Absolute Chaos
Chapter 11.

They had walked for most part of the day, dusk now pushing the sun down over the horizon and lazy pink clouds sliced the sphere above.

“I saw your wings,....they dissolved into your flesh....I don’t understand.” Kyzin mused.

Two huge silver eyes flashed at the mention of her great wings, Mieli lowered her voice to a quiet whisper.

“I can fold my wings into my essence, merge them deep within my spirit. I am forbidden by Chaos to use them here, she would be very distressed to know that you saw me land, this was not supposed to occur. Chaos assured me I would not be seen, yet you were there..... and I thank Chaos that you were,.....you saved my life.” Huge tears welled in the sweet Angel’s eyes and spilt freely over her hot checks.

Kyzin didn’t hesitate, sliding his strong arms around her, holding her close to his heart. Hearing his heartbeat pulsing through his fiery blood calmed her, his pure love poured from his soul, swimming over her skin, piercing her heart and spirit.

Mieli could feel his full lips lightly brush the top of her head, his hot sweet breath gently flowing through her dark hair.

Uncontrollable searing shivers rippled all over the Angels spine and attacked her entire being. A warmth tiptoed upon her flushed flesh, snatching greedily at these new emotions, letting them swell amidst her blood, heating her very essence as they moved within.

Chaos had warned her of this, but she did not care, ignoring her creator, welcoming these strange unique sensations, wanting them to invade her every fibre, greedy to feel so much more.

Once Mieli’s tears had dried, Kyzin’s strong arms smoothed from around her, placing them in his lap. She knew his need for her had matched hers, she could feel his love, his wanting.

Kyzin led Mieli in between the date palms that grew wildly along side the mighty Nile.

“We should rest for a few hours Mieli.” He handed her his large water skin, she was parched from the dry Egyptian heat, her human needs now very prominent.

Leaning against a tall date palm, Mieli watched as Kyzin made a small fire and lay a fur before it.

They sat quietly upon the fur, eating figs and bread, he poured her a large mug of mead that went straight to her head.

Her eyes unbelievably widened as the sweet honey ran down her throat, instantly heating her core. Mieli wasn’t used to all these sensations, all the different smells and tastes were unfamiliar to what she knew.

Chaos had told her to be careful, warning her what would happen as soon as she entered Earth’s bizarre atmosphere. Mieli still held all her power, however she was consumed with feelings so human on top of her Divine form she was barely able to contain them.

The feelings of these humans were beyond her, and now also a part of her.

She had only just met the man Kyzin, yet he filled Mieli with a warmth like no other, cramming her with a unique love. This love was not like her dark love for Chaos and the other Divine, it was pure and unyielding, merging intimately with every fibre of her spirit. It overwhelmed her with desire, wanting Kyzin to hold her, to touch her flesh. She could feel his great love for her in return, seeping from his heart, swarming in the air around them.


The Earth’s twilight now fell into a soft dark light, millions of tiny stars sprayed the inky sphere with their brilliance.

Settling below a huge date palm, they stared up at the starlight above. Mieli could tell the exact name of each star and planet, pointing out the other worlds inside Earth’s solar system, describing their wonder to him.

She told Kyzin of Mars, her blush looming very near to her big sister Earth, sharing the same atmosphere as the sun, constantly battling over the moons great tidal pull.

Mieli longed to be back between the infinite cosmos, back on Azure-Alkun, although she would be crushed to leave Kyzin now. This human man had forced his way so far under her skin, she felt she was drowning, whilst trying desperately to crawl back to the surface.


Each word the sweet Angel spoke intrigued Kyzin beyond imagination, listening carefully to her with rapidly growing awe, her voice a soft husky wonder between his ears.

Her scent simply divine, the sweet Angels natural aroma beyond him, arousing him. He did not want to feel this overwhelming love for the stunning treasure who lay beside him, desperately falling into her heart, panicked by these profound emotions, rocking him to the core.

Unable to contain his heart anymore, Kyzin rolled on his side, now facing Mieli. So close to her flesh, almost touching it, he felt the tiny hairs on her arm rise against his heated skin.

Suddenly sitting, turning towards her, Kyzin looked down into her spectacular pools of mercury, hearing her soft breath quicken, watching her body tremble.

