Absolute Chaos
Chapter 22.

“What did he do to you Maia!?.” The fury in Amaunet’s voice physically shook Kaydir’s hut, both Maia and Kaija’s eyes darted around the small domed room, confused by the rumbling, yet it quickly faded.

“Amaunet, it is good to see you safe.” Maia bowed low, as if she were royalty, then rushed ahead.

“Raijen is in danger, Lykus came to see Araphel while I....while Araphel had me in the other room. Lykus spoke of Chaos....and a special rib, I could not understand what they were speaking of, although I knew it wasn’t good. I am worried for Raijen, I hope Kaydir finds him.” The panic was evident in her large dark eyes, her words a trembling mess.

Amaunet paced the small room, this was all happening because of her, she didn’t want anyone to get hurt, however she saw now that was too late.

Sitting heavily back on Kaydir’s bed, Maia crossed her legs beneath her. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Please Maia, tell me what Raijen’s father did to you?.” Maia could not face Amaunet, speaking softly, staring at her hands as they trembled in her lap.

“I did not tell him about you Amaunet, I promised you and Raijen, I would never break a promise.” Hurrying to her side, Amaunet knelt next to Kaydir’s bed and grasped her hands.

“Maia, you are a true friend, loyal beyond words, but neither Raijen nor I would have blamed you if you had told Araphel about me, I never wanted you to get hurt.” She pulled Maia to her, soothing the small wiry woman, holding her close to her heart.

Time seemed to move too slowly, Amaunet stood and began pacing the room again.

“Araphel will die for what he has done to you Maia! and for all his other countless evils, he will suffer at my hand before his ultimate death, I promise you Maia, I will take his soul to hell were it will stay for all eternity!.”

As Amaunet declared this, the door barged opened and two tall solid men carried Raijen’s lifeless form into the hut, followed by a tall leggy woman, identical to Kaija.

“Raijen....” Panic rolled through her gut. “What happened?.”

He looked unconscious, blood was splattered over his legs and chest, although he didn’t appear to be injured.

The two burly men lay Raijen on Kaydir’s bed which Maia had abruptly stood from on their entry.

“We found him about half way up the mountain, we cannot wake him, his breathing is very shallow.” Immediately dropping to her knees beside him, Amaunet grasped his hand and closed her eyes.

She let her spirit flow into Raijen, the Earth beneath them softly trembling. Amaunet could feel what he felt, feel his pain, she knew that he had been poisoned and he was very near death. She did not think she could bring him back to this consciousness, back to this reality. He was so close to Chaos now, she was terrified for him, he did not deserve to die, he had barely lived his life yet.

Amaunet’s eyes flew open, she looked frantically at Maia.

“He has been given a poison of blue water lily and opium, I can feel the foul concoction inside him, it is a very strong dose, he is very close to Chaos’s ultimate judgement, he is very close to death.”

Amaunet’s voice now fading, she looked upon the kind gentle man who had saved her, she could feel his insane pure love flowing from his very core, knowing she felt the same towards him, nonetheless had ignored and denied it until this very moment.

Maia’s voice then sliced through her thoughts, strong and clear, echoing throughout Kaydir’s little hut. She glared defiantly into Amaunet’s sapphire irises.

“He cannot die Amaunet!,...do you understand?, Raijen will NOT DIE... NOT TODAY!.” Maia knelt on the other side of him, opposite Amaunet.

“Please Amaunet, there must be something you can do.” Maia lowered her voice so her friends could not hear her, “You are an Angel....I know you can heal him.” Reaching over Raijen, she grasped Amaunet’s arm, the fierce agony that flashed from her soul was sheer torture. Knowing she had to try and save Raijen, although it was forbidden, the consequences she did not want to think of.

Looking directly at Maia, Amaunet briskly nodded.

Amaunet straddled Raijen’s waist and gripped his huge hand in her small ones. The extraordinary Goddess closed her eyes, the floor beneath them again started to tremble, gently at first, yet the intensity soon strengthened, making the few pottery mugs and jugs on Kaydir’s small stone table fall to the floor and smash. The hard mud brick walls seemed to sway although they did not crumble, the whole hut just moved around them.

Nothing was happening, she could feel Raijen’s soul drifting further towards Chaos, falling into a timeless sleep, the poison now engulfing his core.

Amaunet was enraged, she wouldn’t let her take him, she wouldn’t let Chaos snatch his spirit to heaven!.

