A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me
A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 43

I felt like I hadn't been in Henris’ attic for a very long time.

The anxiety in my stomach was growing at the same time as every light that came on in the elevator, and the stupid musi that was supposed to be soothing was about to make all the hair pull out of my head. The fact that Henris was watching i from the other side of the small space, with his long legs and his cold gaze, didn't help either.

I hadn't even realized that I had reached the top floor until Henris's fingers wrapped gently around my wrist. “Come.”

He led me down a familiar corridor and into the all-black, chrome-plated kitchen, where the boss had apparently already started cooking. Various pots and pans were scattered on the granite countertop, accompanied by a jumble of spilled spices.

I laughed lightly in the palm of my hand at this sight. “For someone who is always clean, it is a complete disaster” “Cooking makes you messy,” he replied, rolling his eyes in amusement, “Not that you know it, considering that you are completely incompetent in the culinary field.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Fortunately, I am always surrounded by men who seem to know how to cook”

Henris smiled as he opened the refrigerator. “Very convenient for you, Noras. I must tell you that I have always been a go cook. I actually worked in a bakery in Cheshire.”

The thought of a young and innocent Henris, with bright eyes and flour in his hair, was enough to make me breathe a slig sigh of adoration. This thought was also enough to make me laugh, because as soon as the image crossed my mind, it wa replaced by a more adult Henris in the same situation.

I would even go so far as to pay a month's salary to see this 24-year-old man wearing a little red apron give people sever. pastries. “I'm going to need to see pictures of this. Like, as soon as possible.”

“Absolutely not.”


“I don't have any photos. I'm going to cook now. And you're not going to help me, so sit down and get out of my way.’

A small pout formed on my lips. “Why can’t I help?”

“Why did you set the whole kitchen on fire?’, he growls, pointing a finger at the counter. “Now sit down.”

There was no reason to argue, because Henris was 100% right. My culinary adventures never seem to go according to plar and since the last time I tried to make pancakes, more than a year ago, I have preferred not to get involved in them. Plus, was endearing to sit and watch him work in the kitchen.

All the nervousness that I may have felt before entering the apartment was erased as soon as I took my seat on the stool with my chin resting on my hands, watching the most handsome man I have ever seen prepare dinner for me, muttering t himself as if 1 were not in the room and occasionally biting his lip as a sign of concentration.

“I thought so, you know, I blurted out.

The knife that Henris was using to slice stopped just before cutting the carrot. “What did you think?”

“What I told the club."

“I know, Noras." The cutlery cut the vegetable with a sharp noise. “I just don't understand why. But I'm doing it."

“What is there not to understand?”

He shrugged and lifted the cutting board, then poured the food into the steaming pot on the stove. “You've told me all th things you hate about me. And then you said you loved me'Henris released a slow breath, resting it on the counter. “It doesn't make sense.”

“Yes, I know. It doesn't make sense to me either. I think love and hate are closely related, you know? I think the only reasc I hate certain things about you so much is because I... I love you so much.’I finished slowly, lowering my head to look at n nails.

Henris gave me a strange look and leaned on the counter until the golden speckles of his eyes became visible. “I hate the way you don't seem to be able to stay still. You're always patting your fucking feet or moving to look around.”

“Excuse me?”

“I hate the fact that you drink so much coffee. Theres no way it's healthy.”


Her eyes closed. “I am absolutely disgusted that your outfits are always perfectly coordinated.”

“Jace picks them,” I mumbled. “And my pajamas usually don't match."

The cook made a beeping sound, which prompted Henris to get up from the counter and turn to take out the salmon, whi looked and smelled as if it had been cooked by a professional CEO. I rolled my eyes at his meticulousness in setting the table, with glasses of wine and water, then I motioned to him to join me.

Henris moved the chair for me and helped me sit down, which probably saved me from missing class or doing something really embarrassing, then later sat down on the seat in front of me. He opened a bottle of my favorite wine and poured u both a glass before clearing his throat.

“May I propose a toast?’

I raised my eyebrows in amusement. “Of course, Mr. Steve. Whatever you want.”

He clenched his jaw to try to hide his smile, but the dimple that appeared slightly in his cheek completely exposed him. * toast to us."

“To us," I repeated, before clinking our glasses against each other and trying to hide the childish smile that drew on my li as we sipped the sparkling wine. The food Henris had prepared was delicious with every bite, as I expected, considering t effort he put into cooking.

I chewed the salmon without thinking, while keeping my eyes fixed on those of Henris, who was doing exactly the same thing on the other side of the table. He gave me a huge smile as soon as his foot hit mine, hidden under the white tablecloth, then pushed it again.

My heart exploded in my chest. “I didn’t think you were the type to play football, Mr. Steve."

“I didn't think I was one to have relations, Mrs. Wishe. Is the food good?”

“Me neither,” I said laughing, tapping his big toe with my Jimmy Choo heel. “It's really good.”

“Are you sure? I can do something else for you if you don't like it”

“It's great.”

“There are some things we need to discuss.”

