A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me
A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 38

Somehow, on the Friday afternoon before the charity event, Louis, Sophia, Alice and Aaron ended up invading our small apartment after work. Jace decided that he didn't want to be bored while I was at my “glamorous charity event’, so I had to get ready with my fi best friends around me. Alice and Sophia showered me with attention, fixing my hair and putting blush on my cheeks, as if I were a doll, while I moaned and pushed their hands away. After 45 minutes of pure t****e, they decided that I was ready to date Henris Stev “Look, with your hair up like that, you look like a mature woman who knows what she’s doing with her life."Alice giggled, which earned her a slap from Sophia. “Please, Noras is definitely mature,” Sophia teases. “I mean, look at her outfit now." They started giggling when they looked at my outfit, which consisted of baggy pajama pants with little sheep drawn on them and a Yankees T-shirt that was too big. “Ym tired of you two." “YesI sighed. But not enough to let you blind me with the mascara brush. Outside. Go drink some wine or something” Sophia frowns. “I haven't reached the legal drinking age yet, remember?”. “I don't care. Put it in a bottle, young man.’ He amused himself by rolling his eyes and followed Alice out of the bathroom, leaving me to finally get ready in peace. I slipped into the purple dress that Jace had previously chosen for me, put on my black heels and went into the living roo Someone blew the whistle. “Have you done your hair?" “Maybe he really put his life in order” “ would go straight to you.” “I liked the pants with the sheep.’ I frowned at my so-called friends. “Wow, thank you all for the positive feedback and the continued support.” “We're trying," Jace says with a shrug. “But seriously, you look really good. What is this charity event for?” I collapsed on the edge of the sofa, almost in Louis's arms, but I didn't care at all. “As if you knew it. He just shouted at m that we were going, 50 I have to go if I want him to come to the club with us tomorrow. We haggled.’ Everyone looked up at the sky when they heard the description of my messy relationship, before turning their attention back to Aaron and his story with Victoria, who apparently announced the bad news at the editorial meeting, without wanting to admit it. We were all making fun of her by pretending not to be terrified of our boss when Henris came into the salon with his han in his pockets and his hair combed back. He was wearing black jeans and an equally black blazer, under the latter a white shirt with a wide neckline that revealed his collarbones. I was speechless when, looking at me, he opened his mouth and said . “Noras." “Of course." He laughed. “Are you ready to go?” After collecting my purse and giving each of my friends a kiss on the cheek, I took his hand and we left the apartment in the direction of the SUV with James at the wheel. The car ride was strangely quiet; Henris was moving his legs up and down while busy playing with my fingers, as if he was nervous. I sat awkwardly next to him, wondering all the way if I should ask him if everything was okay, and just when I found the courage to do so, the car stopped and we arrived at the event. All around the perimeter, journalists take pictures of businessmen and members of New York high society, sometimes answering questions and posing for photos. James got out of the car and came over to open the door for us, potentially increasing my hold on Henris's hand. “What is it?" whistled. “A fucking red carpet? I thought it was a charity event.’ He barely looked at me. “This is a charity event. Newspapers need photos’ “Ym really too embarrassed for that." “Yes', he says laughing, helping me out of the car, “that’s why you don't have to answer the questions, Nora". As soon as photographers and journalists saw Henris, they began to take pictures and demand his attention. He kept his lips pressed in a straight line and his hand clung to mine as he walked past the group of people that had formed. I shook his hand in despair and tried to hide the undeniable redness of my cheeks at the thought that all these photos would appear on the Internet in a few minutes. Before entering the hotel where the event was to be held, Henris stopped to talk to a little gentleman with an aquiline nose. The man fiddled with the tape recorder under the gaze of Henris. “Oh, Mr. Steve, uh, Evan from the Wall Street journal. I have a few questions for you." “To which, of course, I will answer."said Henris with an annoyed air. “Yes, of course, of course,” he stammered. “How does it feel to be designated as the next Donald Trump?” Henris grunted and pulled me closer to him. This is ridiculous. I will never have a TV series. Next.” “Is it true that you plan to develop in England, and then confidently throughout Europe?” With one last threatening look, Henri led me further to a woman with bright green eyes, wearing a dark green Chanel dre and holding a tape recorder. Her eyes widen in shock when she realizes that, in fact, Henris stops in front of her. “Karen for City Socialite magazine's said enthusiastically. I pressed my cheek against Henris's shoulder, thus hiding the smile that threatened to take place on my face when I saw the woman so agitated. Even though I felt bad for her, because I knew exactly how I felt under Henris's gaze, it was almos comical to see the effect he has on each person. And I also felt relieved at the thought that I wasn't the only one. “Um, who are you wearing?"She finally managed to ask him. Without even thinking about it, I let out a grunt and elbowed Henris. “This is not an Yves Saint Laurent. It's Armani.” it was then that the lady seemed to notice the brunette tied to Henris's hand. Her botulized lips opened in shock and she tilted her head to the side and, more than obviously, squared me up from head to toe, examining every annoying inch of me. “You're right,” he chuckled. “And you must be Henris's girlfriend?” Before I could think