A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me
A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 17

“Damn.” I exclaimed in surprise, withdrawing my hand. The same hand that started shaking after the slap 1 gave him. Her face began to blush quickly, the imprint of my palm being visible. Henris put the palm of his hand on his cheek, his lips opened in a sign of astonishment. It was the first time I saw him lik that, without preparation and without control of the situation. No control. He lowered his hand slowly, squinting at me ar resumed his posture. Cold and tense. I took a step back, staggering towards the elevator, my fingers frantically pressing the button, as if that would allow me tc get there faster. He looked at me with an indifferent air. The only thing that made him less attractive was the red mark on his cheek. “Ym sorry," 1 stuttered nervously, continuing to press the button. “I- you- shit, why isn't this thing moving?” The sound of the heel of his shoes echoed on the floor and came towards me. I found myself motionless, feeling his presence right behind me. The doors opened and I rushed into the elevator. I fixed my gaze on the wall and I didn't dare turn around to look at him in the face. I waited, hoping that the elevator would start to slowly descend, but when it didn't move, my worst fears were revealed. Turning around slightly, I saw Henris leaning against the doors, preventing them from closing. “Noras," he says softly from behind me. I shook my head, wiping away my tears. “Noras, why are you crying?” I turned around, incredulous. “Q-What?" “Why are you crying?” He repeated. I shrugged my shoulders desperately and his gaze intensified. “Did I hurt you?” “No," I whispered. “It's just that. I don't like liars" “I didn't lie” “Yes, you do,” I insisted. “You said you needed me, which, we both know, is a damn lie" Slowly, he rubbed his cheek once more, without any emotion on his face. “You have no idea what's in my head.” “You're right," I laughed bitterly, tears still streaming from my eyes. “I don't. And that's the worst part. At this point, I don’ even know if you have feelings.” He sighed slightly and stepped into the elevator. Ignoring my movements, he grabbed me by the waist and lifted me up. I resisted weakly before surrendering and relaxing on his strong chest. He led me into the living room and sat down, makir sure that I was on his lap. Her hands caressed my back as we sat in silence, the only sound in the room being that of my crying. After a few minutes calmed down, and he lifted my head from the chin, looking into my eyes. “I can't believe you slapped me.” He mumbled. “You've earned it. surprisingly, a little laugh escaped him and made his nose touch mine. “That's why I need you to be mine, Noras. You're being honest with me." “And you are far too honest with me." He frowned in frustration when I moved on his lap. “Stop moving,” he said arrogantly. My expression became saddened a he noticed it, immediately bringing me closer to him. “I meant, please stop moving, Noras." “What exactly do you want from me? Just tell me what you wantI said in frustration. I felt partly delirious because of his hands on my back and I knew I couldn't stay angry with his green eyes searching mine curiously. “You,” he whispered lightly. “I want you to be mine.” “And what does this mean for you?” “We will be together” “So, like, your girlfriend?” I asked. He closed his eyes. “No, not as a girl. 1 told you I didn't want a relationship. I have to take care of my career. She will alwa come first for me." A feeling of pain seized my chest when I remembered the words that Jace had said to me that night. I don't want you to b influenced by him. And he was right, I shouldn't have. He said himself that he did not want a relationship. I bit the inside my cheek, playing with one of the buttons on his shirt. “So, do you want to fuck?” “A relationship without feelings.’ He corrected me. “You don't want the emotional implication of a relationship.” He made me soft eyes and I quickly turned away. “I don't have time for emotional involvement, Noras. Don't tell me what want or don't want.” I sighed, resting my head in the curve of her neck, breathing in her delicious scent. He continued to stroke my back while tried to figure out what exactly he wanted from me. “I can’t do that," I said finally. “I cannot agree with the fact that you expect me not to see anyone else while you are doing what you want. I can't stand it" “Noras," he mumbled. “Please.” “It's a two-way street for me, Henris. You can't be a hypocrite” He clenched his teeth in anger and his eyes darkened. The little hope I had when he took me back to his apartment disappeared in an instant. I looked at my hands, resting on my thighs. When he spoke, his voice was a sigh. “Very well “Is everything all right?” I repeated, confused. He put his fingers under my chin