A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me
A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 15

I was staring at my feet, nervously playing with my hands trying to breathe normally. He gave me a black look as he locke my door. I closed my eyes, expecting him to start yelling at me.

After a while, I realized that keeping my eyes closed in front of Henris Steve was not a good idea. Firstly, because I would be able to see his beautiful face, and secondly, because he would probably be able to take full advantage of the situatior slowly, I looked up, meeting his and immediately regretting it. He squinted, tilted his head to the side and gave me chills watched him run his fingers through his hair, before his hand fell to his side. He then let out a deep breath.

“Why are you here?” I asked timidly.

That said, he advanced towards me, passing behind the desk and approaching me, making me take steps backwards until found myself pressed between his body and the wall. I could smell her usual cologne. He was wearing a black coat, a bla sweater, tight black jeans and worn brown boots. He was little in his style, but also more himself than ever.

“Why didn’t you answer me?” He said, in a low, deep voice, pressing his head against my neck. The tone of her voice and her affectionate gesture contradicted each other.

I bit my lip before I spoke. One of my hands rested timidly on her stomach. His muscles tensed under my touch. “Because didn't want to.” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Bullshit!” He practically screamed, hitting a hand on the wall. I flinched at the noise, trying to hide the moan. He took a fresh breath and spoke again, his voice lower and more hoarse. “I know you wanted to answer me, Noras.”

“Not really” I lied.

“You're a bad liar," he said. “Now tell me why you don’t want to talk to me."

“I don't want to go out with you or whatever you have in mind. I saw you with Cara and that is... It's not for me. I'm not doing this with you."

“Do what?” He laughed bitterly, taking a step back. “Hanging out’? Did you really think we'd be together one day? How naive are you?”

My gaze fell to the floor and I let my hair cover my face, crossing my arms over my chest protectively. “No.”

“You thought so, didn't you?”

“It doesn't matter. I don’t want anything to do with you."

“top lying”

“Stop being an arrogant bastard!” I shouted. “Do you think you can come here, scare me and force me to go out with you again? No! I can't stand you anymore. You're bossy and I don't even know why I agreed to date you in the first place.”

His eyes intensified and he took another step forward, so that his body is directly in front of mine. He placed his hands o either side of my head, looking directly into my eyes. Her eyes, normally bright, were now darker.

“Don’t ever talk to me like that again He said, irritated.

Then he kissed me. His mouth crashed against mine with such rage and passion that I felt as if my lips were on fire at his touch. He let his hands curl into my hair, bending my head to get better access to my lips.

I was surprised when his hands went behind my back, went over my buttocks before stopping on the back of my thighs. With a smirk, he lifts me up and leads me to the office. He leaned over to me, got between my legs and immediately put t mouth on mine.

“Stop it" whispered against his lips.

“Shut up.’


“Noras."He imitated me, and finally backed off.

“Please, leave!”

He looked up and kissed me again, his tongue passing over my lips almost immediately. His hands drew me closer to him bringing me to the edge of the desk, pressing his pelvis against mine. His fingers clasped my waist, so that I could not move.

“Never ignore me again” He said softly in my ear before biting my earlobe and leaving a trail of kisses on my neck. I felt I mouth form a smirk just above my collarbones before he started sucking aggressively. An involuntary groan escaped me and he bit my skin slightly, then left a kiss on the now red mark and moved his sharp gaze to mine.

“Do you understand?” He whispered, a hand on my chin to keep our gazes connected.

I found my voice again. “I saw you with her”

“With whom?”

“Darling. I came to return your jacket and it was in your office. And I saw you. But of course it doesn't matter, because we not dating anyway.” I explained.

She rolled her eyes, drawing me closer to her, keeping our bodies pressed together. “Noras, I am not committing to a relationship. I am a 24-year-old company CEO. My business comes first. Then I f**k, play golf and go back to work.”

I gave him a look. “Then let me be direct. You almost beat up a fucking guy because he danced with me and I'm supposec to let you have sex safely with whoever you want?".


“Bullshit,” I said irritably, anger rising with every stupid word that came out of his extraordinary mouth. “Get out of my office.”

His fingers pressed even harder to keep me in the same position. “No. Will you fucking listen to me?”

“I don't want to hear what you have to say!” I shouted, pushing him away. I got up from the desk, putting my shirt back or “You shouldn't have come here, and you shouldn't have kissed me."