Gripping Raijen’s hands tighter, squeezing them like a vice, Amaunet held them to her heart.

The familiar pain exploded through her shoulder blades, bones splintering into oblivion as her huge grey wings emerged from her flesh, their magnificence surrounding both her and Raijen.

A brilliant dark blue glow emitted from her entire essence, her rage burst to the surface and the exquisite Goddess screamed. Sheer terror rippled throughout the little hut, chilling everyones blood in the room.

Finally Raijen’s agony shifted, now it slowly travelled into her core, feeling the drug inside him now seep deep into her own veins. Amaunet was feeling very human now, her body burnt and tingled in a not so unpleasant way.

Slumping over Raijen’s chest, her tremendous wings falling like dead weights by her side, her head resting over his heart, Amaunet heard his pulse strengthen, the rhythm stepping up, each beat music to her ears.

Exhaustion tiptoed inside her mind, she could usually endure a lot more than this without feeling like sleep, knowing it was because of the drug that now filled her.

The room around her spun, she felt two strong arms wrap around her, circling her slumped awkward form. Then he lifted her, she felt like she was floating, her head swimming with a kind of ecstasy she had not yet experienced, quite liking the sensation, although her gut did not, it was filled with a pool of nausea, bubbling hungrily to escape her.

Amaunet didn’t know how long she lay on Kaydir’s soft little bed before sitting up suddenly and vomiting ungracefully all over her lap and Kaydir’s bed.

Wiping the vomit from her lips, she looked around the hut, all eyes were on her, except for Raijen’s who was gathering clean flax linen and pouring water into a half broken jug.

He came quickly towards her, handing her the chipped pottery.

“Be careful Amaunet, you don’t want to cut your lips.” He simply stated as he wiped the vomit from her lap.

She took the water from him with trembling hands, her head was still foggy but it had calmed some, her stomach now feeling much better now that the poison had been purged from her core.

Realising her wings were slumped beside her, knowing the strangers in the room would be asking questions.

Amaunet closed her eyes, her wings flew up above her, carefully they folded back into her flesh, the bones in her shoulders cracking backwards with a harsh ‘crunch’ and then dissolved into her essence before their very eyes.

Amaunet looked up at Raijen, his eyes full of concern and fear.

“I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to spew on Kaydir’s bed Raijen....I haven’t even met him yet.” She smiled weakly, groggier than she realised, her words came out too thick, tasting the bitter hangover in her mouth.

A huge man stepped forward then and squat next to Amaunet and Raijen.

“Hello Amaunet, I am Kaydir, please don’t worry about my bed, it is easily washed.” She immediately liked Kaydir, she could not only feel his goodness, but she could see it.

Kaydir did not ask her about her wings, it was as if he had known she would come. He had a strange, yet amazing aura of an astonishing deep green. It was the colour of the endless vipen rainforests back on Azure-Alkun after the rain had fallen in the perpetual twilight. Kaydir’s aura shone with a beauty so natural, it took her breath to the stars.

After Amaunet had met Kaydir, Kaiya and Rakim, with her permission, Raijen did his best to fill them in on how she came to be here and why Lykus had poisoned him.

“Shesmu and Am-heh were digging, they found what looked like a silver rib, this is what they fought over, however they dropped it in their battle. When I picked it up I could feel its power, it filled me with a terrifying strength. Then Lykus gave me a drink from his water skin,...he stole it from me,...I am so sorry Amaunet.”

Placing her small hand in his she softly spoke.

“Please don’t apologise, you have done nothing wrong Raijen.” She fell silent, Amaunet knew what Raijen had described was a ‘Rib of Chaos’, however she could not piece together what it was doing buried on Earth. She knew Temu had built a temple here thousands of years before, could this be his Chaos?, was this Temu’s cruel fate?.

Eying Maia whom stood quietly in the corner intently concentrating on an unknown memory. Amaunet thought she would ask a million questions, however she only listened silently whilst they discussed their next moves. She knew what Araphel had done to Maia had nearly broken her, nonetheless she could still see the fire raging inside her dark chocolate eyes, a fire of hate and revenge.

The blue water lily and opium was slowly waning, they agreed Raijen should stay with Amaunet for an hour or two, or at least until she could walk in a straight line.

Kaydir, Rakim and Kaiya would split up and see what they could find out about Lykus’s movements and suss out what was happening inside of Otamia.

