Absolute Chaos
Chapter 16.

Both Mieli and Kyzin managed a few hours sleep before they were awakened to a gut churning noise. It sounded somewhat like a huge wounded dog, its blood curdling cry reverberated into the night and rocked the Earth around them.

Mieli flew from the sand, her huge eyes afire with a bright silver glow, Kyzin jumping straight up behind her.

“We need to go now Kyzin, we need to find Amaunet and track down Arawn, Am-heh and Shesmu.”

The dark Angel didn’t know what caused the terrifying sound, however she knew whatever it was, it was not of this Earth.

They gathered the few belongings that Kyzin had packed for their hike and hurried towards the city of Otamia. Night had fallen a few hours prior, dark shadows loomed near the Nile’s banks, swirling pure fear in the air before them.

Around an hour later Mieli and Kyzin came upon Otamia’s boarders. Huge red sand dunes lined the bottom of the sandstone mountain and endless grasslands teeming with ruminants ran in between them.

Moving closer to the city, Mieli froze in her stride. She could see a huge pyramid, its black silhouette showing each perfect sharp angle against the huge mountainside.

“It is the Temple of Temu, he is the God of the Sun, the God Otamian’s worship, he built the amazing pyramid a few thousand years ago now.” She looked towards Kyzin, she knew he could see and feel her confusion, the panic more than evident upon her face.

A thousand thoughts moved through Mieli’s mind. Temu went missing from Azure-Alkun a few thousand years before, Chaos was frantic, she had lost her first born.

Although Chaos searched throughout time for him, she never found the great God. Mother Earth had veiled him, cloaked him in her gloom, no wonder Chaos could not find him.

She could not understand how Temu came here, yet she knew why the pyramid was built. Kyzin and all the people of these lands believed that it was a temple, but in fact it could not be further from its real purpose.

Quickly Mieli brushed her thoughts aside and continued towards Otamia.

In the darkness up ahead they could hear a faint noise. Both Mieli and Kyzin crept low towards the soft sound, a strange gurgling was coming from the bottom of the endless dunes.

They moved closer to the sound, now spying a gory torn mess up ahead. The fetid God Shesmu lay before them, rancid flesh and bone littered the sand, staining it a dark crimson. His spine had been ripped clean from his body, intestine and muscle spilled from his gut and lay all around his shattered core.

Kyzin gagged, staggered backwards and leant against a date palm, breathing hard.

Mieli could not believe the abomination at her feet was still alive, though barely.

Shesmu could not speak, his jaw had been shredded, yet he stared right back at her with something close to mercy in his black, hollow eyes, pleading soundlessly.

Each iris froze to steel grey, glowing, illuminating the decrepit creature that writhed at the Angels feet in the sands.

Hot rage pooled beneath her core, consuming her, flowing into her Divine blood. The familiar exquisite pain rippled up Mieli’s spine and splintered throughout her entire essence. And then from deep within, the dark Angel’s astonishing wings surged from her flesh, smashing through her shoulder blades and slicing her delicate skin.

“Where is Amaunet.?” Mieli demanded, the repulsive God squirming, unable to reply. His body twitched in agonising spasms, pleading to her for pure mercury.

Mieli did not care of his suffering, his soul was of no concern to her, she knew he was unable to answer, nevertheless she persisted.

“Where is my GODDESS!?.” She could not contain her rage, she was been completely unreasonable.

The Angels wings flew up beside her and without another thought crushed her small hands around Shesmu’s torn throat and rapidly twisted his vile neck...


Kyzin staggered backwards, he could barely believe what he was seeing.

The Angel’s eyes had lit up the darkness and beyond, her prodigious wings shattered her flesh and bone, arching protectively around her wiry body, dripping with an inky black substance that streaked her face and feathers.

What he saw next chilled him to the core, he could not comprehend her ferocity.

The man, or whatever he was, pleaded with his eyes, begging for a swift death and that Mieli did quickly grant him.

Yet there was no compassion in his destruction, she had not only snapped his neck, she had torn it clean from his shoulders, now holding his severed head by the hair above her, crying out to Chaos above.

Tearing his head from his broken shoulders left Kyzin speechless, this time not from Mieli’s sheer beauty, but now from her insane bloodlust.

He stared at the dark Angel in horror, not believing what he was seeing. Mieli held the dead Gods head above her, roaring into the night, not caring of the thick hot blood that squirted from Shesmu’s torn flesh and streamed crimson rivers over her sleek bronzed skin.

The acid sliced like razors deep into Kyzin’s gut, it scalded him from the inside, desperately attempting to find its route out.

Then Mieli crumbled to the ground, she dropped the bloody head as if she had been stung, it landing in the sand at her feet with a sickening “Thunk”. The dark light in her eyes nearly faded and she sank slowly to her knees, her tremendous wings slumped in defeat, her chin hanging close to the ground.

Icy fear trickled down Kyzin’s spine, his heart trying to leap from his chest.

This Divine creature was devastating!. Kyzin shocked himself as he ran to her, skidding to her side. He should have been running in the opposite direction, however he found himself snatching her limp trembling body into his strong arms and squeezing her to his chest.

The beautiful Angel sobbed quietly against him for quite some time, then silently he took her hand, stood and gently pulled her to her trembling feet. Her remarkable wings struck the air behind her, her black feathers fractured then faded into the blackness that surrounded her.

