Luna's POV

The rest of the day disappeared so quickly. I hardly saw Alex until almost midnight. I spent the evening hanging out with Jess in her and Draven's room. I still didn't like the idea of being by myself whilst Alex was busy, and with everything going on neither did he. Alex and Draven arrived back at the room very late. Both looked absolutely exhausted. He waited for me to say goodnight to Jess and escorted me back to his room. "Are you ok?" I asked, as we began walking downthe corridor to his wing. I knew he wasn't but I had to ask. "No, but once this is over, I will be....we will be.". He grabbed my hand and kissed it softly, before holding it tightly as we continued to walk. I pulled myself closer to him and held onto his arm with my other hand, resting my rest on him as we walked.

It had been a very long day. I was both completely mentally and physically exhausted and didn't even bother to change before collapsing on his bed. Alex went and had a shower before returning, wearing only a pair of grey track pants. Although his shirtless body was divine and began to create a stir in me, I was too tired and drained to act on it. He was the same. He simply crawled onto the bed beside me and pulled me into him, wrapping me in his arms and holding me close to him. I had one hand holding his shoulder and pulling him closer to me whilst the other hand softly ran through his hair. He kissed me on the forehead softly as he began to trace his fingers over my neck. "Luna, I must let you know, Lucas and the pack will be here first thing in the morning.". My heart skipped a beat at the mention of Lucas and at the same time, I was excited to see my friends again. I hoped that Alex hadn't noticed that my heart fluttered at little as I thought of Lucas, but I am sure by his facial expression he did. "Why are they coming?". I could only presume that it was to assist with returning Meredith. "They will be part of Marco's escort tomorrow.". Again my heart skipped a beat, I couldn't shake the awful feeling I had about the whole situation. Alex grabbed me and pulled me in closer. "It's ok Luna. Everything is gonna be ok.". He kissed me with his soft lips. It was short but deep and very reassuring. I trusted him. Even though I couldn't shake this feeling. Shortly after that, we both drifted off to sleep, still wrapped in each other's arms.

The next morning came too quickly. The sunlight came beaming through the curtains and I pulled the blanket up over my face to hide. Alex began to stir and noticed me hiding. He slid under the blanket and snuggled into me again. "Argh! I wish we could just stay here all day. But sadly my dear, I need to get ready to greet the pack and I'm sure you will want to see them before they leave.". I groaned and rolled over to turn away, knowing he was right. He pulled me back into him and kissed my neck a few times affectionately. I tried to break away from him, but he used his strength against me to hold me there in a playful way. He laughed and let me go before he climbed to the edge of the bed and began to get up. I watched from my spot in the bed and admired his muscular figure as he made his way to the bathroom. I moved slowly to get up and made my way to my wardrobe to pick an outfit out to wear. As I was going through the drawers and shelves, I could hear Alex whistling whilst he was showering some weird tune that I had never heard before, but seemed very familiar to me. I heard the main door to the room unlock and turned to see Claude entering with Nerine, both bringing in breakfast trays, although Alex's wasn't really a meal, it was merely held his silver goblet full of fresh blood. Mine was filled with lots of different items, not that I was hungry. I was nervous about today and about seeing the pack again. I didn't know how they would react to me....mainly how they would have reacted to me choosing to stay with Alex.

Nerine and Claude placed the trays on the coffee table in the lounge area. Claude smiled and bowed to me before leaving the room, whilst Nerine stayed, looking nervous. It was odd for her to look this way, and definitely didn't suit her personality. "Is everything ok Nerine?", I asked, wanting to know why she was not herself. Nerine walked to me, still looking nervous. "I don't have a good feeling about today. I don't know what it is but I can't shake it.". I understood. I, myself, had had the same feeling. I tried my best to cover up my own nerves. "It will all be ok Nerine. I'm sure that every precaution has been made to ensure this endeavour is successful.". Nerine laughed, "Well....don't you sound noble. I guess being around the Royals here is rubbing off on you.". I giggled at her comment. "Unfortunately, I guess I have my years in customer service to being able to talk like that.". Nerine smiled, "It's ok dear, it suits you.".

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After returning to my wardrobe and selecting white summery dress with a floral pattern, I headed towards the bathroom. I was hoping to catch Alex in the shower still for a bit of morning fun before our day turned serious but I was too late. Alex was already out and getting dressed. "Well....if you had gotten here sooner...we could of had that fun." He chuckled. I blushed at him reading my thoughts, I needed to find a way to stop him from always being able to do that or at least look into his too. He laughed again, "OK Luna, when you find those out, you let me know.". I poked my tongue out at him and moved to have my shower and begin getting ready. Alex continued to get himself dressed and ready whilst I showered.

