Absolute Chaos
Chapter 43.

Putting a huge wall up inside her mind, Amaunet needed to block her human emotions, she would not be able to meet Chaos otherwise. She had explained the whole process to Maia earlier, the brave little woman only nodded at her Goddess, understanding what must be done.

Amaunet approached her friends, they waited nervously near the trapdoors that led to her doom. They followed Amaunet down the deep shaft and into the long passage that led to the staircase of forty two stairs.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, they could see Am-heh still curled in a tight ball, his knees squashed firmly against his chest, dark eyes rolling, their whites flashing sporadically in crazed whirls.

Amaunet approached the smooth cage of plasma, peering through the strange blue bars of falling light and down at the pathetic beast that lay between them.

The wicked God began to growl and squirm, throwing himself to his bare feet. His grotesque jowl stretching to its limits, his decaying bones cracking under his rotten flesh.

The smell that came from the foul creature was near unbearable, desperately Amaunet tried to hold down the very human urge to vomit, swallowing repeatedly, trying to keep the rancid acid from escaping her.

Am-heh knew the time had come. He knew he was going to meet Chaos.

The mighty Death Angel moved to Amaunet side, she turned towards her friends who now stood behind her and simply nodded and smiled.

Amaunet then faced Mieli, their eyes meeting in a flurry of understanding.

Both Divine creatures astounding wings tore from their delicate flesh, splintering tiny shards of bone and blood into the air.

Maia cried out from behind them, shocked by the blinding ferocity in which their wings had emerged.

Stretching, Amaunet clawed her long fingers around each plasma stream, instantly the blue streaks disappeared, leaving Am-heh unchained momentarily. This tiny moment in time would be the last split second of freedom he would ever experience, she could see the shocking realisation in his soulless black eyes.

Deep from her inner most core, the extraordinary Goddess brought forth her Chaos. The sleek curved bone that had fused under her heart surged to life inside her. Its smooth vibration inching into her Divine blood, filling her with an immense strength, preparing her for the terror and agony that was about to come.

A deep grey light now splintered from Mieli’s flesh, the mercury inside her huge eyes was a spinning eddy of dark silver, whirling insanely out of control. Her light copper flesh swelled with a silver aura, embodying her essence and embracing her soul.

Black shadowed tears began to drip from each dark feather, spilling hate and death over Mieli’s face and skin. Each shadow hit the ground at her feet, dancing beside their Queen, excited to watch their mistresses pain.

Dark tears of blood seeped from the Angels eyelids and streaked in thin channels down her cheeks. They splashed around her bare feet, joining her shadowed friends in their frolic.

Mieli became darkness. She was pure hate and death. It swarmed with the pitch black and embodied her soul,.... Now becoming the dark Angel of Death.

Maia, Kaydir and Kyzin were all warned of what they may see. Amaunet demanded they avert their eyes, nevertheless all three friends could not turn from the terrifying sight. Their fear and fascination too great, it slammed into them with full force, freezing their eyes open as if time had stood still, none of them able to look away from the terrifying, yet awesome sight.

The demented terror that tore through Am-heh’s eyes whilst the Death Angel ripped into his soul was priceless. Mieli had sprung onto his shoulders, perched like a Phoenix upon a sheer cliff, her small hands gripped his neck and in one rapid twist she snapped the vile creatures bones, crushing them to dust. The Angel of Death instantly proceeded to tear Am-heh’s head clean from his shoulders.

His screech of shocked pain froze in mid air as she held his head high above her, the foul jackals head dripping great clots of rancid blood over her flawless flesh. His headless body fell to the ground, Mieli jumped from him, tossing his severed head to the side, just like it was mere garbage.

More shadows filled the large chamber, pushing through the suffocating air. The pillars that lined each wall began to grumble and complain, all forty two did not wish to witness the evil that had just been bestowed at their feet.

Mieli roared, swirling into a tornado of crazed hate, flying into Am-heh’s fallen body and latched onto both his and Arawn’s souls. She ripped them faster than lighting from Am-heh’s spasming corpse and slammed them into Amaunet pure spirit.

