A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Novel Full Episode
A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Chapter 421-430

Chapter 421

These words couldn’t be said to anyone else. They could only be quietly

spoken when she was alone as it made her feel a little more relieved.

“Miss, are you okay?”

Jimmy finally took the risk of being scolded and couldn’t help but approach.

He thought he heard a familiar name just now but couldn’t hear it clearly

enough to be sure.

“Bring me the bill please.”

Mackenzie didn’t scold him and had no intention of staying any longer. She

just wanted to pay and continue searching for Emmanuel.

“Huh?” Jimmy was startled.

He thought he heard Mackenzie calling the name, “Emmanuel” and wanted to

tell her that they had a new employee at the restaurant named Emmanuel.

Furthermore, their tastes seemed similar. So, he wanted to suggest that they

meet and talk.

Who would have thought that Mackenzie ordered a table full of food, and two

expensive bottles of wine but didn’t touch any of the dishes or have a sip of

wine and wanted to pay and leave?

Was she crazy?

However, the beautiful lady had money whereas Jimmy, a part-time worker,

could only comply.

After Mackenzie settled the bill, she turned around to leave.

Yet, just as she was about to step out of the door, she seemed to hear

someone in the neighboring room cursing.

“You want money? You won’t get anything, so get lost! Otherwise, don’t

blame me for being impolite!”

“Miss Zora, you’re being unreasonable!”

“You want to talk about reason, huh? If you dare, go talk to Madam Lofis. I’d

like to see if you want money or your life. Hehe…”

The voice quickly faded away.

However, it was this faint conversation that suddenly revitalized the

previously listless Mackenzie.

Her beautiful eyes instantly turned icy.

She could discern that the voice she just heard arguing seemed to belong to


Was that dummy Emmanuel being bullied by someone?

“This is outrageous! Who dares to bully my man?”

Mackenzie’s face turned cold and domineering as she spoke. So, she followed

the direction from which the voice had come without hesitation and

disregarded everything in her path.

Alas, she was quickly intercepted by two restaurant staff members!

“Miss, that’s our restaurant’s staff area. Unauthorized personnel are not

allowed in!”

“Get out of my way! I’m going in!”

Mackenzie completely ignored the obstruction.

Her dominating aura and the chilling presence exuding from her body made

the two staff members hesitate to stop her.

They both had a strange feeling as if this woman resembled their boss. She

even possessed a power that surpassed their boss’.

Who was she exactly?

“Hey, Miss! Miss!”

After the two staff members regained their senses, they still wanted to

continue blocking Mackenzie, but she had already pushed open the door and

barged into the backstage room.

When she entered, she was taken aback. Inside was the kitchen area with

only one elderly chef and two young apprentices. There was no sign of

Emmanuel or any other woman.

Could she have misheard or mistaken the place?

Yet, Mackenzie was an assertive and confident woman. She believed that her

hearing and judgment couldn’t be wrong!

“Miss, do you have any business here? Outsiders are not allowed to enter our

kitchen!” said one of the young apprentices as they approached and blocked

Mackenzie’s path.

At that moment, Mackenzie couldn’t proceed further. Behind her, two security

guards from the restaurant were walking in and ready to escort her out. They

wouldn’t hesitate to act just because Mackenzie was attractive. On the

contrary, they saw this as an opportunity to take advantage of her beauty,

whether by getting a hug or a touch from a stunning woman like her. After all,

how many men wouldn’t want to take advantage of a beautiful woman?

Especially since unique men like Emmanuel were quite rare.

“Wait, wait! Please don’t do anything!” Suddenly, a panicked voice came from


Chapter 422

Jimmy, who had taken Mackenzie’s order, hurried over.

Mackenzie had just placed an order worth nearly six figures for food and

wine, but she had paid the bill without even taking a bite of the food and

wanted to assault someone. Jimmy was well aware that she was an

extremely wealthy and beautiful woman. He absolutely couldn’t allow anyone

else from the hotel to easily offend her!

Meanwhile, Mackenzie took advantage of Jimmy’s intervention and scanned

her surroundings again but still didn’t see Emmanuel.

At this point, she suspected that she had misheard something. Could it be

that her longing for that dummy was causing auditory hallucinations?

“Miss, may I ask if you’re looking for someone?” Jimmy asked again as he

wanted to confirm if Mackenzie was indeed searching for Emmanuel.

Unfortunately, she had no intention of speaking to anyone and turned to


Jimmy couldn’t do anything else either.


However, the two young apprentices took the initiative to approach Jimmy

and whispered, “Hey, it’s really pitiful for Mr. Lowe. He has been working

diligently for half a month, but now he can’t even get a single penny when he

wants to leave!”

