A Gold Alpha For A Silver Alpha
Moon-Colored Eyes Chapter 30

It was completely normal to be nervous, it's not like every day people see the love of their life and their mother fighting. I understand that in other circumstances that would sound very, very bad, but despite having assured Rafael that my mor wasn't trying to kill him, the truth is that I wasn’t so sure.

I mean, I wasn't going to kill him, not when we were already linked, but if I learned anything from my eighteen years of lif is that there are fates worse than death.

That and my mother wasn’t tempted to kick anyone's a*s.

Including ours.

So it's not that I didn’t support my mate, I just had a healthy concern for his integrity.

In the morning when we walked out hand in hand to the front yard we were surprised to find Loga, Noel, Jack, Julian, Liss: Bella, Tasia and Diana along with my parents waiting for us.

I'm not going to lie, seeing my siblings’ smirks didn't help lessen my anxiety, rather it only contributed to wanting to sma my fist in their faces.

To see their could smile like that without a couple of teeth and a split lip.

How I missed my twin right now, but the night before he had gone off with Leonardo and Dannia on a vampire hunt. Which was weird, ever since we were born Jace and I didn't stay away from each other at all, getting to the point where ot rooms had to be next to each other because we suffered from a sort of withdrawal syndrome, the older we got the more tried to stay apart, but this was the first time we were distanced in such a way for an indefinite period of time.

I didn't understand why my twin volunteered to go, not when the logical answer for me would have been Julian, he wouldn't get carried away by his emotions and would treat Leonardo like any other puppy in the pack, (although doing th math Leonardo is bigger than us).

When I asked him the reasons he had before he left, Jace just shook his head and gave me a kiss on the head telling me that there are some things they have to do alone. Of course I gave him a look that said I didn't believe that poor explanation one bit but it wasn't enough for him to tell me anything else.

And now here I am, nervous as I have rarely been in my life, wondering if all this would be more bearable if only I had hin by my side.

Rafael squeezed my hand for sure sensing my uneasiness, Romeo reassuring Casiana in my head was one of the sweetest gestures I had ever witnessed.

I cleared my throat to make the introductions.

Rafael, you already know most of them but we got off on the wrong foot so let's restart this. These are my older brothers jackson the future Alpha of our pack and Julian his future Beta- both nodded their heads in greeting- My parents Rayna Elizabeth and Jason Alphas of StarryNight Moon- mom corrects me immediately asking him to just call her Rae and my mate bows slightly in respect- Logan is my mother's Beta- he raises a hand and Rafael gestures in response- Noel is my father's Beta and his mate Lissa along with their two daughters Bella and Tasia. Bella is Julian's mate- at that moment Be leans her head on my brother's shoulder and smiles tenderly- But I don't understand what they are all doing here- that thing I said looking at my parents.

Dad shrugs his shoulders as he walks over to us.

“Would you rather do this in front of the whole herd, daughter, no one will question anything if the Betas and the Betas family are witnesses to the faimess of the matter, but if you want we can wait for the majority to wake up and call for an assembly. I swallowed saliva thinking of all the eyes that would be watching us.

-No thanks mom, that's fine.

Mom smiled with obviousness.

“I thought so, now tell her whatever you want to tell her before we start, I don't want to be here all morning. I nodded as she went to hug my father and he asked her to take care of his recent injury.

I returned my attention to Rafael and put my hands around his neck while he hugged me around the waist, bringing our faces closer.

Don't think that because my mother was recently injured she will be an easy opponent, I have trained with her all my lif and we have never been able to take her down. I warned him but Rafael doesn't look as uneasy as me, he leaves a short kiss on my lips without caring that all the males of my family, (well, almost all of them), are a few meters away watching u -Don’t worry about me, I'll do my best.

1 mean it Rafael, mom is not like anyone you have ever met, she is a machine, lethal and well oiled, she must still be a little weak which will make her slower or careless, but don't trust her.

“The only thing I need from you right now, beautiful, is a kiss that makes me endure all the blows your mother is about tc give me, I'll take care of the rest.

A gigele came over me as I stood on my tiptoes to give him what he asked for.