and looked at me intently. “1 will not be a hypocrite. If you can't see anyone else, then neither can I “50, you won't see Cara again? Or someone else?” I asked. “I won't be seeing anyone else” he confirmed. I was left open-mouthed looking at this strange man who hugged me after slapped him. “Now I'm going to kiss you." And even though I knew I shouldn't give in so easily, I acquiesced. It was impossible to resist his curls and the moments when he joked and the way he said my name so softly, stretching the “0” in his British accent. I knew that I would never be able to have a real relationship with him, but I was already addicted to what we had. So if it was the best Henris could offer me, I would have taken it. Her big hands took my little hands and brought them to her mouth, kissing my knuckles and looking at me through her black eyelashes. I melted when I saw how adorable he was. Most of the time, I forgot how young he was, in fact. Then, he went from adorable to sensual in a second, kissing my last phalanx and giving me a sinful smile. In an instant, h mouth wrapped around mine passionately, his fingers fixed on my waist. He ended the kiss too soon, resting his forehead on mine. “What are you doing to me, Noras?" “I have no idea” I managed to sigh. He laughed slightly and pulled me down from his lap before getting up. I observed hi impeccable form while he adjusted his collar, opening another button, before reaching out to me. “Come.’ I took his hand without hesitation, loving the way his big hand easily took mine. He guided me to the kitchen, moving my chair for me. Our unfinished dishes still on the dark table. He took them and left the room. I heard him drop them in the sink before returning, sitting on the chair opposite mine ar resting his elbows on the table, his eyes fixed on me. “This food was cold. What do you want to eat, Noras?” “You could have put it in the microwave. pointed it out. He rolled his eyes. “It's not the same thing. I'm going to cook some meat, since you are apparently unable to give me an answer” Getting upset, he got up and motioned for me to follow him. I mumbled but left, walking behind him. He started defrostir the chicken and turned on the oven, then helped himself to a glass of wine each. “Here.” He whispered, handing me one of the glasses. I sipped my wine, leaning against the counter, watching him work with expert hands and move with ease in the kitchen. He marinated the chicken before putting it in the oven, then turnec to me. “While it's cooking, I want to show you something.” I followed him into the living room and designated the sofa. “sit dow “I am not a dog” I whispered. He gritted his teeth and I knew he was trying not to be angry with me. “Please, sit down, Noras. And please, watch your tongue.” “You are meaner than I am!” I protested, annoyed. “Don’t make things more complicated than they already are!” He warned coldly. I was about to yell at him, but I fell silent instantly when he started unbuttoning his shirt. I watched, fascinated, his fingers effortlessly working the small white pimples, opening them one by one and revealing more and more skin. Revealing more and more tattoos. My heart was racing as I tried to control myself under his impassi gaze. “What are you doing?” I finally managed to ask. He gave me a smirk as he slid his shirt over his shoulders. “We are not about to have sex, Noras. Please, control your mischievous mind.” “I wasn't- ugh." I stuttered, blushing incredibly. He sat down on the couch, next to me, with an expression that I have only seen once on his face, right after the slap. The uncertain expression he showed when he didn't feel in control. “These are my tattoos,” he said, looking at them lovingly. “I'm sorry I was unpleasant just now. People are not used to seeing them.’ Carefully, I stretched out my fingers and slowly traced the ink on her wrists, before letting my hand go up to the rose on f arm. “Why not?” “They are private, first of all. I don't like to tell people what they mean. And secondly, in the business world they are frowned upon. They are considered unprofessional” “Why are you showing them to me?'l asked, oddly enough, pushing the boat on his biceps. I couldn't help but notice how he was and I shook my head to clear my mind. “You seemed curious,” he shrugged. “I thought you wanted to see them.” I smiled stupidly at this stubborn man who, even if he didn't show it, definitely had a weakness. *I was. It's just that I'm very... not you. Its as if tattoos and curls are the things that most contradict your personality.” “Don’t you like them?" He asked seriously, taking off his white shirt. Henris looked slightly hurt. “No, they're great. But not what I would have expected.” I replied by correcting him. I watched him put his shirt back on, s couldn't see his body anymore. He looked at me with amusement and smiled when he saw my little pout. “I