A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me
A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 48

It was the fourth time the doors opened and left me disappointed, my third cup of coffee, the second time my father and Liam went to McDonald's, but the first time, no one ventured to mention that Henris was not sitting in that uncomfortabls chair next to me.

Instead of having his support, I shook hands with Louis for the last two hours, then when Louis was allowed to return to I boyfriend, I ended up sticking with Liam.

The problem wasn't that I didn't have anyone to comfort me while we waited for the results of Jace’s heart scan. In fact, I had more than enough people. The problem is that the person who should have been there, more than anyone else in th waiting room, was not.

And it was almost two hours before someone commented. Of course, it was my mother who shook my hand forcefully wh another person, taken at random, walked through the entrance to the waiting room, disappointing me when it was not Henris. “Noras, dear,” she said softly, “I don't think he's coming”

I took a deep breath, but choked. I'm really, really trying not to think about that right now, mom. Jace is all that matters. That's it."

“I know you're stressed...”

“Mom, please. I just want to know why my best friend passed out in the middle of our living room, okay? Please."

She sighed softly, placing a kiss on the top of my head. “OKAY, darling. Do you need me to do something? Do you want th children to take something else while I'm out?”

“No. Just... distract me, please.” I whined, snuggling up to him. “I don’t want to think now."

“Did 1 tell you that we bought chickens to grow in the garden?”

I let out a little muffled laugh when my mother started her ridiculous story about the four chickens they had adopted to collect fresh eggs. And, as I suspected, this scandalous account dragged my mind out of the unsanitized hospital room ar all the negative things that came with it.

Finally, my dad and Liam walked through the door, their arms covered in big McDonald's bags and the worried look on th ragged faces. They both ran up to us and immediately started asking about Jace as they walked past the food.

“Is he still all right?"Liam asked, throwing my order at me. “And you? Do you need anything? There's a cafe down the stres where I could get you something quickly. I know the hospital cafe is terrible. But is Jace okay?”

I smiled at her with eyes full of tears. “Yes, it shouldn't be long. They said one more hour and we'll have the ECG results.” “Good, good. OKAY. And Julia, did I bring you some muffins? I don't know, Joshua said they were healthy. If not, I mean, I ¢ 20 find something else...”

“Liam,” my mother scolded him gently, “Sit down now. You don't have to take care of me. I promise you that. Have a seat.” He gave her a tired but grateful smile, then sat down next to me, his hands immediately intertwining with mine where Louis's had been a few minutes before. The support system that surrounded me at that moment was more than I could have asked for, even without Henris.

I gave Liam's hand a little handshake. Thanks. For coffee. You know. And for thinking about getting me a bowl of fruit. Anc to be here.’

“Yes, yes. Now shut up and give me some of your chips. I forgot mine because I was worried about your stupid fruit bowl’ “Hey!”

He stuck out his tongue at me and took the small package from my hands, a mischievous smile showing that he already knew that I would not protest at all. The four of us were snacking on junk food

We were halfway through the meal when Louis walked through the doors, his eyes frantically searching the room and his fists clenched at the sides. If it had been possible, I would have said that he had aged at least ten years in the last four hours because of the stress caused by his boyfriend passing out right in front of him.

“Louis,” I exclaimed as I stumbled off the blue plastic chair and dropped chips all over the floor. “Is he all right? What's th matter? Lou?"

“I don't know. I've been waiting for you to hear what the doctors have to say."He looked down at the tiles. “I really can't hear what they are saying for myself. Whether it's bad news or not. I can't do this with Jace alone. I can't stand it. Please, come on."I took a step forward, gently grasping her little hand. “Well, let's go then. You know Jace doesn't like waiting”

A sad little smile appeared on her lips. We walked hand in hand, passing all the patient rooms, fingers clenched so tightly that I wondered if one of our hands was going to break. After walking through this endless corridor, we entered a tiny roo where curtains were hung to separate each patient.

Jace was in the one closest to the window, lying down, his eyes tightly closed and his hands crossed over his abdomen. A large white bandage over his stitches, just where the corner of his head had crashed against the coffee table when he ha passed out a few hours earlier.

“Jace?"I whispered, tapping the tip of his foot with my free hand. “Are you awake?"

A blue eye opened. “This scar on my forehead is really horrible. 'm going to have to invest in some kind of CEO cover.” “Seriously, are you worried about the scar?”

