A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Novel Full Episode
A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Chapter 11-20

Chapter 11

When Milani regained her composure, her expression

instantly turned into a look of disdain. She did not

believe for a second that Emmanuel already had a

wife. Laughing off the idea, she remarked, “You must’ve

gotten the money from loan sharks. Now, you want to

rub it in my face. That’s why you’re spouting such lies.

What a joke!”

I was at Emmanuel’s house just yesterday, and it sure

didn’t seem as though he had a wife. If he does, why

would he still go on a blind date with me? Does he not

care that he’d be committing bigamy?

Seeing that she doubted him, Frederick started


Emmanuel had to go over and tug on his arm. Saving

his mother is the most pressing matter on hand. Why

does he care what nonsense this woman is saying?

Upon noticing Emmanuel, Milani did not attempt to

hide her sneer. “Emmanuel, I heard you have a wife.

Who’d be willing to marry you? Why don’t you send me

a photo of her so I can see what she looks like?”

Naturally, he was not about to send Milani a photo of

Mackenzie just to embarrass her. Firstly, I don’t have

Mackenzie’s photo. Secondly, this woman still wouldn’t

believe me even if I had one to show her. And thirdly,

Mackenzie isn’t really my wife, so what’s there to brag


Hence, he remained silent while pulling Frederick

toward the operating room. After all, the most

important thing they had to do now was to urge the

hospital to operate as soon as possible.

It only amused her further that he dared not utter a

retort. “Hmph! You two are just a couple of broke losers,

stubbornly trying to cling to your pride and dignity!”

After getting off work that evening, Emmanuel headed

home. He still rode an electric scooter as he had no

money to buy a car.

During the journey back, he kept thinking about

Frederick. We’ve managed to schedule the operation,

but I’m afraid it’ll take Frederick years to return the

money. He can take his time paying off the sixty

thousand from Mom. As for Mackenzie, however, who

knows how she’ll take it if I delay returning the two

hundred thousand I borrowed from her for years?

He was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he

accidentally rammed into the front of a Bentley while

turning a corner.


The impact sent him tumbling to the ground, and

Chapter 11 She is Eve Incemete

when he looked up, his face fell. D*mn it! That’s an

expensive car!

The driver of the Bentley stepped out of the vehicle

with a grim expression. In an icy tone, he asked, “Hey,

are you all right?”


The man had sounded his horn just before turning to

alert the others at the intersection. Despite that,

Emmanuel had not slowed down at all. Hence, the way

he saw it was that the accident was Emmanuel’s fault.

Nonetheless, he could not help worrying as the area

had no surveillance cameras. If he can’t get up, the

traffic police will likely rule the car liable for the

accident when they get here. And if this guy staged

the accident, he might go as far as to blackmail my

boss for a hefty sum of money!


With those concerns in mind, the driver dared not

berate Emmanuel despite his anger, fearing the latter

would get annoyed and pretend to be severely injured.

“I’m all right! So sorry about that!” Emmanuel quickly

scrambled to his feet. Although his calf was bleeding,

he kept insisting he was fine.

He was well aware he had caused the accident by not

slowing down at the corner, and if the other party

demanded compensation, he knew it would not be a

small amount. Hence, he quickly limped off while

pushing his scooter after apologizing.

When he had left, Mackenzie finally emerged from the

car. She furrowed her brows while watching him

hobble away. What on earth was he doing? How could

he drive around so distractedly? Is he trying to get

himself killed?

Not knowing that the man who had just collided with

the car was her husband, the driver asked, “Ms. Quillen,

do we need to call the police?”

“No need for that. It’s no big deal. Take the car to have

its paint touched up. I’ll walk the rest of the way.”

“Huh?” For a moment, the driver was stunned. Then, he

finally nodded and said, “Very well, Ms. Quillen.”

Nonetheless, he was puzzled. This Bentley is her

favorite car. Had something like this occurred in the

past, she would’ve thoroughly investigated the matter.

With her connections and capabilities, it wouldn’t be

difficult for her to make the other party compensate

and apologize for their mistake. This time, though, why

did she let that guy off the hook just like that?

When Mackenzie arrived home, she saw Emmanuel

getting out the medical kit to treat the injuries on his



The fall had caused a chunk of his flesh to get scraped

off, and the wound was a bloody mess. Even so, he did

not flinch while applying the antiseptic.

Does this guy even feel any pain? Although she knew

perfectly well what had happened, she feigned

ignorance and slowly walked over to him. “What

happened to you?”

He was momentarily startled. Then, he smiled wryly

and replied, “Oh, it’s nothing. I accidentally hit a Bentley

on my way back.”

“It looks like a bad accident. How much did you ask

that person to compensate you?” she asked, a

half-smile still tugging at her lips.

“Compensate me? I was the one not paying attention

to the road. I should be counting my lucky stars that

they didn’t arrest me and demand I pay for the

damage,” he admitted frankly.

At that, her smile widened slightly. So, he does know

how careless he was, does he?

If Emmanuel had launched into an angry tirade and

pushed away all the blame, she would have flown into

a rage. In fact, she would have revealed her identity

and exposed his lies, then made him cough up money

for the damages.

However, her anger subsided when she saw him

readily take responsibility for the incident. She even sat

beside him on her own accord and examined his


His heart raced as he gazed at her stunningly beautiful

profile up close and caught a whiff of the faint floral

fragrance emanating from her body. Is she an angel

from heaven?


A moment later, however, she stretched out a finger

and deliberately poked at his wound.

Finally unable to bear the stinging pain, he let out a

cry. “Ouch!”

“Oh, so you do feel pain!” Mackenzie remarked in


“What are you on about?” He was boiling with rage. Is

she a cold-blooded woman? She can see how badly

hurt I am, yet she prods at my wound on purpose to

confirm something so stupid! She’s evil incarnate!

“I’m not dead, so why wouldn’t I feel any pain?” he


Chapter Drone is Evil incarnate



She merely chuckled when she saw how furious he

looked. Instead of answering his question, she asked,

“Are you an idiot? With the extent of your injuries, why

didn’t you ask for compensation from the owner of the

Bentley? From the looks of it, you can barely walk with

these injuries. Even if it means paying you two hundred

thousand, that person has to do it!”

Her words reflected her true thoughts. If Emmanuel

goes to the police with those injuries, then blackmails

me for two hundred thousand, I don’t think there’s

anything I could do about it.

However, he pursed his lips at her suggestion. “Didn’t I

already explain? It was my fault, so how can I make

that person pay compensation?”

Mackenzie’s lips curved upward as she smiled even

more sweetly. Still testing him, she replied, “But that

area has no surveillance cameras, so who would know

it was your fault? What a simpleton you are!”

He shot her a glare. In a stern tone, he uttered, “The

heavens know, I know, and the other party knows. How

can you say no one knows?”

His reply stunned Mackenzie. She had not expected

him to give such a classic response. He’s genuinely a

righteous man. In that case, it appears I can’t let him

find out I’m the owner of that Bentley.

“By the way, I won’t be able to pay back the two

hundred thousand I borrowed from you so soon.

However, you have my word that I’ll return it to you,” he

continued, taking advantage of the little pause in their

conversation. He still did not reveal his reason for

borrowing the money,

Inexplicably, she felt herself looking at him in a

different light. He doesn’t seem to be a self-righteous


She rose to her feet and was about to go to her room

when she suddenly thought of something. Turning

around, she said, “Oh, right. If you help me do

something, I won’t ask you to return that two hundred


Emmanuel’s eyes lit up. “What is it?”

With Frederick’s mother’s condition, he would probably

still have to borrow money from Mackenzie even after

returning the two hundred thousand he owed her.

Hence, after hearing her mention that he need not pay

her back, it was only natural that he was curious to

find out what he could do to offset that debt!