I love kissing this man, 1 will happily do it for the rest of my life.

There was no sensation that compared to the feel of his lips on mine, his hands holding me safe and close, his heart beating at the same rapid pace as mine.

I forced myself to pull away from him.

-Be careful, and whatever happens, remember I love you.

“1 love you Juliet. He says to me before pulling away completely and walking to where mom is waiting for him.

Logan moves forward until he reaches the middle of them and crosses his arms to look at them very seriously.

“This is official combat, attacks from behind are not allowed, weapons or objects that can help you are strictly forbidden, you can't receive help from anyone and above all you can't kill your opponent. That last sentence was said looking meaningfully at my mother.

And I was relieved off my feet when they both had to agree.

Ready, begin! Logan shouts before getting out of the way.

Both Rafael and my mom adopt defensive postures, but while my mate seems completely focused on analyzing my moth she is more relaxed, confident.

Neither one of them shows any signs of wanting to initiate, it was surprising how they both attacked at the same time throwing a punch to hit the other in the same spot, causing their fists to collide with each other. Even from where I was I could hear the crunching of bones generated by the impact.

Mom immediately ducked to sweep my mate's legs, Rafael managed to half dodge her but lost his balance and had to retreat further before the rain of blows that mom started.

Successfully mom managed to hit several blows, one of them opening my mate's lip, tired of being cornered Rafael managed to give a direct kick to my mother’s stomach that made her fall backwards to the floor.

Dad gasped and took an involuntary step in that direction as mom tarried for a second before leaping back to her feet. My mother's clawed fangs were out and she didn't tempt her heart when he had claws coming at her from all directions, Rafael grabbed her wrist in one of those pulling her to him, twisting her so that if he generated pressure he would dislocate her shoulder, mom tried to knee him but Rafael covered with his free arm and instead gave her a headbutt that made her grunt and bleed.

Mom relaxed her muscles dropping like dead weight, making my mate stop putting pressure on her arm, once on the floo she threw a high kick that hit Rafael thigh throwing him over her knee, my mother took that moment to somersault backwards and put distance.

Rafael roared with anger and I could see how his eyes changed to those of his wolf, in a few moments he was there and ir the other, the form of Romeo took his place, leaning on his front paws ready to jump and attack, mom laughed a little an adopted a similar pose but following his human body.

In the blink of an eye they both ran to meet, but as Raphael leapt to make an attack from above mom slid across the ground underneath his body, grabbing his hind leg, I pull her down bringing him down on her jaws, claws out she digs th in deep tearing several muscles and my heart breaks as I hear my mate howl in pain.

Rafael turns his head in my mother's direction trying to bite her, mom who didn't expect him to attack her so fast doesn’ get away in time and my mate's fangs tear her skin and snap over her shoulder.

Mom uses her free arm to grab the top of the jaw and pull it open, but it doesn't happen right away, Rafael exerting a lot force to avoid it, but in the end mom manages to pull her shoulder out of the wolf's jaws and gives him a punch that mak him dizzy for a few moments.

He breaks away, holding his blood-drenched arm with a grimace of pain.

Very well, puppy, but I can't stay here all morning. He said to the wolf shaking his head in an attempt to clear his vision. with my mother's words her body disappears and Luna takes her place, so beautiful and majestic that we all unconsciou: cringe a little at her presence.

My mother's wolf grows tiredly and runs immediately, she falls on Rafael and they circle the ground exchanging bites, un my mother is trapped under my mate, with a long paw my mother manages to get Rafael to separate his head from her body and bites him directly on the neck.

My mate has no choice but to stay still as he risks tearing his throat, in one move the places are reversed and my mother on top, Romeo crying and howling as he tries to move as little as possible.

Mom clenches her jaw a little tighter as she growls, Rafael stays still for a full minute before letting out a deep howl of defeat.

Luna releases him immediately and steps back so they can both return to their human form, while my mother stands victorious despite her visible wounds, my partner is on her knees holding her throat with both hands, trying to stop the flow of blood that is pouring out.

“The Alpha Rae is the victor of this encounter. Logan declares in a stony voice and I swallow nervously, wanting to run out and help my mate.