The comfort I had felt watching him cook was quickly swept away by his words. Talking is not my strong point, and my palms are already sweating under his intense gaze, starting to realize that this is something I will never get used to. Henris wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin. “About our relationship. We need to establish some things.” “Establish things?”

“Yes. Like terms.’

I rolled my eyes. “This is not a work agreement, so don't even start.”

“I didn't say that it was. I just want to know what you want from all this."He frowned and took a sip of his wine while I teased the food on my plate, trying to avoid his gaze. “Noras. It's been a long time since I've had a real relationship.’

“It's embarrassing.”

“Noras,” I remonstrate.

I dropped my fork on the ceramic plate with an annoyed grunt. “We will not set the terms of a relationship. We'll see how goes”

“That's not how I do things. I want to...

“I understand. You're a control freak, and it's almost cute but super annoying, and you need to relax. Don't see it as something that you want to control and you want to understand every aspect of because, like, I don't want that. It's not fun.”

He narrowed his eyes in frustration. “Going back to the love and hate thing, I absolutely hate that your life is so chaotic. You are always caught off guard and you are scrambling to try to fix things at the last minute”

“Well shit, is there something you like...

“Let me finish," he snapped. I was startled when he pulled his chair back, making a deafening noise that echoed throughc the open space of the first floor. “But this is exactly what I need. And now I'm going to take you upstairs, and fuck you."

I opened my mouth wide. “Don’t you want me to finish dinner?”

“Fuck dinner," he breathed, putting his chair back in its place and walking around the table. He stopped right next to me and raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you want me to relax?”

“Um, personally, I think you should find other ways to relax”

“50 you don't want to fuck?”

I pursed my lips in annoyance. “That's not what 1 said.”

Her deep laugh filled the air, making me laugh even harder with its accompanying sound of mine, a deep baritone mixed with a feminine sneer. The sound was interrupted and replaced by screams when he suddenly lifted me from his thighs a threw me over his shoulder.

I screamed and 1 hit her little ass that was right in front of my face. “Let me down!"He replied, playfully turning the blow mine and walking out of the room, leaving me to slam against his back as he carried me. “It's not very professionalt”

“No more than fucking you on my couch, but its still going to happen."He bit me.

I hid my head in the fabric of his white shirt with another loud scream and another slap. “Who gave you permission to direct? I"

His hands grabbed at my waist, then he threw me out of him, letting me fall on the wide leather sofa and my breath escaped with a little woosh. He didn't even give me time to recover from the assault; a few seconds later, Henris was lying directly on top of me, smelling of coconut and musk aftershave.

Her eyes narrowed in the corners. “Baby, I've always been in control. No one had to put me there.’

“Got it,” I gasped as he settled in, placing his legs between mine.

Henris laughed and lowered his head to mark the curve of my shoulder with his teeth and tongue, which made me moan he bit harder. At the same time, his hands were slightly pulling at the root of my hateful curls.

The excitement of it all outweighed the pain perfectly and that — that Henris was exactly what I wanted, all the time. This Henris who laughed while leaving possessive hickeys on the skin of my neck; this Henris who had no inhibitions and who was perhaps beginning to appreciate the chaos of my life.

“Knife,” he moaned against my skin. I obediently raised my arms and threw the silky fabric to the side while Henris sat on my hips and began to undo the shirt that hugged his body, revealing parts of tattooed skin with each open button.

I didn't even try to hide the fact that I was catching the sight of the man sitting on top of me. Everything, from her seductive smile to the line of light hair going down to the buckle of her jeans, was enough to ignite my body with a new need.

“Oh my god,” I groaned as he undid another button, “are you purposely unraveling it so slowly”.

His deep laughter rumbled. “Of course, I'm not going to tear it apart, Noras. It's expensive.’

“Of course I do."

Henris came back to me with an amused smile, kissing the pout that had formed between my eyebrows as a sign of annoyance before joining our mouths. His hips began to move against mine and created friction between our legs that caused my fingers to firmly grasp his biceps.

“Henris...l moaned against his lips, completely unable to form coherent sentences. “Can you... get dressed... far away?” “Noras," he imitated, bringing his head back into the crease of my neck before tracing kisses on my exposed collarbones, then on my turgid nipples that were pushing against my lace bra. Her lips left fiery marks against my skin, completely distracting me when I felt her fingers pull my pants off.

When our two pants were thrown off, he came back to me, his legs tied together and my back arched so that he could tou me, both with only our underwear on, breathing heavily in the warmth of our respective mouths. “Noras,” Henris growled, need you."

“I need you too," I replied, weaving my fingers through the hair at the base of her neck. “I love you!"

His lips formed a smile against mine, then he found my hand and brought it to his mouth, slowly licking a strip from one side of my knuckles to the other and kissing each finger before turning a mischievous smile on me. “I know. Stay on top c it”

I stiffened under him, my eyes wide with desire and shock. “Me?”

“No, the other woman I'm about to f**k on my couch.”

I don't follow... ike... Oh! Really?