Chapter 12

In the next moment, Mackenzie turned on her phone

and tossed it at Emmanuel.

Emmanuel grabbed the phone, but before he could

read the information on the device, he heard

Mackenzie speaking to him in an irresistible tone. “Help

me expedite this project. It needs to be completed

within a month!”

Baffled, he quickly read the content.

Terence Group requested Cloud Construction to build

a large-scale, strategic warehouse. The contract

involved one billion, and the deadline for the project

was the end of the month.


However, Cloud Construction informed Terence Group

two days ago that the project couldn’t be completed in


Confused, he asked, “Terence Group can recoup the

funds and demand fifty million from Cloud

Construction for breaking the contract if they can’t

complete the project on time. Why are you in a hurry

to get it done?”

In response, Mackenzie smirked as a domineering and

resolute look entered her eyes. “If this warehouse can’t

be completed in time, Terence Group will suffer an

obscene profit loss. It’s not something fifty million can

compensate for. Do you understand?”

Emmanuel was stunned by that look of hers. No

wonder this woman is an executive in a large

corporation. She has an ambition that even a man

doesn’t have! Someone else would’ve been content

earning fifty million, but she wants even more profits! I

didn’t believe her in the past when she said she earns

three billion annually. But now, I think she’s telling the

truth. It’s a shame that the money she earns goes to

the company, not her pocket. Otherwise, she would be

living in a mansion instead of a

two-hundred-square-foot apartment in a residential


Chapter 12 Emmanuel Again

“You think too highly of me, Ms. Quillen.” Suddenly,

Emmanuel smiled. “If Terence Group’s employees in


charge of this project can’t solve this issue, why do you

think a mere gynecologist like me can pull it off?”

“Useless!” A sigh slipped out of Mackenzie’s mouth.

She wouldn’t have thought much of his response if

other men had told her that instead.

However, because he was her husband, he was a lot

more special in her eyes.

The project was very important, so as the CEO of

Terence Group, she couldn’t just watch it fail without

doing anything to save it.

Of course, she had sent many to urge Cloud

Construction to complete the project in time, but all

returned without success.

Initially, she had already accepted the fact that the

project was botched. However, when she saw

Emmanuel not even flinching despite suffering severe

injuries, she abruptly recalled how he faced five thugs

fearlessly and thought he was a tough nut. That was

why she had unrealistic expectations about him.

“Wait!” Emmanuel didn’t feel great seeing the

disappointment in Mackenzie’s eyes, so he offered, “I’ll

help you out, but if I succeed, you must do one thing

for me in return.”

She turned to face the slightly agitated man and

grinned. I seem to have ignited his fighting spirit by

looking down on him.

“What is it?”

“You’ll have to return home with me to meet my

mother and sister as my wife,” he stated firmly. This is

my best chance to pull it off. If I miss this opportunity,

there’s no telling how long I’ll need to wait before she’s

willing to return home with me.

As she stared at him, her expression shifted multiple

In reality, she still hadn’t acknowledged the marriage.

In fact, she thought it would end at any moment, which

was why she didn’t want anyone else to get involved.

Otherwise, things would only become more

complicated in the future.

However, she didn’t think he would succeed, so she




Upon receiving her agreement, Emmanuel released a

sigh of relief. I’m so excited! I bet Mom’s worries will be

eased when she sees my wife.

Meanwhile, when Milani returned home, her mother

yapped at her again.

Melody was a woman who played favorites as she

constantly badgered her daughter to go on blind

dates. Her goal was for her daughter to marry a

wealthy scion, obtain his betrothal gift, and help her

son marry a wife.

Therefore, when Milani told her Emmanuel had

returned the ten million, she reacted similarly to Milani.


On the other hand, Jacob was so furious that he tore

some hair off his head. How can anyone be that

stupid? I’m still waiting for my future brother-in-law’s

betrothal gift so I can buy a house and a car!

“Don’t worry, Mom. The company has noted my worth

and promoted me to project supervisor!” To prevent

her mother from urging her to attend another blind

date, she quickly added, “Once I complete the project,

I’ll earn an additional three hundred thousand as a

bonus! Maybe it’ll even help me get promoted again!”

She was the new project supervisor at Cloud



However, her knowledge of the company’s upper

echelons was still lacking because she had just been


In reality, she was given the position because the

previous supervisor quit. They were unable to handle

the pressure of the job because Terence Group kept

urging them to finish the project, even though its

progress kept stagnating.

No one wanted the hot potato that was the project.

Hence, the higher-ups offered enticing rewards to find

a scapegoat.

Milani was gleeful about her promotion because she

was completely unaware of all that.

Upon hearing what she said, Jacob leaped in joy.

“Really?” If she gives me her entire bonus, I’ll be able to

buy a decent car!

“Of course. In any case, you can count on me to take

care of your wedding.” Milani puffed her chest with


“You’re the best, Milani! I love you!”

“We’ll be counting on you, Milani,” said Melody.

Milani’s family had a lot of hopes for her.

During the night, Milani almost couldn’t sleep due to

her excitement whenever she thought about how

bright her future would be.

When she arrived at the office the next day, she

received an email from Terence Group inviting her to a

meeting at eight that night. It would be at the café

where she had her blind date last time.

Milani was puzzled by the location and time of the

meeting. Do they know I’m a beautiful woman, so they

want to use this opportunity to hit on me? Now that I

think about it, it’s possible. I’m aware many male

employees in this company see me as their goddess.

With that thought in mind, she deliberately put on

heavy makeup after work. In the end, she appeared

prettier than how she looked when she went on that

blind date with Emmanuel.

Before leaving for the cafe, she adjusted her bra until

she was happy with her cleavage.

She was a crafty woman, thinking if the client

happened to be a somewhat influential man and she

could please him, she wouldn’t need to worry about

maintaining her position.

Who knows, if everything goes well, I might not even

need to worry about money for the rest of my life!

Excitedly, Milani arrived at the café once again.

After waiting at table eight for five minutes, she felt

slightly anxious because the other person hadn’t

arrived yet.

When she raised her head after checking her watch,

she had a sense of deja vu as there was Emmanuel

again, late just like last time.

He then sat before her with a smile.

What the heck is this situation? Stunned, Milani gazed

at him with wide eyes.

Chapter 13

“I’m sorry for being late!” Emmanuel apologized.

Milani furrowed her brows and stared at Emmanuel for

a while before roaring, “What’s wrong with you,

Emmanuel? I’m not here on a blind date. Why do you

keep showing up everywhere? Leave! I’m here for an

important matter today!”

With that, she wanted to beat Emmanuel out of there.

What I’m here to talk about today will enormously

affect my future! I can’t mess it up!

Suddenly, Emmanuel smiled and said, “It’s such a

coincidence! I’m also not here for a blind date. I’m

Chapter 13 Business On A Blind Date

Milani couldn’t be bothered by that, though. If this man

gets away, so will my chance to rise through the ranks!


My mission today is to lessen the penalty the company

needs to pay!

“Behave yourself, Ms. Zimmerman!” Emmanuel stared

into her eyes and reminded her expressionlessly, “We

aren’t dating! What we have is simply a working


Tch! He’s so pretentious! Milani was fuming, but she

didn’t dare to show it. I know Emmanuel is a lustful

man! Otherwise, why would he go to the hospital to

examine women’s bodies? I don’t know how a

gynecologist became a representative of Terence

Group, but I’m pretty sure he’s just a runner working for

Terence Group. He’s using Terence Group to boss me

around! Ugh! How despicable!

Milani gritted her teeth discreetly before flashing a

smile. “I’m sorry, Mr. Lowe. I was too worked up just now.

Let’s have a discussion.”

Emmanuel couldn’t say no to that, so he sat back

down. After all, I’m here to make sure Cloud

Construction delivers the project on time.

Nonetheless, his ultimate goal was to bring Mackenzie

home to meet his parents.