of one of my excuses to avoid the question, the company CEO grunted and dragged me away from th curious woman and into the luxurious hotel. There were signs all over the room for Comic Relief, a charity campaign. Following the signs, we made our way to a beautiful banquet hall where the dinner and the auction were taking place. Ea person we passed first looked at our intertwined hands and then lowered his gaze to the ground to avoid Henris. “Come,” he mumbled, leading me through the crowded room to a table in the middle of the first row, where we sat with important-looking people wearing magnificent suits. Everyone at the table got up to greet him, reach out to him and ther introduce themselves to me with a smile. smiling, 1 shook hands with everyone present at the table, each of them with an important title next to his name, as if to emphasize how much more important they were than me. I sat rather uncomfortably on the chair next to Henris, relaxing slightly only when I felt his hand rest on my knee. “Have they already closed the doors, Paul?"He asked calmly. Aman on the other side of the table shook his head. “soon, Mr. Steve" Then they all started talking about business and investments using cultured terms that I didn't understand. So I decided approach Henris and nod when he did too, as if I knew what they were talking about. since all my attention was occupied with copying Henris, it took the lady next to me three attempts to get my attention, before Henris, frowning, nodded to the poor woman, which made me finally turn to the blonde lady with red cheeks. “Oh, sorry. I was listening to the, uh, conversation. Yes. Hello." He had a little laugh. “Very well. I have no idea what they are talking about either.” “Shit, does it show?"l whistled. “Only because it's the same as me,” she smiles, pointing to the man next to her. “He always takes me to these events and have no idea what its all about. Twelve years and you would think that I realized that I was a bit missing the mark." My lips curved into my first real smile since the beginning of the evening. “Thank god, I'm not the only one.” “We can also pretend to talk about important things. How long have you and Mr. Steve been together?” “Um, no. We are... friends," I stammered. “Friends.” The woman burst out laughing as if I had just told her the funniest of jokes. I looked at her with an embarrassed smile ur she recovered and looked at me with an astonished face, she said. “Oh, darling. This is the first time I've seen him bring a woman to an event. It is obvious that he is interested.” “That's not true,” I whispered to her. “She took Cara to the Vogue autumn fashion show.” “Mr. Steve at a fashion event? Rather, it seems that this is the model that brought him,” he shrugged, which earned him a roll of eyes from me before raising his hand. “I put it like that.” After that, I dropped the conversation for fear that Henris would overhear me talking about our relationship with a woma whose name I recently found out was Julia. Apparently, her husband had been working with Henris since the beginning of his career. “Did I mention that I love this dress?”Henris suddenly whispered as he brought his mouth close to my ear. “I would really like to tear it away from you." I blushed furiously and looked around to make sure no one was hearing. “We are in public, Henris”" “Only for a few more hours, Noras.” At that moment, his lips were dangerously approaching the place just under my earlobe, which he seemed to like to Kiss I the point of giving me chills. He smiled before pulling back and placing his big hand just above my knee, not enough for me to squirm, but just enough for me to know what game he was playing. He had a relaxed smile on his lips as he continued to talk to his associates, while bringing his hand higher and higher on my leg. 1 looked at his profile with disappointment, with a flushed face and tight lips, screaming at him in my head to stoj “Is something wrong?"Henris screamed, bringing his hand just below the hem of my silk dress. “Your face is all red, baby” I gritted my teeth and brought his hand back to my knee. “Stop, now.” Her fingers played with the hem again. “Don't be so demanding, Noras. Besides, you don’t want me to stop.” “Yes,” I breathed, moving his hand again. “I do." He made his tongue click on his palate. “Goosebumps prove the opposite.” Holding my breath, I pushed his hand away with a jerk, then tried to hide my smile when he intertwined his fingers with mine and brought our hands back to his legs. He drew invisible circles on the back of my hand while he was talking to several people. He had a straight posture, his he held high and his chin raised, and he clearly dominated the entire table. Everyone seemed to swim in his aura, smiling when he addressed them directly and hanging on his lips. My look of adoration did not go unnoticed; Julia had to push me slightly from time to time and Henris sent me repeated smiles that made my heart beat fast. Very quickly, a little man who seems to live in a bookstore approaches the stage ant clears his throat several times on the microphone. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he greeted. “Before I take the stage, I would like to introduce you to the man who made this year event possible, Mr. Henris Steve, CEO of Steve Enterprises and founder of this event. This year and in previous years, Henris has led the charity campaign. He took a lot of time and attention, showed a lot of interest, and we wouldn't have this success if he hadn't been there. Henris Steve, gentlemen.” Around of applause rang out in the room, and Henris withdrew his hand from mine and stood up from his chair as I look at him, shocked. He seems calm and comfortable when he approaches the microphone, placing it at his height, and puts his hands on the podium. “Thank you, Mark. Comic Relief has always been an important cause for me, and therefore it is an honor to receive credit for all the efforts made over the years. Thanks to various events, benefactors and donations, we have raised more than three million dollars. Thank you all for your help.” 