Mia insisted she was fine to help, she needed a distraction. Kaija and her would go back to the caves on Otamia’s boarders and see if they could find out what happened to Am-heh and Shesmu.

Raijen was pretty certain both putrid Gods had perished, their injuries were beyond his comprehension. They had rolled down the sand dunes as they fought into the darkness, disappearing from sight. Both men not wanting to stick around and find out, they had what the sinful Gods were fighting for in their hands.

After their friends had departed, Raijen shook his head, Amaunet tried to help him change Kaydir’s furs and linen, he wouldn’t let her. Once he’d finished he made them both spiced tea, sitting on a stone cut stool watching Amaunet’s every move.

“You saved my life my Goddess, thank you so very much, I know how close I was to death, I could feel this unbearable force pulling me towards oblivion.”

Amaunet smiled into his light eyes.

“Raijen, please don’t thank me, I did not think I could, I could feel your soul shifting, I knew Chaos had come. Maia convinced me otherwise, I should have not hesitated, I am so sorry Raijen.”

Tears brimmed upon her eyelids, tipping over the edge, sliding silently over her cheeks. She walked to the small window in Kaydir’s hut and looked out at the hazy crescent moon.

“Amaunet....it is alright, you have done nothing wrong.” Turning, she faced Raijen, she traced every inch of his brawn, her eyes smouldering into his.

Raijen adjusted the flax around his waist, knowing she was admiring his glistening dark flesh, welcoming the sight of his near nakedness, although confused by how she was feeling towards him, he was all but a stranger to her. Raijen was magnificent, wanting to touch each hard muscle with her fingertips, to trace her fingers over his chiseled face and down to where she knew he was hard and waiting.

Amaunet did not know what came over her then, acting before she could think and quickly walked to were Raijen sat sipping his tea.

The poison had nearly faded from her system now, the large gash on her side was mending fast, she had the blood of a Goddess and was healing rapidly. All pain faded in that very moment, all she felt was the overwhelming need to be with this human, this hot blooded man, this mortal man, this complete stranger.

Raijen slowly looked up, Amaunet undid her wrap, letting the cool material fall to the floor, standing naked before him.

No words were needed, he held his hand out to her and she grasped it before sinking down onto his lap.

Silent tears slid from Raijen’s eyes, delicately the Goddess kissed each of his wet cheeks, turning the warm salt water to wine.

The sweet liquid trickled down his dark flesh and brushed his lips, his eyes widening, licking his lips, tasting the sweet miracle.

Raijen sat up straight, his skin glistening in the soft candle light. Moving his hand to her face and with a touch as soft as a feather, he ran his fingertips over her ashen cheeks and lips.

Their eyes had locked, she could feel his love pouring from his soul, knowing in this moment Raijen was purely in love with her, she did not believe in love at first sight yet ..... Amaunet did not stop to think about any of these things, nothing else mattered but the two of them inside this sweet moment.

Leaning into her lips, Raijen ever so softly tasted her, his whole body trembling. Heat rose amid her Divine blood, feeling the immediate jolts of insane ecstasy move throughout her, having never felt anything quite like this in her infinite existence. Each new emotion terrified her, yet she craved more. The human need she was feeling to make love to Raijen had overridden her mind, the Goddess within nowhere to be seen.

Tasting his tears of sweet wine on her tongue, the fire between their lips became much deeper and inflamed. Raijen strong hands had found her small breasts, his fingers tracing each nipple, pinching them lightly between his fingertips.

Raijen broke their kiss, his huge hands moving to her small waist, nearly circling her curves and lifted her with ease, carrying her to his friends bed. He gently lay her on the soft reeds and feathers, kneeling beside her, tracing her silky flesh.

Softly, each eyelid closed, her back arching greedily towards each long tingling stroke. Raijen’s hot lips searing over her skin, tracing every inch of her long neck, working his way down to each of her breasts, his huge hands moving with his mouth, tasting her in their wake.

She found his arm, grasping it now that he took each nipple in turn between his heated lips. His teeth sliding over each firm bump, slowly nibbling, gently biting each in turn.

Both their bodies trembled, their desire almost unbearable. Raijen grasped Amaunet’s wrists and lay them at her sides.

“Please Amaunet....don’t move.” His words were like honey, his touch like treacle, the tremor of excitement and fear evident with each word.

