A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Novel Full Episode
A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Chapter 501-510

Chapter 501

Emmanuel smiled without giving a straight answer.

It was obvious. His wife was number one, of course, though her sister was

quite pretty too.

Sarah carried on leading Emmanuel further in. Quillen residence was

massive. They had to go down two long corridors and pass through à

-luxurious side hall before they reached Felicity’s room.

Her room was just like Mackenzie’s. Even though it was just a room, it was

larger than the average apartment and had all the necessary features.

Emmanuel didn’t see a bed when he walked in. Instead, he was greeted by

what would be an ordinary family’s living room.

“Emmanuel’s here, Mom!”

Sarah called out to Felicity who had her back toward the door.


Felicity turned around. She was dressed with finery that befitted a wealthy


“How are you, Mother?”

For some strange reason, Emmanuel was a little stiff and awkward. He never

thought his mother-in-law would be someone of this class in society.

With his level of emotional intelligence, it was already hard enough for him to

communicate with an ordinary mother-in-law, so it was no surprise that he

felt even more pressured in Felicity’s presence.

“Please leave us, Sarah.”

“Yes, Mom.”

Sarah turned around and flashed Emmanuel a smile before leaving.

Now that it was just the two of them, Emmanuel became even more nervous.

He didn’t even know what to do with his hands.

“Have a seat, Emmanuel. I would like to have a private conversation with you.”

Felicity had a pleasant smile on her face as she gestured for him to sit.

Emmanuel nodded. He saw the tea set on Felicity’s table and took the

initiative to make her a cup of tea. At the very least, he didn’t forget his


Felicity’s intentions had always been to test him, but she didn’t expect him to

be less unrefined than she thought he was. It seemed as if he did know a

thing or two. At the very least, he knew how to use the tea-brewing tools on

her table.

That being said, it wasn’t going to be that easy to marry into a wealthy family.

Emmanuel soon realized something. After washing the tea set, he noticed the

collection of tea bricks on the table. Even the cheapest among them cost

thousands and the most expensive was worth tens of thousands.

Felicity’s lips curved up smugly when she saw Emmanuel stiffening.

“What do you like to drink, Mother?” Emmanuel looked up and asked with a


“Hmm. Let’s go with the Isle Arbor.”

Felicity also responded with a smile.

Emmanuel opened up the drawer, only to find it empty.

“Oh, dear. I forgot that I finished it. Oh, well. Forget it,” Felicity remarked rather

disappointedly, but her eyes flickered over to Emmanuel.

Emmanuel knew what she meant. If this had been an ordinary family, the

son-in-law’s job was to immediately head out to buy whatever it was the

mother-in-law wanted and promise to bring two bricks of her favorite tea

over on his next trip.

However, this tea wasn’t cheap. It cost tens of thousands per brick of tea!

If Emmanuel’s salary was still only 25 grand a year, he would have to save

everything for two years before he could afford to buy a brick of tea for


“Sigh. I have been a poor host. I’ll have to get someone to replenish it!”

Felicity purposely sighed and said to Emmanuel, “Go ahead and make

whichever tea you like!”

Emmanuel was in no mood to drink tea now. In the past, he would’ve been

stuck between either shamelessly sticking around or leaving at once.

Thankfully, he had over 700 million to his name now. It wouldn’t be a problem

for him to do his duty as a son-in-law and buy some tea for his


“In that case, Mother, on my next visit, I’ll bring you a few bricks of Isle Arbor!”

Felicity was stunned by Emmanuel’s response.

Not just one, but a few? Isn’t he an unemployed gynecologist? How can he

afford that?

Chapter 502 1

“Why, thank you!” Felicity responded with impeccable manners. “Terence

Group has been having some issues with cashflow recently, and Mackenzie

has been working so hard. We’re all concerned too. How we wish we could

help her!”

Emmanuel stiffened. Although he didn’t come from the upper echelon of

society and wasn’t well-versed with their manner of speech, he understood

what Felicity was hinting at. She thinks I’m going to ask Mackenzie for money!

Alas, she was yet another person who thought he was simply a pretty face

who relied on Mackenzie for everything.

Emmanuel was a little disgruntled, but he went along with it. “That’s right.

Mackenzie has a lot of things on her plate right nowso that’s why I’ll take up

the responsibility for all matters of the household. I won’t let her spare even a

moment of her time on something as trivial as shopping. I won’t spend any of

her money either.”

Once again, Felicity was startled. How is he going to afford tea that costs tens

of thousands if he doesn’t spend any of her money?

Nevertheless, since Emmanuel sounded so confident, Felicity decided to take

him at his word. She could always expose him once she had solid evidence

to back her up.