“Yeah, that Miss Zora is simply inhumane! She always tries to pander to those

above her station but doesn’t care at all about us lower-level staff!”

The two apprentices confided in Jimmy because he had a good relationship

with Emmanuel, and they were also colleagues.

Jimmy felt helpless and indignant after hearing this. “Miss Zora is truly

heartless. So, where did they go?”

“In order to get his wages, Mr. Lowe went to Madam Lofis’ office with Miss

Zora. Madam Lofis is even more unreasonable. I’m afraid she’ll humiliate Mr.


“Ah, Mr. Lowe is really pitiful. Sometimes, just looking at him breaks my heart…”

The two young apprentices were filled with sympathy.

Mackenzie’s body trembled when she heard their conversation, and her

beautiful eyes widened in shock!

Mr. Lowe?

Could it really be Emmanuel?


With this thought, she immediately disregarded everything and turned back


“Hey, Miss. What are you doing? Miss!”

The two apprentices thought she was about to leave, but they were taken

aback when she turned around again and quickly tried to stop her.

However, who could stop the icy CEO of Terence Group?

With just a glance by her, it was as if the two apprentices had been frozen in

place and unable to move!

“Hey, who do you think you are? This is a restricted area. Don’t barge in!”

In the end, it was the experienced old chef who managed to stop Mackenzie.

“Sir, was Emmanuel just here? Where is he now?”

Mackenzie stared at the old chef as she asked anxiously.

Killian furrowed his brows slightly and carefully sized Mackenzie up before

-asking, “Who are you to him?”

She was clever enough to realize that she hadn’t been mistaken!

That dummy was really here!

Was this what they called fate?

She randomly chose a hotel, and she happened to encounter Emmanuel

working there.

She finally found him, that dummy husband who wanted to escape!

“Sir, I’m his wife!”

“What? You’re his wife?”


Killian immediately wore a stern expression upon hearing that and didn’t care

who Mackenzie was. Instead, he scolded her harshly, “You don’t know how to Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

cherish him! Emmanuel is such a great man. Not only is he talented and

outstanding, but he is also hardworking, down-to-earth, and sincere in his

interactions. He’s not like those other men who chase after fleeting


Chapter 423

“What did he do wrong? How did he let you down? You insisted on divorcing

him and even throwing him out of the house with nothing. He was forced to

leave his hometown and work here silently while suffering every day alone!”

“Do you know how cruel it is to love someone and be forced to leave them

while only able to secretly yearn for them?”

Killian continued to rant as if he wanted to swing his spatula and hit


Emmanuel had mentioned his family situation to others here, and somehow

the information reached Killian. As he was also experienced in matters of the

heart, he couldn’t help but scold Mackenzie as he felt that she was too


Mackenzie swore that apart from Terence, no one had ever dared to speak to

her like this!

However, she wasn’t angry at this moment. She just felt heartbroken. She

wouldn’t mind even if Killian actually went ahead and slapped, her and might

even feel a bit relieved because she felt that the chef was right. Emmanuel

had come to the Onza alone, endured hardships, and secretly yearned for

her. It was all her fault.

He shouldn’t have suffered like this. He just liked her!

She truly was a bad woman when it came to relationships!

“Mr. Killian, please stop scolding her!”

The two apprentices on the side were anxious and loudly reminded Killian,

“Emmanuel went with Miss Zora to Madam Lofis’ office to ask for his salary!

I’m afraid Madam Lofis will reprimand him!”

“Yeah. Both Madam Lofis and Miss Zora are not good people. They’ve even

resorted to violence in dealing with salary disputes before. I’m afraid

Emmanuel will suffer if he clashes with them!”

When Mackenzie heard this, she felt her rage surging within her.

Why were there still unscrupulous employers who refused to pay their

workers in this era?

How could her man be bullied by these people?

She quickly took out a stack of money and handed it to Killian while saying,

“Sir, please take me to find Emmanuel!”

Everyone present was stunned after seeing that stack of money, which was

easily worth at least 5,000!

They always saw Emmanuel dressed plainly and living a frugal life. They

never expected his wife to be so wealthy!

Killian glanced at Mackenzie, then at the money in her hand, and felt even

more conflicted.

This woman had money, yet she let her husband suffer alone by working. It

was outrageous!

Yet, when he saw that she was sincere and earnest in finding Emmanuel, he

pushed the money back and said, “I don’t need or want your money. Just

make sure you and Emmanuel can restore your relationship and live a good

life! You don’t know that Emmanuel is truly a person with a strong sense of

but it only results in him being targeted by her. He’s made to do the dirtiest

and heaviest work every day, and he’s constantly verbally abused. They just

want to force him to leave without giving him a penny of his salary!”