“Well,” he replied, “I guess I should probably be more concerned about you shaking hands with my boyfriend, right?” with an incredulous laugh, I went around the bed to hug him. Jace was definitely the person who showed a brave face in every f*+**g situation he was in, a quality for which I was eternally grateful to him, because I probably would have been terrified.

He placed a kiss on my forehead and I bent down to kiss him. “Please don't tear up my IV injection or anything else. Ther are a lot of things you could stumble over”

“Oh shut up,” 1 sobbed as I snuggled up against his neck. “Are you all right?”

His arms were so tight around my waist that I practically fell into the hospital bed next to him, “I hope so. The doctor sai she'd be right back. Lou, can you pass me the water?”

Reluctantly, I released him and just leaned against the wall, my hands behind my back to hide the tremor they caused. Considering how terrified I was, there was no way that I would allow myself another emotional crisis in front of the only two people who were probably more scared than me.

Louis was holding the water bottle for Jace when the doctor came in, a small woman with gray hair tied up in a tight bun and a stack of papers clutched to her chest. She seemed to have already familiarized herself with Jace and Louis while sh was checking my best friend's vitals.

“I see someone else has joined the party,” she smiles, pressing her fingers against each other to check her pulse. “Who is this young woman?”

Jace smiled at me, wrinkling his nose in a cute way. “This is Noras. My roommate, my best friend, the girl who works with me. Noras."

“Nice to meet you, Noras. I'm Dr. Barton. Are we all here?"She asked, putting her glasses on the bridge of his nose as he nodded in response. I took this as a signal to join Louis at Jace’s side, joining our hands as if it was preparing us for any news.

The first thing I thought about was that Jace’s hand was shaking, and the second was that I would have given anything to have Henris’s strong arms around my waist right now, to have him with me while he told me to be quiet because everythi was going to be fine.

“Well, then,” the doctor began, “all the tests came back normal. Except for the electrocardiogram - the one that checks yc heart - which shows a few disturbing things. Your heart was beating at an excessively fast pace, which is called tachycard That's why you passed out"

Jace frowned as he looked at her. “Is that all it's about?”

“Well, more or less. There's something causing your tachycardia. This is an additional and abnormal electrical pathway in the heart. This is the electrical conduction between the atria and the ventricles. We call it the Kent bundle”

He paused, looking at our confused expressions with a knowing smile. “In normal people, the mechanisms of the heart prevent rapid beats when they occur, and prevent the next beat from occurring too soon. But in people like Jace, the sign deviate to an additional path that causes a very fast heartbeat.”

“OK, but how, what does it mean?"Louis asks in a low voice, moving closer to his sick boyfriend. “He's going to be all right isn't he?"

“Jace has what is called Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. In most cases, the rapid heartbeat is not life-threatening, and t frequency with which it occurs depends on the person. It can cause dizziness, chest pain or, in your case, fainting.”

I let out a deep, shuddering breath and squeezed my best friend a little tighter. So, what should we do? Is there a therapy or something like that? Is it just a passing thing?”

“There are some medications that we are going to prescribe to Jace. Adenosine, antiarrhythmic and amiodarone will cont his heart rate. If these do not work, there is an operation that we can perform to solve the problem, but it is not necessar at the moment. Jace will be fine. Just take the medicine.’

“Will it be all right?" He repeated, his hand still clasped in mine. “Apart from that wolf thing, are you going to be okay?" “Wolff-Parkonson-White syndrome; she says with a laugh, pushing her glasses over the bridge of her nose. “But yes, Jace you will be fine. We will release you tomorrow.”

He widened his eyes, then hugged Louis and me, desperately hugging us to his chest with all the strength he was capable of in his weak state. “Holy shit,” he whispered, “All this scary stuff and I only have one ugly scar to show for it"

We all gathered around his hospital bed, piled into chairs or snuggled in the little bed with him. I settled into the little so with my mother, my legs thrown on her lap and my hands intertwined with hers while everyone chatted and joked.

it seemed almost impossible that only an hour ago, everyone in the room was about to collapse with anxiety. And I knew, knew that I should have been happy like everyone else, but Henris was still not there. And I hated myself for caring.

I knew that my mother knew that something was wrong; she kept sending me these horrible looks, she kept looking at m with her half-pitying look that made me want to scream. She knew it was better not to say anything, but that was a good thing, because if only one person had mentioned her name, I would probably have collapsed from stress.