Since the company’s crisis had been brought up, Felicity nodded and

continued, “That’s true. Terence Group has quite a number of business rivals

cropping up lately. It’s unlikely that the Quillen family is their target. We’re all

worried about Mackenzie and doing our best to help her, but certain matters

have to be tackled at the root in order to resolve them. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Emmanuel wasn’t used to interacting with someone like Felicity who refused

to be frank and kept faking cordiality.

“I understand, Mother!”

Emmanuel didn’t bother beating around the bush. “The Lenoir family blames

me for Claudette’s death and they’re using this excuse to cause trouble for

the Quillen family, so the best way to deal with this situation is to resolve the


Felicity’s lips curled up slightly at the fact that Emmanuel had brought it up Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.


However, she kept up the appearance of a kind mother-in-law and sighed, “I

know you can’t possibly be the one who’s mainly responsible for Claudette’s

death, but my brother Adolph can be quite unreasonable sometimes. It’s

hard for me to reason with him!”

Emmanuel kept a smile on his face. Regardless of whether Felicity meant

what she said, he was willing to communicate with her since she was

keeping a smile on her face too, instead of treating him harshly the way the

other wealthy matriarchs treated their sons-in-law.

He was not good with conflict, especially not with his mother-in-law.

“I know what I’m about to say will hurt you, Emmanuel, but as Mackenzie’s

mother, I have to say it. I hope you’ll understand!” Felicity put on a helpless


“Go ahead, Mother!”

Emmanuel shrugged. He was mentally prepared for it. He knew that Felicity

was going to say her piece no matter what, so there was no reason for him

to go against her on this.

“Alright. Since you say so, I’ll come right out and say it!”

Felicity’s expression became rather stern. “Since the relationship between

Adolph and the Quillen family only soured because of you, to the point where

the business is getting affected as well, wouldn’t everything blow over easily

you leave Mackenzie and the Quillen family?”

Although Emmanuel was mentally prepared to hear this, he couldn’t stop

himself from frowning. His heart ached.

He had finally reunited with Mackenzie and didn’t want to part with her!

Nevertheless, Felicity had a point. His presence would only cause more

trouble for Mackenzie.

“You understand what I’m saying, right, Emmanuel?”

Felicity sighed yet again. “I know I shouldn’t be saying this. I do think highly of

you, you know. Mackenzie and Mr. Grishaw have both said that you’re a true

man who gives Mackenzie a strong sense of security. That being said, please

forgive my selfishness. I only want what’s best for Mackenzie, and maybe

you’re not the best person for her!”

Emmanuel had a bitter smile on his face. Felicity was eloquent and knew

exactly what to say. He couldn’t possibly get into an argument with her!

“I understand, Mother.”

Emmanuel nodded. He was just about to agree when there was a loud

commotion behind him.

Terence kicked the door open and hollered, “Hah! I won’t allow it!”

Felicity immediately stood up nervously. She never thought Terence would

come barging in at such a pivotal moment.

“Since when did you have the authority to make the decisions for the Quillen

family’s important matters, Felicity? I’m the one who chose Emmanuel to be

my grandson-in-law and Mackenzie accepted him too. What gives you the

right to chase him off?”

Terence flew into a rage. He didn’t even try to cut Felicity some slack.

Felicity’s refined and sophisticated demeanor went out the window. She now

looked flustered and furious.

Chapter 503

At the very next moment, Mackenzie, Sarah, and Alfred walked in as well.

They were all sporting varying expressions!

Mackenzie glared at Felicity before taking Emmanuel’s arm and saying,

“Everything’s ready. A lot of the relatives are waiting outside. Let’s go. I’ll

introduce you to them.”

Felicity’s eyes were fixed on Emmanuel.

Emmanuel didn’t feel like going, so he didn’t budge when Mackenzie tried to

pull him out.

“What are you doing, Emmanuel?”

Mackenzie was getting angry.

Everyone present knew what her personality was like, especially Alfred.

He had watched her grow up and it was his first time seeing her be this

intimate with a man, and yet, Emmanuel wasn’t listening to her.

“I feel a little unwell, Mackenzie. Let’s skip this dinner. I’m sorry!” Emmanuel

apologized to Mackenzie.

He knew that it would be even harder for him to leave the Quillen family if he

went ahead with this dinner and received the approval of the other members

of the family.

The Lenoir family was bound to cooperate with the Verkade family, and the

two wouldn’t stop until they took down the Quillen family!

