Absolute Chaos
Chapter 29.

The ‘great’ King of Otamia held the slim silver bone in his hands, his small eyes sparkled with wonder. Holding it high above him, turning it over and over, not able to keep his eyes from its splendour, the power he felt ripped throughout his core overwhelming him with sheer wonder.

The smile that came from Araphel widened, he could feel the small pulse of strength from the sleek bone growing more intense by the minute. Its strange power seemed to leap into his skin and swell in cool jolts of electricity.

The prodigious power was engulfing Araphel’s essence, terrifying and thrilling him all at once, giving him immense strength. He did not understand how to use the unique bone, he could not quite grasp the enormity of it tremendous might.

The Kings reverie was instantly shattered when he heard the screams of sheer horror from outside.....


A foul stench swept under Otamia and embodied her newest dawn, Am-heh smashed open the Kings doors and the oversized jackal pushed inside his cave.

The huge canine stalked around the large room, he could not see the King, but he could smell him. He licked his foul lips, his razor sharp fangs bared and ready to tear him to shreds.

Low growls and snarls came deep from his throat, gurgling like hot lava deep in a volcanoes caldera, ready to explode in disgust.

Am-heh’s snout was to the floor sniffing Araphel’s cave wildly, other jackals and dogs had spilt in behind him, also trying to catch the Kings vile scent.

Lykus was now part of his pack. The foul God understood when he tore into his leg he would become an eater of souls, a devourer of his millions, the first human to join his new pack here on Earth, the first to change into his new evil form of the great jackal.

Am-heh knew Lykus’s injuries were not fatal when he tore into his leg, he could smell the fear from the mere human change immediately as his new canine blood flooded into his spasming body.

Lykus now stood beside Am-heh, teeth bared and waiting for his masters command.

Matted dark fur covered his hulking form whilst clotted blood dried in chunks throughout it. Drool hung from his snout, huge droplets sprayed the air as Am-heh shook his coat, howling in fury and frustration.

The ‘Devour of Millions’ back bones cracked, breaking in fiery waves, his gross body now transforming from an enormous jackal and reshaped back into a man.

Dark sharp eyes darted around Araphel’s cave, Am-heh still could not see him anywhere, yet his depraved scent filled his nostrils.

“Show yourself you COWARD!.” The sinful God roared into the moving shadows, the other hounds howling and barking with excitement at his bare feet.

Otamia’s King still did not show himself, further enraging the evil beast, smashing fury into his foul veins.

Forcing his wings through his back, fracturing and splintering the hard bones, Am-hen’s huge feathers shattered reality and stretched to their tremendous length through his skin.

“SHOW YOURSELF!.” Am-heh again demanded, roaring into the air around him.

He now stood in his Godly form, he stood at least seven foot tall and with wings twice the size to match.

The Earth beneath Am-heh and his pack began to tremble, knowing Araphel must be attempting to use Temu’s ‘Rib’. Araphel would not be able to fathom its great power or how to control it, he needed to retrieve the mighty bone immediately.


All thought scrambled from his mind, deep blue shimmers appeared in the air in front of Am-heh, illuminating the dark cave in a brilliant sheer blue light.

Araphel came from nowhere, appearing before him, he was holding the rib high above his head, grinning stupidly, staring at its magnificence.

“So you are one of the Angels who fell upon MY LANDS!.” Araphel raged before him.

“I am NO ANGEL, I AM A GOD!, the ‘Devourer of Millions’ you stupid fool!.”

Am-heh then laughed, the foul sound reverberating around them. This petty human being was trying to intimidate him, he would squash him in a heart beat once he got Temu’s rib back.

Am-heh watched the Kings beady eyes swarm with awe, Temu’s sleek bone flooding him with is brilliance.

“A God?...Ha!.....leave here you foul beast!” Narrowing his eyes, Araphel glared at Am-heh. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Leave?, I will only leave when I hold Temu’s rib....it belongs to ME!, I have come to take back what is MINE!.” Lunging at the smaller man, Araphel easily ducked him and moved through the curtain into his bedroom beyond.

Straight at his heels, Am-heh ripped the curtains from there hooks, shredding the sheer material and he fell into Araphel’s bedroom.

The King stood on his bed, the sleek bone trembling in his hand, blue light filling the domed room.

Everything in the cave began to shake violently, Araphel now wielding the ‘Rib of Chaos’ before him.

The foul God leapt forward, nearly reaching Temu’s rib, nonetheless he was thrown back with such extreme force that the sandstone walls split as he smashed into the harsh rock.

Araphel’s laugh peeled throughout his ears, Am-heh knew Otamia’s King had no idea how to use it, he would destroy the cave and crush them all if he did not stop him quickly.

Araphel skirted past him laughing and headed back out to the main cavern. Lykus was there, his huge fangs bared, not hesitating for a moment, instantly lunging at the King, the rest of the pack joining him, springing towards Araphel, their jaws open, snarling, ready to tear him to shreds.

Araphel waved the sleek bone, deep blue light splintered the air, slamming Lykus and the other dogs backwards, each hitting the walls and furniture, their yelps and howls of pain filled their master with pure hate and pain.

A few of the jackals escaped through the doors, the rocky caves ceilings shaking above their heads.

“Stop now!, or you will kill us all!.” Am-heh boomed.

The cave quaked, cracking and shaking, the rock ceiling split and small stones crumbled all around them.

Forcing his immense wings above him, Am-heh covered his flesh, protecting himself from the falling rubble that fell from above,

Lykus and a few other dogs hid under his dark feathers, also using them as a shield from the avalanche of deadly rocks.

Solid rock now fell upon them, showering Am-heh and his pack with pure rage.

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