A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me
A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 20

Jace let a slight hiss escape his lips when Claire entered, and when she winked at him, I had to restrain myself from slapping them both. She slowly looked around with judicious eyes, before fixing her icy gaze on me. I raised my head and tried to look brave.

“Noras,” he greeted me. “Sorry to come like this, I just need to talk to you about some things.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“l would be busy," I replied quietly. “Jace and I are finishing work”

Jace pushed me under the table and stood up, holding out his hand. Let her stay! I mean, look at her bag, she’s really stylish. Isn't this the one for the next season, which hasn't even been released yet?” She said adoringly.

She gave him a fake smile. “My husband bought it for me in advance.”

“Okay, that's great and everything, but Jace, can you give us a few minutes?” I scolded him. He glared at me, begging me t stay in the room with the beautiful woman, and I pointed my finger at the door, telling him to leave.

He obeyed against his will, closing the door behind him. Claire, with a smirk, took a seat on the chair opposite mine. I watched her cross her legs and put her hands on her knee, move her hair behind one shoulder and fix her gaze on me. St looked like a female version of Henris Steve.

“I am sure you know why I am here!” He started.

I raised an eyebrow. “No, actually, I don't know. Please enlighten me.”

“You have to stay away from Henris" she smiled, completely ignoring my sarcasm. “He has business to manage and no tir for a crazy relationship. Which isn't even a relationship, I might add.”

“Thank you for your interest, but you don't know anything about our relationship.” I mumbled, shifting uncomfortably in chair. My iPhone vibrated on the desk and I immediately knew it would be Henris, because he was the only one texting m instead of coming to my office.

“It's Henris, isn't it?” He asked haughtily. “You seem nervous.”

“No, it's not him." I lied.

“You are a horrible liar. I'm sure Henris has already pointed this out."

I narrowed my eyes in his direction. “You can leave now. I have a lot of work to do."

“50 is Henris. His business will always come first. You have to understand that." said Claire coldly, rising. I watched her wz cautiously towards the door, stopping before opening it. “He doesn't need you."

“You're exactly like him," I laughed bitterly. He motioned for me to continue and I looked at the floor as I spoke. “You wan to be in control. And you're trying to intimidate people. I understand why he can't stand you, you look too much alike.” She sighed and turned to me, crossing her arms over her chest to defend herself. Except for the fact that he doesn't just put up with me, he adores me. Henris couldn't have asked for better than me. You're just a game to him. He sees how lon it takes him to fuck you and he leaves you, baby."


“You know I'm right, Noras” He shrugged his shoulders and left. As soon as the door closed, I dropped my shoulders and leaned back in my chair, thinking about what he had said. Jace returned a few minutes later, moving his brown hair from I forehead as he spoke.

“Damn, she's so hot! How do you know her? "He exclaimed. I mumbled, dropping my head on my hands.

“Henris, let's say she was with him. And she’s married." I said bitterly, opening Henris's message.

From: Henris Steve, 12:49- James will pick you up at seven tonight.

I put the phone back in its place and turn my attention to Jace who starts pacing in front of me, barely containing his excitement at the situation. “Shut up! Why was he here?”

“He told me to stay away from Henris," I mumbled. “Which I probably should do. Can we go back to work now?”

“Noras! You need to tell me about this. She complained.

“Not now, Jace. Can we finish this now?"

With a sigh, I was satisfied. The rest of the day passed in silence while Jace and I worked, finally deciding on the idea for our last article. We left the building at seven in the evening, our caffeine starting to dissipate and our fingers sore from writing.

we walked slowly towards the house, arm in arm, leaning on each other. My heels were removed a few blocks before we reached the apartment building and Jace's tie was loosened shortly after. The feeling of relief when we saw our building was quickly erased at the sight of James waiting patiently in the Range Rover.

“Shit” 1 whispered.

“Please tell me it's not Henris,” Jace complained. “You haven't spent a night at home for ages.”

“I know,” I sighed. “But I promised him to stay the night. We can go on a best friends date soon. Like going to see a movie that sounds horribly romantic but that we're going to end up loving? And eat sushi?”

“You pay”

“All right" I laughed as we approached the building. “Hey, James!”

“Noras,” he smiled, touching his hat. “I'm ready to leave when you are.”