Amaunet thought she would be prepared for what happened next. Mieli had told her of the agony and indecision she would feel but she did not expect it to be quite like this.

It was like dying infinite deaths. She could not fathom the pain that now pierced her entire being, it gripped her mind like a greedy vice, clinging to her flesh, oozing with disgust and regret.

Amaunet screamed, she could not help the sheer terror that came from her core. Her whole body began to shake violently, shadows dared to mask her already blurred sight and take her to a sweet dark dreamland.

Mieli was straight by her side, pushing her great wings quickly back into her core. Her powerful arms holding her Goddess, guiding her towards the small chamber. Maia was right by her other side, the fearless little woman braver than the two men in the room, not giving one thought to her own safety, only concerned for her dear friend.

They reached the eight stairs in silence, pausing at the bottom, turning to Kaydir and Kyzin. Amaunet managed to swallow down her terror and pain, she needed to say her goodbyes.

Holding out her hands first towards Kyzin, she grasped his, looking him directly in the eyes.

“Thank you for everything. Please look after Mieli, she needs you more than you know.” She tried to smile, lips trembled, the tears sliding over her pale skin.

Her oceans of deep blue then swirled towards Kaydir, he gently took Amaunet in his hands and held them to his heart. They looked into each other’s souls, both giving one another a knowing nod.

Helping Amaunet climb up the steps, Mieli and Maia walked their Goddess inside the small chamber. The intricately carved lid sat perched to the side, ready to slide into place. It weighed more than forty tonne, however Mieli would manage.

Amaunet swung her head to Maia, all she could do was search her huge dark eyes, flinging her arms around her, squeezing her little body to hers. Both Goddess and woman sobbed softly as they embraced, lost for words, not knowing how to say goodbye.

Maia whispered in Amaunet’s ear.

“I will look after Raijen Amaunet, I promise you.” Maia was now Otamia’s Queen. She would lead what was left of the once great cities people thousands of miles over the vast sands and forests, back to where humanity’s life all began. The Ark of Chaos needed a new sanctuary and it is where the Ark told Amaunet it must be.

Turning now to the extraordinary Death Angel, she reached out and stroked her blood streaked cheek, wiping the dark tears from her stained flesh.

“Mieli....it will be alright...I will miss you my dear friend.” The stunning Goddess and the exceptional Angel embraced.

“Thank you my sweet Goddess.” She didn’t give Mieli a chance to say more, they were running out of time. The moon was almost in position, the time had come to see her great creator, the one true creator of the universe.

Mieli and Maia helped Amaunet climb inside the cold limestone and granite sarcophagus, she folded her wings around her sleek body, delicately covering her pale skin.

She looked up at Mieli, smiling, tears pricked her lids, she nodded to the Angel above her and Mieli slowly closed the 40 tonne lid, using both her strength and Divine power to do so.

It was pitch black, the air inside the tomb rapidly faded and thickened within her lungs. She could feel the pure hatred inside her clawing desperately to escape their Goddess’s deathly grasp. Their cries for mercy pierced her heart, swimming inside her mind, both Am-heh and Arawn knew where she was taking their foul souls, the terror they faced was unthinkable.

Their putrid spirits squirmed and screeched amid her core. Their fear beyond her, their pain a constant stream of deprivation that sunk deeper into oblivion with each of Amaunet’s agonising breaths.


Once the huge lid was secured, Mieli quickly, yet perfectly, carved Amaunet’s name into a cartouche on the vaults lid, just under the depiction of the exquisite Angel. Mieli closed her eyes. She held her small hand on the cold stone lid for just a few moments, then sprang back into action.

Mieli and Maia bolted from the small chamber and with the help of Kaydir and Kyzin, secured the huge stone door in place, closing it on their astonishing Goddesses for all time.

“We need to move fast.” Was all Mieli said and ran like the wind across the room of pillars, up the forty two stairs and down the long passageway to the shaft that led to their freedom. Maia, Kyzin and Kaydir at her heels, scrambling up the grooves in the side of the shafts wall.