Every sensation washed over her soul, Raijen hands and mouth slid over her searing flesh, he was everywhere at once, she couldn’t hold the moans inside that escaped her parted lips.

Tiny beads of sweat coated her ashen skin, she flung open her eyes, watching him carefully, he slowly spread her soft thighs gasping, staring at her sweet secret.

“You are my Goddess.” Whispering these words with sheer awe.

Ever so gently his fingers stroked her nether, moving through the slither of fair hair that graced her. She moved her hips towards his hand, desperately wanting him to burn each of his fingers inside her.

Amaunet grasped his shoulders, tracing her long fingertips down his back through his sleek, salty sweat. Again he snatched at her wrists, pinning them above her head, leaning over her lean body, the light of his hazel eyes searching hers.

“I told you not to move.” Again he whispered, his whole being quivered above her, holding her arms above her head for some moments before relaxing his grip and making his way back down her smooth body, brushing her flesh lightly as he went and sunk his hands between her hot slippery silk, forcing her legs open wider. Kneeling between her soft milky thighs, gasping as he stared at her velvet that had spread perfectly before him.

All thought had dissolved in her mind, the ecstasy moved in scalding waves, it had taken her sanity to the stars. Amaunet wanted this man more than reason itself, she needed him to touch her, to hold her, to make love to her.

Stroking her softly, almost tickling her silk, Raijen’s fingers barely brushing amidst her thighs.

Ripping the linen wrap from his waist, exposing his huge pulsing rod, Amaunet gasped at his sheer size, instantly wanting him to sink deep into her core, her whole existence craving for him to fill her, yet his fingers found her instead, slippery and waiting.

One long finger inched into her depths, feeling every part of her tight heat, moving further inside. Amaunet’s muscles contracted around the sweet sensation before Raijen squeezed another finger into her, now two moving in time with her circling hips.

His tongue tasted each fold of her flesh, whilst pushing his fingers inside her as far as he could reach, Amaunet wanted him to stretch into her further, needing to feel more than just his fingers. Her bud swelled, Raijen gently nibbled the tiny nerve, tasting her glory, his groans coming from a deep primal part inside him as he circled his tongue over her sweet flowing juices.

Amaunet had never not been in control before, however she had lost it all now...

Exquisite waves of electrical heat exploded from her core. She screamed out as the colours took over, she was lost in oblivion, the sweet waves of utopia flowed into her Divine blood. Her whole body shook beneath her sweet lover, her hips fused to his mouth. Amaunet was embarrassed that he had tipped her over the edge so quickly, she wanted to savour the sensations, she didn’t know what he would think of her.

Raijen’s fingers slid out from her very wet, pulsing insides. She expected him to move over her, push himself into her tight darkness, but he kept his mouth between her thighs, languidly pushing his tongue into her, now tasting what he just felt.

Again she quickly swelled, fresh juices mixed with the very recent, seeping slowly over his tongue. Both moaning deep in their throats, his fingers spreading her velvet lips wider, softly kneading her bud, his tongue pushing and swirling as far as he could reach.

The extraordinary Goddess quickly climbed back to the insane heights she just came down from, her body would not stop shaking, she didn’t want to ride the waves again so soon, she wanted him inside her, she needed some control, yet couldn’t quite grasp it.

Desperately Amaunet tried to squirm away but Raijen held her firmly in place, breathing hard and fast as he paused.

“Don’t.....please Amaunet....don’t move, don’t think,... just let it happen.” The sound of his husky low voice made her entire body tingle, the strength in his hands as he held her in place sent huge ripples of pleasure throughout her.

She dared to spy him, looking down at Raijen’s full lips moving over her slippery secrets, his fingers expertly sliding everywhere at once.

Feeling her muscles tense around his long tongue, his eyes darted to hers as she reached the highest of peaks again so soon.

“Raijen....Oh please....” was all the Goddess managed before she quietly screamed into the darkness. An intense heat was spreading from her core, it flowed in rings over her stomach, travelling down each limb. She thrust her hips greedily to his mouth, the sweet chaos bursting into magnificence yet again, each wave a new explosion of vivid hues. Raijen’s light amber eyes burned into her soul, watching her quiver and moan.


Beyond ecstasy, Raijen had never felt anything quite like this before. The Goddess spread before him was out of this world, the way she made him feel was terrifying!. Raijen knew with his every fibre he was insanely and purely in love with this extraordinary creature, he had only known her barely hours and he was falling in deeper each second.

