A Moment in Destiny
Chapter 446 Can I Kiss You?

"You should stay here for some time to relax and calm down. Don't think too much. Pregnant women should be happy and keep calm all the time," he said in a gentle but firm tone. "Okay!" Leila nodded.

"Arthur, Leila, time to eat. Come out!" Miss Spencer called outside.

With a smile, Arthur said loudly, "Got it, Grandaunt. Come right away!"

Then, he was silent for a while before he said to Leila, "Let's get something to eat. You must be hungry, right? I guess you didn't eat anything when you ran out early in the morning."

Leila bit her lips and nodded, and something dawned on her and she said, "Didn't you go home all night?"

Arthur nodded and walked to her, looking down at her. "I'm hungry. When shall we go for dinner? How long are you going to stand?" he asked.

Leila was in a trance. He was obviously trying to avoid her question. Looking at his bloodshot eyes, she knew he must not have slept last night. She sighed and went out without saying anything.

The living room was connected with the dining room. There were several plates of light and delicious food on the dining table, as well as the rice. Miss Spencer waited for them with a smile. "Arthur, what's wrong with your eyes? They are bloodshot."

"It's OK, Grandaunt. I'll go back to F City after finishing eating, and Leila will be with you!" Arthur took out the chair for Leila and he sat in the opposite.

"In such a hurry? It's not too late to leave tomorrow. Your eyes are bloodshot. No matter how busy you are, you have to rest. After dinner, you can go to the guest room and have good sleep before leaving," Miss Spencer said as she served out the soup.

"No! It's OK. It takes only a few hours!" Arthur, who didn't take it seriously, took a mouthful of soup and couldn't help praising, "Grandaunt, it's delicious. It's still the taste of my childhood! I want some more!" "Kid, you glutton."

"Of course! Because you made such delicious soup!"

"Leila, have a bowl of soup. " Miss Spencer gave Leila a bowl with a smile.

"Well! Thank you, Miss Spencer." Leila took the spoon and said softly, looking at Arthur again. "You'd better take some rest before going back. It's not safe for you to drive like this!"

"Indeed! Since Leila cares about you so much, do you mean to refute her kindness?"

"Okay, I'll leave at night!" Arthur said, rolling his eye. "I'll spend the whole afternoon sleeping to gather my strength before leaving! I'm afraid you don't want me to stay here for a long time.


"Well, not you. It's Leila. I'm afraid she doesn't want me to stay!"

Hearing his words, Leila was stunned, feeling uncomfortable to eat.

After finishing eating, they stayed at the dining table quietly for a while. Leila helped Miss Spencer clean up the dishes, and Arthur went to the guest room to have a rest. He said to Leila before going to the guest room, "I'll leave when I wake up."

He was really worn out, and he would be sleepy if he drove back. Considering his health, he decided to take a rest.

She said "yes".

After going to the guest room, Arthur lit a cigarette. As he smoked, he seemed to be lost in deep thought until his mobile phone vibrated. He answered the phone, and it was Vincent's voice. "Arthur, is Leila with you?" Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Arthur was slightly stunned. Hearing Vincent's urgent tone, he asked, frowning. "What's the matter? What happened to Leila?"

"Isn't she with you?" Vincent asked suspiciously.

He was afraid of being found out, but he still said calmly, "No!"

It had been three days.

Leila was still nowhere to be found after three days.

Vincent was on the verge of losing patience, and he was much painful.

He sat quietly in the chair; heavy, brooding silence descended around him.

He frowned deeply with a cold expression, his eyes full of loneliness and pain, and he couldn't be lonelier and sadder.

"Clara, please ask Arthur to come over!" he said to Clara over the phone.


After a while, Arthur pushed the door into the president's office. Looking at Vincent's tired and dispirited look, he asked, "What's the matter?" "Leila is gone!" Vincent said to him.

"I know. You said it three days ago!" Arthur sat calmly opposite him. "What do you want to do with Leila?"

Vincent was stunned and as he stared at Arthur.

Arthur looked as calm as ever, "Are you regretful because you can't find her?"

After hearing Arthur's words, Vincent said nothing, his eyes growing darker, his hands tightening unconsciously. Being stunned by Arthur's question, he had to admit that he was regretful. Seeing that he was speechless with a frown, Arthur said with a faint smile, "It seems that you really regretted it!"