“Mr. Lowe, what’s your position in Terence Group?”

Milani asked the moment Emmanuel sat down. At the

same time, there was a dubious look in her eyes.

“I don’t have a position for the time being. The

executives of Terence Group have appointed me to

urge your company to deliver the project on time,”

Emmanuel answered truthfully.

At that time, Mackenzie was his superior, and he had

never even been to Terence Group.

Milani rolled her eyes at him discreetly upon hearing

that. So is he merely a third party Terence Group had

employed? Is this his part-time job?

Regardless of how she looked down upon Emmanuel,

he still represented her client. Therefore, she couldn’t

afford to offend him.

“Ms. Zimmerman, on behalf of Terence Group, I need to

formally inform you that the project must be delivered

before the end of the month. Otherwise, it will be

considered a breach of contract!” Emmanuel was

concise and frank.

“Uh…” Milani looked troubled. If Cloud Construction

could deliver the project by the end of the month, they

wouldn’t have appointed me as the project manager.

“What’s the matter?” Emmanuel frowned slightly.

Although he was intimidating Milani, he knew for a fact

that Mackenzie’s goal was to have the project

delivered on time instead of getting paid the penalty.

Hence, Emmanuel wanted to know why Cloud

Construction couldn’t finish the project on time.

Milani’s ego wouldn’t allow her to humble herself, so

she uttered in an authoritative tone, “Mr. Lowe, perhaps

you could tell the person in charge of Terence Group

to extend the deadline by three months. Hm?”

Emmanuel was amused. Does this woman still think i’m

here for a blind date?

“Is that the attitude to have when you’re asking for a

favor?” he asked.

“Um…” Milani bit her lower lip. I hope you’ll be infertile

and never have kids, Emmanuel!

Despite her anger, she had no choice but to squeeze

out a smile. She even tried to seduce him by holding

his hand and saying, “I beg of you, Mr. Lowe!’ TO OR

with you on a date if you can get Terence Group to

extend the deadline by three months.”

Chapter 13 Business On A Blind Date

“Let go of me!” Emmanuel demanded coldly.

Milani was seeing red. How shameless can this b*stard

be? Before this, he came to look for me with his family

because he wanted to marry me. Why is he playing

hard to get now? D*mn it!

Although Milani was furious, she let go of his hand at


“Why can’t Cloud Construction deliver the project on

time? What’s the reason?” Emmanuel asked directly. I

need to know the problem, so I’ll know how to fix it.

“Hmph! That’s because there’s a dispute over the land

itself! A group of thugs protects that land, and they’ve



xg whatever is possible to delay our work, and

that’s why there’s a delay in the project!” Milani uttered

grumpily and tried to push the blame on others.

“Is that all?” Emmanuel was surprised. “Cloud

Construction is a big corporation, no? Why couldn’t

you guys deal with a bunch of thugs? Why didn’t you

guys call the police?”

“If it’s that easy, don’t you think Cloud Construction

would’ve settled the issue by now?” Milani scoffed.

As a matter of fact, she knew the leader of the thugs

was a ruthless man in Yeringham. That man had

already threatened to kill the project manager’s family


members if the company were to involve the police.

That was why the previous project manager was too

scared to do anything rash. After all, no one would risk

the safety of their family members for money.

At that moment, Milani was merely taking a step at a

time and dragging things out. It would be nice to get

paid a few more months of a manager’s salary.

Although she could afford to drag it out, Emmanuel

couldn’t. “Bring me to the project site tomorrow,” he


Milani’s disdain grew stronger. So far, Cloud

Construction had already sent out three groups of

legal specialists to negotiate with the thugs, but their

efforts were to no avail. Could a gynecologist possibly

solve the issue? No! However, this loser is representing

the client. If I don’t play nice, he can proceed with the

legal claims against us. If that happens, there goes my

reward payment!

Obviously, she didn’t have the nerve to voice her


“I’m sorry, but I have plans tomorrow. I can’t bring you

there. Instead, I’ll get the company’s legal officer,

Sheldon Zophar, to accompany you.” Milani didn’t want

to go to the project site with Emmanuel. He can go and

mess with the thugs all he wants, but I’m not getting

myself involved in this.

Emmanuel couldn’t be bothered by what she had in

mind. All he wanted was to get to the bottom of the

situation and fulfill Mackenzie’s goal.

The following day, Emmanuel took half a day off and

arrived at Cloud Construction early in the morning.

Milani soon appeared with a man with glasses.

“Are you Emmanuel?” The man with glasses was

decisive and frank. “I’m Sheldon Zophar, a legal officer

working for Cloud Construction. Let me be clear about

something. I’m only bringing you to the project site,

and I won’t help you get those people off the land. The

leader of the thugs is Samuel Webber. He’s a big shot

in the underground circle. That’s not someone we can

afford to mess with!”

Emmanuel couldn’t help but furrow his brows when he

realized Sheldon was backing out even before they got

to the project site.

Milani initially wanted to avoid getting involved, but

she couldn’t stop herself from running her mouth. “Are

you seriously going to chase those thugs away just

because you were told to do so, Emmanuel? Do you

have a death wish? Must you risk your life for such a

paltry sum of money?”

Upon hearing Milani’s sarcastic remark, Emmanuel

mocked, “I would rather risk my life for money than to

be a free-loading coward like you!”

“You!” Milani was infuriated, but she had nothing to

defend herself with.

“No wonder Cloud Construction can’t deliver the

project on time. That’s because the company had

employed a useless employee as the project


manager! Just wait! If you fail to deliver the project, I’ll

make sure you lose your job!” Emmanuel didn’t hold

back on his criticisms. With that, he left with Sheldon.

Milani stomped her feet in fury and cursed, “You’re a

b*stard, Emmanuel! Mr. Webber has a lot of capable

subordinates. I hope they kill you! I’ll dance on your

grave after you die! Ugh!”

Candy Crush Saga

Chapter 14

Soon, Emmanuel and Sheldon arrived at the project


The project site was originally an abandoned factory.

Terence Group bought the land and wanted to build a

large–scale, strategic warehouse. The company then

commissioned Cloud Construction to build the


Halfway through the construction, the land had been

taken over by a group of thugs as their activity site.

They did so because the previous factory owner owed

them their salaries.

“What the f*ck? Are you guys a bunch of dimwits? Are

you guys here to chase us away again?”



“The previous owner hasn’t paid us, so we’re not




“Besides, Mr. Webber isn’t negotiating with you guys. No

matter how many times you try, you will achieve


“Are you not afraid of death? I dare you guys to get the

police involved!”

Upon seeing Emmanuel and Sheldon, the thugs in the

factory started swearing at them fearlessly.

If Cloud Construction could deal with the thugs, they

would’ve left the factory long ago.

At that moment, Sheldon cast a helpless glance at

Emmanuel, and he was already thinking about fleeing.

However, Emmanuel wanted to bring Mackenzie to

meet his mother, so he wasn’t giving up so easily.


“Get your boss to meet me now! Otherwise, I won’t

show any of you mercy!” Emmanuel threatened the

thugs with a determined look in his eyes. I know how to

deal with these thugs. If I were to go soft on them, they

would just keep pushing me around. The only way to

deal with them is to do it the hard way!

True enough, the thugs immediately stopped

swearing, and some were even so flabbergasted that

they dropped their cigarettes onto the ground. Wow!

This man is a bad*ss!

The thugs had been there for a long time and had

never seen someone as bold as Emmanuel.

There are only two of us hereHow dare he talk like

that? Sheldon was shivering in fear. Is Emmanuel a

fool? Is he going to fight these thugs for money?

Right then, Milani, in an MPV owned by Cloud

Construction, arrived at the entrance of the factory.

She had gone there specifically to watch Emmanuel

die because she couldn’t swallow her anger.