“You kissed me back.’

“Why are you making me feel all these mixed emotions that I can't understand! It’s horrible!” I mumbled. “You stand ther with your stone face and nothing touches you in the least, but I have feelings. I won't let you hurt me!”

“Noras,” he sighs, stepping forward with outstretched arms. I immediately took a step back and he tried to hide his frustration, running a hand through his hair. “You are mine. Look at the mark on your neck. Mine."

There was a long pause in the conversation during which I looked at him carefully, admiring his toned chest that the blac T-shirt highlighted, his now tousled curls and his reddened lips. So beautiful that it is almost cruel. I took a deep breath calm myself down before speaking.

“But aren't you mine?” I asked gently. I felt my cheeks blush, staring at the floor.


“Leave, please,” I said.

He came up to me, again, and grabbed me by the waist before I could move. His long fingers, adorned with silver rings, guided my chin, to meet our glances. “The last thing I want is to hurt you."

“I don't believe you."

His gaze seemed uncertain for a moment. “Noras, we're not going to hang out together. 1 won't be your boyfriend because we're not in f*++*g college. My business comes first. But I want you to be mine. Because I know you want the exact same thing from me.”

“You are a hypocrite.”

“Yes, I am,” he admitted. “But I see how your body reacts to me. How you answer me. You have chills, and you are constantly looking at my lips. Why don't you give in?"

“I'm not cut out for this. I'm not meant to be a fuck, or anything that you have in mind."

“Not a motherfucker. Mine"He ran slowly. My heart skipped a beat at his words. It feels good, to be his. He would take me in his arms, kiss me, protect me and I would have the chance to be near him more often. I could have kissed her soft lips and run my hands through her hair.

But he was always on me and giving me orders. And he wouldn't be mine. It was the worst offer I'd ever been given, but strangely also the best.

“For a businessman, you don't know how to negotiate for nothing” I said. Taking me by surprise, he let out a big laugh, stooped down and gave me a kiss on the cheek, making it last longer than expected. I moved away from him.

“Don't be difficult, Noras." Henris smiled.

“Don't be a jerk, Henris.l imitated him. 1 felt his hands tighten on my waist and his smile disappeared, all traces of amusement died away.

“Come to my house tonight. We're going to have dinner and talk”



“No. I repeated. I could hear my own hesitant tone.

“As usual, it was not a question. Mark will pick you up at seven,” he said, letting go of him. “We are going to have dinner a talk, like adults."

I grumbled, putting my head in my hands. “This is not a commercial matter, Henris. This is the real world, emotions and everything else’

“I know," he said simply. “Then I'll see you at seven o'clock”

“Why aren't you wearing a suit?” I asked. I bit my lip while waiting for an answer.

“Because I didn't go to work today.”

“Where have you been?”

“Stop asking questions. It's boring.”

Get out of my office, please,’ I mumbled, running my fingers over my pants, avoiding looking him in the face. “Go ahead. I come to your stupid apartment if you leave. You are oppressive.”

His expression turned neutral again and he nodded briefly, stooping down to give me another kiss on the cheek. His lips and curls were a deadly combination, and from the smirk he gave me next, I knew he was fully aware of it.

I watched him walk cautiously towards my office door, turning around before opening it. I saw a hint of guilt pass in her eyes, but it was quickly swept away. “You probably shouldn't come tonight. You're right about me."

“I know."

He nodded thoughtlessly, slipping his hands into the pockets of his coat. “You're coming anyway, against your will, aren't youz”


“Good. I'll see you at seven. And you have something on your shirt.”

I immediately blushed when I looked at the stain. “I spilled yogurt when you came in. You scared me.”

“Oh.’ He whispered, pausing for a moment with his hand on the doorknob to look at me. He narrowed his eyes, biting his lip. 1 knew immediately that whatever he was going to say, I wasn't going to like him. His attitude intensified.

“You are already mine. You know that as well as I do, Noras.” He said coldly.

Then he slammed the door behind him, leaving a slight trace of perfume and coconut essence from his shampoo.

I collapsed in my chair. Our interaction had left me weak, dull and with a chronic headache. He was the most complex an exhausting man I had ever met.

Every time I am near him, I am attracted to him. His presence consumes me to the point that I can do nothing but agree with him and then regret it. Maybe it's because he’s so scary. But, maybe it's because deep down, I knew he was right.

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