A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me
A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 32

Louis, Jace and I looked at each other in confusion for a minute before Louis broke the silence. He looked around, observing all the roses once more, ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

“Well, this a*****e certainly knows what he's doing”

Jace tapped him on the arm and meanwhile, I made sure to get up off the floor. All these emotions created a storm inside me, ravaging both my brain and my heart as I tried to decide what to do. There was love, forgiveness and happiness. But mostly anger.

Before I could take a second look at the flowers, I ran to the door with the boys who were chasing me, their feet covered only with socks made almost no noise compared to that of my heels. I ran down the stairs and through the busy streets o New York as fast as I could.

“When did you learn to run? "Jace shouted.

I slowed down my pace and turned around to give the two boys behind me a black look. Louis held Jace’s hand tightly as they ran to catch up with me, causing innocent passers-by to flee before stopping a few steps away from me.

“Flowers!"I shouted. “I told him I wanted flowers and he sent me flowers! What an a*****e!"

If they hadn't already been confused, what I said certainly would have. They continued to walk behind me in silence until turned into a street that would definitely not lead me to the Vogue offices.

“Oh no no not"Jace screamed as he grabbed my arm, little fingers pressed on my wrist. “You are not going where I think yc are going!”

“Of course I'm going! I would love to see what he has to say for himself”

“What he had to say was written in the note!”

I huffed, irritated. Yes, he said he was going to start with the flowers. What does that mean? Now he's hitting on me after making me leave in tears last night? Bullshit”

“I agree, Noras, but you can't rush into his office like crazy."

I turned around on my Valentino stilettos and pointed my finger at Jace. “Oh, but that's exactly what I want to do, and I really hope he has good explanations.”

“It's going to be interesting"Louis said, which earned him a bad look from me and a little “Lewis!"from the mouth of her boyfriend. The Doncaster native rolled his eyes before putting an arm around Jace and snuggling up to him.

“Oh my god". I grumbled to the two men who were then looking at each other with eyes full of love. “In case you've forgotten, we're in the middle of Manhattan and you only have socks on your feet.”

They burst out laughing and I punched them in the shoulder to bring them back to earth and get them out of their little bubble of love that I was starting to get tired of

“This is his workplace!"Jace growled in his last act of protest. Her light blue eyes implored my darker eyes in silence. Ther looked at the smaller boy who was still attached to his side, filled with anger and I made up my mind.

I shrugged my shoulders and ignored them, continuing my way to the very large building in front of us, on the facade of which Steve Enterprises was written in large letters. People wearing beautiful suits and carrying briefcases in their hands were walking in and out of the doors.

I walked through the crowd into the lobby and past the blonde receptionist who yelled at me to sign, which I ignored witt middle finger in the air. By the time I got to the elevator, Jace and Louis had left, probably planning how to gain forced control over me after I embarrassed myself.

The elevator goes up slowly, stopping at several floors, pretty women and frustrated men enter and exit, before finally reaching the top floor. The doors opened with a little ding. Another receptionist gave me a forced little smile and looked down at me.

“I must see Henris Steve."I huffed as I approached his office. “Like, now.”

She raised her eyebrows and looked at her computer. “Mr. Steve is in a meeting. She is free to wait if she has an appointment.”

“I don't have an appointment, and I want you to call her annoying ass right now and tell her to come here, because I'm really furious”

His face immediately turned pale, probably due to the fact that I called his boss ~ and the scariest man on the planet - a a*+*++e. She pursed her lips trying to stay calm.

“I can't get Mr. Steve out of a meeting.”

“If you don't, I swear to God that I will intervene and stop your precious little meeting." threatened.

“Miss, I'm afraid I'll have to call security if I don't"

I laughed bitterly. “Oh, security? I'm sure Henris will be delighted to hear that I've been fired from security.”

While she was talking, I saw her finger press a small button to her right. The woman actually called security. Grumbling, I ignored her and leaned against the desk, waiting for security to arrive and get me out of there.

When they arrived, I burst out laughing and approached the two men in black suits, opening my arms towards the taller one with a smile on my lips. He didn't accept the hug but offered me a handshake with a smile on his face.

“James!”I accepted by taking his offered hand.

“Noras, what's the matter?"He asked politely.