But I still can't.

-1 didn't fight you thinking you could beat me, Rafael," my mother begins to say in an Alpha voice, “I did it so that you would have a starting point to survive in this pack, your pack, our family,” Mom turns her head slightly to look at me, “I'm relieved that you are the one who stays by my daughter's side, welcome.

Rafael bows his head as he thanks her, I shift my weight from one leg to the other anxiously.

Mom walks in the direction of my father who hugs her gently.

“Julietta, give some of your blood to your mate so he can heal faster, we can't have a member of this family hurt. Logan, g and make the official announcement, from now on this boy is part of StarryMoon Night, tell them who he is and whose sc he is, tell them about what happened here. Tell them how Samael’s son made his Alpha bleed and bleed for his right to belong to this place. Mom ordered and Logan nodded before leaving to obey immediately.

Of course not as quickly as I did and in a breath I arrived next to my mate with my open palm bleeding ready to help my mate.

But Rafael rejected my help calmly.

Let me have a little pride to let my wounds close on their own, just help me to stand up.

He spoke to me through the bond and I wanted to refute him, but a glance in the direction of Noel and his family who we still watching us closely made me bite my tongue.

just this once little wolf.

I don't plan on there being a beautiful next one.

I snort a laugh as I help him up, he winks flirtatiously at me and I couldn't be happier and prouder of him.

Everyone comes up to congratulate us and officially welcome him, Rafael can't speak yet, but he nods and smiles grateful And I can honestly say that I am literally glowing with happiness,

I hope we will spend many centuries together.


Jace POV

Fr mosquitoes, Fg mud, +g bloodsuckers... -1 heard Leonardo complain for the millionth time as we made our way through the forest.

We were not even a day into this long exploration and I was already about to rip his tongue out.

He was complaining more than Jack when we used his shampoo, more than Juliet when we played with his clothes, more than Julian when we hid his books, more than me when they ate my food.

One more complaint and I'l break a bone

Loris complained and I mentally scolded him.

Don't tempt me, Dannia would surely break them for us too to make things even if she found out.

-1 don't understand why we have to come when it's clear they don't need our help, what a waste of resources... he continued in his tantrum.

-Can you shut up, instead of paying attention to our surroundings all I can hear is your princess whining? Leonardo snort as he sidesteps a fallen log.

You're not very happy with this arrangement either, don't pretend otherwise,” he says, giving me a look as if I'm to blame for us both being here.

You're wrong. I cut him off in a bad way trying not to trip over the loose dirt.

1am, did I impress you so much that you decided to spend all your time by my side as my babysitter?

1 have my reasons. I growl with the urge to bite his head off but I concentrate on what I came here to do.

Oh, excuse me mister, of course you must have a good reason to be stuck in this shitty place. He says it with a mocking tone cutting me off as he nudges me with his shoulder.

The forest is a natural place for us. I tell him with obviousness

Sure, when you have a mansion in the middle of it, anyone is comfortable. He rolls his eyes as he continues walking with his back to me and therefore not seeing the rude signal I give him.

silence you two, if you can't stop arguing then keep each other company in the rear, I don’t want to hear your voices at this hour so get out of my sight until the sun has risen at least. Dannia, who is a few meters ahead, shouts at us.

Can we make him slip by accident already?

With our luck we'll probably end up taking care of him as punishment.

My wolf and I shudder at the thought.

As ordered, we stood still waiting for everyone else to pass us, there were twenty wolves in total counting Leonardo and I who came on this journey, and by the look in their eyes I knew they too were fed up with my half brother's bellowing. Staying all the way back I prayed that Leonardo would come to his senses and stop making so much noise, with the sun about to rise there was a remote possibility of meeting a vampire.

But I wasn't going to risk it.

Not when I was on this mission so I could be proven wrong.

Luckily my brother kept any comments he had the next few minutes we kept each other company.

Everything was going along normally when the sound of a branch breaking made me stop in my tracks.

I turned to look in the direction the sound came from but couldn't find it. 1 sniffed a little but the humidity at this point w very thick and it was against the wind.