As Mackenzie listened to Killian’s words, her anger grew stronger and

stronger by the second!

How dare these shameless people bully her man?

Hmph! Just wait and see how I deal with all of you!

“All right, take her to Madam Lofis’ office quickly!”

So, the two apprentices quickly led Mackenzie to Madam Lofis’ office after

receiving the green light from Killian.

They also enjoyed being around Emmanuel and were even a recipient of his


He not only helped them with some heavy work, but when Miss Zora wanted

to squeeze them dry and drive them away while even resorting to

intimidation and suppression, it was none other than Emmanuel who stood

up for them. That was why they were still here.

So, when they saw him being targeted and openly bullied by Miss Zora, they

were frustrated by their own limited abilities to help him.

Now that Emmanuel’s wealthy and beautiful wife had arrived, they hoped she

could assist him!

Meanwhile, in Madam Lofis’ office, Miss Zora, who was dressed in professional

attire, had a stern expression as he led Emmanuel inside.

When they arrived in front of an elegant woman wearing pink glasses, Miss

Zora’s sullen face suddenly transformed into extreme flattery. “Madam Lofis,

your health is important. You should remember to take breaks even if you’re

busy! Here, let me make you a cup of coffee!”

Chapter 424

Vivian Zora was the human resource manager of the restaurant. She had

sharp eyes and a large mouth. Her appearance was particularly sharp and

sarcastic which earned her the nickname ‘Zora the Skinner’ among the staff

behind her back.

Her specialty was buttering up her superiors and then turning around to

undermine the benefits and wages of the restaurant’s employees. For

example, she embezzled the attendance bonus of the two apprentices for

her own gain.

When the two apprentices found out and confronted her, she sent her

lackeys to threaten them while arrogantly declaring that they could either

work or get lost! After all, there were plenty of people willing to take up such

low-level positions like apprentices!

Emmanuel couldn’t stand by and watch, so he stood up against her lackeys

and fought for justice for the two apprentices.

Since her lackeys couldn’t do anything to Emmanuel, she held a grudge

against him.

Now that he wanted to resign and loavo, Vivian deliberately withheld his

salary as a form of revenge.

At this moment, she took the opportunity to complain to the general

manager. “Madam Lofis, this waiter has been working in our restaurant for

less than 15 days and now wants to be paid even though he’s quitting

midway. It’s really shameless. So, I brought him here to see you!”

The general manager’s name was Mariah Lofis. She was 38 years old this

year, but she wore pink cat-eye glasses to appear younger. Frankly, that did

nothing for her complexion as it only highlighted the fact that she was an old


Vivian was her trusted confidante as she was cultivated by Mariah herself. Of

course, Vivian was able to act recklessly in the restaurant because Mariah

was just as dishonorable and cruel as her. They excelled at teaming up to

exploit the staff and generate profits for the hotel.

At this moment, Mariah took a sip of coffee before sizing Emmanuel up.

She didn’t expect this male waiter to have such a good physique!

He looked strong but not greasy, and his muscles didn’t appear artificially


A faint covetous light flickered in her eyes, but she maintained a calm

demeanor on the surface.

“Miss Zora, you’re being too harsh. It’s only natural for someone who has

-Worked to receive their wages!” Mariah stood up and walked toward

Emmanuel while speaking.

Vivian was slightly stunned. She didn’t expect Mariah to speak up for

Emmanuel. Was the sun rising from the west?

However, she quickly reacted and wondered if Madam Lofis had taken a

liking to the man in front of her.

Although it was a bit unexpected, as the saying went, the sexuality of a

woman increased as their age increased. Mariah had been divorced for ten

years, and she probably hadn’t had a man to nourish her in all those years.

Perhaps she was secretly desperate for a man now?

Was she trying to keep a man for her pleasure?

While Vivian despised Mariah for giving into her baser instincts, she nodded

and smiled obsequiously while saying, “You’re right. I will heed your orders.”

Mariah ignored Vivian and reached out to touch Emmanuel’s cheek. “How is

it? Is the work hard?”

Emmanuel was startled and quickly took a step back. What was going on?

Did the general manager really care about the employees like this?

“It’s a bit hard, but it’s all for the wages,” Emmanuel said while maintaining a

distance and a wary look in his eyes.

Mariah’s expression instantly changed when she saw his actions. Her

eyebrows suddenly twisted, and her eyes became incredibly sinister.

The number of men she took an interest in was extremely rare, and this loser

in front of her didn’t know what was good for him!

Did he still expect to be paid?

He was simply delusional!

“Madam Lofis, I have been working in the restaurant for 14 days. Please pay

me according to the rules.”