Although he didn’t know what things were like for the Quillen family right now,

he saw how exhausted Mackenzie had been lately. She was even willing to

have a meal with Tobias over a measly 15 million. That alone was enough for

him to hazard a guess as to how bad things were for the Quillen family right


He didn’t want to be a burden to his wife. He didn’t want to be the reason for

the Quillen family’s downfall either!

Even though he could offer up the 700 million that he had and think of a way

to help the Quillen family defeat the Lenoir family, Adolph was Claudette’s

father and Claudette risked her life to save him and Mackenzie. They couldn’t

possibly repay their debt of gratitude by taking down the Lenoir family!

Therefore, the only solution was to find a way to overcome this conflict!

“Out with it. Just what do you mean by that?”

Mackenzie swung his hand off in fury and glared at him. No one had ever

seen her look this angry and aggrieved.

“Yeah, Manny! What’s on your mind right now?”

Terence was anxious as well. Mackenzie and Emmanuel had finally reunited

after everything, so why were they getting into another fight now? Can’t an

old man like me have some peace and quiet?

“Is Felicity forcing you to leave? If she is, tell me! I’ll stand up for you!” Terence

pointed at Felicity in fury.

Mackenzie was glaring at Emmanuel too. She didn’t think he would be scared

of a woman when he was unafraid of ruthless men like Samuel and Adolph.

Emmanuel glanced at Felicity, who was clenching her fists. Her body was

trembling. It looked as if she had something to say, though she was too

afraid to speak up.

At last, he sighed and said, “Grandpa, Mackenzie, now’s not the time for me to

have dinner with the family. Claudette’s situation is still weighing heavily on

  1. me. Why don’t I come over again once I save her and resolve the grudge that

the Lenoir family holds against me?”

“Well…” Terence couldn’t think of anything to say.

“Not happening!” Mackenzie fired back commandingly. “You’re going to have

dinner with the family today whether you like it or not!”

If Emmanuel left in this manner, everyone would get the wrong idea by

thinking that the Quillen family was afraid of the Lenoir family.

The respect that the Quillen family commanded in Yeringham’s business

world would be lost for good.

Alas, Emmanuel couldn’t act in accordance with his emotions the way

Mackenzie could. He knew that Felicity was speaking on behalf of the Lenoir

family. She had already laid the cards out on the table. If he stayed with the

Quillen family and became even closer to them now, the Lenoir family would

have the perfect excuse to team up with the Verkade family and go against

the Quillen family. He didn’t want that to happen.

In any case, he needed to leave for a while. I have to find Master and save


Chapter 504

“Emmanuel, you figured out what’s best for Mackenzie yourself, right?”

It was a crucial moment and Felicity couldn’t be bothered that she was going

against Terence anymore. She steeled herself and said, “Since you and

Mackenzie aren’t right for each other, the last thing you can do out of love for


her is to let her go!”

“Shut up!” Terence roared. He even raised his hand to slap Felicity.

“Don’t, Grandpa!” Emmanuel stopped him.

Once Terence put his hand down and turned around, Emmanuel smiled and

said, “Mrs. Quillen’s right. I can’t help all of you if I stay with the family, so I’ve

decided to leave for now. I’ll come back once everything’s resolved!”

With that said, he walked over to Mackenzie.

Mackenzie was deeply disappointed as she glared at him with icy eyes.

This was her first relationship. Had this been anyone else, she would’ve told

them to get lost and forbid them from ever showing up in front of her again.

Alas, she was a little reluctant to do the same with the man in front of her.

Stupid feelings!

“Wait for me, Mackenzie!”

Emmanuel wasn’t going to give up on Mackenzie. He simply wanted to save

Claudette and resolve the resentment between the Lenoir family and the

Quillen family before coming back. That way, Felicity wouldn’t be able to say


However, that was not what Mackenzie thought!

If Emmanuel saved Claudette, that would make her the third party in their

relationship that could not be removed or forgotten. She didn’t know how she

would deal with the relationship between him and Claudette.

If he left now and failed to save Claudette, it meant that he would never

return to the Quillen family ever again.

Therefore, when Emmanuel turned to leave, Mackenzie growled, “Hold it!”

Emmanuel turned around and looked at his furious wife.

“If you leave tonight, don’t bother coming back anymore!”

“Mackenzie..” Emmanuel was caught between a rock and a hard place.

Nevertheless, Terence was a wise man and knew what was on both their

minds, so he quickly tried to smooth things over.

“Mackenzie, Emmanuel’s feeling unwell so let him get some rest, okay? He

can have a meal with the family anytime, right?”

Then, he turned to Emmanuel and said, “And you! We’re not afraid, so why are

you? But… since you’ve made up your mind, you should at least tell us how

long it’ll take you to resolve everything and come back, right?”