They all clambered out from the hot shaft, Mieli nodded to Maia, both sprinting towards the great pyramid, almost falling through its large doors. They both moved down into the long passage that led to the heart of the pyramid and to its main chamber.

“Stand back Maia.” Mieli warned the small woman.

Mieli’s wings again shattered into existence, breaking her bones and tearing her flesh. A radiant silver glow flowed from her eyes and shrouded the large chamber with pure Chaotic light.

Two large stones groaned beneath them, shifting at their feet. The Angel of Death dropped her wings to her sides, knelt near the large alter in the middle of the room, the two stones lay trembling beneath her knees.

“Maia...do as I do.” Instantly Maia dropped to her knees next to Mieli, following the Death Angel’s lead.

Placing her hands upon the quivering blocks, she pushed her hand through the solid rock like it was made from only water. Maia’s eyes widened in awe, tentatively copying Mieli and was astounded she could do the same too.

The stones became liquid beneath their hands, a strange electrical current pulsed up through the water into both women’s cores. Feeling the surge of pure power, stronger than her whole life force pushing its way into her and embodying her every thought.

Dark water from the Nile began to pour from the two blocks beneath their glowing hands, it rapidly filled the chamber with dark blue light, swirling with a foreboding charge of what was to come.

Quickly looking at Maia, Mieli said with the widest of grey eyes,

“Let the magic begin.” Then bolted from the chamber, wading through the water and into the dark passage. Maia was right behind her, she could feel her brave heart, her excitement and fear.

The water tried furiously to pull them back down the passage and drown them in the great pyramids heart, however it could not quite get a hold on them, they both slipped from the Niles icy fingers and flushed out into the darkness, spilling onto the sand.

The water rapidly filled the main chamber and all the ducts and shafts that ran through and under the pyramid.

Mieli snatched Maia’s wrist, sprinting like wild gazelles towards the Nile, as far from Temu’s great pyramid as they could.

They reached Kyzin, Kaydir and the others, yet Raijen was nowhere to be seen. They stood on the shores of the enraged river and watched as the spectacular show began.


The darkness consumed Amaunet, she could feel the rumble deep under the chamber, she knew Mieli and Maia had done what she asked and opened the floodgates to Chaos.

The deep groaning of Mother Earth beneath her slowly intensified to a gigantic roar. Dark water filled with blue light began to merge into the tomb, filling it rapidly with its dark deluge.

All the human emotions Amaunet had experienced since she crashed into this beautiful yet strange world were now fused inside her soul. She closed her majestic eyes and moved her arms through the cold fluid, letting it fill her, letting it in. Amaunet automatically took a huge breath of air as the water covered her face and flooded to the brim of the heavy stone vault.

The light began to move through her, the sleek silver bone under her breast vibrated rapidly within, the pain sending exquisite shots of fire down her entire left side. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Then the sapphire light burst forward from her very own core, turning the dark water into a vibrant frenzy of deep vivid blues. The water turned to darkness, Amaunet could feel the black shards splintering in the fluid around her, coalescing into inky black swirls.

The two fouls Gods inside her soul screaming inside her mind, tearing and ripping to be free from the madness that was surrounding Amaunet.

The thick black sludge forced its way into her, she tried to scream, but her lungs were full of the blue water, drowning her from within.

Then all was as it should be, Amaunet felt an overwhelming calm embrace her and the blackness took her away.

The tomb Amaunet was sealed in was now fully charged, the portal back to Azure-Alkun had opened, she was ready to go home.

And with an almighty roar, Amaunet was ripped from the tomb of claustrophobic dread and shot through the insane wormhole, twisting through the mind blowing cosmos, spinning into her doom.

Amaunet flew towards Chaos with incredible speed, thousands of times faster than light. What swelled in the black air around her was insane, a hectic symphony of space, a perfect harmony of balance, its precision so intricately precise, it snatched Amaunet’s breath and shattered it into oblivion.

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