A Moment in Destiny
Chapter 194 I Was Wrong

Lucille Mclean's face was haggard, her cheekbones were more clear on the face which looked quite thin now, but she was calm and relaxed. "Maybe when she goes to heaven, she'll be happy and won't be tied by the knot in her heart. There's nothing wrong with being relieved like that! Liam, what I want to tell you is that on that night in the H City hotel suite six years ago, the person you were with was Sarah Brooks, not Darcy! Also, Sarah gave birth to a child, and the child is yours. But I don't know where the child is. The child was taken away by Darcy, and I really don't know where the child has gone, forgive me!" There was like a buzzing sound in his brain, and Liam Brooks was confused. "What?"

"I'm telling you the truth, don't doubt what you heard. It was Sarah that night. Everyone was drunk during the party and Darcy drugged you. But she her menstruation was coming. Sarah then helped you into the suite and never came out. Darcy kept watch outside. After dawn, Sarah sneaked around, seemingly trying to escape. Then, only did Darcy went in. That was what had happened. Later, Sarah thought about it and went back to the suite, but she saw you and Darcy lying naked on the bed when she entered. You know what happened after that." S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Liam's heart was astounded. "It was Sarah that night?"

No wonder Sarah looked at herself with such sadness in her eyes, and no wonder she seemed so angry when she saw Liam lying in bed with Darcy asking him to be responsible. That was why she left home three months later for a year, and no one knew where she had gone for a year?

It turned out she was pregnant!

Their child?

"Sarah is pregnant with my child, and the child was stolen by Darcy? You can't find it?" Liam looked at Lucille in disbelief.

She nodded guiltily. "Forgive me for not telling you until now! I've been so caught up in my own grief that I didn't think about anyone else, so I didn't tell you until now!"

"Why didn't Sarah tell me when she was pregnant with my child?" Liam felt heartbroken, "Why didn't she tell me?"

"You should go find her!" Lucille said anxiously. "It's Darcy who has let you down! It's me who's let you down!"

That was why she had taken a bullet for Liam so righteously. It was all because of her conscience was condemned.

"I'll go find her now!" Liam fiercely turned around and ran towards the outside.

Reggie Kelly held Lucille's hand, and her tearful face looked up at him. "Reggie, it turns out that doing good makes one feel good and purified. Thank you for not giving up on me so that I can still feel the joy of happiness!"

Reggie looked at her and shook his head. "It's you who's opened up. Get well, and when you're well, we'll go to France!"

"Okay!" Lucille held his hand tightly.

Liam, who was running wildly, met William Rowland and Peter Mollison, who hurried over.

William looked at the pale Liam and pulled him to a halt. "Liam, what's wrong?"

"I'm going to find Sarah!" Liam only hurriedly dropped the words and hurriedly ran towards the lift.

His mind was filled with Sarah's sad little face, and even when she looked at him with a smile sometimes, there was always an inexplicable sadness in her eyes. He could even feel her despair that always flashed away.

Oh my God!

She had given birth to a child!

What had he missed?

How could he have been so careless?

How could he have ignored her all these years?

Brooks's House.

After entering, before changing his shoes, the old Mr. and Mrs. Brooks were already asleep. Liam went straight to Sarah's room on the first floor. But when he opened the door, there was no one there.

He dashed to his parents' room, and without knocking, he pushed the door open with a shout. "Dad, Mom, where's Sarah? Where is she?"

Joshua Brooks was asleep when his son suddenly waked him up; his temper rose, "What are you messing around here at this late hour?"

The old Mrs. Brooks also woke up and looked at her son in confusion. "What's wrong?"

Liam's expression was on the verge of tears at the moment. "Mom, Dad, where is Sarah?"

"Sarah said she went to the Jones's house and stayed with a friend called Ashley Jones for the past few days. She seems to be working as Miss Jones's secretary at Jones Group! What's going on?" The old Mrs. Brooks asked.

"Dad! I want to marry her!" Liam said seriously.

"How come?" Joshua roared. "She's your sister!"

"It's not like she's my biological sister!"

"She is still your sister even if she's not your biological sister. It's always bad to talk about it!" Joshua had never wanted his son and daughter to get married. So, over the years, he had always hinted his son and daughter so that they will not be together.

He was old-fashioned and very stubborn.

And as a result, Liam was almost always repulsed, feeling that it really did feel like incest, as her father had said.

"I don't care! Sarah had given birth to my child. We were careless not to know, the baby was lost because of you, because of me. She never told us, Dad. Whether you agree or not, I'm going to marry her. Please don't stand in the way!"

He felt like he was a heartless man who had let down a woman. He felt sinful. How could he have confused it? He didn't even know who he had slept with. How miserable should Sarah be?

"I'll go find her!" He left after shocking his parents.