Once again, Emmanuel voiced his demands. Although he had come to Onza

to work as a way to divert attention and avoid arousing suspicion about his

journey to the Northern Region, he believed that if he had worked, he

deserved to be paid for his efforts.

Chapter 425

However, Mariah simply ignored him and shot a disdainful glance at Vivian,

her loyal follower while signaling her to teach this man a lesson. If he wants

to receive his payment, he has to behave like a good dog.

Vivian understood the message instantly and immediately adopted a

condescending attitude and spoke to Emmanuel with nothing but disdain,

“Heh you heartless creature. Do you even have the audacity to ask for

money? Perhaps you’re not aware that the money you spent at our

restaurant was advanced by Madam Lofis?”

In her eyes, he was nothing more than a despicable loser. It was precisely

because of his low status that he would tirelessly pursue a meager salary of

just over 1,000. With no money, no power, and being an outsider; she had the

freedom to hit and curse him as she pleased.

“Miss Zora, please speak with respect,” Emmanuel argued while standing his

ground. “It was agreed upon that the restaurant provided meals but not

accommodation. However, now you deliberately twisted the truth. If you

persist in refusing to pay me my salary, I will have no choice but to file a


“Hehe…” Vivian burst into mocking laughter. “You want to take me to court for

a mere 1,000? Fine, do you have the money to hire a lawyer? Are you certain

you’ll win?”

He was truly infuriated by Vivian’s shameless behavior. He didn’t know what

cards she held, but at this point, he was not only fighting for his salary but

also his pride. Despite the opponent’s unreasonableness, he was determined

to seek justice, even if it meant exhausting all his efforts.

Unexpectedly, at that moment, Madam Lofis opened a drawer and took out a

stack of 5,000 bills, and forcefully slammed it on the table. She looked at

Emmanuel with a triumphant and condescending gaze.

“So, you want money, huh? I have plenty. If you crawl over here like a dog and

lick my toes, I’ll reward you with this 5,000. If you behave even better, I have

more money for you. Hehe…”

That contemptuous gaze and self-righteous expression made him feel

insulted on a personal level. The former Northern Region Wolf Warrior, who

had once been respected, was now being treated like a dog just because he

had come to work to conceal his tracks and complete his mission.

“Madam Lofis! This… Are you sure?” Vivian couldn’t help but feel a tinge of

jealousy in her eyes upon hearing those words. She had worked so hard to be

Mariah’s loyal follower, but she had never received such generosity from

Mariah before!

This man would receive 5,000 just for crawling? Why couldn’t she have such a

stroke of luck?

“You shut up and leave!” Mariah dismissed Vivian with a single command.

Then, she walked straight to Emmanuel, full of pride. “How about it? Are you


Emmanuel felt a sense of disgust in the face of her flirtatious behavior.

“Madam Lofis, please have some self-respect! If your parents saw you like

this, they would surely be ashamed.”

“You-” Mariah’s face turned red with anger and she tried to slap him in

frustration. However, Emmanuel calmly dodged the attack.

Vivian joined in with loud insults, jeering, “For a loser like you to catch Madam

Lofis’ eye, it’s a privilege you’ve earned in your three lifetimes. How dare you

dodge when Madam Lofis hits you?”

Mariah continued to berate him. “Exactly! You’re destined to never marry with

your poor status! Accept your lowly position and stop pretending to be

virtuous. How disgusting!”

Emmanuel felt frustrated as he felt belittled in such a manner. He had only

come to collect his salary, so why should he endure this humiliation?

Unfortunately, the two offenders were women which made it difficult for him

to retaliate physically.

At that moment, the office door was kicked open.

When Emmanuel saw the familiar figure standing there, he thought he was



How could she be here?

Emmanuel rubbed his eyes and realized that he wasn’t seeing things. It also

wasn’t a case of mistaken identity!

Chapter 426


When Mackenzie saw Emmanuel, she couldn’t help but beam in joy.

Emmanuel couldn’t hide his emotions anymore!

However, before they could even react, they saw Mariah’s hateful and

venomous expression blocking their path.

Mackenzie recalled what she had just heard, and an indescribable anger

exploded within her, igniting her entire being.

How dare someone bully someone associated with her?!

Not only that, but the two women who had just bullied Emmanuel were now

arrogantly standing before her and thinking they were better!

They were courting death!

“Mackenzie! H-How did you end up here?” Emmanuel ignored Mariah and

quickly walked up to Mackenzie while his eyes welled up with tears.

He was never intentionally avoiding Mackenzie as she had imagined. He

didn’t even know that she had been searching for him throughout the entire

city and had even come to Onza to find him.