In reality, Terence was afraid. The Verkade family and the Lenoir family were

coming on strong; many other families and businesses also had the gall to

seize this chance to try and get something for themselves. Everyone in

Yeringham thought that this would be the end of the Quillen family and were

waiting to see their downfall.

Under these circumstances, while the Quillen family could still manage for

now, they would not be able to hold out for long, no matter how strong they


Therefore, it was best if they could repair their relationship with the Lenoir

family, or failing that, at least get them to stop teaming up with the Verkade

family to strike against the Quillen family.

“Give me a month. I’ll definitely find a way to save Claudette!” Emmanuel


There was only a month left until the new year. If he couldn’t resolve the

situation by then, Claudette’s body wouldn’t be able to hold out any longer


“Alright. We’ll give you a month!”

Terence hoped that Emmanuel could save Claudette. That way, he and

Mackenzie wouldn’t owe the Lenoir family anything and they would have no

reason to continue attacking the Quillen family.

When the time comes, if Adolph has any shred of reason or decency in him,

he won’t continue doing what he is doing now, right?

“I’m leaving, Mackenzie!”

She was the one he worried the most about. I hope she can understand me.

Mackenzie scoffed. She wanted him to understand her too!

However, knowing how silly he was, he would never be able to think of that.

Therefore, as Emmanuel sighed and turned to leave, she finally spoke albeit

icily. “Hey, you. Hold it!”

Emmanuel quickly turned around.

“You have one month. You’ve never let me down before, so you better not this


Mackenzie pretended to be all tough, but after spending over two months

with her, Emmanuel could tell it was just an act. He found it rather adorable!

Chapter 505

“I definitely won’t let you down!” Emmanuel promised before leaving the

Quillen family with a small sense of assurance.

Felicity’s expression was complicated. She had finally managed to drive this

man out of the family. All she had to do now was be patient for a month.

She didn’t believe that Emmanuel could save someone who was already

-knocking on death’s doors!

Sarah quietly watched everything unfold without saying a word.

After Emmanuel left, she walked over to Terence, linked arms with him, and

smiled. “Dinner is ready, Grandpa, and my aunts should be back by now. Shall

we go and have dinner?”

Terence glanced at her and smiled. “Sure!”

Then, he walked over to Mackenzie. “Just focus on work for now, Mackenzie,

and take good care of yourself!”

Sarah couldn’t help but pout in secret. Why is Grandpa always so biased? Is

Mackenzie the only one he cares about?

“I will, Grandpa!” Mackenzie nodded and joined Sarah in accompanying

Terence as they walked out of the room.

No one paid any attention to Felicity until Alfred came over. “Madam, please

take your seat!”

“I got it!” Felicity’s expression was rather dark. Although she had driven

Emmanuel out of the Quillen family, Terence’s attitude toward her had been

far too terrible!

In the eyes of that old man, this daughter-in-law of his is far less important to

him than his grandson-in-law! How despicable!

As long as that old man is still in the Quillen family, I will never be able to have

a good life! It’s like I’m living under someone else’s roof.

Mackenzie acted fast. When Terence walked away, she went to the living

room by herself and two women immediately approached her.

One was Beatrix, while the other one looked quite glamorous. Although her

appearance and attire made her look young, the weariness around her eyes

exposed her age.

She was Mackenzie’s third aunt, Samantha Quillen, who was 45 years old this


“Mackenzie, where’s Emmanuel?” Beatrix greeted her warmly. Obviously, she

was unaware of what had just happened in Felicity’s room.

“Yeah, Mackenzie! Where’s your husband? Let me see him! I can’t wait!”

Samantha was an impatient person and was also the aunt who had the best

relationship with Mackenzie and her sister.

“He left.” Mackenzie sighed softly.

“What? Why?” Beatrix exclaimed.

“Yeah. Didn’t Dad call us over to have dinner so that your husband can be

formally introduced to the family? Why did he leave? Is he trying to act all


Samantha not only looked young but also had a young and playful mindset.

She thought Mackenzie and Emmanuel were just trying to play games to

keep the mystery going.

“No. He just left!”

Mackenzie, as always, kept her words short. “It’ll only be us, the Quillen family,

at dinner tonight.”

“What… Well…”

Beatrix and Samantha looked at each other.

Nevertheless, they knew Mackenzie’s personality well. There was no point in

pressing any further if she didn’t want to divulge any more information.

Still, they couldn’t help but feel curious!

“You tell us, Sarah!”

Samantha pointed at Sarah and said, “I spoke to Alfred when I came in just

now and he said you took your brother-in-law away!”