can take off my clothes if you want" He teased me. “I like it when you're playful,” I replied, smiling. Henris looked at me with curiosity and I ran my fingers through her hair, moving it to the side. As strange as this gesture was, I knew that showing me tattoos was very personal for him. “You shot relax more often.” “The last thing to do now is to relax, Noras," he said in a lower voice. “Especially when there are more exciting things that you and I could do.” My heart started racing at his words and I looked at him, knowing that a mischievous smile would appear on his lips and that his eyes would study me, waiting for a reaction. When we made eye contact, he rushed over, pressing his lips to mine I sighed contentedly as he pushed me slightly back onto the leather sofa. Her hot body on mine, in full control. My hands got lost in the curls at the base of his neck and he put more strength into the kiss. S00n, to s00n, his mouth left mine. I made a sound of protest, until I felt her lips on my neck, forming marks on my skin His hand went up to my side, letting some of his weight fall on me. He broke away from my neck, taking my face in his hands. “You are mine."Henris ordered in a hoarse voice. Her eyes searched mine, waiting for an answer. My stomach did strange turns of nervousness as I gave the answer that I knew I shouldn't give, the answer that would change my life, the answer that I wanted to give to the world more than anything. “Yours” I whispered. His green eyes lit up and he kissed me again, more intensely, cold hands went under my shirt. My breathing quickened as her fingers traced the bottom edge of my bra, going underneath. He bit my lip, massaging my chest with one hand and holding me with the other. I moaned slightly in his mouth, hoping f more demonstrations of his touch. His chest rises and falls quickly as he separates his lips from mine. “You have no idea what you're doing to me, Noras."She whispered against my lips. “You're making me lose control” “I thought you were always in control” I whispered. He put his forehead on mine. “I like to be.” why?" His gaze darkened and he moved away from me, leaving a kiss on the corner of my mouth. “It's just my way of being. I car control everything around me if I want to, whether it's through money or bullying. I like power” “You are a control freak." I joked. A smirk formed on his lips. “Yes, I am. But you never listen to me." “Because it irritates me.’ “You irritate me when you don't listen,” he retorted. I gave him a bad look, crossed my arms over my chest and opened m mouth to speak. “I don't want to fight, Noras'She interrupted. “Now, are you ready for dinner? You're going to be staying the night, so you want to let Jace know." I got up, irritated. “You need to learn to ask instead of order. 1 will only stay if you ask” He squinted in my direction and quickly added: “Be nice. You have to ask nicely.” He gritted his teeth and stood up. I knew immediately that he wouldn't like the idea of being shorter than me. It probably made him feel less in control. The young man slowly traced a finger along my arm, causing a shiver down my spine. “Noras, would you like to be my guest for the night, please? I would welcome it." He whispered with a sarcastic nod. “We're almost there,” I sighed. “We will have to work on it." “We will also have to work on the tone of your voice.” He added as we walked hand in hand towards the kitchen. “No, I think we should work on making you less tense” I answered. He rolled his eyes and took the chicken out of the ove it sizzles slightly under the effect of the heat and gives off a delicious aroma. With a grunt, he pulled his phone out of the back pocket of his pants, pressed a button and brought it to his ear. “Steve,” he said in frustration. There was a pause. “No. Don't come here. I'm serious! No, I have one... Don't interrupt me.” said, annoyed. I watched him carefully take off his oven mitt, leave it on the counter and pass the phone from one hand t the other. “Don't come. Because I have a guest. What? His face turned pale and he shifted his gaze to me. Embarrassed, I looked at the floor, avoiding his gaze. “I already told yc not to show up here like that,” he mumbled over the phone. “You should leave. All right.” He hung up with a grunt and slipped the phone into his pocket. “We have a guest for dinner” He said, annoyed. “Who?” “I didn't ask her to come,” he defended himself quickly. “It could be... Interesting" “Who?” I repeated, more insistent this time. My question was answered when the elevator emitted a “beep” and opened. Henris's face turned pale, he ran his hand through his hair. I heard the classic sound of heels heading for the kitchen. My chin hit the floor when the most beautiful woman I've ever seen came into the room. It was going to be, as Henris warned me, interesting.

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