In her pair of stylish sunglasses, she was smiling and

waiting for the show to begin.

Emmanuel couldn’t care less about why she was there.

Nevertheless, he was glad she showed up. “Milani!

Bring the legal documents here! Show these guys the

documents so that they’ll scram!”

What the f*ck? Milani was stunned when she heard

Emmanuel’s wordsIs he stupid? Does he think the

thugs care about the laws? If they did, this matter

would’ve been settled long ago!


“What are you waiting for, Ms. Zimmerman? You’re here

to bring us the legal documents, right?” Sheldon was a

dense man, and he had no idea what was on Milani’s

mind. Hence, he walked up to her instantly.

Right then, all the thugs in the factory were staring at

Milani and smiling lecherously.

Seeing that, Milani started to tremble in fear. If the

thugs choose to take matters into their own hands, I’ll

surely get dragged into this mess. What if they come

after me because of my good looks? I won’t be able to

escape their clutches!

With that in mind, Milani answered, “What are you

talking about, Sheldon? What documents? I don’t know

what nonsense you are talking about!”

Milani was eager to distance herself from Emmanuel

and Sheldon, and she even wanted to run away there

and then. I came to watch Emmanuel get into trouble,

but I’m about to end up in hot water myself!

Before she could drive away, Emmanuel reached his

hand into the car and took out the legal documents in

the car!

After that, he flashed a half–smile and uttered, “Ms.

Zimmerman, are you already forgetting things? Aren’t

these the legal documents?”

Milani’s face went pale, and a grim expression soon


Unapler Ya Merles

appeared on her face.


In a fit of rageshe gritted her teeth and thundered,

“Are you crazy, Emmanuel? You might want to die, but I

don’t! What makes you think you can get rid of these

thugs? If you can do it, I’ll give you a kiss in return!”

To her surprise, Emmanuel answered nonchalantly, “I’m

sorry, but I’m really not interested in you.”

Milani was so enraged that her mind had gone blank.

Instead of saying anything, she could only glare at


The latter ignored her, grabbed the legal documents,

and walked toward the entrance.

The moment he turned around, he saw a dozen burly

men walking out of the building. All of a sudden, the

burly men had the three of them surrounded.

“Emmanuel, we should leave now.” Sheldon was

chickening out when he saw that. I want to get my job

done, but I’m not risking my life for it!

Meanwhile, Milani quickly returned to the car and rolled

down the window to make fun of Emmanuel. “Loser,

you’ve lost your mind, haven’t you? Are you risking your

life to make money because you’ve failed to find

yourself a wife?”

Emmanuel didn’t bother to respond to that. I can’t find

a wife? I’m fighting for my future wife now!

Without the slightest fear, Emmanuel opened the

documents and showed them to the thugs. “This is the

Chapter 14 Merciless

real estate document of Terence Group and the

construction permit of Cloud Construction. This land

has long been owned by Terence Group and has

nothing to do with your previous boss. Please leave


Upon hearing Emmanuel’s serious tone, the thugs froze

momentarily before bursting into laughter.

“Haha! This fellow is a simpleton! Why is he telling us



Cut the crapLet’s finish him!” 

The group of thugs clenched their fists and got ready

to fight.

Sheldon was so frightened that his knees had gone

weak. I’m just an office worker. I have never even been

in a fight!

On the other hand, Milani locked her car doors from

the inside, and she was ready to drive off at any time.

The principle of betraying a friend rather than sacrificing oneself described the situation perfectly at

that moment. All she wanted was to stay alive.

Emmanuel wasn’t afraid, though. He was in the army for seven years. He was used to risking his life on the

Chapter 14 Merciless

battlefield on a daily basisso he wasn’t backing down


from a group of thugs and a fight. This is nothing but a


“Die, punk!” A man with an afro swung a chain at


That man was one of Samuel’s capable fighters, and

he was involved in fights all the time. If he were to beat

up a guy that came to chase them out of the factory,

Samuel would be more than appreciative.

In fact, the man with an afro had beaten up quite a

few people before, and some were so badly injured

that they had to receive emergency treatment at the


That was how they scared the people from Cloud

Construction off. None of the people involved in the

project dared to call the police on the thugs.

Gradually, they gained control of the piece of land.

When everyone was waiting to see the chain hit

Emmanuel and him bleeding all over the face,

Emmanuel swiftly dodged it and threw a punch.


The man with an afro was sent flying away. Not only

did blood splatter everywhere, but the man with an

afro also ended up knocking six other thugs down.

Oh, sh*t! The smiles on the thugs‘ faces froze.

Milani was stumped when she saw Emmanuel fight.

This man can fight!

Before the man with an afro could stand up,

Emmanuel walked over to him with an icy expression

and stomped on the man’s leg.


“Ah!” The man’s body was flung into the air before

crashing back onto the ground. All of a sudden, the

man’s face turned purplish, and he was rolling on the

ground as he screamed in pain.


Having witnessed that, everyone at the scene broke

into cold sweat. That’s so ruthless! He broke the

man’s leg without batting an eyelid! How is he so

cold–blooded? Who is he?

Chapter 15

“Kill him! Kill him!”

Fro’s orders ripped through the air, spurring the thugs

into action.

He might be powerful, but he was only one person, so

why should they be afraid of him?

A dozen men charged toward Emmanuel in the

following second, clutching various weapons in their



Sheldon froze at the unfolding scene, becoming aware

of a strange tingling sensation at the top of his head.

Milani took advantage of the chaos to flee in her car.

This is none of my business!

The car suddenly screeched to a halt some distance

away, and she bolted out of the car, shocked by what

she saw in the rearview mirror.

Emmanuel was fighting more than ten guys and

seemed to be winning!

“Are you kidding me?”

A shudder crept down her spine as one burly man

after another collapsed on the ground.

Sheldon staggered to his feet after sitting on the

ground, his legs still like jelly. Then, he knelt toward

Emmanuel in reverence.

This man is too d*mn incredible and ruthless!

Emmanuel’s savagery made fear crawl icily up their

Office Reader




Emmanuel spat out a mouthful of blood and grabbed

Fro by the collar, coldly asking, “Will you tell me where

Mr. Webber is now?”

He, too, was wounded and bleeding after taking down

approximately ten guys, radiating a malevolent air

that filled everyone with dread.

“I–I’ll tell you!”

It was obvious he had taken lives. Otherwise, he

wouldn’t exude such a violent aura.

Fro swallowed audibly. “I’m not sure about Mr. Webber’s

itinerary, and I couldn’t contact him. He recently has

the hots for the head girl at The Paradise and will often

frequent the establishment for pleasure.”

The Paradise?

As a citizen of Yeringham, of course, Emmanuel had

heard of its palatial area and hidden nooks and

crannies. It wouldn’t be easy to locate someone inside,

but he would do it to complete the task given by


Emmanuel flung Fro away and turned to leave.

Shocked to his core, Sheldon closed his gaping mouth

with effort and gave chase.


“Emmanuel… I mean, Mr. Lowe, are you really going to

look for Mr. Webber?” 

Milani’s gaze shifted to Emmanuel after Sheldon posed

the question, her heart hammering.

“Yes, and I need to get rid of all these people for Cloud

Construction to complete the project on time.”

Sheldon, and especially Milani, was taken aback by his


Is he out of his mind? He’s even more insane than I am

for money!

Emmanuel paid them no heed, immediately returning

to Yociam Residence to clean his wounds and rest for

a few days.

Mackenzie was still in a meeting in Terence Group after

working hours, discussing the company’s strategic

warehouse project and how if it weren’t utilized by the

beginning of next month, Terence Group would lose

out on a large number of business deals and nearly

one billion in profit.

The shareholders were feeling the pressure, and in

turn, Mackenzie felt her stress mounting.

At that moment, she thought of Emmanuel.