I nodded and ran to the stairs, quickly packing a bag with my work outfit for the next day. A few minutes later, after a tigh hug from my best friend, I was on my way to Henris Steve's apartment. On the way, I sang fake, receiving an amused smile from James.

When we entered the well-lit parking lot, we found Henris at the elevator as usual, with his hands behind his back and a neutral expression on his perfect face. He was wearing a shirt with small polka dots and a black suit, his hair combed bac His eyes followed the car when it stopped in front of him. He quickly opened the door, practically pulling me out.

I stumbled to my own feet as he dragged me to the elevator, holding my bag of clothes in one hand and his other arm encircling my waist. Now with a determined expression on his face.

“Calm down.” 1 groaned when he pressed the elevator button for the fifth time. He silenced me with a cold look out of the corner of his eye. A few seconds later, the door opened and he took me inside the elevator. He immediately pushed me against the wall, resting his forehead on mine and breathing deeply.

“I want to make you feel good, Noras. I've been craving for you all day.” He whispered. I stopped breathing because of the unexpected words. “I really wanted to keep my promise and come to your office.” There was a brief pause while he slowly bit my lip. “breathe, Noras."

The door closed and his mouth pressed urgently on mine, his hands on my waist. Henris lifted me up effortlessly and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his pelvis. He grunted slightly in my mouth, tying his fingers in my hair and pressin; my body harder against the wall.

“Open your eyes” He whispered against my Lips. I ran, opened them and found his face a few inches from mine, his breat smelling of mint on my face. Her dark, determined eyes. “You are mine. I've been waiting for this all day. 'm going to shor you that you're mine."

He did not wait for my answer but put his lips on mine again. The doors opened and he let me out. My back made contac with the wall of the attic entrance as he pressed against me, moving his groin against mine.

“My bag” I said breathlessly when the doors closed, waving my hand towards the elevator, where Marc Jacobs’ bag had been thrown on the floor.

“Shut up, Noras." He growled in response. I could only nod and reattach our mouths. My fingers intertwined in her curls before falling on her thick shoulders from where I slipped her jacket. He dropped it on the floor without thinking about it and carried me to the kitchen table, bent over it and approached, holding himself between my legs.

He took me by surprise when he grabbed my thighs, bringing me to the edge of the table to keep our bodies close. “How was your day?” He asked with his lips on my neck before starting to gently suck on the now almost invisible mark. I groan in response, tightening my grip on his shoulders.

“Is it okay?” He joked. A spark of amusement lit up in her eyes, but she quickly faded away when I started unbuttoning he shirt.

“So impatient, Steve?” I answered dryly. “You practically jumped on me as soon as I got out of the car.”

“You're the one unbuttoning my shirt, Wishe. And I would have fucked you against the car if James hadn't been there.” He said with a smirk and the dimples I like on his cheeks. I laughed slightly before kissing her again with my fingers trying to pull off her Burberry shirt to see those gorgeous tattoos, her abs, everything.

He pulled my hands away from the buttons, which I managed to open enough to reveal the sparrows on his chest. Then, with a devilish smile, he got down on his knees in front of me. I looked at him with wide eyes as he slowly untied and too off my shoes and placed them next to the table.

“Mine.” He whispered. Her lips began to caress my ankles, slowly moving up my legs. When he reached my knees, I closed my legs, shaking my head. He raised his eyebrows before standing up.

“Relax, Noras." He said softly. “I'm going to make you feel good.”

I blushed a lot and put my face in the curve of his neck, which caused him to pull my hair back slightly to look me in the eyes. “Look at me" He ordered in a hoarse voice. I lifted my head and watched him kneel down again.

He licked his lips slightly and opened my legs, placing himself in the newly created space, so that I could not close them again. Her lips began to touch my knees. They then climbed up to my thighs, biting and sucking as his curls grazed my ski Henris lifted my skirt and gave me a smile by way of approval.

“Nice underwear” He commented, running his fingers over the edge. I was surprised when he inserted his fingers and started touching me. My shock was quickly replaced by soft moans as he continued his movements. I closed my eyes and suddenly his hands were no longer in contact with me.

I moaned slightly and opened my eyes, I found the CEO still kneeling in front of me with a furious look, his hands on my thighs.