"Do you know where she is?" Vincent came back to his senses and he put on a complicated expression. He said coldly, "She's pregnant. It's not safe outside. I want to find her immediately!" "The child is not yours. What do you worry about?" Arthur smiled gently.

"Damn it! That's my child," Vincent yelled, pursing his thin lips tightly. A feeling of reluctance surged over him as his eyes suddenly darkened. Whether she could accept his apology was still unknown. He must find a way to find Leila and ask for forgiveness.

"Is the child yours?" Arthur sneered, "How could the child be yours? You kept denying that. Now how can you tell me the child is yours? Do you want to hurt her more so that you want to find her?" "I can't lose her. I can't!" Hearing Arthur's question, Vincent was distressed as if he was being surrounded by darkness and he had fallen into a cold abyss and could no longer see any light. With a frown, Arthur looked at Vincent, who was in despair at the moment. Vincent, who was originally powerful, was as fragile as a child, and looked as if he might break down at any time. "Why can't you lose her?" Arthur asked.


"Vincent, you are arbitrary, headstrong and opinionated. In particular, you tend to get overly emotional about everything! To my eyes, you are not mature just like a child in terms of emotions. Have you considered it? Suppose you find Leila and apologize to her, even if she forgives you, what will happen in the future? The problems between you two won't disappear. Are you capable of dealing with them? You'd better calm down first. Even if you find Leila, don't rush to appear in front of her like this. You should consider clearly whether you really love her and what kind of life and happiness you can grant her? If it's just pain, it's better to let go!"

"..." Looking at the sympathy in Arthur's eyes, Vincent felt a chill spread from his feet, as if he had lost all his strength.

"Vincent, the saddest thing about you is that you don't know how to cherish the things you have, and you regret when losing them, but you have to know that not all your love will come back after you lose it. Maybe you lost Leila because you're headstrong and self-righteous! You might never find her!" With that, Arthur got up and said, "I'm going back to work!"

"No!" There was a painful wail, and it sounded like a wounded beast that had lost its last companion. Vincent's hands trembled with grief.

"I can't lose her, I can't!" Vincent murmured in pain. He felt severe pain in his chest, a look of despair showing on his tense face.

Arthur added when he went to the door, "Some things are not decided by your will! Love is like sand in your hand. The tighter you hold it, the faster you lose it."

Feeling that the pain was like the fire burning in his heart, Vincent was about to lose his consciousness.

Suffering the severe pain in the heart, he couldn't help but sigh in grief, "Why?"

Macey had bought a ticket and was scheduled to leave F City for the United States in three days.

These days, Charles would come to Arthur's residence every day, but every day, Macey refused to open the door.

He just waited outside the door.

Arthur sympathized with Charles and Vincent, but he didn't intend to speak for them.

Macey opened the door to see her father and said goodbye to him. When she opened the door, she saw Charles standing at the door, leaning against the wall, as if he had maintained that posture for a long time. There was a pile of cigarette butts on the floor of the corridor.


"Please leave!" Macey was very calm, and her eyes were devoid of any emotion. "Don't come back in the future to bother me!"

"Macey, please think about it again and give me another chance!"

"There's no need. I've figured it out. Charles, move on! Don't make it too hard on yourself." Macey walked toward the elevator after saying that.

"Macey..." Charles caught up. "I have thought long and hard and I'm sure that I want to be with you. I admit that I don't love you, or that I don't love you enough, but I think my feelings for you can be changed if we have some time together!"

"Charles, a lifetime is only a few decades. I took a wrong step, and my whole life has passed away. Since you said you don't love me, why are you bothering me? This is the rule of the world, lonely and shameless! You pay for your fault! I'm paying for my own behavior, too!"

A relationship totally changed her, and she was exhausted. Macey had made the decision to move on.

Even if giving up a person was as hard as giving up smoking, heroin, she had no way but to brace herself for it. Even if she was covered all over with cuts and bruises, she must quit, because the harm of the poison itself was far more painful than the drug addiction.

"Macey, I'm serious!"

"Charles, so am I!"

In the elevator, they stared at each other, and Macey turned around.

Charles suddenly came close to her, holding her hand, and then asked, "Macey, can I kiss you?"

Macey was stunned for a while before she said, "No."

When she said that, her tone was very gentle, and it was not decisive at all.

He tried to kiss her, but she dodged. He waited for a moment before he gave her a kiss on the forehead and said, "I'm wrong!"☐☐☐☐☐

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