Mieli now stood as human as he, immediately Kyzin scooped his Angel into his arms and carried her to the nearby Nile. Silently she stood while he unrobed her, her soft bare skin quivering beneath his light touch, her eyes softly glowing a sleek silver.

He moved Mieli into the shallows on the rocks, sitting her on the cool stones beneath the Niles dark water.

Kneeling beside her, Kyzin now poured the Niles life blood over her hot flesh, washing the sand, blood and the strange blackness from her skin. She did not speak, yet her body trembled, knowing she was in some kind of shock.

Kyzin smoothed the cool fluid over her scalding skin, until every drop of crimson and black had faded into the dark Niles tide.


Mieli’s thoughts became a tangled web of crazed spiders, swarming amid her brain cells, intricately fusing themselves onto each microscopic fibre.

She did not care for Shesmu or what fate finally had in store for him, she only cared for Kyzin. She had seen the disgust and horror in his jade eyes, terrified by her actions, even though they were warranted in the eyes of Chaos.

Mieli now knew why Chaos had chosen her for this mission, Chaos could have chosen any one of the celestial beings on Azure-Alkun, there were thousands to choose from, ones much more suited to this than she.

She was feared and disliked on Azure-Alkun, never feeling like she belonged, never truely at home there. Chaos had gifted her with insane ferocity, able to slaughter evil without a second thought, knowing this kept most of the Divine from her, they were too afraid.

Deliberately Mieli shifted her mind to Kyzin’s hands. They were sliding all over her bare skin, washing the blood and filth from her stained flesh. Slowly she looked up, staring into the dark moss of his irises, her mercury swirling back towards his, drilling them into his soul.

Lifting the Angel quickly from the Nile, Kyzin now placed her on the dark sand at the mighty rivers banks.

No pause for breath, his body turning to hers, his mouth barely brushing the bow of her top lip, while his fingers melted like silk into her long neck.

Kyzin traced her bare shoulders with untainted wonder, each gentle stroke a masterpiece on her flesh, burning into her sweet copper skin. He found her silky breasts, barley filling his large hand, smoothing her nipples between his fingers, gently pinching the rose red.

Slowly she sat up and leaned her sleek form over him, desperately needing to touch his bare flesh, smoothing her hands down his chest until she reached his waiting fire.

Tracing her fingertips like feathers over his manhood, Kyzin quickly snatched her wrist, moving his lips to her ear and breathed,

“Mieli...please....no,...you will tip me over the edge.”

Her long legs circled his waist, wanting his sword to penetrate her dark secrets, greedily trying to wriggle onto him. He held her hips tight, forbidding her to sink over his raging sin.

There he held her, teasing her with his tip yet not sliding it within. He lifted her then, sliding her hips up over his chest and placed her sweet folds before him, breathing in her intoxicating scent, gently blowing hot air onto her silk.

His sweet lips found her velvet and with the lightest of touches, kissed her treacle, moaning deep from within his core.

“Oh my Angel.....you taste like sweet honey.” Looking up from her nether, whispering into the darkness.

Wonder filled Mieli’s soul, his lips burned, trailing amid her open silk. She could not contain the moans as she forced her hips onto his scalding lips, his tongue slid inside her, ripples of pure ecstasy pushed their way from her core, crushing her mind into oblivion. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The exquisite waves hit her like a hurricane, hurtling like a lightning storm that cracked the Earth repeatedly. His hand flew to her mouth to muffle her screams, her scalding juices soaking his lips and running over his chin.


The dark Angel all but collapsed onto Kyzin’s face, he didn’t mind, his tongue languidly relishing the rest of Mieli’s sweetness.

Quivering above him, he held her firmly in place, working his tongue into her depths as she now tried to wriggle away.

Finally Kyzin released her, she moved her sleek body down his chest until her lips brushed his tip. The magnificent creature parted her mouth, slowly sucking his manhood between her full lips, inching him all the way down her sleek throat, sucking, groaning deep within her core.

There was no way Kyzin could contain his flood and quickly wrenched her mouth from him spear, lifting her onto his waist.

Spreading her thighs wide, squatting over his shaft and squeezing her velvet around him, taking him as deep as her body would allow, stretching her long limbs as she moved.

It was Mieli’s turn now to slam her hand to his mouth. Kyzin felt heaven crash above him, all the Angel’s singing amongst the deluge, taken further into oblivion this time, his love coalescing with hers, pulling his spirit in line with her perfect chaos.

Moving her hand from his lips, Mieli looked deep into his dark emerald eyes, the liquid mercury poured from her irises, softly illuminating his flawless bare skin.

Kyzin was amazed she had felt the same intense love that he did, confessing how her love swelled from deep within. She was a timeless Angel of Chaos, he was a mere human, having no idea why she would even want him when she could have anyone, also understanding that their love was forbidden by her creator.

Kyzin was bewitched, he was making love to a real life Angel, he was deep inside her cosmos, swelling infinitely within.

He was at this supreme beings complete mercy, he would die an eternity for her devastating beauty, he would take on the fires of hell to keep her from harm.

Seeing her rip the head from the wickedness earlier had tore at his heart and mind, although the pain had now faded, it had shifted in his soul and scattered to mere ashes in the dark sands of ancient Egypt.

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