A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me
A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 24

I woke up a few hours later with a blanket over my body, a pillow under my head and Henris Steve who was no longer ne> to me. 1 sat up with a grunt and looked around the cabin of the jet and found him sitting with his head down on his files with a pen between his lips. “Hey!'I said softly in a voice hoarse from sleep. He barely looked away from the newspapers. “Did you sleep well?” “Yes, are you still working?" “Yes,” he breathed, finally shifting his gaze to me. “Are you going to keep bothering me or do you have better things to do I looked at him with a scowl and stood up, stretching my arms upwards. “Where is the toilet?” “Behind the door, to your right” I rolled my eyes when I heard his cold tone and got out of the cabin, opening the door to the small bathroom that was somehow larger than the one in the house. It was even better decorated. I washed my face, to try to wake up better befor going out. When I returned to the luxurious cabin, I found Henris, one hand in his hair and the other tapping his pen on the pages. The eyebrows frown on her beautiful face and the stress lines are visible. “Henris?"! called politely. He kept his eyes on the papers, without disconcerting himself. “Hm?” “I thought you would relax.” “I did it. And now I'm working, Noras."He answered coldly. I walked cautiously towards him, until 1 was behind him, then I put my hands on his shoulders. At first he was surprised by my touch, but when I began to slowly move my thumbs in sm: circles, his shoulders relaxed. “Don’t distract me.’ “Come on, we'll spend some time together” said softly. I gathered all the confidence I had received from having her unde my control and hearing her moan at my touch, and I moved closer, resting my chin on her shoulder and pressing our cheeks together. Her face was delicate, the small hairs on her chin tickled my skin. I wrapped my arms around his neck and glanced at the papers, full of numbers and big words that I didn't understand, except those with huge dollar signs. “It sounds boring” “Noras, I don't have time for this." I bit my lip thoughtfully. “If you spend some time with me now, I won't bother you on the way back.” Henris burst out laughing before throwing the papers on the floor and turning to me. His face lit up with a childish smile that reminded me of how young he was, making him more beautiful than ever. “Deal done, Noras. What is your idea of spending time together?” “You know," 1 joked, walking around the chair and sitting on his lap. “Actually, I didn't expect you to accept” “Oh, really?” “Really."l smiled. He rolled his eyes and stood up, which surprised me with this sudden movement, but he kept his hands firmly under me he walked. When he reached the sofa, he threw me on it in a playful way before falling on top of me, a smirk on his lips. “Noras, Noras, Noras."He said softly, a few inches from my face. I held my breath as one of his hands brushed my arm, goi up until it reached my shoulder, then finally my jaw. “You always underestimate me. What do you mean?” “That's not true” said weakly. “I mean, I do, but only when it's fun. 'm practically forcing you to relax with me.” “Remember when you snuck into my office?” I pushed him away with a smirk before sitting down. “Yeah, and you kicked me out in like 30 seconds.” “If I remember correctly, I tried to fuck you before.” “Oh my god.” I grumbled, dropping my head into my hands in embarrassment. “You are so... rude.” “I think you like it” “That's not true.” “Really?"He said softly. I looked up at him, on guard, as he moved closer and hid his face in my neck, depositing a small kiss on my skin, creating chills along my spine. “I think you like it when I talk like that. I bet you are actually very perverte under all this false innocence” “Henris!” He laughed against the skin of my neck and raised his head, keeping our fingers intertwined. “You have not denied it" “All right, don't..” Before I could finish my sentence, he lifted me up and moved me on the floor, covered with a brown carpet, managing no to hit my head, but at the same time pinning me with his body on mine. “Do you think you can finish the sentence?”He provoked. Her green eyes sparkle with amusement. I stuck my tongue out : him and tried to get out from under him, which caused him to grab my arms and pin them to the ground, above my head. I sent him a bad look. “I don't like it when you...” This time he silenced me by quickly pressing his mouth to mine, tilting his head slightly to the side while we kissed. 