Amaunet’s sweet spicy juices flowed over his chin, he was having a hard time not climaxing himself. Her icy blue eyes pierced into his, her tight muscles gripping his tongue like a vice.

Once Amaunet’s insides eased and now only shook softly, he ever so slowly moved his tongue from her depths and slid his fingers from her silk.

She tasted divine, like sweet spices and honey, her exotic aroma was out of this world, her scent spicy, crisp and clean, mixed with a hint of sugar and honey. He couldn’t really explain what his senses were smelling and tasting, nevertheless it was intoxicating beyond all his imagination.

Raijen couldn’t believe Amaunet had even come to him, little own have his mouth between her hot thighs. He was still kneeling between them and now lifted her off the bed, sitting her before him. He could not keep his eyes from hers, his whole body trembling at the exquisite sight, his hands stroking her ashen skin, touching her moist salty flesh.

Breathing hard, sweat glistened over her pale smooth flesh. The sapphire of her irises sparkled, almost black in the dull candles light.

She climbed onto Raijen’s lap, her small lithe frame moulding into his, her arms sliding around his hard neck. Their lips met again, tongues entwined, desperately searching one another.

Raijen stood, lifting her like she was weightless, their mouths still locked fiercely in their searing passion. Amaunet slid her long silky legs around his waist and finally he guided his pulsing tip into her tight burning flesh.

Pausing as he entered her, squeezing himself just inside, watching her perfect face as he inched his length deeper into her sweet velvet, her irises burning with his, pooling like the ocean on a dark moonless night, swimming with timeless emotion.

Gripping her hips, he moved his aching rod into her further, as far as her silk would allow, freezing deep inside, reaching her throbbing depths. Both their body’s quivered with ecstasy, not daring to move, not wanting to release their great flood.

Small noises came from somewhere within, his eyes watching hers, burning into her soul. Raijen moved her then, his large strong hands lifting her over his shaft, then back down, Amaunet circled her hips, greedily he pushed into her, filling her completely.

He could feel her swelling and tightening over his rod, her breathing escaping her lips much faster, the pleasure yet again building to its peak.

Raijen moved into her, deeper and harder, he couldn’t hold back, the pleasure unbearable, now growing to insane lengths within the sweet Goddess, his seed pouring into the woman he loved, completely deluging her soul.

She screamed into his shoulder, trying to muffle her cries of pure pleasure, her teeth biting his flesh as each wave gripped at his shaft and he felt her searing liquid engulf his huge throbbing sword.

Amaunet’s slumped against him, exhausted, holding her firmly against him, his rod still pulsing softly within, walking with his Goddess to Kaydir’s bed and gently lifted her from him.

There Raijen lay her, sitting next to her sleek milky flesh, looking down at her perfect face, stroking her sleek skin.

She was only small, her body slim and wiry, standing only to his chest in height. Her complexion flawless, her skin had slightly tanned from the few days in the Egyptian sun, although still snow white compared to his deep olive. She had small yet full lips that seemed to pout a little as she rested. Her nose was small but strong, her hair running in thick flaxen waves down her back, just brushing the top of her behind.

Bewitched, he could not move his hands from her velvet skin, their mixed sweat cooling beneath his touch. Amaunet’s breathing began to slow and looked up into the light of his unique eyes, whispering,

“Raijen,...I do not know what came over me...please,.. I hope you do not think I have loose morals, I do not make love to every man I just meet.”

Still both naked, Raijen stroked her skin and whispered back.

“I am the one who should be sorry.... I could not stop myself, you have nothing to be ashamed of...I can feel your emotions flowing through me Amaunet, I do not understand why I can feel them, yet I do.” He was ashamed of how he had taken this beautiful being from the stars, been severely injured and she had just saved his life from his traitorous friends poison, she was a Goddess and he a mere human.

Raijen knew better, he should have shown her more respect. He would never had done the things he had done to any other woman until he knew her very well, he would never kiss another woman between her thighs on their first date, or their second, or more for that matter. The few woman that had been in his bed he had always got to know well first.

Raijen’s hands would not leave the astounding Goddess’s body, it was if they had a mind of their own, each stroke upon her curves was matched by her quivering beneath his touch, completely mesmerised by every part of her, he had fallen madly and purely in love with this winged Goddess, she had turned his life upside down as soon as her beauty fell from the heavens above.

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