When he realized just how much Mackenzie cared about him, he felt

incredibly happy as he experienced a reciprocal sense of joy. He just hoped

that he wasn’t misinterpreting the situation!

Mackenzie snorted coldly at him and deliberately ignored him for a moment

while striding into the room.

As they had not seen each other for so long, she naturally wanted to spoil

this dummy first by helping him out of the situation. Then, she would punish

him severely after they went back.

She also wanted to show the whole world that this man in front of her was

someone only she could bully. No one else could lay a single on her man!

Clack. Clack. Clack.

Vivian quickly walked over and stood in front of Mariah and assumed the

posture of a loyal dog protecting its master after realizing the situation. She

arrogantly confronted Mackenzie and scolded, “Who do you think you are?

Who allowed you to barge in? You’re courting death! Is this the kind of place

where people like you can recklessly enter?”

Due to her disdain for a mere waiter like Emmanuel, she instinctively

assumed that anyone associated with him couldn’t possibly be of any

importance. It didn’t matter to her that Mackenzie exuded an air of elegance.

Maybe that woman is just an upstart with good looks!

Mackenzie felt herself scoffing when she caught sight of Vivian’s proud and

judgmental eyes!

Mackenzie was always the center of attention wherever she went, but she

didn’t expect someone to dare to speak to her in such a manner. It was quite

an interesting change!

“She is Emmanuel’s wife, and you can’t bully Emmanuel!”

At that moment, two apprentices outside the door shouted, for fear that

Emmanuel and Mackenzie might be at a disadvantage. So, they tried to lend

a helping hand.

“Oh, so you’re this pauper’s wife! How dare you barge into Madam Lofis’

office? Who gave you the dudacity? Were you brought here by those two

pieces of trash behind you? Is this a place where you can come? Get out of

here!” Vivian continued to act arrogantly while relying on the support of


The two apprentices were instantly angered and their eyes blazed with fury.

This woman genuinely looked down upon them and considered them

low-class individuals!

On what grounds?

They were just in different positions. What gave her the right to categorize

people into different classes? Furthermore, how could she comfortably

consider herself superior?

Mariah’s attitude became even more haughty, and she snorted coldly, “I don’t

care who you are to Emmanuel. If you leave now, I’ll consider it a display of

understanding. Otherwise, if I get angry later, you’ll know what cruelty


She was arrogant and condescending!

She had always regarded herself as the queen of this hotel, and she believed

that no one dared to defy her here.

“Get lost?”



Mackenzie’s lips twitched in anger, and her gaze gradually became

domineering. At this point, it would be an understatement of the century to

say that she was about to go on a rampage. She had never been so

offended in her entire life!

Vivian instinctively panicked upon seeing the cold expression on Mackenzie’s


This woman’s current appearance was really terrifying!

Why did Mackenzie’s presence feel even more powerful than her boss’?

“How dare you touch someone I care about? I’ll make sure you regret it!”

Mackenzie coldly exclaimed while her whole body seemed to emit a

whirlwind of energy.

Not only was Vivian greatly frightened, but even the two apprentices were

frozen in place by fear.

Why did the presence of Emmanuel’s wife feel so intimidating?

Swish! Mackenzie snatched the ladle from one of the apprentices’ hands and

swung it at Vivian.

Chapter 427

Thud! Vivian couldn’t even respond before she was unceremoniously beaten

to the ground with a sharp cry of pain.

All present in the office were dumbfounded!

Emmanuel was also rendered speechless for a moment. He couldn’t

comprehend the fact that Mackenzie would beat a person up simply

because they bullied him. What the hell is going on? I am the Northern Region

Wolf Warrior! Logically speaking, I don’t need my wife to fight to protect me!

Still, this feels nice! For the first time, Emmanuel felt that Mackenzie truly

cared about him.

“T-That was so awesome!”

The two trainees exclaimed as they didn’t expect Mackenzie would strike

Vivian so ruthlessly. One strike and this beautiful lady could smack Miss Zora

hard until she was in such miserable pain. Hm… Now we shall see if Zora the

Skinner still dares to look down upon us and thinks she is superior in the


Even Mariah, who had seen countless great things, looked at Mackenzie with

a hint of fear at this moment. Now she finally could tell that this woman in

front of her certainly was not some mediocre woman. Such an intimidating

gaze is undoubtedly not something that ordinary folks can possess. Who

exactly is she? Now that I look at her, she seems rather familiar.

“H-How dare you assault me! I-I will kill you!” Vivian could barely get up. Her

words even sounded indistinct when she spoke. Yet, she still pointed at

Mackenzie and threatened her harshly. From her point of view, Mackenzie

was nothing but the wife of a pariah like Emmanuel. She firmly believed that

Mackenzie was incapable of bringing her down. A woman like her only dares

to act on the strength of a momentary impulse!