“Kyzin.....I...” Lowering her eyelids, Kyzin could tell Mieli didn’t know what to say. He dared to touch her hot check, tracing his finger over her proud chin and gently held it in his palm. Tilting her face towards his, drilling his soul into hers, what he now saw in her profound grey depths moved him beyond words, beyond all comprehension.

Before Kyzin could think their lips met, quickly searing into a fearsome inferno, aflame with insanity.

Mieli broke away, gasping, shaking her head. “Kyzin.....I do not know what is happening to me, these emotions are too much....I don’t know what I am doing...”

Feeling both the fear and anxiety ripple throughout her pained Kyzin, the last thing he wanted was to heighten those fears or hurt his sweet Angel.

“I am so sorry Mieli,....I did not think when I kissed you. I had no right to do that to you.” He was appalled at himself, she was a Angel sent to him from heaven itself!, why would she even consider kissing him!.

Confusion turned to hazy mist, veiling her stormy eyes. Mieli softly closed them, Kyzin watched her small hands move to her chest and slowly pull the soft wrap to the side.

The dark Angel now sat under the sweet crescent moon, naked before him on the cool red sands.

Gasping at the sight of her bare skin, all thought instantly forgotten. With trembling fingertips he brushed her neck and shoulders, sending little goose bumps all over her copper flesh.

Kyzin climbed behind her, sitting with his legs wrapped at her sides.

Mieli sighed, she did not move whilst his fingertips trickled all over her sculptured shoulders and found her waiting breasts, circling each perfect sin, brushing her hard pink nipples and sending a cascade of shivers down her spine.

Growing hard and long against the small of her perfectly curved spine, Kyzin knew Mieli could feel his engorged raging inferno, her sleek body shivering against his rigid flesh.

He smoothed her long dark hair over her shoulder, it slid elegantly down her left breast, hiding her hard nipple beneath the darkness. His lips burned upon the back of her neck, his hands moved over her breasts, down her lithe stomach and slowly inched towards her nether.

The dark Angel groaned beneath his touch, sweat glazed her skin, trembling uncontrollably.

“Kyzin.....I....please.....” Mieli faltered, she didn’t know what to say.

Guiding her long legs straight out in front of her, she wriggled instinctively backwards onto him, her silky back sliding against his brawny chest, her behind pushing against his raging hardness.

Kyzin looked over Mieli’s smooth shoulders and down her silky skin, finally resting his eyes on her soft velvet. Gasping at the sight, instantly needing to touch her, finding her soft folds wet and waiting, he parted each neat pleat and slid his fingers between her swelling bud.

The sounds that came from Mieli lips near tipped him over the edge, she wriggled under his touch and slowly spread her legs wider, letting his fingers sink into her sweet wet silk.


The turmoil had faded, it had lodged itself in a far away place, hidden from Chaos and Mieli’s own soul.

Kyzin had taken her beyond heights she had never known, greedily wanting more, letting his humanity fill her.

Kyzin had moved in between her parted thighs, she could feel her juices trickle like hot syrup from her darkness. Mieli entwined her long fingers through his short dark hair and traced them over his perfectly carved cheeks. His eyes darkened to deep verdant pools, searching the swirling silver of her irises.

Stretching her thighs open wider, Kyzin groaned into her darkness, desperate fingers finding her treacle, kissing her hot lips and tasting her wickedness. Racing ahead of time, wonder seeped into her core, swirling further and higher, consuming her every thought.

Kyzin lifted Mieli like a feather, holding her over his shaft, she was beyond any comprehension, her mind belonged only to him, she forgot who she was, space and time fell from around her, shattering all reality. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He stole her breath from her then, feeling Kyzin’s long rod squeeze deep into her darkest most secret place, swelling further and deeper inside.

His length had filled her, freezing all the way within her silk. Mieli’s tight muscles gripping his shaft, coaxing him to move.

Ever so slowly he stroked her velvet, moving within, stretching the dark Angel to her limits. He played her like a sweet symphony, the extraordinary melody coming to its crescendo, their bodies trembling as they merged into one.

The primal scream came from a place she did not know existed, it slipped from her parted lips and faded into the dull moonlight. A tidal wave of emotion burst into a stream of colourful pulses, shocking her spirit, shattering her mind and soul.

Kyzin’s huge arms slid around her arched back, encircling her hot flesh and squeezed her body to his.