A day has passed, and he hasn’t updated me. How


“Lexi, check on the progress of Cloud Construction’s

project and update me immediately!”

Yes, Ms. Quillen!” she quickly replied.

Lexi Summerton was Mackenzie’s secretary, and her

biggest responsibility was to keep Mackenzie updated

on any and all progress.

A few minutes later, she approached Mackenzie and

gave a detailed report. “Ms. Quillen, the Cloud

Construction project is still on hold and will not be

completed by the end of the month. Representatives

from Terence Group went to the site today and got

into a brawl with the thugs there.”


Lexi was startled by Mackenzie’s vehement response.

Beatrix, who was seated beside Mackenzie, was



shocked at her animated expression. Mackenzie had

always been an ice queen for as long as she could


“What happened to our representatives?” Mackenzie

asked nervously.

Is Emmanuel dumb, or what? Those thugs have

nothing to do with Terence Group. Even if a fight broke

out, Cloud Construction should be the one to break it

  1. up. Why did he intervene?

“Ms. Quillen, it seems like he left after the fight. I’m not


sure of the situation.” Lexi was still unaware that

Emmanuel was Mackenzie’s husband. She was

bewildered by Mackenzie’s unusual manner and her

display of concern for him.

“Dismissed!” Mackenzie rose to her feet and left the

conference room.

The senior management of Terence Group exchanged

puzzled looks at the sudden shift in her attitude.

“Lexi, who sent out representatives from Terence

Group?” Beatrix inquired, still aghast.*

“It’s Emmanuel, Ms. Beatrix. He had direct orders from

Ms. Quillen.”

“Oh, I see.” Realization dawned on Beatrix, and she bit

Chapter 15 Color Emmanuel Surprised

her lip to stifle a smile.

Only she noticed that the switch in Mackenzie seemed

to be precipitated by that man.

Mackenzie returned to Yociam Residence to bloody

bandages strewn across the floor as soon as she

opened the front door while Emmanuel was dressing

his wounds.

Her brows drew together, and she said coldly, “Do you

have a death wish? To go up against them alone?”

Emmanuel raised his head and met her gaze,

continuing his ministrations wordlessly.

“What a jerk…” Mackenzie bristled with anger. She had

never been ignored, no matter what the


circumstances or people.

He really has a death wish.

She took in the injuries covering his entire body and

the gashes still oozing blood from his back and

approached him to tend to his wounds.

Whatever he did, he did it either for money or to bring

her home.

Emmanuel stilled when he felt her touch on his back.

Color me surprised! Am I mistaken? Is this proud

woman tending to my wounds?

He reflexively pulled away from her, worried that his

sweat and blood would dirty the hands of this

Don’t move!” Mackenzie barked, and it was as if her

voice held a sorcery that rendered Emmanuel



Then, she applied the remaining antiseptic on his back

mercilessly, like she was kneading dough.

Emmanuel yelled and jumped in pain, snarling, “Are

you trying to kill me?”

Mackenzie wore an impassive expression. “Oh, you’re

afraid of pain? I thought you were invincible when you

decided to fight with the thugs!”

His anger rose at her words, and although he wanted

to yell, I did all that so you could accomplish your goal,

the words were stuck in his throat.

She could tell what he was thinking by the

unconcealed expression on his face, even if he didn’t

say a word.

“Sit back down!” Mackenzie ordered sternly.

Emmanuel frowned. It serves me right that I can’t reach

the wounds on my back. I have no choice but to sit

back down.

To his surprise, her touch gentled, and everyone in

Terence Group, especially Beatrix, would have a

mental breakdown if they witnessed this scene,

wondering why a distinguished female CEO would

minister to a man.

“If Cloud Construction’s engineering team can’t get on

site to start work tomorrow, the project will almost

certainly not be completed by the end of the month.

Can you get rid of those people?” Mackenzie asked

after a moment passed.

In reality, there was nothing she could do to drive away

those thugs without hurting anyone.

Emmanuel looked her square in the eye and gritted his

teeth. “I’ll give you an answer by tonight.”

A tremor ran through Mackenzie’s body as her

beautiful eyes took in the bloodied man in front of her,

and she was suddenly acutely aware of a wave of

Chapter 16

On that night, Emmanuel arrived at the nightclub

named The Paradise.

Beneath his clothes were all bandages!

Standing alone by the door, he puffed at a cigarette in


His mood plummeted when he received a call three

minutes ago, and Roselynn’s voice was still echoing in

his ear. “Manny, Mom was admitted to the hospital

again. She has nephritis! She was asking for you,

wondering when your wife will come and visit. She

thought your wife should have come to see her

already since you two are married.”

Roselynn’s words rendered Emmanuel speechless, and

her remarks still echoed in his ears.

Their father passed away at a young age, and their

mother had to raise him and his sister singlehandedly.

She worked too hard when she was young, and her

unhealthy diet caused her to develop kidney stones.

Some ten years ago, she had to have one of her

kidneys removed, and her only kidney was inflamed.

Emmanuel did not know how long his mother’s body

could hold up.

Her only wish now was to meet her daughter–in–law.

Even seeing her grandchild being born would be a


Emmanuel knew he had repeatedly disappointed his


mother, but this time, he was determined to bring

Mackenzie home to fulfill his mother’s wish!

Meanwhile, Mackenzie was in a daze. She might be

staring at the screen, but she was, in fact, zoning out.

She had never been so worried for someone in her life

that it significantly reduced her efficiency at work.

All of a sudden, her phone rang. It was a call from her


“Hey, Mackenzie! Can the strategic warehouse project

be completed in time? All the directors kept pressuring

me for the progress update!” Terence sounded


After all, all shareholders wanted profits. As the

majority shareholder of the company, Terénce

undoubtedly hoped the project would succeed.

“Grandpa, I’m waiting for an update from someone,”

Mackenzie said calmly.

“Updates from someone? Who’s the CEO of Terence

Group? Who’s the decision maker of the company?

And you’re telling me you’re waiting for updates from

another person?” Terence expressed his dismay. What

happened to my granddaughter? That’s not how she

would usually behave!

“I want you to give me an answer right now!” The

agitated Terence raised his voice.

“Grandpa, that person is Emmanuel!” she responded.

What? Emmanuel?” Terence froze for a moment and

kept mum.

After a while, he expressed his shock. “Why do you

have to wait for him to make a decision for Terence


“Grandpa, stop asking, okay?” Mackenzie replied

indifferently, “Anyway, I’ve informed the engineering

team from Cloud Construction to be on standby. I’ll 

issue an ultimatum by tomorrow morning.”

After that, she ended the call.

Mackenzie let out a long breath and found herself

unable to sit still

She could not believe that even during that critical

period, she still found herself expecting Emmanuel to

solve the problem.

As the night fell, Emmanuel flicked his cigarette in front

of the entrance of The Paradise and was ready to enter

the premises.

Suddenly, someone pulled him from the back, and the

person was Sheldon.

“Emmanuel, have you lost your mind? Would you really

stoop to anything for the sake of money? Mr. Webber is

not an easy person to deal with, yet you went to him

and warned him and his men to vacate that piece of

hapter 16 Fits fubordinate

land. He could easily send someone to take your life.

Do you realize that?” Sheldon exclaimed in agitation,

trying to dissuade the man.


Though he only had a professional relationship with

Emmanuel, from human to human, he did not want the

man to risk his life.

Yet, Emmanuel ignored him and walked straight into

the nightclub.

Unfortunately, the receptionist refused to reveal any

information about their guest to him:

The security guard even chased him out of the club

after he refused to leave.

“Emmanuel, can you stop acting crazy? We can’t even

locate the person. Just give up, okay? It’s impossible for

us to earn that money!” Sheldon stayed back, further

dampening Emmanuel’s spirit.

Emmanuel continued giving him the cold shoulder.