Sarah immediately put on an innocent expression. She looked at Mackenzie,

then at Felicity who had just walked out, and didn’t know what to say.

However, Samantha was used to situations like these and knew how to read

people. She immediately walked up to Felicity without any hesitation and

loudly questioned, “Did you drive your son-in-law away because you look

down on him?”

Mackenzie couldn’t stop her younger aunt in time. She felt a headache

coming on!

Chapter 506

Samantha had watched over Mackenzie all her life.


When Mackenzie was a child, there had been rumors of her not being

Felicity’s biological daughter, fueled by the lack of resemblance between the

two of them. On the other hand, Mackenzie did look a bit like Samantha.

Samantha had remained single all this while, so she treated Mackenzie like

her own daughter.

It could be said that her relationship with Mackenzie was even stronger than

the mother–daughter bond between Mackenzie and Felicity, so naturally, she

knew just how much Mackenzie stayed away from men.

Samantha always thought that she was partly the reason for that, as she too

had never fallen in love with a man before. Therefore, she was extremely

worried that Mackenzie would stay single forever, just like her!

She had been the most thrilled to hear the news of Mackenzie getting

married and was dying to meet her husband. She kept wondering what kind

of man had won over Mackenzie’s cold heart.

Although Felicity was the one who suggested having this dinner, Samantha

was the one who wanted it to happen the most, and so it only stood to

reason that she didn’t mince words when she figured that Felicity had

chased the man off!

“What do you mean by that?”

Felicity never got along with Samantha, and Samantha’s bluntness only

made her respond with a similarly frigid expression.

“What do I mean by that? You understand the words, don’t you?”

Samantha didn’t go easy on Felicity as she ripped into her. “You’re the one

who decided to have this dinner. Everyone came over just so they could take

a look at Mackenzie’s husband and see what kind of a man he is, but you took

it upon yourself to chase him off! Are you toying with us?”

Felicity turned red with fury and the veins on her forehead started throbbing.

Qut of the entire Quillen family, Samantha was the one who treated her the

most poorly.

Felicity had put up with it many times now, but she wasn’t going to put it with

Samantha wagging her finger at her.

The two women were at loggerheads but neither Mackenzie nor Beatrix

showed any sign of stopping them. Sarah had to grit her teeth and do it


“Don’t blame it on Mom, Aunt Samantha. Emmanuel was the one who chose

to leave!”

Sarah was the only one who would stand up for Felicity.

The other Quillen women simply watched in silence.

Samantha snorted. “Your brother–in–law chose to leave, huh? Are you taking

us for fools or are you saying he’s one? Why would he come all the way here

only to leave for no apparent reason? Why would he have come over in the

first place?”

“Well..” Sarah had nothing to say. Samantha was involved in politics, so

naturally, she had a way with words and a logical mind to go with that.

“Get out of the way!” Samantha wasn’t all that polite with Sarah either. She

shoved her away and continued to rebuke Felicity. “You’re going to have to

answer us today! You’re the one who set up this dinner. All of us dropped

everything else, including work, just so we could come over, and yet you

drove off the star of today’s dinner! Do you think our time can be wasted like

that or do you have no respect for us at all?”

She kept inching her way closer to Felicity who backed away in response.

“Show me a little more respect, Samantha!” Felicity couldn’t take it anymore

and exploded in rage. “Yes, this house belongs to the Quillen family, but

you’re just the Quillen family’s daughters! I’m the daughter–in–law! I’m the

matriarch of this family!”

According to Chanaea’s local customs, women could not represent their

maiden families, especially if they were married. They would be considered

part of their husband’s family instead.

Even though Samantha was single, according to the local customs, her

brother’s wife was the matriarch of the family, not her!

“Have you people ever treated me like I’m a part of your family? All of you

have always treated me poorly as if I’m an outsider!”

The more Felicity let out, the more agitated she became. She threw all

propriety and decorum out the window. “Emmanuel’s my son–in–law. Am I

not allowed to have a private conversation with him? Are you Mackenzie’s

mother, or am I? What right do you have to stick your nose into my

conversation with my son–in–law? Do you think that you, Mackenzie’s aunt,

can have any kind of say in her marriage?”

Felicity seemed to be on the verge of hysteria. None of the other Quillen

women wanted to argue with her now.

On the other hand, Samantha was a straight shooter who didn’t care about

showing courtesy, so she fired right back. “I’m Mackenzie’s aunt! We share the

same last name! We all grew up in this family, so why can’t we care about

Mackenzie’s happiness? Meanwhile, you’re the one who married into this

family, but I’m guessing that your heart’s still with your maiden family, huh?