Crying out her name into the cool night air as she quivered, she could feel Kyzin’s searing seed spurting with rage within, pouring deep into her depths, their bodies now trembling uncontrollably as one.


Kyzin held her like he would lose her, close against his silky chest, Mieli held her ear to his strong heart, holding her until each shiver had parted, his manhood now calmed, but still deep inside.

She could not control the tears that streamed over her face and onto Kyzin’s skin, coating his flesh in fresh salt. Her love for him was different from the love she held for Chaos and the other Divine beings of her creation, never feeling anything so pure or absolute. She knew in this moment, her heart, her soul, and her mind belonged only to him for all eternity.

As they lay entwined in the darkness on the cool sand, Mieli softly spoke.

“Kyzin,... I have lived an eternity and I have never felt these complex emotions, I do not understand any of them. I cannot conceive these new feelings, the humanness I was warned to stay clear from has crept into my soul Kyzin, I have never felt emotions quite like these.”

Kyzin held her softly, quietly stroking Mieli’s arm before he replied.

“Mieli,...you stole my heart from the moment I set eyes on you, I have fallen so deeply in love with you, I do not understand either,....my love for you has left me completely speechless.”

Again leaning into her lips, tasting the salt from her tears, Kyzin’s tongue moved between her teeth, forever searching. The fresh heat between Mieli’s thighs instantly sparking in warm waves and consuming her again.

There was more than just simple desperation to their kiss, there was something unworldly in their passion, something so unique, only they knew this intense love, it was theirs and theirs alone.

Their mouths were entwined, tongues battling in a desperate dance, tasting one another’s substance. Kyzin moved above Mieli on the sand, straddling her.

Their lips broke their seal, Mieli writhed beneath him, her passion inflamed.

“Kyzin....Please no...” She breathed out hard.

Kyzin did not listen, he snatched both her wrists in his fists and pinned them above her, leaning close to her face, trying to pierce her soul.

There was no calming the sweet Angel now, she could feel her hot juices ooze from amid her thighs, burning like lava onto her flesh. Kyzin tilted his hips towards hers, feeling his raging spear pulse furiously against her heated mound.

He sat up abruptly and let her wrists free, her Divine blood slowly flowing back through her limbs.

She lay naked below him, the desire in Kyzin’s eyes growing as he looked upon her exquisite form.

Neither of them spoke, only the languid swirl of the dark Niles water and their harsh breaths could be heard in the still night.

His strong heart beat galloped like a crazed arabian, Kyzin’s fingers again burned between her spread thighs, Mieli was aflame with madness, his touch alone was all it took, she didn’t want to let go, not yet. It had been barely seconds since he had stroked her flesh and again it swelled rapidly into hot fluid.

Kyzin smoothed his tongue over her swollen bud, Mieli could feel the swirling heat move in slow circles from a far away place inside. The rings rapidly growing in huge waves of ecstasy, forcing their way further throughout her core, embodying her within its sweet dark insanity.

Mieli screamed, her body became liquid beneath his touch, melting like hot wax onto his skin.

Kyzin groaned, long and deep in his throat, forcing her lean thighs wider open. She tried to sit up, she wanted to touch him, feel his hard muscles whilst she gripped his long shaft, wanting to take him deep down her throat, yet his strong hands again pinned her to the sand, shaking his head, staring deeply into her huge silver irises.

Her tremors had barely subsided, now Kyzin moved his hard body above her, the jade inside each iris darkened like dew soaked moss in the shade, drilling into her.

Kyzin squeezed his length just inside her, then throbbed slowly all the way into her sleek velvet.

Gasping from his sheer size, his manhood plunged in long hard thrusts, searching her depths, filling her, scalding her.

It was only seconds again before her climax swelled to its full heights, her heated muscles contracting over his long shaft, her sweet slippery juices pulsing around his flesh, squeezing him tightly. She could not fathom the tidal sized waves that rippled throughout her existence, embodying her spirit with his for all time.

Kyzin was right there with her in this moment, he couldn’t control the crazed sounds that escaped his full lips. His smooth, tanned skin had pooled with sweat, his hips circled in time with hers, swelling deeper into her silk, filling her completely with his scalding seed. The pure primal scream from within him reverberated throughout Mieli’s soul and was then forever branded into her mind.

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