“What's the matter, you got hungry and found a particularly appetizing squirrel? Leonardo scoffed but joked.

The sounds of insects were no longer audible.

Which can only mean one thing.


I motioned for him to be quiet and look around, I witnessed Leonardo's mocking mask disappear immediately replaced b caution.

Carefully we quietly separated to secure the perimeter, careful not to always be in each other's line of sight.

After a few moments where I thought maybe I was crazy, the wind changed direction bringing a scent of death with something else directly to my senses.

“Vampires! I shouted to warn everyone who immediately jumped on the defensive.

Once that was said shadows appeared from all directions cornering us.

-Ambush! Dannia alerted and it was the beginning of an attack on her part.

I lost sight of Leonardo while I was trying to fight a leech that attacked me from behind, sending me straight into a log, I turned in time to avoid a punch and kicked him back.

I had no time to change, so I took out my claws and attacked all the vital points I could, showing his age the vampire moved with agility avoiding my blows, connecting some of them against me.

In our comings and goings we began to move away from each other, although with the attack the formation we were in nc longer had a head or tail.

I earned a blow to the cheekbone from which I was sure I heard a bone crunch as my adversary bragged about my scratches across his chest.

I tried to kick him but he grabbed my ankle and twisted it violently breaking it, I let out a cry of pain as I fell and he got o top of me.

Without transforming you dog otherwise it won't be so much fun when I rip your limbs off.

I threw a blind punch, swallowing the pain as best I could but with no luck. The sound of another presence sounded near but I concentrated on immediate danger. Squirming like a worm to keep it from holding my wrists as it was obviously tryi to do.

suddenly he goes completely still, gasps like a fish and I'm surprised to see a bloody hole appear in his chest.

His body falls lifelessly to the side and I look up to see the most beautiful girl I've ever come across.

Light brown hair very long with waves, small and delicate features, infinite blue eyes, thick eyebrows, thin lips, almost white complexion and slim body is standing in front of me watching me curiously, in her right hand holding the heart of attacker.

I take big breaths of air to let my head process what happened.

And so instinct wins out over logic when for the third time in the last few days an aroma of cookies and petricor fills my lungs.


Loris urges me and I agree with him completely.

I don't know how much time we spend watching each other without paying attention to each other, which takes its toll when suddenly Dannia knocks her down catching us off guard.

My partner is pinned underneath the body of the Delta holding her by the neck, raising her clawed hand outside ready to rip her head off.

-NOOOOOO!" I scream at her and pounce ignoring the pain of my wound, arriving in time to grab her wrist, she looks at m in disbelief as she growls at me, I growl back at her tightening my grip- It's my mate-. I tell her and I can see the color dra from her face.

-A f+*+*g leech is your mate? I ask with acidity and there I pay attention to how the girl keeps squirming trying to free herself while showing her fangs.

The fangs of a vampire.

Reality hits me like a hammer and my vision fills with black dots for a few seconds, but I nod to make it clear that I'm not willing to let it hurt her.

Dannia releases from my grip mumbling something like she wasn't going to break the news to my mother, instead and without seeing it coming she unleashes a punch straight to his face with so much force that my partner goes still, unconscious.

I drop to my knees grunting at the sight of the blow to her skin while I take her body in my arms princess style, Dannia stands up and takes a few steps back looking at me very seriously.

We're going back right away, and you better hope your girlfriend behaves herself on the way. She said to me before turning around and going back the way she came, most probably to check on the wounded.

Now that I was paying more attention I noticed that the sounds of battle had ceased.

I cradled my mate's body with affection and conflict, marveling at how fragile he felt.

My heart beating like a drum in my chest.

Happiness and horror strongly debating in my system.

I heard footsteps but didn't look away from the preciousness in my arms.

Honestly, I didn't see that coming” Leonardo spoke as he approached me, exchanging glances between me and my mate “You and your brothers are trouble magnets, you know that? I ignored him monumentally, feeling Loris purring with satisfaction.

I didn't know it was possible for our species to be compatible.

And for sure my mother would have a heart attack when she found out. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

But it didn't matter, I had already found her and now she would stay by my side.


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