Don’t think I don’t know about all the times you’ve taken things that belonged

to the Quillen family and fed it back to the Lenoir family. You’ve been living off

us and yet secretly helping your maiden family!”

Many of the Quillen family members knew about this but no one ever

brought it up in public because they wanted to keep the peace. They never

thought Samantha would bring it up right in front of everyone today! Things

were taking a turn for the worse!

Once again, Mackenzie couldn’t stop Samantha in time. Her head was about

to explode!

Chapter 507

This was the main reason why she and Terence weren’t fond of Felicity. Ever

since she married into the family, it had been obvious that her heart was still

with the Lenoir family.

In the past, the Lenoir family could not be considered an established family in

the business world. They were only able to reach their present heights

because they had taken the crumbs off the Quillen family’s table.

It wasn’t a big deal back then, so Terence simply turned a blind eye to such

occurrences. He never thought that after over two decades, the Lenoir family

would grow to the extent where they could threaten the Quillen family!

“You… How dare you?”

Felicity was mortified at the fact that her secret was being exposed after all

these years, but she could only hide it with her anger.

She wagged her finger at Samantha and raged, “Chase this woman out, Mr.


Alfred didn’t move.

“You think you can chase me out of this house?” Samantha snorted. “I’m a

Quillen! Chase this snake out, Mr. Grishaw!”

Naturally, Alfred didn’t do that either. He simply let out a heavy sigh.

“What impudence!” At that very moment, Terence’s furious roar rang out.

Earlier on, he had left the room with both of his granddaughters, but he had

to take a trip to the bathroom first. He never expected to come back to this

spectacle that was playing out right now.

“What makes you think you have the right to chase a Quillen out of the house,


Terence took his daughter’s side without hesitation. It wasn’t simply because

Samantha was his daughter. It was also because he knew full well that she

had done her best for the Quillen family all these years, but the same could

not be said about Felicity. Felicity had always cared more about the Lenoir


“I can’t chase her out, but does that mean she can chase me out?”

Felicity was consumed by anger, but she was also on the verge of tears from

being aggrieved. “None of you have ever thought of me as the Quillen

family’s daughter-in-law, right? None of you have ever treated me as Tony’s


“Since Tony’s gone now, I should be the one in charge of the family, but you

people have pushed me out to the gutter! How do you expect me to prioritize

the Quillen family’s interests, huh?”

“Aren’t you the unreasonable ones? Or, is it because you’ve never treated me

like I’m your equal?”

She vented all the resentment that had been building up inside of her for

over two decades.

“Such impudence! You shut your mouth!” Terence was so incensed that he

rapped his walking stick on the floor.

His emotions got the better of him. All of a sudden, he began to fall back

while clutching his chest.

“Old Mr. Quillen!”



The Quillen women immediately rushed over to catch him.

“Mom! How can you anger Grandpa? You know he has a heart condition!”

Beatrix immediately growled at Felicity.

“I gave birth to you, Beatrix!” Felicity spat out. “How dare you take this attitude

with me?”

“I… I…” Beatrix couldn’t speak. She had always taken Mackenzie and Terence’s

side, but she didn’t have the same dominating presence her sister had!

No one saw what was coming. All of a sudden, Samantha marched over to

Felicity and slapped her hard across the face.

Chapter 508


All at once, the living room became eerily silent!

Felicity clutched her face with a look of disbelief. Did she just hit me? How

dare a Quillen hit me?

Samantha didn’t care about Felicity’s reaction. She pointed at the door and

screamed, “Get out! Go back to your Lenoir family! You’re not welcome here!

Don’t stick around to piss off my father!”

None of the other women dared to get a word in edgewise.

Mackenzie was caught in an awkward position too. Although she didn’t side

with Felicity, the latter was still her mother!

“How dare you?” Felicity dropped all attempts at civility and brought her hand

up to slap Samantha right back.

I’ve had enough! I’ve had enough of feeling like I’m living under someone

else’s roof–of having so little dignity and respect! I’m from an influential

family too! Why must I be treated like I’m beneath the Quillen women?

Samantha didn’t think Felicity would have to gall to hit her back and couldn’t

react in time.

Nevertheless, Felicity did not manage to slap Samantha after all, because

Alfred caught her hand and held onto it firmly.

“That’s enough, Madam! Under these circumstances, please don’t do

anything that will aggravate Old Mr. Quillen’s condition! Please return to your


Alfred shot a look at the household staff to get them to take Felicity back to

her room by force.

Felicity’s eyes were bloodshot. She had a look of hatred and resentment.

