear the other part too? I say, but Jason pays no attention to me, as he is now bent over watching and caressing that place where two lives were now being created. -Jason! -Hmmm, yes, love? He speaks as he leans down and places a kiss on my belly. My heart feels like it wants to explode from such tenderness, and treacherous tears gather in my eyes. Focus Alpha, for it is my duty to inform you that according to the herd doctor you are expecting not one, but two cubs, twins. I excitedly blurt out, Jason grins from ear to ear and soon pulls me in for a passionate kiss that brings whistles of male approval from our audience. -Really, we're having twins? I nod tightly, holding back my excitement. jason kisses me again and this time even my back hits the grass. They're going to crush the babies! Logan's joke bursts our bubble and he pulls my mate away from me, he jumps to his feet and helps me do the same. Everyone comes over so they can congratulate us and show their respects. Jason takes my hand and doesn't let go at any point, an action that causes me to have a goofy smile on my lips at all times. “Thank you so much for this, Rae. He whispers in my ear and his lips tickle. Thank you for what? He asks with interest. -For giving me a family.” He kisses the top of my head and I pull away as I shake my head. “Thank you for coming into my life, all this wouldn't have been possible if you hadn't been so stubborn as to chase my moody a’s. A squeeze on my right side makes me wince. “The most perfect a*s, no doubt. He says with a proud smile, and 1 laugh. I lean in close and slowly kiss our lips together. -t love you my Alpha. And I love you my beautiful rouge. I click my tongue. “1 still don't understand why they called us that, theoretically if we were a pack, and a very powerful one at that. “Maybe because you were a mythical pack that we had only heard about in history books, no one knew for sure that you really existed, besides you said yourself that you didn't have an established territory, and that's usually what happens when you're a rouge”. My companion replies followed by a shrug. “When did you become so wise? I ask with an arched eyebrow. -At the same time you became sweet. A punch in the stomach is what he gets for that comment. 1 was always sweet. “Whatever you say, love. He says awkwardly as he rubs the affected area, I laugh and his arm pulls me into a hug around my shoulders as he laugt with me. Home. I was definitely home. And I couldn't have been more ecstatic about it.

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