"Joshua, that's why I felt that Sarah was different. No wonder she disappeared for a year, turned out she has our family's offspring, and the child is lost! What can we do about this?" The old Mrs. Brooks said and burst into tears. "It's all because of you. You've been forbidding them to do this and that all day long, and the children didn't dare to tell us when something happened. It's all because of you that I can't be a grandmother anymore. I want to divorce you. Joshua, you're the heartless villain. You've lost all your brothers, sons, and daughter. Go to hell. I don't want you anymore!"


Jones's House.

Ashley moved to a new residence, not wanting to live in the shadow of her father and Sierra's death. The villa is not very far from the Sutton family residence. It is just separated by two villa areas. This also allowed her to meet up with Sherry Murray often. As Ashley has no more family members, she treated Sherry as her own.

And after that KTV singing night, Ashley and Sarah became good friends. The freshly graduated Sarah was persuaded to join her company. Now, the two had become best friends and always went around together as if without man, they could also have happy days.

"If you still don't sleep, I'm afraid when the child is born, he/she will have a dark circle under the eyes just like you. He/she will ask for plastic surgery to remove the dark circle!" Sarah drank a glass of milk and said helplessly to the woman watching a Korean drama on the sofa.

Ashley immediately laughed. "After I watch this part, I'll go to sleep right away!"

"I'm going to bed now. You hurry up too! We have a meeting tomorrow, and you can't be late as president!"

"Got it! I have to be cold at work, but at home, I have to relax, or I really won't be able to live!"

"Then let your heart grows stronger. There's no big deal. Everything will pass. It's fine to live without a man and money if we're strong enough! Woman, make yourself strong!" Sarah clenched her fist and struck a pose, making Ashley laughed.

"Sarah, are we too heartless?" After having a good laugh, Ashley couldn't help but ask.

"A woman who doesn't sleep at three o'clock late at night still has such a vigorous life. You know why?" Sarah plopped down on the sofa and raised her eyebrows.


"Horny!" Sarah laughed, "It's because of loneliness, hahahaha."

"You're the one being horny! Hahaha."

"Yes! I'm horny!" Sarah laughed, but there was no laughter in her eyes. There was even a flash of sadness. "I'm not going to keep you company. I don't seem to be as horny as you. I don't have as much energy as you. I'm going to sleep!"

"Ha! Screw you! I'm going to sleep too!" Ashley was amused by her and laughed. "Life is the same without a man. Why should I have fantasies about man? Humph! No way!"

It took a lot of effort for Liam to find Ashley's new residence. In the middle of the night, the two women were just about to go to bed when they heard the doorbell ring.

"It's not a robber, is it?" Ashley was startled.

"What are you afraid of? It's not like we don't have a bodyguard!"

As she was saying, the bodyguard came in. "Miss, a gentleman, called Liam is outside looking for Ms. Brooks!"

"Lia?" Sarah's face became pale, "What's he doing here?"

Wasn't he getting married?

"Sarah, it's me. Come out, Sarah." Liam shouted from outside.

Sarah shook her head. "You go tell him that I don't want to see him, tell him to go back; we've already slept!"

The bodyguard nodded and walked out.

"Sarah, do you really not want to hear what he has to say?" Ashley was a little worried.

Sarah raised her eyebrows, sighed, and said, "Leon Hickman comes every day, and I don't see you listening to him. We're different. He's getting married, and as long as it's not me, dad will be happy. He's just my brother! I'll see him at the wedding anyway. I'll smile and wish him well. Nothing can beat me!"

Looking at the determined look on her face, Ashley shook her head, "Maybe love really is confusing to those who are in it and being outside of it is really sobering instead!"

"Sarah, come out! I won't leave until you come out!" Liam shouted.

"Oh no, he won't leave. He'll wake up the others!" Ashley called out.

Sarah gritted her teeth. Her eyes looked out the door and then at the watch. It was three in the morning. "I'm going out! You go to sleep. Pregnant women are not allowed to stay up late!"

Sarah walked out.

Seeing Liam standing outside the gate, he seemed extraordinarily excited once he saw her came out.

She stood far away and said in a soft voice, "You go back!"

"Sarah!" Suddenly, Liam shouted out in a low and hoarse voice. The voice felt like it has complex and agitated emotions.

Sarah was stunned, not understanding why he was like this?

He suddenly stepped forward, reaching over, and hugged the confused Sarah tightly. He was using all his force to hug her. He didn't want to leave Sarah anymore. It was actually Sarah that night, and there was a child!

"Let go!" Sarah spoke indifferently as if her body was about to be strangled by him. She used to long for such a close embrace. She forced herself to smile and thinking he would fall in love with her.

But he didn't. So she could only hide in a corner to comfort herself, that was unspeakable sadness and despair, as a person who had almost been dead once, she felt numb about it already.

"Sarah, I had let you down!" The low voice was choked with a sob. Liam closed his eyes, not letting anyone see his vulnerability at this moment, "Sarah, I was wrong!"

Sarah's heart tightened, somewhat surprised by Liam's appearance at this moment.000000☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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