Although she didn’t say anything aloud, one thought echoed over and over

-again inside her mind until it threatened to explode!

This is not my home. They’re not my family!

This is not my home. They’re not my family!!

This is not my home. They’re not my family!!!

During this time, Sarah stayed on the sidelines and watched the show in its


Once Felicity was forced back to her room, Sarah finally sighed and put on a

look of sorrow as she walked over to Felicity’s room.

“Mom!” Sarah closed the door behind her and called out to Felicity.

Felicity didn’t respond. She was still busy tossing things across the room. “I’m

so mad! Why do I have such a hard life?”

“Not only did I have to become a widow so soon, but here I am being bullied

by the entire Quillen family! Why must I live with that? There’s not a single

decent person in this family!”

Felicity’s words didn’t sit too well with Sarah. She quickly grabbed Felicity’s

hands to stop her from throwing things and said, I’m also part of the Quillen

family, aren’t I, Mom? I’m your daughter!”

At last, Felicity stopped. Her body trembled as tears slowly streamed down

her cheeks.

“Tell me, Sarah. Do you think it was wrong of me to tell Emmanuel to leave

Mackenzie? I only did it for the Quillen family’s sake and Mackenzie’s sake too!

How can they say such things about me?”

Felicity felt so aggrieved that her tears kept flowing. “Yes, I did take the Quillen

family’s resources to help the Lenoir family, but your grandpa took everything

away from me already. I’m a Lenoir. Is it so wrong of me to help my family?

What did I do that’s so wrong?”

“If I did something I shouldn’t have, then let the law punish me! Why must

they torment me this way?”

As Sarah took in Felicity’s venting, she suddenly hugged her mother and

patted her on the shoulder to comfort her. “You didn’t do anything wrong,

Mom. I understand your hardships. You still have me, right? I told you that I’ll

help you!”

Felicity opened her tear–filled eyes and looked at Sarah before abruptly

hugging the only daughter who took her side.

However, Sarah’s gaze slowly turned a little strange.

Meanwhile, after leaving Quillen residence, Emmanuel didn’t head back to

Yociam Residence.

He had to locate his master and save Claudette in one month.

He couldn’t allow the Lenoir family to continue using that as an excuse to

attack the Quillen family.

Furthermore, he couldn’t let Claudette die!

Fortunately, he heard back from Eve the next day.

Chapter 509

“What? Master’s at a village in Onza?”

Emmanuel and Eve were alone in the room, and the news took him by


Onza’s right beside Yeringham! I never thought Master would be so near me.

“That’s right. Commander Stevenson told me that the Ghost Doctor went to

Onza’s North Star Village six months ago, so he should still be there now!”

Eve sounded confident. She even took out a map.

Emmanuel had faith in the information from the Northern Region.

Commander Stevenson wouldn’t lie to me.

“In that case, I’ll go and look for him right away.” Emmanuel leaped to his feet.

“Wait!” Eve stopped him. “Why don’t I come with you?”

Emmanuel shook his head. “It’s fine. I can go by myself.”

HoweverEve insisted. “North Star Village is not an ordinary village. It’s a large

area with challenging terrain and dozens of settlements. It won’t be easy for

you to find him if you head out by yourself! I won’t be the only one coming

along. I have to bring along some manpower too!”

I see! Emmanuel got the gist and nodded. “Okay then. Thanks for your help!”

Eve didn’t want to hear such formalities. “Don’t be so courteous with me, or I’ll

get mad. I’m your subordinate!”

Emmanuel let out a bitter smile. He was now an ordinary citizen and Eve was

in a command position now, so he never thought she would still show so

much respect for him.

“We can leave just as soon as I make the arrangements!” Eve then got up

and left.

Apart from wanting to lend Emmanuel a hand, she was following him to North

Star Village because she had a personal matter to attend to as well.

The settlements at Eastern Star Mountain were crude and rife with crime. The

younger sister of her old comrade during her time in the Northern Region had

been sexually assaulted by a man from those settlements.

Since she was going to make the trip over there, she wanted to avenge her

comrade’s sister!

That night, Eve set out for Eastern Star Mountain in a Land Rover.

Emmanuel didn’t see the manpower she had arranged to come along, but

he didn’t ask any questions. He had faith in Eve’s preparation. Back when they

were in the Wolf Warrior Unit together, she was known for being meticulous

and thorough when it came to making plans and preparations.

“Emmanuel, do you still remember Blockhead?”

Along the way, Eve abruptly spoke up.

Emmanuel was startled at first, but he immediately clenched his jaw and

replied, “Of course! He died during my last assignment. I killed that b*stard

from Zovince to avenge him!”