To Vivian’s surprise, Mackenzie calmly let out another sneer. “I shall see how

you’re going to kill me then!”

After that, she hit Vivian with the spatula again.

Wham! This time, Vivian was completely subdued by Mackenzie’s beating.

She lay on the ground, not daring to move a muscle.

“So, you were the one who ordered your lapdog to bully my husband and

refuse to pay him?” Only then did Mackenzie interrogate Mariah coldly. Her

icy aura made everyone freeze like deer in headlights as though they were

frozen in place.

Such a cold and terrifying aura! For a moment, Mariah didn’t dare to answer.

Just when she was about to ask Mackenzie about her identity, a burst of

hurried footsteps sounded outside the door. It turned out that the hotel

security guards had arrived.

The team of security guards blocked the door, preventing Emmanuel and

Mackenzie from leaving.

Mackenzie maintained her patronizing gaze as she swept her gaze across

the team of security guards without the slightest fear. Although Emmanuel

didn’t say anything the whole time, he silently stood behind Mackenzie, ready

to back her up. It’s because of me that Mackenzie punished Vivian. Of course,

I have the responsibility to cover her. Besides, even if we really get into a

brawl, I won’t let these security guards harm a single strand of hair on her


“Damn it! Y-You think you’re so tough? W-Well then, come on and continue

smacking me! I-I ought to see if you can get out of here alive!”

When Vivian saw the arrival of the team of security guards, she struggled to

get back up and started acting all conceited again. I am the manager of the

Human Resources Department! These security guards listen to me! They will

definitely hold Emmanuel and his wife down and beat them up violently as

soon as I give them the order! By then, I shall see if this woman still dares to

be so smug!

Unexpectedly, Mackenzie simply sneered with disdain. “Since you have such,

a wish, I shall grant it to you!”

With that, Mackenzie once again picked up the spatula and mercilessly

smacked the oblivious Vivian right in her face without further ado.

Meanwhile, everyone stared at the scene playing before them in utter


For a moment, none of the security guards outside the office reacted. It was

their first time to stumble upon such a gorgeous yet ruthless beauty.

As for Emmanuel, this wasn’t his first time seeing Mackenzie beat someone

  1. Yet, as it was his first time seeing her go ballistic and beat someone up

for him, he felt touched. It didn’t matter what he thought about it, the fact

remains that his heart was utterly warmed by her actions.

Chapter 428

“Aah! S-Stop! Stop!” Vivian shouted, feeling herself about to be beaten to

death by Mackenzie there and then.

However, Mackenzie ignored her cries. It wasn’t until she was drained of her

energy that she resumed her aloof demeanor, threw the spatula away, and

snorted. “You dare to show off your superiority in front of me? Then, I will strike

you dead with pangs of beatings!”

All the security guards, who were blocking the door, were dumbstruck when

they saw the utmost dominance Mackenzie exuded. They stood frozen for a

long time, marveling at her. Who exactly is this beautiful woman? She’s

simply an embodiment of both an angel and a demon!

“Mackenzie, how’s your hand? It’s not aching, right?” Just then, Emmanuel

expressed his concern. After all, considering the effects of force were mutual,

he feared Mackenzie would injure her hand by overdoing it.

Excuse you! Vivian, who lay on the ground, nearly sprung up in anger. No one

gives a sh*t about me, the victim who got brutally beaten to the ground, but

the one who hit me receives the care instead! Has society lost its justice?

Does the law still prevail?

“I’m fine. I’m not that fragile!” Mackenzie responded proudly.


Clap! Clap! Clap! Just then, someone applauded, and to everyone’s surprise,

it was Mariah.

“I don’t care who you are, but I absolutely won’t spare you today, not when

you dare to injure my subordinate in my hotel!” As the hotel’s general

manager, Mariah firmly believed that she was the only controller in the hotel.

Hence, she feared she would lose everyone’s respect, and none would work

themselves to death for her if she simply let Mackenzie go even after she

dared to beat Vivian up in front of her. In her territory, no less.

It was as if Mariah’s words had woken the security guards outside from a

dream. One by one, they crowded her office, getting ready to fight Emmanuel

and Mackenzie upon Mariah’s order.

Thinking she was in control of everything, Mariah held her head so mighty

high that it almost reached the roof.

“Oh, no! They’re doomed…” The two young trainees only returned to their

senses after they saw such a stifling scene. Sure enough, as the hotel’s

trainees, they were well aware that Mariah was famous for having a stingy

and self-centered personality. Now that Mackenzie trespassed her office and

beat the crap out of Vivian, her lapdog, she certainly wouldn’t let Mackenzie

and Emmanuel off.