As I began to dress, told me he had forgotten something and ran out of the bathroom. He returned moments later holding his hands behind his back and a smirk on his face. "So, I know you sent it back to me, but I still want you to have it....if you want it.". I didn't know what he meant at first, till he moved his hands and presented a small box.....the box from the parcel he sent me. I moved towards him, holding my hand out and kissing him on his cheek. I giggled as his stubble grazed my cheek. I looked down at the small box in my hands as my heart began to race. As I opened the box fully, I pulled out a beautiful, golden chain that had a charm hanging off it. I looked closer at the charm and noticed it had an emblem with the letters ALV on it....Alex's initials. "I want you to wear my family's crest. Showing that you will always have our love and protection. My love and protection...". I smiled, "and your initials are on there because....". He began to blush slightly as he tried to speak, "It's not saying that I own you, if that is what you are trying to insinuate. It' saying you're mine in a way...come on know I was trying to romantic here and you...". I cut him off with a deep kiss. As I pulled away, I whispered "Thank you...", into his ear. I turned around and lifted my hair, as he carefully placed the necklace around my neck. He kissed the back of my neck before turning me around to face him. The smile on his face oozed pure love and I felt it flowing from him.

After we finished our breakfast, we began heading down towards the main entrance. Draven and Jess met us along the way. Jess ogled over the necklace I was now holding preciously and teasing Draven for not giving her one. "I don't need to give you one. Everyone knows you're mine!", he teased back. Jess flicked her hair over her shoulder, "Well....that's not official! You may have turned me but I haven't said I would be yours!". Draven chased after Jess as she poked her tongue out and sprinted away from him. He caught her quickly and swung her over his shoulder, carrying her down the walkway, giggling as she tried to free herself. "Would you two cut it out. We are meant to be serious here.". Alex tried to rein in the two but it was no use. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently as we walked and entered the huge foyer by the front entrance.

Silvano and Eligio were already here. "About time you lot. We have been waiting here for ever. The pack will arrive soon.". Silvano seemed less than pleased at our late arrival. "I'm sorry brother. I did not mean to be late. Just had a matter to sort.". Silvano and Eligio eyed the necklace I was wearing. "Well, well, well....welcome to the family Luna.". Both smiled at me. I heard a car pull up outside. We all turned quickly to view the door and listened as footsteps came up the front staircase. "That must be Lucas!", Draven jumped towards the door, swinging it open and greeting Lucas and most of his pack. Draven jumped onto Lucas and began trying to wrestle him. Lucas laughed and pushed him off. "Well glad to see you haven't grown up at all now that you are all loved up.". Draven shoved Lucas. "Whatever man!". Lucas laughed again before greeting the other brothers then Alex. "Alex...nice to see you.", Lucas said with a slight tinge of sarcasm in his voice. Alex nodded back, "same to you Lucas. Come now. There is not much time. Marco and Meredith as well as you all are meant to be leaving soon.".

I heard a squeal and saw a figure racing towards me. I panicked and threw my arms up infront of my face. Next thing I knew I was knocked to the floor by Shiloh. "Luna! Holy shit! I have missed you so much! Oh good! You're not a vamp yet. Lucas still has a chance! Haha!" As she nudged me playfully. I looked to Lucas who had a slight smirk on his face as he turned from me to Alex, who looked less than impressed. Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me up off the floor and a little closer to him. "It is time. Where is Marco?". His voice showing his impatience now. Everyone in the group began to look around the main foyer but everyone looked baffled as to where Marco would be. "Claude! Can you find Marco and tell him its time for him to leave!". Claude standing by the doorway to the dining room and kitchen, nodded then turned and left promptly. Alex ushered the group out to the front entrance and towards the van, to wait out there for Marco. As we began our decent down the grand staircase, we were halted by the sound of fast approaching footsteps heading towards us. The whole group turned to spot Claude sprinting towards us. "Marco is gone! So is Meredith!". A wave of panic came over me. How did this happen? Marco was supposed to be here and taking her back! Where the hell did they go! Alex approached Claude, "What do you mean they are gone!". Claude looked back towards the dining hall. "One of the servants said he saw Marco leave this morning, early with a couple of his servants, one guard and Meredith in an armored van.".

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