“Well, that dear woman behind me won't let me see Henris. And I really need to talk to her prayed, nodding my head behind my back. “It's really very important”

james laughed as he looked at the blonde secretary behind me, whose face turned pale and was shocked, as if she could believe that the average woman in front of her could know, let alone be close to, someone as perfect as Henris Steve. The security guard gave him a serious look. “Laura, this is Mrs. Wishe. Whenever she needs to see Henris, you will leave h Now, please, call him and get him out of the meeting."

“Yes, sir"The secretary, whom I now knew as Laura, whispered as she picked up the handset and dialed a number, biting her lip anxiously. “Yes, Mr. Steve... I know... There's, uh, Noras Wishe here. He's here to see you.”

She hung up and looked at me in amazement. “It's coming”

“Thank you sighed.

A few seconds later, the door to his office opened and he stepped out. He wore a confident smile on his lips that went perfectly with his navy blue suit and his hair combed back. Henris' eyes looked at me without restraint before stopping right in front of me and sighing.

My plan to yell at him was defenestrated the moment I looked around, realizing the people around us who were watching our interaction with fascination. Laura stared open-mouthed at his tall figure, which contrasted with mine, still complete! shocked. With a nod from Henris, James ushered the other two people out of the lobby, leaving us alone.

“Noras "said Henris in a forced voice. “What would be the problem?”

I looked down at the floor and bit my lip as I thought. “Well, uh, you see, now that I'm here, the problem seems really stupid.”

“And what would that be?”

Sighing, I looked up at him and whispered: “The flowers." S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“The flowers?”

“The flowers.”

He frowned in confusion. “Was it too much? Didn't you like them?”

“No, they were great. Just... Why?"

His beautiful face distorted with apprehension and he held out his hand to me. I accepted with gratitude and followed hi down the small corridor, towards his large office. When he opened the doors, the men and women around the table immediately stopped talking and stood up to greet him.

Surprised, I hid behind him while their eyes rested on me, then on our clasped hands and finally on Henris again with completely lost looks. He glanced at everyone and hugged me protectively, then cleared his throat.

“I need a few minutes."He ordered rudely. Since no one was moving, her eyes darkened and her voice dropped an octave. “Now. Everybody, get out.”

A chorus of “Yes, sir” and “Yes, Mr. Steve” filled the room and everyone picked up their computers and walked out the doc giving him a nod of respect and receiving nothing in return but a serious look.

As soon as the last one left the room, Henris turned around and pushed me towards the newly closed door. His lips foun mine, but instead of kissing me, he left them a few inches from mine.

“Noras."He sighed.

In response, I intertwined my fingers in her hair and urgently brought her lips closer to mine. All anger left my body as so as her cinnamon aroma filled my mouth and the coconut essence of her shampoo kissed me.

Henris brought his body closer to mine, his hands went up my sides, past my shoulders to find their place at the base of my neck. Her fingers in the hair on the back of my neck made me moan slightly with pleasure; I tilted my head to the side and her lips traced my jaw just under my ear.

“Mine.’He whispered in a hoarse voice. “To me, to me, to me.”

Then, as if to confirm his statement, he began to bite and lightly suck the sensitive skin on my neck. Another moan escap my lips when he ran his tongue over the fresh mark and brought our mouths together.

“Don't you ever leave like that again "He ordered.

“Don’t let me do this." whispered in response.

A hoarse sound came out of his throat and he lifted me up effortlessly, my black skirt lifted as I wrapped my legs around his pelvis and he led me to a destination unknown to me. My questions were answered when I felt the hard wood of his desk make contact with my buttocks.

He placed himself between my legs and took my face firmly in his hands. My breathing was still difficult because of the sitting against the door, because he seemed to be affecting me. He ran his rough thumbs over my dry lips. His eyes were big, almost worried, as he looked at me.

“What was the problem with the flowers?"He finally asked.

“I didn't know what they were supposed to mean.’I admitted breathlessly. The feeling of her lips on mine still had a big effect on my mind and the way her hands were sliding down and now caressing my hips was very distracting. “I can't concentrate with you so close.”

Henris let out a sudden laugh and snuggled his face into the curve of my neck, in that mischievous way that I loved so much and never got tired of. “Sorry, baby."

When he withdrew, I regretted letting him know how distracting he was, because I immediately missed the feeling of his muscular shoulders under the touch of my hands, and I missed his lips. I shook my head and turned my attention back tc him.