“Wait! Don’t fight! Madam Lofis, please forgive them!”

Fortunately, Killian barged in at the right moment. He walked up to Mariah

and stood up for Emmanuel and Mackenzie. “Madam Lofis, Emmanuel is

merely asking for his salary. He has done nothing wrong. It’s fine if you don’t

want to pay him, but how can you still assault him? You won’t want our hotel

to wind up in hot water if things get serious, will you?”

While Mariah was a little swayed by his words, Killian seized the opportunity

and walked up to Emmanuel and Mackenzie. Then, he persuaded earnestly,

“Hurry up and apologize to Madam Lofis. I’m saying this out of my good

intentions. Now that the two of you finally have the chance to be reunited, it’s

better not to be charged with murder because of such a small amount of


Given his kind nature, Killian firmly believed that Emmanuel and Mackenzie

were no match for Mariah. That was why he tried to help them out of trouble.

Likewise, everyone shared the same thought as Killian. Although they were

clueless about Mackenzie’s identity, they figured she was, at most, a young

uptown girl and wasn’t powerful enough to go up against Mariah. Not to

mention they were currently in Onza-Mariah’s territory, which meant she

was above the law.

Mariah’s facial expression was extremely arrogant at the moment.

Mackenzie couldn’t help but sneer when she saw the prideful expression on

that woman’s face. As the CEO of Terence Group, I naturally know a thing or

two about the grand hotels in the nearby cities of Yeringham. Besides, the

owner of this hotel is an acquaintance of mine. Regardless of her job position,

she is merely an employee here. Yet, she’s now acting superior and brash!

How ridiculous!

“Madam Lofis, you can keep my salary. So, how about we end this matter

here?” At this very moment, Emmanuel had lost interest in claiming his

hard-earned money. All he had in mind was not to put Mackenzie out. Forget

it! I’ll just treat that money as contributing to this Zora woman’s medical bills!

Otherwise, even if I can defeat all these security guards here, it will still lead

to a series of troubles later if a fight fully breaks out.

“Hmph! So, now you admit your mistake?”

Chapter 429

When Mariah heard what Emmanuel sald, her facial expression turned even

prouder. “So, you want me to let you go, huh? That’s fine with me, too. But on

two conditions!”

“Do tell, Madam Lofis.” Although Emmanuel knew the conditions must be

demanding, he figured he should give her a chance and listen to what she

had to offer.

Mackenzie, too, held her horses. After all, as Terence Group’s CEO, she was

not someone who had no patience. I have to keep my cool for a moment,

especially when my men have yet to arrive.

“First, you and your wife must compensate 150 thousand for our losses. And

secondly, get down on your knees, admit your wrongdoings, and beg us for

mercy,” Mariah stated. Her tone was full of intolerance.

As soon as those words escaped her lips, everyone present was stunned.

including the security guards, everyone was aware that Vivian was the

malignant one. If truth be told, they believed she deserved to get beaten up.


After all, she was the one who deducted Emmanuel’s wages first and then

insulted him and his wife. For that reason, they still secretly sided with

Emmanuel and Mackenzie, even though they got paid by Mariah and worked

for the hotel.

Killian shook his head and sighed as well. However, just when he was about

to persuade Emmanuel and Mackenzie to keep calm and make a

concession, he heard a sneer.

“Hey, Lofis, are you trying to make me die laughing with your

self-complacency? Who do you think you are? I never intended to spare you,

but you are devising to let me off instead? Are you an idiot?”

Instantaneously, the people present in the office gasped when they heard

Mackenzie’s words. This woman is too savage! We have been working in this

hotel for years, but we have never seen anyone dare to talk to Madam Lofis

like this!

Emmanuel, too, looked at Mackenzie in surprise. Considering she always kept

an icy demeanor, he was slightly unfamiliar with this side of her today. In his

mind, he wondered who caused her invasive attitude today.

“Emmanuel, we’re leaving!” Mackenzie never wanted to continue the fight.

Thus, she took his hand and walked toward the door.

However, the security guards by the door hurriedly blocked them in their

path. Without Mariah’s order, they dared not let Mackenzie and Emmanuel

leave the office.

“Scram! Or you will bear the consequences!” Mackenzie warned coldly.

Despite her voice sounding soft, it had an awe-inspiring authority. None of

the security guards thought it was a weak threat. In fact, they all felt they

would face some dire consequences for real if they didn’t comply.

“You think you can leave just like that? In your dreams! Just watch how I’m

going to punish you!” Mariah spoke through gritted teeth. Just when she was

about to order the security guards to take action, someone ran in from

outside with sweats beaded on their forehead and shouted, “This is bad!