“Yeah, but vengeance hasn’t been served for one other thing.”

Eve’s,gaze sharpened as she spat out icily, “After his death, his sister was

sexually assaulted by a local bully from Eastern Star Mountain!”

“What did you say?”

Emmanuel’s veins began to throb and his eyes became bloodshot.

Blockhead had only been 20 when he died. How old could his younger sister

possibly be?

The thought of that heinous man destroying a teenage girl’s life like that

made Emmanuel’s blood boil. His head was like a volcano that was about to


Eve’s jaw was tight as she continued, “That local bully is a powerful tyrant in

that area. He’s been lording over everyone at Eastern Star Mountain all along.

Because of its distance from the government and authorities, it’s considered

no man’s land, so that vermin has been able to get away with everything

without ever facing any repercussions from the law!”

“Damn it!” Emmanuel balled his fists. His mind was made up.

He knew Eve must’ve brought it up because she wanted to avenge

Blockhead’s sister, so he said, “Once we arrive at Eastern Star Mountain, let’s

drop by Blockhead’s family’s place first!”

Eve nodded. Emmanuel was still as fiery as ever.

Perhaps this trip to Eastern Star Mountain would be her chance to battle

alongside him again. She longed to relive the days they shared back in the

Northern Region!

Chapter 510

After a night’s worth of driving, they arrived at the base of Eastern Star

Mountain the next morning, just as the sun began to rise.

Emmanuel finally realized that Eastern Star Mountain was a large mountain

that seemed untouched by civilization. He never thought such a place would

still exist in this day and age. What a large world we live in!

He had even more respect for his old comrade Blockhead who had left a

place like this to serve his nation in the Northern Region.

“What’s going on? Why would there be a luxury car here?”

Eve’s voice drew Emmanuel out of his thoughts. He looked up and saw a

Bentley swooshing along the winding road up the mountain.

Hey, isn’t that Sarah’s car? He was startled. Is it just the same model, or was

seeing things?

“What’s the matter, Emmanuel?” Eve, who was driving, noticed that

Emmanuel’s expression was a little strange, so she checked on him.

“Nothing…” Emmanuel couldn’t be completely sure that it was his

sister–in–law’s car. Why would a young woman from a wealthy family like her

come to such a remote and undeveloped place? I’m probably wrong about

  1. it.

Soon, Eve drove up to a settlement. Similar settlements seemed to dot all

over the mountain.

One could say that this place was cut off from the rest of the world. The

quality of life here was extremely poor as everything was extremely

underdeveloped. Their car could only make it about a quarter mile into the

place before it couldn’t go any further.

The two had to get out of the car and go on foot instead. Along the way, they

saw crumbled walls and piles of rotting trash.

They asked around for directions to Dillon Hedge’s family home.

Dillon Hedge was Blockhead’s real name. They knew that his father was born

with a handicap and only got married when he was 40. Since he had children

so late in life, he named his son Dillon to be the family’s ray of hope. Alas, he

died young and could not fulfill his parents‘ expectations!

The two had to walk to the end of the settlement before they located Dillon’s

family home.

The squat and dilapidated building made Emmanuel’s heart squeeze in pain.

The window panes were broken, but someone had used newspaper sheets

to cover the gaps. The wooden gate seemed barely able to do its job. A

simple tap from Eve was enough for it to swing open with a creak.

Emmanuel’s heart was breaking as he took in the scene behind the gate.

A wizened couple was squatting by a well. Their tanned and calloused hands

were washing yellowed, half–rotten vegetables.

Emmanuel didn’t know if those were leftover scraps given to them by others

or if the couple had scavenged them from the trash. He caught a rotting

stench despite the distance between them.

“Excuse me… Are you Dillon Hedge’s parents?” 

The sight Emmanuel had seen made it hard for him to get the words out.

He dearly wished to find that these were not Dillon’s parents.

Blockhead served his country. He even sacrificed his life defending it, and yet,

his family is living such impoverished lives in this shabby place?

-Alas, the couple didn’t deny it.

The old man’s leg was handicapped so he couldn’t stand up.

The old woman wiped her hands dry before standing up and asking the two,

“Who are you? How do you know my son?”

Filled with emotions, Emmanuel didn’t know what to say.

He looked at Dillon’s mother and took in her gaunt, weather–beaten face and

tattered clothing. It was winter and yet she only wore a pair of slippers that

were broken too. Her feet were cracked and bruised. Tears pooled in his eyes

and he fell to his knees.

Eve jumped in fright!

He who never showed any fear or kneeled in front of anyone was now

kneeling in front of this elderly couple!

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