He took a seat on the chair in front of his desk with an amused smile, one leg over the other and his hands fixed on his I Embarrassed, I straightened my skirt under his gaze before crossing my legs, still on the desk, and looking at him.

“50, you have a problem wiith flowers?"He asked.

“Nol ran. “I have a problem with the fact that you change your mind so easily."

He raised a dark eyebrow in defiance. “It didn’t seem to be a problem when you were moaning against my office door a fe seconds ago”

At his words, I could almost see my neck starting to turn fiery red and, once again, I chose to fascinate myself with the uninteresting dark carpet, instead of facing his penetrating gaze that stared at me without restraint.

“OK, that was off topic”I finally managed to say. “Why did you change your mind?"

“I don't know, Noras. Even the second your boring ass came out of my apartment, I missed you. I told you that you made me better. I'm willing to try"

“Stop calling me annoying.”

“Do you ignore the fact that I want to try?”

I pressed my lips together in frustration. “Calling me boring and then saying that you want to try is a bit contradictory.” Henris did me the honor of one of his rare smiles, in which his dimples took place on his cheeks in such an adorable way that his whole face lit up. It was hard to imagine that the smiling boy in front of me was the same man who owned the office where I was sitting.

“twill not see anyone else. I won't be seeing Claire, except for business.."He glared at me when I opened my mouth, read to reply. “But I'll see her anyway and I don’t want to hear about it. I will send you flowers, as mentioned in this morning's note. And 1 will try”

“Are we going to have a date besides eating?”

Her smile faded a little. We are not together. But yes, we go out sometimes. Wherever you want."

“OK. Can we go bowling?”

“If that's what you want to do, then yes, we will go"He smiled. “But I warn you, I'm a b**t-kicker at bowling”

I tried to hold back a smile before failing miserably and letting it take its place on my face, my heart beating faster as the mischievous Henris made his appearance. “I don't believe you."

“Do you want to make a bet?”

“I'd like to, Steve. told him with a smirk.

He got up effortlessly from his chair and approached me, still sitting on his desk, his hands tightly clasped around its edges. I could barely breathe in front of this proximity so close and so sudden and I did everything I could to maintain th little self-control that I had left.

“Are you really ready to take up this challenge?"He said softly, rubbing his nose against mine in an eskimo kiss.


“You don’t seem very sure. We're going bowling tonight. Now, settle the terms of the bet, baby."

I looked at him intently, green eyes against the dark blue. “If I win, you have to relax for a whole day with me. No busines: no phone calls, nothing. Just you and me and a lot of food, alcohol and movies. And the hugs”

“Noras, I can't spend a whole day without my phone. One of my employees is going to make a mistake and I'm going to have to do something to fix it, and...

I silenced him by pressing my lips against his, firstly because he is always so “kissable” and secondly because he needed silence. He put his forehead on mine when I walked away.

“Are you afraid, Mr. Steve? Do you think you will lose?” teased him.

His gaze intensified and I froze under his touch. “No, Noras. I won't lose. Are you ready to accept my conditions? And don" you dare call me Mr. Steve anymore.”

I tried to keep my insurance and I fixed it. “Yes, Mr. Steve.”

“Noras."He warned.

“All right, all right! Tell me what happens if you win."

He gave me a funny little smile as he pulled me closer to the edge of the desk so that our kisses were pressed against ea other. For the hundredth time since I have been with him, he made me lose my breath by approaching and drawing a fain line with his lips on my jaw.

When he finally reached my ear, Henris placed a kiss on the still fresh mark he had made a few minutes earlier, declaring me his own, before bringing his mouth to my ear. His thick eyelashes caressed my flushed cheeks and he breathed a sigh satisfaction.

Then his ringed fingers curled into my hair, tilting my head to the side and giving him easier access to my neck. I got chill down my spine and everywhere his breath touched my skin. We stayed like this for a few minutes, the only noise in the room being my labored breaths and his quiet murmurs.

“If 1 win," he finally said, his voice deep and hoarse, rich with his accent. “Then I can fuck you."

I froze completely, unable to speak, move, or do anything but focus on the words that were coming out of his mouth. But then he slightly bit the cartilage in my ear, bringing more pleasure to my body, and said one last word that made my hear stop.


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