Madam Lofis, this is bad! A dense crowd and many vehicles have surrounded

our hotel!”

“What?!” Once again, everyone focused their attention on Mackenzie upon

hearing that, somehow feeling that it must have something to do with her,

who was full of confidence.

“How many men in total?” Mariah asked, panic-stricken.

“Madam Lofis, I think there are thousands.”

“What?! Thousands!?” The woman had a look of disbelief as she wondered if

she had heard it wrong.

Meanwhile, the security guards turned pale with fright on the spot. Holy sh*t!

There are only a few dozen security guards in the entire hotel, but Emmanuel

and his wife have thousands of reinforcements! Things will most certainly not

look well for us if we are to fight them. No way! We won’t die for the sake of


Even Emmanuel was taken aback by the number of men who showed up.

Then, he looked at Mackenzie in shock. Never in his wildest dreams had he

thought that his icy-cold wife would have such power!

At this moment, Mackenzie wasn’t in a hurry to leave anymore. She calmly

walked toward the sofa, sat down, and said frostily, “You won’t let us leave,

huh? Fine! As you wish, then.”

Mariah instantly panicked. What should I do now?

Chapter 430

“Madam Lofis, something bad has happened!”

Another subordinate rushed in from outside and reported in a panic, “The

people outside the door are demanding that we kneel and escort Ms. Quillen

out of the hotel. Otherwise, if she suffers any loss, they will raze our hotel to

the ground!”


Everyone was stunned. At that moment, all the hotel staff stared at

Mackenzie in utter shock. They had wondered where this woman’s

dominance come from and how she dared to disregard Mariah in such a

manner! It turned out her power far surpassed Mariah!

“Everyone, disperse and respectfully escort Mr. Lowe and his wife out of here!”

Only then did Killian finally shout and breathe a sigh of relief after that.

He had a kind heart and didn’t want to see Emmanuel being treated unfairly,

let alone see the couple get hurt. Now that he saw Mackenzie’s immense

power, he thought that it was a good thing that she was capable of teaching

Mariah a lesson. He wanted to see if Mariah dared to oppress her own

subordinates in the future.

The two apprentices also joined in the cheering and wished Mr. Lowe and his

wife well, hoping that they would not have any more relationship troubles

after returning and would be together forever.

The security guards quickly dispersed like a tide.

Mackenzie sneered at Mariah and said, “So, do you still want me to kneel and



Mariah’s lips moved, but she couldn’t utter a word due to fear.

She still had a sliver of courage left, but the moment her boss called her

personally, she finally completely collapsed!

“Mariah, is Ms. Quillen from the Quillen family in your office? What did you do

to offend her? Why did the Quillen family send thousands of people to

besiege our hotel?”

“Mr. Wallace, I… I…”

Mariah looked at Mackenzie with shock and fear in her eyes. So, Mackenzie

was the young lady of the top family in Yeringham! No wonder Mackenzie’s

presence was so powerful! Mariah realized what a fool she had been. Why

did she offend someone like Mackenzie?

After hanging up the phone, Mariah immediately knelt in front of Mackenzie

with a thud and apologized.

This scene was a devastating blow to the hearts of everyone in the hotel.

Mariah, who was revered like an empress by ordinary employees like them,

actually bowed down today.

Even Emmanuel was shocked. Today, he truly understood the extent of

Mackenzie’s power! It turned out he was the fool. He had asked her if she

knew the young lady of the Quillen family, but she was actually the young

lady herself.

There was a saying that the more beautiful a woman was, the more

deceptive she could be. His discernment was still lacking!

Mackenzie completely ignored Mariah and just snorted before leading

Emmanuel away.

As they walked out of the hotel, Emmanuel was once again stunned!

The number of people and the power Mackenzie wielded surpassed even the

armed siege by the Lenoir family!

After seeing his dumbfounded expression, Mackenzie knew that her plan to

hide her wealth had completely failed today. However, since he didn’t ask,

she intended to continue keeping silent.

Not only that, but she also disregarded the people sent by the Quillen family

and got into the Maserati before calling out to Emmanuel, “Hey, what are you

standing there for? Drive me home!”

“Oh. All right!”

Of course, Emmanuel was more than willing, but happiness came too

suddenly and he hadn’t fully processed the situation yet.

“Mackenzie, you’re the young lady of the Quillen family, right?”

How could he not ask? He asked Mackenzie the moment he got in the car,

and he was even a bit angry. She had deceived him for so long!

Mackenzie was still feeling triumphant when she heard a voice from outside

the car saying, “Mackenzie, give me a ride!”

Naturally, it was Beatrix, the one who played a major role in finding Emmanuel

this time!

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