1 wrapped my legs around her torso, crossing my ankles over her back and interlacing my fingers in her curls at the base o her neck. He walked away too soon, making me pout. “You have one last chance to say so." I squinted in his direction, feeling challenged. “Very well. I don't like it... Her lips came into contact with mine before I could utter half a sentence. I pushed him away, which made him fall to my side, doubly hilarious, he tried to control his laughter by putting a hand in front of his mouth. “You..”He said breathlessly “You couldn't...” “I don't like it when you're vulgar!"l interrupted him with a victorious cry. His deep laughter stopped immediately and I gc up, running behind a chair before he could do anything else to me. “I win!” He got up effortlessly, wiping his pants with an intimidating smile. “Okay, you won. Now, come here."He ordered, offering his hand as a sign of peace. I shook my head. “Oh no. I am not getting caught up in your “claim to innocence’, which, if I may say so, fails terribly because you are far from innocent. I bet the second I take your hand, you throw me on the couch.” “I was thinking more about f*****g you on the couch, but that will do too. And I don't think you're as innocent as you let on.” “I knew it!"l smiled. “So what? If I'm not?” He shrugged his shoulders and started walking towards me in the small cabin. As soon as I met his gaze, I regretted havin decided to play wrestling with him for two reasons. First, because of the lack of places to hide. Two, because being lockec in a room with Henris Steve for more than an hour is never a good idea. And it's been at least four already. He threw himself on me when he was close enough, and with a sharp sound I managed to escape to the other side of the chair and run through the cabin. His deep growl echoed around the room and he turned around squinting in my directior “I think we've been here before. You run, I catch up with you and we end up against a wall”He said calmly. I bit my lip to hide the smile that was trying to appear on my face. The mischievous Henris Steve was one of the most adorable things I ever seen. “Things can change, Steve. You haven't got me yet." “Noras, honestly," I sighed, taking one more step in my direction. My eyes began to scan the small area in search of a flaw To my left, I saw the sofa and to my right, a small table that I could bypass to reach the other side of the room again. “Yor should already give up.’ Indignant, I gathered my hair, tying it into a tail so that it would not fall on my face. “In your dreams.” “No, I rather dream of you naked. And you know I like it when your hair is up” He gave me a smirk when he saw my cheeks blush and took another step forward. My steps back were calmed by the presence of the door leading to the pilots’ cabin. I shouted in silence and tried to escape, taking a step aside, towards th small table and hoping to get around it. My plans stopped at the window when he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me off the floor, making me turn. myself in a triumphant way. “Put me down!"l said in a high-pitched voice. He lifted me even higher. “Henris!" “Oh, do you want to come down?"He teased me. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, I understood his plan. I was thrown onto the leather sofa and followed shortly after by Henris’ body. He stuck my arms above my head with a victorio smile on his lips. “l win" My insolent answer was interrupted by the opening of the passenger room door and the stewardess who entered, seeing Henris above me on the sofa, stammered something, her cheeks flushed and she left, closing the door behind her. For my part, I burst out laughing at this embarrassing situation. Henris, on the other hand, was less amused. As always. H got up, all the lightness present a few seconds before having disappeared from his beautiful face. I watched him silently straighten his collar and open the cabin door. “Have you ever heard of knocking?"He said irritably. The hostess took a step back, her face turning almost purple. “I'm sorry, Mr. Steve. I haven't...” “Don’t you have what? Thought?” “It was a mistake.’She mumbled, upset. “You don’t say anything."He growled. “Now, what can you need?” The poor woman seemed on the verge of tears. I chose this moment to intervene. I walked behind Henris and I put a han on his back to try to calm him down and I smiled gently at him. “Really, you don't need to worry. What's going on?" asked calmly. The flight attendant’s eyes turned to Henris, whose ire was now focused on me rather than her. I forced myself to breathe normally and kept my eyes fixed on her. She licked her lips nervously before speaking. “I was wondering if you were read, for lunch” “Yes, certainly. What do you say, Henris?” “Yes."He said gritting his teeth. I was surprised when he tightened his grip on my waist and slammed the door angrily. Immediately