He knew Sheldon was saying that for his own good. But

he doesn’t know how I’m feeling and why I’m doing this.

It’s pointless for me to explain to him at this point.

All of a sudden, an Audi arrived at the parking lot.

As a stunning lady stepped out of her car in high heels,

all eyes were drawn to her. She was dressed in a

shimmering silver gown that revealed her long and

slender legs, and her skin was so smooth that it

resembled white poppy flowers.

Emmanuel’s jaw dropped when he saw the woman.

Apart from the aura she exuded, the woman’s beauty

and allure could rival Mackenzie’s!

Mackenzie’s sex appeal and attractive appearance

might not even hold a candle to her.

“Oh my goodness, isn’t that Elena Lyle, the top hostess

of The Paradise?” Sheldon exclaimed, captivated by

her beauty. He was so taken aback that he could

hardly move.

As a man living in Yeringham, he was naturally familiar

with the legends surrounding the top hostess of The


It was said that she never accompanied her clients on

outings, and those who wanted to drink with her had

to pay thirty–eight thousand per hour. She was also

known for her exclusive taste in wine and would only

drink Lafite.


In other words, Elena would only befriend people who

were wealthy and influential. She was, indeed, the very

definition of a successful hostess.

Emmanuel knew nothing about Elena, but the moment

Sheldon told him she was the top hostess in the.

nightclub, he walked toward her directly.

Fro told him that Samuel would always come and look

for her, so he was confident that he could get

information about Samuel’s whereabouts from her.

Emmanuel’s sudden presumptuous move left Sheldon

dumbfounded. Is he trying to hit on the top hostess?

What makes him think he could go after a woman

who’s clearly out of his league?


After standing in front of Elena to stop her from leaving,

Emmanuel greeted her, “Nice to meet you, Ms. Lyle!”

Elena knitted her brows.

If any man had interrupted her like that, she would

have ignored him or even had the bouncers throw him


Nevertheless, as someone who placed great

importance on appearance, Elena was impressed with

Emmanuel’s looks, physique, and calm demeanor.

She concealed her impatience. “Yes?”

“I’m working for Mr. Webber and was told to wait here

for you, Ms. Lyle!” he replied.

Sheldon was rendered speechless by Emmanuel’s

audacity. If his true identity is exposed, he’ll be


Elena felt disappointed when she learned that he was

just Samuel’s subordinate. Her brows creased even

more deeply. “Tell him to wait patiently in the private

room. I’ll go over in an hour!”

“All right, then!” Emmanuel was pleased to hear that.


NiceI’ll be able to locate Mr. Webber if stay with her!


After Elena left, Sheldon walked up to him. “You’ve got

some nerve, Emmanuel! What gave you the courage

to strike up a conversation with the top hostess of this


Emmanuel’s boldness left Sheldon astounded.

Being able to talk to the top hostess of The Paradise

was the dream of every man in Yeringham!

Yet, Emmanuel let out a cold snort.


Elena might exude a cold and distant aura, but she

was nowhere near as haughty and aloof as the missus

in his house. If I had the nerve to marry McKenzie, I

surely would have the courage to talk to this woman.

“Hey, where are you going?” Sheldon asked.

When Emmanuel was about to enter The Paradise, he

could not help but exclaim, “Are you really going to

follow Ms. Lyle’s lead and scheme your way into The

Paradise just to track down Mr. Webber?”

The thought of Emmanuel’s plan sent chills up his

spine. He’s just trying to get himself killed!

Emmanuel hummed in acknowledgment. “Go home if

you’re scared. I’ll take it from here!”

He strode confidently into the nightclub’s lobby, not

once glancing over his shoulder.

As Sheldon gazed at Emmanuel’s back, he was

impressed by his suave demeanor, which seemed to

come naturally without any pretense!

Chapter 17

Adrenaline coursed through Sheldon’s veins as he

stared after Emmanuel’s retreating figure.

Removing troublemakers from the project falls under

my jurisdiction as a legal specialist in Cloud

Construction. How could I simply stand aside when

Emmanuel is ready to risk his life to solve the issue?


Emmanuel’s bravery inspired Sheldon to follow suit.

The latter ran after Emmanuel while vowing through

gritted teeth, “D*mn it! I’m going to give it my all even if

I lose my life!”

When Emmanuel turned around and noticed the other

man’s approach, he could not help but smile.


Emmanuel had faced life–and–death situations with

plenty of peers while serving on the front lines. Since

his return to Yeringham, Frederick had been the only

person who willingly fought alongside him. He was

pleasantly surprised to find another ally in Sheldon.

He booked a private room to prevent security from

booting them.

Now that Sheldon had decided to stay, he decided to

hire several hostesses for entertainment and asked if

Emmanuel wanted to join him.

“Go ahead. I’m heading out for a walk!”

Emmanuel rarely showed any interest in women and

left the room. He walked along the corridor in search of


His efforts paid offHe came across Elena just as she

finished touching up her makeup. She appeared to be

meeting Samuel.


Sheldon had followed Emmanuel out of their private

room. When he noticed that the latter was trailing

Elena all the way to Samuel’s room, he quickly pulled

Emmanuel back in panic.

He whispered, “Think carefully! This is your last chance!

Didn’t you see the crowd inside?”

Emmanuel appeared unfazed.

Assuming he was clueless about Samuel’s might,

Sheldon added, “Mr. Webber is utterly merciless. He has

several people’s blood on his hands! And he has a

bunch of lackeys who are crazy–good fighters! Each

one is fiercer than the nextHe’ll definitely kill you if you

barge in and demand his retreat from the project



Sheldon thought his advice would intimidate

Emmanuel into rethinking his approach.

To his horror, Emmanuel replied expressionlessly, “The

project will surely be delayed if we don’t get rid of Mr.

Webber and his men today! No one can stop me from

my goal today!”

What in the world?

Sheldon was completely nonplussed.

This man is only a lowly employee. Did he delude

himself into thinking he’s Terence Group’s boss or

something? He’s more passionate about the fate of

this project than the real boss!

Just then, the two men suddenly heard a loud crash

coming from Samuel’s room.

Huh, what happened?

They pressed their ears to the door.

The private room fell into deathly silence.

“Enough with that innocent act! People may treat you

like a goddess, but you’re just a toy to Mr. Webber!”

“If you won’t strip down and entertain Mr. Webber, we’ll

destroy more than just your career!”

The threats filled Sheldon with fear,


AlasEmmanuel chose that exact moment to kick open

the door and barge into the private room.

His entrance turned heads. Everyone inside Samuel’s

private room froze, staring at the intruder in shock.

Sheldon’s eyes bugged out. He struggled to stay

upright on his shaky legs.

“Hey, brat. Who the h*ll are you?”

Over ten buff men in the room got to their feet and

shot Emmanuel murderous glares.

They looked as though they would attack him at any


These men had served Samuel for many years, and

this was the first time they encountered someone bold

enough to barge into their private room. Alone.

They wondered if he was sick of living.

Meanwhile, Emmanuel allowed his gaze to travel

across the room. There were over ten hostesses in the

room, all scantily clad except Elena.

They had cowered silently in the corner of the room

during Elena’s conflict with Samuel.


Bolstered by her reputation in the club, Elena clearly

refused to strip down and was splashed with red wine

for her audacity.

The ruby–red liquid stained her silver–colored miniskirt,

dripping down her legs.

Like the others in the room, she immediately turned to

look at Emmanuel upon his unannounced entrance.


She realized then that he was the man who had

claimed to be Samuel’s subordinate earlier.

I guess he doesn’t work for Mr. Webber after all.

Even as Emmanuel was clearly outnumbered in that

private room, he looked at Samuel calmly and

declared, “I’m here to see Mr. Webber. My name is

Emmanuel Lowe, and I’m Terence Group’s

representative! I’m here to inform you to pull your men

out of the project grounds, which you are unlawfully


His words struck everyone silent with shock.