Henris nodded solemnly. “I need to have you on top”

Quickly, he turned me around; my hands rested on his chest so as not to collapse on him, then we kissed again, ina disorderly and unreasonable way when his hips rubbed against mine. Her name came out of my mouth in a low whisper : her hands slid over the white skin of my back, past the knots in my spine, before wrapping them gently around my lower back.

I stretched out my arm to bite the soft skin of her chest, right between the two pussies, telling her that I was ready for every incoherent moan that escaped from my lips. He ran his fingers under the black elastic and slid my underwear up to my thighs, where I then completely removed it.

“Do you have a condom?"I whispered, as I sat down on him and began to wrap my fingers under his elastic band.

He looked at me with frowning eyebrows. “No. I don't... No. We'll buy Plan B in the morning.”

“Are you sure?”

“I need you,” he said slowly. “I need this".

In a wave of absolute love, I came closer and stuck my mouth to Henris’ without any inhibition, messy and carefree as Henris let out another serious growl in the kiss, giving me chills down my spine. I quickly pulled his black underpants dor over his pale thighs, leaving him naked against me.

“Fuck,” he hisses, lifting me up and moving me to the exact spot.

With our mouths pressed against each other, I slid my hands along his chest and slid on him, slowly and carefully, feeling him grow inside me. I took a second to savor the fullness before slowly getting up, keeping my hands on her low abs for support.

Henris's breath choked in his throat as I lowered myself again, making our mouths collide once more with a weak breath, until the skin of his hips was exactly against mine. At the exact angle, every time I pushed myself up and down, he hit exactly the place I needed.

My nails began to penetrate the skin of his arms as soon as he began to grow into me, joining me halfway through his movements, which led me to shout his name in the empty room, the sound reverberating around us in silence.

it looked like Henris couldn't look away, his eyes fixed and eager to see every detail of me, from the lace covering my che to the little marks at the top of my thighs, as I straddled him. He pulled his head back, the veins in his neck swelling with pleasure.

And really, nothing else mattered at that moment. Because Henris was below me, so wonderful, and I was so in love with him. A person should not be able to look like Henris Steve, while being able to kiss like Henris Steve and cook like Henris Steve. It was unfair.

“All right, baby," he whispered, his voice hoarse and full of desire, his hands gently intertwining in my hair, sending vibrations through my head, his lips found mine. “Mine.”

“Yours” promised, losing my voice as soon as my toes curled up because Henris. “I love you."

Under my hands, Henris' abs contracted, and his head tilted to the side as he understood my words. His back arched and he whispered something, expletives and praises and maybe my name escaped from his lips, his nails piercing the soft ski of my hips.

He was breathtaking, so open, and I knew at that moment that it was a sight I would never get used to; Henris collapsing under me, messy curls clinging to his forehead and pupils so wide that you could detect every hint of forest green in his eyes.

My skin was reddening, I fell against his chest and gasped, my eyes tight as a white, burning pleasure passed through me, leaving me shaking as I came, and leaving Henris with little half moons drawn on his chest where my nails had dug into h skin.

Henris waited for me to come to my senses, with his arms around me and our bare torsos pressed against each other, we were both trying to catch our breath. Then he tipped me into submission again, engaging our mouths in a long kiss. “Perfect” he said in a hoarse voice. “You are perfect.”

My brain seemed not to be working. I felt more than overloaded and useless, but I managed to whisper between two kiss “I love you, I love you".

Her lips were feverish when they touched my forehead. “I hate how adorable you look when you're asleep. And I hate the ease with which you bruise yourself”

“I hate that you keep talking and I'm tired.’

Henris smiled at me, the corners of his mouth turned up to show his dimple and his eyelids drooped lazily. I ran my thum over the pout between her frowning eyebrows, exactly where all the frustration from before had disappeared from her sk “Go to sleep, Noras”

“Don't be so severe yawned. “We have things to tell each other, actually, or something like that."

And there was. There were so many things that we had to tell each other at that moment. But it was a little difficult to be reasonable when Henris closed his mouth on the soft skin of my neck, just below my earlobe, putting pressure on it and making my brain confused and losing English again.

There would be all kinds of bruises the next day on my body, and from the way his mouth was moving at that moment. towards my chest, he didn't care. “I hate that you said earlier that we didn't need to talk about some things, but that now you want to do it.”

“Hm, I'm undecided,” I whispered, bringing my hands to her sweaty hair stuck to her forehead, fingers slightly scratching her head.

“I hate him."He replied. His words contradicted the way he smiled against the curve of my neck and pushed his head into my touch at the sensation. “I hate the fact that 'm probably going to be late for work tomorrow because of you."

“I hate that you are preoccupied with work right now.”

Henris uttered an annoyed growl. “I hate that too. It's not... I don't want to put anything in front of you. I want to do this right. 1 am sorry."

“It's okay,” I whispered shyly, still crouching under him. “You don't have to apologize for, for example, having a job. I know you're trying now. That's what matters."

with a silent sigh, I bent down to kiss her, lips to Lips. I could feel his apology through the gentle movement of his tongue and the slight pressure on my lower lip. But it didn't matter, because I meant what I said. Everything that happened from that moment on was what really mattered.

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