he turned to me. “What the hell is this? You just made me look like an idiot in front of my employees, Noras! You can't do such shit!” “I... 1 just thought you were too mean."l answered softly. “He was going to cry.” “Too bad"?! She is my employee must be doing her job well “Well, you didn’t need to be such a jerk with her! You are too brutal with people!” “Because I'm signing their payslips. I can say whatever I want”He said in an irritated tone, turning and walking towards th leather armchair. “Let's stop there for today.” I grumbled in frustration and went back to the couch, pulled out the magazine again and pretended to be interested in Z Berg's rehabilitation. The room was plunged into a stony silence until there was a knock at the door, followed by the abru order of Henris: “Come inl". The nervous flight attendant arrived with two plates, each containing a club sandwich and French fries. She handed me o with a small smile, while she passed the other to Henris without making eye contact. 1 didn't blame him. “What to drink?"She asked softly. “Water.” “Jack and Coke”'said Henris abruptly. The woman left the room as quickly as she had entered it, returning a few moments later with the drinks and leaving again. I had a feeling that this would be his last appearance until the end of the flight. At some point, after eating and reading, I fell asleep again, my mind full of thoughts about how Henris could get upset so easily. In fact, we were having a great time and he had to ruin it by yelling at this poor woman. This time, it was Henris who gently woke me up. “We are about to land” He said mumbling. I yawned and put on my belt. Henris sat on the other side, a stack of folders on the table next to him that he probably re: while I was sleeping. He looked almost nervous, playing with his fingers and biting his lip. “So, what is your mother’s name?”l asked as the jet began its descent. “Anne. She and my sister, Gemma, will be waiting for us at the airport” “Oh. Cool. That uh... what do they think of our relationship? Like, they think I'm your. girlfriend?” He looked at me with an indifferent air. “They won't ask. My business is my business” “OK” We landed after hours in the air, a moment filled with sexual tension, then playfulness and finally Henris who shouted at me. He seemed to have gathered all the aspects of our relationship in nine hours. Henris stared at me while I unbuckled my belt, then held out his hand to me. I took it without a word, letting my sweaty palm meet her soft skin until our fingers intertwined perfectly. His big hand took mine, my hands seeming tiny in his grip as we entered the airport. “Can you slow down?"I grumbled, pulling on his hand to get his attention. “Sorry."He whispered. “I can’t wait to see my family.” When the words left his mouth, he blushed and glared at me as if he was embarrassed for the first time. I found him incredibly adorable, so much so that I stopped and leaned over to give him a kiss on the lips. “NorasHe sighed softly. His free hand wrapped around my waist, bringing my body closer to his, once again locking me i his protective grip. My mouth opened slightly when his tongue traced my lower lip. The kiss ended with a slight peck at tt corner of my mouth, then he put his forehead on mine. I smiled, fixing a fallen curl on her forehead and let my hand rest on her cheek for a moment longer. “You seem... nervous “I am not. It’s just that I haven't met the man who's supposed to marry my mother yet because I'm too busy at work, what he's absolutely horrible? It would be my fault for letting them get married."He growled. Then he fell back on himself and continued walking without waiting for an answer from me, failing to make my chin touch the ground in shock. We crossed the airport again and I tried to assimilate the fact that Henris Steve opened up to me about a personal problem. Even more surprising, he did it voluntarily. As I started to move forward, my mind exploded again when he let go of my hand to wrap the two brunettes in front of us in a tight embrace. Both their arms were around her and the youngest, whom I assumed to be her sister, seemed on the verge of tears. “Haz"she said softly, pulling away from him and wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes. “You look so old and so serious.” He also had a bloody nickname. What is strange about his family’s welcome is not the hug itself, nor the fact that they bo cried at the sight of the man, nor the use of the nickname. It is the fact that by kissing the two women, he bent his knees the point of being smaller than them. They were the first two people I had met to whom Henris Steve had given total, indisputable, undeniable control.

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