Do workers these days have some sort of death wish?

How can he be stupid enough to barge into a

nightclub and confront the head of underground

circles to finish a job?


Everyone, including the hostesses, stared at Emmanuel

as though he was a fool.

Sheldon kept his gaze on the ground, fearing the worst.

Only Elena continued to appraise Emmanuel carefully,

seeing him in a different light. A man like that can’t be

some simple character! He has both wits and courage.

Consider me charmed!

Samuel simply ordered, “Get rid of him!”

He wanted to return to his salacious entertainment

and could hardly be bothered to figure out

Emmanuel’s identity. The sooner his men got rid of his

unannounced visitor, the better.

Two of his subordinates swung empty glass bottles at

Emmanuel’s head while roaring, “Go to h*ll, you fool!”

Sheldon covered his eyes, too frightened to witness

Emmanuel’s doom.


The sound of glass breaking echoed through the air.


But when Sheldon peeped through the gap between

his fingers, his jaw dropped to the floor in shock, as did

everyone else in the room.

Emmanuel had reduced the glass bottles into shards

with his bare fists and sent his two attackers flying

across the room.

Blood trickled down his fists, but his eyes burned with

fiery determination. There was no hint of fear in him.

So cool!

Elena secretly sighed in admiration.

The others in the room shared her sentiments.

A second later, a couple of Samuel’s men grabbed

some broken wine bottles and stabbed them in

Emmanuel’s direction.

“Ah!” The hostesses in the private room blanched in

fear. A chorus of shrieks reverberated through the



Once again, Emmanuel nimbly dodged their attacks.

With a furious roar, he grabbed his two attackers and

rammed their heads together.



Blood instantly streamed down the dazed men’s faces.

The audience grew increasingly bewildered as they

witnessed Emmanuel’s vicious counterattack.

They had sorely underestimated him. He was no fool;

in fact, he was probably the most merciless character

in the room.

At the same time, Mackenzie finally dialed Emmanuel’s

phone from the safety of Yociam Residence.

She wanted to know what was happening at The


Alasdespite her incessant calls, no one answered the


She muttered to herself, “They can’t have beaten him

to death, right?”

Mackenzie set her phone aside, a conflicted expression

on her face. It was impossible to decipher her feelings.

Once he’s dead, I regain my freedom! So why am I

feeling so uneasy over the prospect of his death?

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Mackenzie jumped, startled by the sudden noise.

Something akin to relief flitted across her cool

expression. Is he back?

She opened the door only to see her grandfather

standing outside.

Terence huffed, “Mackenzie! Where’s Emmanuel? How

could you send him to handle this matter?”


He had rushed over in a panic, anxious to confirm what

he had heard over their phone call earlier.

As the chairman of Terence Group, he had heard his

fair share of horror stories about Samuel Webber. Even

the Quillen family dared not confront Samuel directly.

Mackenzie replied, “He went to The Paradise. He said

he’ll fix the issue for me.”


Her explanation infuriated Terence, who demanded,

riapter 1 Turning heads


Send someone to bring him home! He’s your husband,

for goodness sake! I’ll never forgive you if he ends up

dead! Don’t forget this. The Quillen family is known for

its loyalty. Never has a Quillen woman remarried!”

Mackenzie scrunched her brows slightly as disbelief

gradually colored her features.

Terence had always doted on her and never spoke to

her as harshly as he did that day. Now, he even

claimed he would never forgive her if a man he had

only met several times died.

Does he seriously expect me to remain a widow for the

rest of my life if Emmanuel dies?

Despite her fury, her grandfather had put down his

foot, leaving her no choice. She put on a coat and left

frosty expression into something warmer.

He had better not die!

Chapter 18

The mingling smell of blood and alcohol was thick in

the air inside VIP room number 888 at The Paradise.

The unpleasant odor was stifling.

“Hold it!”

Just as Samuel’s lackeys armed themselves with

anything they could find in the room–wine bottles,

stools, even a fruit knife–to fight Emmanuel, Samuel

called out, halting his men.

His subordinates turned to stare at him, confused by

his command.

Samuel ignored them and instead stared intently at


He could tell from Emmanuel’s gaze that the young

man was ready to fight anyone who was in his


way to

The head of the underground circles was not born in

one day. Samuel had fought his way to the top and

once possessed the same gaze as Emmanuel.

He knew it signaled a man who would not even flinch

at the prospect of death. Anyone foolish enough to

confront such a man would suffer a painful end.

Samuel could not help but ask, “Brat, who exactly sent

you here?” 

He only occupied the project grounds by force

because he knew the extent of the company’s power.

In the past, Terence Group and Cloud Construction

had sent men to oust them to no avail. The companies

Chapter 18 A Worthy Opponent

dared not turn the issue into a big deal for fear of

Samuel’s retaliation.

He never imagined someone from Terence Group

would dare confront him today, and one who had

actual fighting skills to boot.


Instead of replying to Samuel’s question, Emmanuel

said, “That’s none of your business. I’ve said my piece. If

you refuse to call off your men from the project

grounds, I will fight you to the bitter end!”

He sounded so calm it was positively chilling.

Everyone in the room stared at him, agape with shock.

They had never known anyone to taunt Samuel sq

brazenly without any backup.

Elena gazed at Emmanuel with bright eyes.

Chapter 18 A Worthy Opponent

He’s the most gallant man I’ve ever seen!

Suddenly, Samuel burst into a guffaw.


His laughter lasted a good while before his gaze

cooled. He replied sneeringly, “What a surprise! To think

someone in Yeringham would dare to use such a tone

against me! But young fella, you’re overestimating

your skills. You should know that once I give the word,

your corpse will be floating along Yeringham River


The threat struck fear within Sheldon, whose legs

almost crumpled from fear. He sucked in several

breaths to calm himself down.

Samuel hardly joked around, and he would surely.

make good on his promise.

don’t know about that,” Emmanuel continued firmly, “but I do know I have a goal to complete today. Even if I

end up dead, I’ll drag all of you down to h*ll with me!”

He meant every word he had said. This was no empty

boast on Emmanuel’s part.

He was out of options, in any case. He needed to bring

Mackenzie home to meet his mother.

If he failed today, his proud wife would turn her nose

up at him, and it would be near impossible to convince

her to visit his family home in the future.

Samuel and Emmanuel found themselves engaged in

a tense staring contest. The older man had spent most

of his life fighting and knew he could not afford to piss

off Emmanuel.

Were he any younger, he would have considered a

duel with Emmanuel.

Things were different now. Samuel was older and had

too much to lose. Gone was the hot–blooded fervor

and all–or–nothing attitude that so defined his past.

To put it plainly, if he ended up behind bars for

breaking the law, his age and physicality no longer

aided him in earning the reverence and admiration of

his fellow inmates.

Spying his hesitation, Emmanuel advised earnestly,

“Mr. Webber, it’s time to stay on the right side of the

law! Please call your men back!”

It was at that point that Sheldon realized he was no

longer quaking in fear.

Emmanuel appeared to have intimidated Samuel into

submission, and it was not by any threats of legal


Instead, he simply replied on his fearsome

determination and indomitable aura. Sheldon was in


No wonder they say you can’t judge a book by its

cover. Who knew someone who looks as genteel as

Emmanuel would turn out to be such a fierce


Samuel’s furious shout pierced the silence of the room.

“You think you can just order me to ask my men to

leave? What about my reputation? What will everyone

think of me then?” 

Chapter 19

Elena could tell the great Samuel had given in.

Samuel knew nothing good would come out of it if he

kept fighting Emmanuel. Hence, he wanted to find an

excuse to give in.


In other words, Samuel was just a paper tiger. As the

saying went, the more one owned, the greater the fear

of losing everything. They were no longer the same

person when they had nothing.