'm sure my mouth was still open in shock when he came back to sit next to me. After a minute during which I watched hi adjust the collar of his shirt and thank the people who congratulated him, I put my arm around his and pulled him towar me. “What the hell was that?” The corners of her mouth perked up. “Was my speech really that bad?” “You know what I'm referring to," I whispered as loudly as I could. “You dragged me to a charity event and you didn't ever tell me that it was your event?” “It wasn't important. What do you think I should do with my money? Spend it all on me? Don't start."He warned me. My mind thought of all the things I thought he was spending his money on: the luxurious penthouse, the flashy cars, the custom suits, and more, it was almost unthinkable that he would have so much money to spend at only 24 years old. And was even more unthinkable that he also had money to give. They served us dinner, and I played without appetite with the green beans and chicken until Henris frowned. He didn't st staring at me until I finished half of my chicken, then he brushed my forehead with his lips. “Thank you,” he whispered into my hair. “And thank you for being here with me tonight.” I smiled at him shyly. “You didn't give me any other alternatives, did you?” “Don’t remind me of the compromise.” “Why not?" giggled while fixing a misplaced buckle. “You're going to have fun dancing with all of us." He rolled his eyes playfully as he adjusted better in the chair, then put his arm around my shoulders, making me lose my breath, and brought his free hand to mine. The sudden proximity of this handsome man with coconut-scented hair, the smell of which I could now smell, made me forget about everything else. “Ym going to have fun dancing with you," she corrected me. And as usual, I gigeled like a 10-year-old girl who has a crush on a kid who throws felt-tip pens at her. Except for my 22nd birthday, the fact that I am hopelessly in love, and the fact th he takes me to charity events. “So, are you really going to dance this time?"l asked breathlessly. Henris frowned, thus forming my favorite little wrinkle in the middle of them, which I thought was absolutely adorable. “I going to dance with you." I didn’t know exactly what to say, so I lowered my head to escape his gaze. “Oh." When he finally turned to the table, I was able to breathe again, despite the accelerated beating of my heart. Until I raise my head and realized that everyone present at the table was looking at us with an uncertain air. Henris squinted in their direction, and in half a second they all looked away, pretending that they had just seen their leader drop a kiss on the hair of the awkward girl next to him. “We're leaving Henris suddenly announces. All eyes turned to him. “It was a wonderful evening, ladies and gentlemen. joseph, I'll see you on Monday. kyle, it's always a pleasure.” “Of course, Mr. Steve.” replied one of the named men. “And nice to have met you, Noras." “All the pleasure is for me.'l squealed, and then we walked away from this awkward table, the company CEO taking his ha somewhat aggressively. As we walked to the exit, countless people stopped Henris to thank him, over and over again. He responded with drawn smiles and tried to hide his annoyance as best he could. Apologetically, he greeted them and passed them, leading us to the door. The New York air hit our cheeks as soon as he opened the doors. I snuggled up to him, savoring his warmth and his musky cologne as we approached the car that had apparently been waiting for us all evening. With a cold look, Henris opened the door and held out his hand to help me get into the back seat. “Why did we leave?"l mumbled, rubbing my hands against each other to try to warm them up. “It wasn't over yet" Henris captured my little hands in his, then brought them to his lap, succeeding in his intention to warm them. He didn't answer me, he just asked James to come back to my apartment. I huffed, annoyed. “What is it? Are you mad at me? Why did we leave?” “Yes, I'm serious,” he snapped. “I wanted to leave and that's what I did.” Tearing my hands away from his, I moved away from him and rested my head on the cold glass. The glass was fogging up with each of my breaths, creating a small board on which I could draw, ignoring Henris. My fingers drew little stars on the glass, then he leaned towards me, his chest on my back and his curls on my cheek. 1 froze, watching his nose stop an inch and a soft sigh escape from his lips, making the glass fog up so that I could draw on it. He put his arm on my shoulder so that I could write better, his eyebrows furrowed and his lower lip between his teeth. Fo some reason, my attention turned to the rings that adorned his fingers, and not to what he was writing. “Noras?"Henris chuckled as he moved, his voice sounded uncertain before he bit his lip to hide the frown that was about form. “I shouldn't have brought you to this event. It was for business, and it wasn't professional. We don't have a relationship." I stared at him for a second, trying to understand his words, then focused on the window. The city was passing us by, all yellow taxis and skyscrapers, my lip was trembling as I tried not to let out the tears that desperately wanted to come out, caused by his unexpected, but still nasty words. That's when I noticed what Henris had written on the window: H + N. So I tried to manage my emotional battle as best I could, slamming the car door as hard as I could as soon as I got to my building, then walking up the stairs to my apartment, trying to ignore the fact that he didn't even try to say hello to me. But trying to ignore it was as difficult as trying to ignore the way his fingers always seemed to rest on a part of my body, ¢ the way he sighed my name affectionately when I annoyed him, or the way he wrote H+N on the window. For every thing that I love incredibly about Henris Steve, there is always one that I deeply hate. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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