“Keep your eyes open, baby." He ordered. He put his hands in my briefs again, this time tapping lightly under my thighs a lifted my hips off the table, letting him remove my black lace briefs which he placed next to my shoes.

I looked up at him and he looked at me. For once, I was the one who looked down on him, but he always kept control ove me. The first buttons of his shirt open, his hair in a mess following the meeting in the elevator and his sleeves rolled up. that moment, he looked a little like a businessman, unlike usual, but sexier than ever.

His tongue passed over his lower lip and with a last smirk, his mouth was on me. Immediately, my hands took hold of her hair, getting stuck in the mass of curls and soft moans escaped from my lips. His hands took my thighs with more force as he began to suck.

“Henris." He groaned, tightening his curls.

“Talk to me.” He ordered.

“Qu... what am I saying?”

His tongue ran over her wet lips and he lifted his head from my legs, leaving little kisses along the inside of my thigh. “Te me what you want, Noras.” He said hoarsely. Her emerald eyes fixed on my flushed face.

“You! I whispered, looking away to avoid embarrassment.



“We will have to work on it. Tell me what you want me to do." He gave me a smirk, his fingers began to caress my pale thighs, making me shiver. “You like it when I touch you. Tell me."

“Henris, please.” I begged, not wanting to fall into embarrassment. He narrowed his eyes in my direction as he started touching me again with his fingers, slowly, teasing me. “Please.”

“Tell me what you want me to do.’

“Just- damn it, Henris- don't make me say it" I mumbled, closing my eyes and shaking my head. He burst into a deep laug surprising me, and his curls grazed my legs. He muttered something unintelligible that sounded like “f*****g innocent” ar then his mouth was on me again and the sensation was too heavenly to reject it.

His tongue worked tirelessly and I tried to restrain my moans. Without warning, he slipped a finger inside me and began move it in and out, in rhythm with his tongue, which increased the pleasure.

“Come for me, Noras." He ordered. Another moan came out of my mouth. “Noras, let yourself go.” He whispered. The soun of his hoarse voice and the sight of his eyes blackened by [**t made me rock and I pronounced his name several times. My body started shaking and he slowly pulled his finger out, catching up with me just in time for me to collapse into his arms, breathing quickly. Henris crossed his arms under me and carried me upstairs, lowering my skirt as I walked.

He put me on the bed and I tried to resist the urge to close my eyes, exhausted. A few minutes later, the bed was lowered and he joined me wearing only his underpants.

“it down, baby." He said politely.

“Ym tired." I whispered. He grumbled, running a hand under my back and making me sit up. 1 didn’t protest when he took off my shirt and put on his own, then he untied my skirt and helped me put on one of his black underpants.

He let me lie down again when he finished changing and pulled me back against his bare chest. Henris's soft lips caresse my neck before biting it teasingly.

“Stop it I laughed, shaking my head. He grunted and pulled me closer to him, making me take the position of a small spoon and wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Thank you for coming tonight, Nora."

“Oh, uh... Yep. It was... fun" I said I was embarrassed.

I could imagine the smile on her lips that were currently planted against my shoulder. His long fingers ran through my ha which immediately calmed me down and allowed my breathing to return to a normal level for the first time since I arrive at his house that night. “I suppose. Now you have to return the favor.”

“I have nothing to do.” I whispered. He quickly changed his position and I found him on me. He was standing with his hands, one on each side of my head. Her tousled curls were pulled back, away from her forehead, and I could see a glean in her eyes.

“You are mine.” He said in a hoarse voice. “Mine."

I nodded helplessly. “Yours. And you're mine.”

“Noras." She sighed. I watched, fascinated, his eyes soften. He resumed his position on the bed, then, in a way that did nc resemble Henris, he slipped a lock of hair behind my ear and slowly stroked my cheek with his thumb. My heart skipped : beat at this gesture, and his lips opened, as if he wanted to speak, then closed in an instant.

My stomach collapsed, but my heart kept pounding because at that moment I knew. I knew that Henris Steve, the boss of Steve Enterprises, had agreed not to see anyone else, and that he would be mine. He probably would never have admitte it to himself, but the way he looked at me with big eyes, one hand on my cheek and the other around my waist, pulling m to him protectively, he was mine.

Even if he didn’t know it.

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