Emmanuel, on the other hand, was giving everything

he had because he had nowhere to turn to.

He was no fool, either. He quickly questioned without

hesitation, “So, what do you want to do, Mr. Webber?”

Sheldon was currently trembling with excitement.

It looks like this matter can really be resolved.

To him, the sense of accomplishment was better than

getting the commission. He had no regrets about sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

risking his life to come here with Emmanuel that day.

After all, he could return and boast about dealing with

such an important event for half of his lifetime.

“We’re not occupying this land by force. We just want

to take back our friends‘ hard–earned money. As long

as Terence Group is willing to pay the wages owed by

the previous owner, I swear to tell them to leave.”

Samuel was great with his words, too.

Knowing all the other party wanted was money,

Emmanuel asked impassively, “How much?”

Samuel responded boldly, “Five million.”

Emmanuel instantly burst out laughing. “Do you think

I’m stupid? What kind of salary costs five million? Did

you think I didn’t know only about ten people are

ex–employees of the factory while the others are just

unemployed hooligans? Their salary combined is only

about a hundred thousand per month. What you’re

asking for is about five years‘ worth of salary. Are they

fools? Why continue working for a boss who owes

them five years‘ worth of salary?”

The data eluded Samuel from words. He would have

killed Emmanuel if not for his fear of losing to the latter.

“Are you saying you’re refusing to pay and want us to


“Hold on. Let me ask the boss.”

No matter how fierce Samuel was, Emmanuel would


not give in so easily.

If one did not know better, one would easily mistake

Emmanuel for bullying the group of people.

Samuel looked so grim, as if he could lose his temper

at any time. The sight of that made Elena shudder.

After all, a man with hundreds of subordinates was

being suppressed by one man.

Meanwhile, Emmanuel gave Mackenzie a call.

She was rushing over when she heard her phone ring.

Seeing it was a call from Emmanuel, she felt oddly


He’s still alive.

Even so, she answered it nervously, worried Emmanuel

was calling for help.

The moment she heard Emmanuel’s words, her eyes

widened in surprise. “What? Mr. Webber only needs five

million to leave?” 

That amount was nothing to Terence Group as

compared to the profit they would earn from the

project in the future.

She would have agreed to it with no hesitation if

Samuel had proposed that earlier.

“Yes. I’ll continue negotiating with them if you’re not

willing to pay.”

Emmanuel did not think Terence Group should pay for

that. Hence, he guessed Mackenzie would object.

“Okay. I’ll accept that.”

To his surprise, she instantly agreed to it. She even

reminded Emmanuel not to anger Samuel further.

Emmanuel furrowed his brows after hanging up.

He was only pretending to look troubled. If he agreed

to the proposal too quickly, Samuel and the others

would think they could still raise the amount.

Sure enough, Samuel thought the outcome was not in

their favor by just looking at Emmanuel’s face. He, too,

did not want to keep fighting with someone as

stubborn as Emmanuel. Thus, Samuel negotiated,

“Three million if you insist on being calculative. My

friends‘ time is precious, too. If Terence Group is not

even willing to pay three million, then let’s stop


With that, he slammed his hand on the table.

Clearly, he was at his limits.

After all, money was the motivation for them to be

involved in that industry.

“Three million?” 

Emmanuel continued to frown. Deep down, he was

relieved to have helped save two million for his wife’s

company. This should be enough to prove my worth.

Still, he faked a sigh.

Chapter 20 

Mr. Webberknow you and your friends need the

income, but these are two different matters. Terence

Group shouldn’t be the one paying for this.”

The veins on Samuel’s head popped when he heard


Just then, Emmanuel suddenly said, “However, our

boss empathizes with you and is willing to pay three

million to be friends with all of you.”


Samuel’s pupils dilated. He was moved by what he


Even his subordinates exchanged glances delightedly. They never expected the boss of Terence Group to be

so particular.

Alas, they were blissfully unaware Emmanuel had

secretly reduced their payment. In fact, they were

gladly calling Emmanuel their friend.

It was a typical scenario of being grateful to someone

who betrayed them.

“Very well. We shall be friends with Terence Group.

Come on! Let’s have a toast!”

Samuel gave Emmanuel a toast. It was clear the

former had submitted himself to Emmanuel.


As a former soldier, Emmanuel had no fear of hard


At the same time, Samuel’s subordinates were loyal

people. Seeing how generous Emmanuel was, they

toasted and praised him for being a good person.

Samuel grew wary as he watched Emmanuel down

glass after glass of hard liquor with no problem.

This man’s not someone to be trifled with. We can only

be friends, never enemies.

Half an hour later, Mackenzie finally arrived at The

Paradise and quickly got out of the car.

Four professional bodyguards followed behind her.

Her gaze was piercing, and her aura was domineering.

When the men outside the nightclub caught sight of

the beautiful woman with her entourage, they cleared

a path and only watched her enter the building.

She was a beauty with great power.

Nonetheless, Mackenzie did not bother glancing at the

bystanders and walked straight into the nightclub.

She had never been so worried about someone, let

alone a man. Even she found the situation


Similarly, it was the bodyguards‘ first time seeing their

indifferent CEO behaving like that. They could not help

but wonder who she was there to save.

In the next second, Mackenzie halted in her tracks and

fixed her eyes on the two men exiting the entrance.

Emmanuel had his arm across Sheldon’s shoulder and

a cigarette in his mouth. He was even having trouble

walking straight.

Chapter 20 Emmanuel Gets Drunk

She was a beauty with great power

Nonetheless, Mackenzie did not bother glancing at the

bystanders and walked straight into the nightclub.

She had never been so worried about someone, let

alone a man. Even she found the situation


Similarly, it was the bodyguards‘ first time seeing their

indifferent CEO behaving like that. They could not help

but wonder who she was there to save:

In the next second, Mackenzie halted in her tracks and fixed her eyes on the two men exiting the entrance.

Emmanuel had his arm across Sheldon’s shoulder and

a cigarette in his mouth. He was even having trouble

walking straight.


Not only was he injured, but he also drank over twenty

glasses of imported wine that had sixty percent

alcohol. Thus, it was only normal that he was walking

like that.

Sheldon was taken aback when he saw the beautiful

woman with slender legs standing before him. He

could neither tear his eyes away from her nor budge

an inch the moment he saw her face.

Never did he expect to find someone more beautiful

than Elena.

When Emmanuel saw Sheldon suddenly stop in his

tracks, he slowly looked up and noticed Mackenzie’s

presence. He shuddered and sobered up a little.

The two said nothing and merely stared at each other

in silence.

Although Sheldon was clueless about their

relationship, he could read the room. Immediately, he

backed away.

In the meantime, the four bodyguards dared not

approach without Mackenzie’s order.

Suddenly, Emmanuel lost his balance.

Mackenzie instinctively rushed forward to help him up.

That was when she felt the warmth of his body.

At the same time, her nose picked up the stench of

  • blood.

He fought with others again.

“Aren’t you afraid of death?” Mackenzie chided, her

brows knitted together. A bitter feeling crept into her


Chapter 20 Emmanue! Gets Drunk

Am I not fine now?” Emmanuel laughed out loud as

relief washed over him.

Mackenzie could not help but sigh at the state he was

  1. in. I honestly don’t know what to do with him. I was just

speaking mindlessly. I can’t believe he actually went to

such lengths because of what I said.

The four bodyguards were absolutely confounded

after witnessing their CEO holding Emmanuel up.

They knew about Mackenzie’s misandry, and she rarely

shook hands with men. Hence, the sight of her holding

up a man with one hand was a strange occurrence to


Not only that, but Mackenzie even threw them a look, indicating for them to leave the next second.

Chapter 20 Emmanue! Gets Drunk

She still did not want Emmanuel to find out her real


“Remember what you promised me. Once the project

is a success, we have to go home to see my mom.”

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