And so, of course, at the moment when Louis was imitating Jace by falling, Jace noticed that something was wrong. My be: friend coughed slightly and motioned for me to approach the bed with the same expression of half-pity as my mother.

I swore under my breath as I walked over to the three swarthy boys crammed around the little bed. “Do you need anything?”

“A glass of wine,” Jace shrugged. “Maybe a shot of tequila?”

“Something that won't make you drunk and that won't get us kicked out of the hospital?”

“A new best friend to bring me a new list of tenants?"He laughed out loud as my frown deepened. “I'm kidding, my love. 1 was wondering where Henris was.”

Behind him, Liam and Louis stiffened in their seats. My mouth dried up, and even though I wanted to vent to my best friend, I wasn't ready to do it after he went through this ordeal. I shrugged my shoulders casually. “You know. He's workin or something. I'm going to go get us some water.”

“Thank you, darling!"He applauded my elusive figure. I walked into the hospital corridor, where the strong light made me squint. I might add it to the list of things I hate about the hospital, right after the only channel on our TV that aired Judge judy.

After pressing the button to get water from the fountain and letting out a small stream, this list obviously continued to grow. I kicked this stupid machine with the tip of my shoe and turned around, finding Henris Steve standing at the nurses station.

Considering that my first reaction was to shake the plastic cup so hard that my hand hurt, there was really pent-up anger He was wearing a bloody Gucci suit, was six hours late, and was smiling at the nurse as if nothing about them mattered ir the slightest.

I ended up staring at him, my mouth hanging open in shock, until he thanked the woman and turned around. His smile widened as he walked towards me, his shoulders straight and his hands in the pockets of his black pants.

When he was a few meters away from me, the anger seemed to hit me all at once, because Henris Steve had no right to arrive six hours late and still make me feel a little relieved that he showed up there. “What are you doing here?”l asked calmly, stepping back until my back hit the wall.

Henris stopped in the middle of the lighted corridor of the hospital. “You asked me to come. Is Jace okay?"

“Yes, he's fine. Jace's fine”

“What's the matter then? You look angry."

I felt my lower lip tremble as I continued to stare at him, my eyes wide with disbelief. What do you think is wrong? I'm alone. I needed you. And you didn’t come. You never came.”

“There's been an emergency at work he explained slowly, twirling the rings in his fingers.

“Good."I shrugged my shoulders slightly. “There was an emergency here, too. And I really, really needed you. I don't want I talk to you right now, I've had enough of this shit. I had enough stress for one day. You can go now. I'm sure you have a meeting or something.”

Henris gave a slight sigh. He didn't look upset, or scared. He just seemed to have a kind of weariness, like maybe he was feeling as exhausted as I was. “But is Jace all right?”

“He just needs to take medicine for his heart. And he has 16 stitches where he hit his head.”

“Then why are you so angry?”

I bit my lower Lip to keep it from shaking and tried not to let the tears escape from my eyes. “I'm angry because if Jace hadn't been well, you wouldn't have been there for me. You weren't there when I f*****g needed you."

“Noras,” he said calmly, “what do you want me to do?"

“I don't. 1 don't do it. You make me so happy and I love you, but I don't know what I need.”

Henris clenched his jaw slightly. “What do you mean?”

“I don't know what to do for us," I mumbled, cursing the way my voice started to shake with every word I uttered. “I really don't know what to do.”

“What to do? There's nothing for you to do, Noras. We are together. We have a relationship. You and me. Us."

“A relationship involves being there for the other, Henris. And you - you weren't there. I've always wondered why you wer so opposed to this whole relationship thing, you know? And guess what, I understand now. That makes sense. You can't b there for me”

“Noras, I had to work on..."

I turned to him so quickly that the words froze in his throat. “That's the trouble, Henris! That's still the f*****g problem!” There was a pause, and he was silent for a second as we stood there, me with my finger accusingly pointing to where his was tied, and Henris with his pouting lips and angry eyes, as if he couldn't believe what I was saying.

I drop my trembling finger. “Do you have the slightest idea how selfish I feel because I care about you? How were you in n f*+++*g head even when Jace was taking tests? And you shouldn't have, because you weren't there. You should have been there

He desperately ran a hand through the strands of her hair, raising them with exasperation. “I can try. I can work less, and make things work, Noras. We can make this work, I promise. I wil try."

The words were familiar, floating in the past, from the day he sent me hundreds of flowers, to the day after I hit the cabin in the sink, to the day he finally accepted that we were in a relationship. “You always say that you will try."

“And 1 will, baby."Henris took a step forward, circulating his ringed hands around my waist. He placed a kiss on each of my cheeks, at the corner of my mouth, as if these light kisses could calm my anger. “I can try. Once this agreement with Malik made, everything will be normal"

“No”, I whispered softly, my voice still shaking, “it won't be”.

“Noras, it will be. Come home with me, OKAY? I can make dinner and we can talk. Or we can go out for dinner. Whatever y. want. I'll do whatever you want

I tried to free myself from his grip, trying to ignore the way his face pouted and his hands lifted slightly before falling bac to his sides. “I want you to leave, Henris."


“I can't do this anymore” I said, my voice breaking at the end. I could feel the facade falling around us, right in front of m best friend's hospital room. “I can't do that. Us."

“No, Noras”, he muttered, pressing the palm of his hand into his eyes, “No”.

“I thought... I haven't got a clue. I guess I thought you could really do it. That you could really be there for someone, you know? That you can really see someone coming into your life and make you take an interest in them could be a good thir I guess I was hoping I could be that for you. That I could help you."

The strong light from the hospital made the bags under her eyes darker, she simply showed the harsh signs of stress on I skin more pronounced; it made that when her eyes widened in confusion, that sight hurt even more. “But you do. You're helping me. Damn it, Noras. I need you."

“Please, leave. I'm tired, Henris.’

“Noras, I can be there for you. I swear to God I can’He seemed almost beside himself at that moment, pacing the hundre paces in the middle of the corridor. But somehow he was always calm and composed, always keeping control of the situation. “I made a mistake, I know, and I should have been here. You needed me. Please, Noras. I need you and you nee me.’

my nails dug into the skin of my palm. “We are different.”

“No,” he insisted, his voice deeper and more tense this time, “You need me. Please, baby, let's go back and talk about it. need each other.”

“Maybe. I haven't got a clue”And the tears finally flowed, silently sliding down my pale cheeks. I turned up my nose, wipir them with the back of my hand. “Please”, I begged him, more gently this time, as if a voice that was too loud was going to push him over the edge, “Please, go away’.

He pulled at the top of her hair. “Can you just f*****g listen? I hate that you never fucking listen!”

“Do you want to tell me what the fuck you're afraid of? Why can’t you even accept the idea of letting someone get too close? Why can't you take a day off?"My voice broke on the last words and I took a step back. “Why can't you name one thing you like about me?"


“I'm here. Fuck, I've always been there, trying to help you open up, take a day off, or not give the impression that you wer about to break anything around you. You don't do it. You can't be all that, and I don't know why, but for some reason, in your controller brain, you can't be there for me."

Henris did not move. He just stood there, calm, handsome and controlled, the perfect model of the businessman. He opened his mouth once, then a second time, then hid his hands in his pockets and took a big step back. “I want to be tha person for you,” he said quietly. “I want to try to be that person.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I kept my head turned to the ground, because one look up and 1 would have lost the last bit of control I had in my body. can't let you try all the time. I need you to be that person. I need you to be able to separate work from your personal life. need you to open up to me. To tell me why you can't do this."

There was a pause, a strong inspiration at the end. “I don't know if I can.’

“Yeah,” 1 sniffed, and suddenly my legs were shaking so much that I had to sit down. I slid against the wall until I was sitting, knees to my chest, on the cold white tile. “And 1 don't know if I can go on like this."

“Noras," he said softly, “Please.”

“t am here. 1 will always be there for you. But I also need you to be there for me. I need all of you, and you don't want to give it to me. I'm yours, I've said it so many times, but I don't think you're mine. I don't think you're really mine’

“I can try...

“No,” I snapped my fingers, lifting my text to look at it through red eyes. “No. You can either look at me now and give up every bit of control you have, or you can open up to me and be there for me now. Or you can leave.”

“I hate it", he says softly, his eyes closed and his jaw clenched, “I absolutely hate not being able to be what you need". There was a pause, then Henris left, and I sat in the cold, white corridor of the hospital, crying.

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