Absolute Chaos
Chapter 6.

22 Miles from Otamia’s boarders.

The same nightmare gripped Kyzin again, sweat covered his heated flesh, freezing it into tiny shards of pain. Flowing amid this black dream, swimming below the eye of a huge sandstorm, the red sand spinning into oblivion above, whilst the blood of strange winged creatures rained down overhead.

Acid etched embers within, churning the burning coals into tiny cyclones. Kyzin snatched awake, clambered from the soft sand, staggered as if drunk into the darkness and let the bile escape his searing core, purging it at his feet.

Once the scalding waves subsided, he stretched to his full height, scanning the eerie night.

The crescent moon crept behind the dark stormy clouds, distant growls of thunder moved closer to him by the minute.

The air changed, thickening, suppressing his lungs. He squinted into the black night, the moon slithered in and out from the clouds, thunder fell from the dark skies, cracking the harsh rock under his bare feet.

Kyzin stood to flee, however what he saw then froze him to the spot.

Both awe and fear struck him inside a heartbeat, the fight or flight kicked in, hot prickly beads of sweat raced their way down his spine and burnt fear upon his clammy skin.

From the blackness beyond came a tiny dark blue light, it was dull at first, yet it soon swelled to a brilliant azure. It exploded into sheer blue embers that sprayed from the stars, rapidly filling the darkness with its sapphire magnificence.

The Earth was shifting, a hectic wind had whipped in from nowhere, throwing dust into the night, biting at Kyzin’s skin and eyes.

Huge bolts of blue lightning rained down from the heavens, the noise rolling into an unbearable roar.

The strange blue light burst through the atmosphere, shattering the stratosphere and showered tiny splinters of blue plasma-like streaks through the crisp night.

Then something or someone, smashed through the ‘blue’ like a bullet, spinning amid the dark air, crashing into the Earth, slicing the solid rock and ripping the cold stone to shreds.

Confusion unkindly greeted Kyzin, the rumbling beneath him abruptly halted, the blue plasma faded and vanished as if it was never even there. Darkness fell back round him, the wind stilled, silence loomed, leaving him shrouded in the nights harsh eerie shadows.

Staying low, he crept towards the glowing blue object. Close to it now, lying flat on his stomach, wriggling nearer, inching further towards the rift in the stone.

Kyzin peered into the gaping hole, sighting huge dark feathers concealing some sort of creature, a majestic bird from heaven came straight to Kyzin’s mind.

The dark wings vibrated, covering what lay beneath. The creature then moved, its wings folded away from its form, struggling under their weight and managed to stand on two, long, very human looking, shaky legs and unfolded its immense wings from around it.

The sight before Kyzin not only left him breathless, but speechless. This was no bird!, it was a stunning winged woman. She stretched her dark wings by her sides and flew her head towards the stars, crying out with sheer anguish to the heavens, the heartbreaking sound chilling his heart and mind.

Kyzin could not believe his eyes, she had to be an Angel!. A deep silver and sapphire blue radiated from the extraordinary creature, although it was fading quite fast. He watched, stunned, her wings folded into the darkness and disappeared into her shoulder blades.

The exquisite Angel whipped her head around, taking in her surroundings, eyes glowing an eerie deep grey, full of fear and pain.

She started to move, taking a few shaky steps forward, yet she fell abruptly to her knees, her breath forced its way from within and she collapsed to the ground with a huge sigh, laying still in the inky darkness.

Kyzin’s body moved before his mind, not pausing for one thought and climbed down into the chasm, kneeling at the Angel’s side.

She didn’t appear to be moving, he touched her brow and instantly felt a burning heat upon her flesh, small beads of sweat had covered her smooth dark skin.

He couldn’t see very well, nevertheless Kyzin lifted her lithe silhouette and carried her out from the cold broken rock.

She was quite easy to lift, her slight body almost weightless in his powerful arms. He lay her gently on the rocky ground above the long crater, her head rolled to the side, lifeless.

Grabbing at her wrist, Kyzin could not feel her life within, he threw his ear to her heart and heard only silence, fearing the magnificent creature was dead.

Kyzin moved fast, he rolled her onto her back, pinched her nose and blew sweet life into the beautiful creature below him. Placing his large hands between her breasts, pushing air into her lungs, rocking his brawn, pumping her delicate chest.

His lips burned into the Angel below him, breathing deeply, she still had not responded, his fears grew further into his soul, he could not let this poor majestic creature die!.

But then with a huge gulp of air, the Angel arched her back high off the ground and breathed in the dark Egyptian night.

Two huge eyes snapped open, irises the colour of pure mercury pierced into Kyzin’s soul. He could not fathom the mind blowing sight, gasping at her sheer untimely beauty, his heart scurrying like a spooked mouse in his chest.

She moved like lightning, Kyzin didn’t even have time to blink before she was on him, slamming his muscled body easily to the ground, gripping his throat in her small hand.

The Angel did not speak at first, she just burned her silver irises into his emeralds, searching for something, trespassing all over his soul.

A fear so terrible crept under Kyzin’s skin, every emotion he had ever experience bubbled up from some dark forbidden place within. Searing jolts of pain pulsed throughout his heated blood, the anguish moved through him, tearing at his consciousness. He thought she would surely kill him, he could not draw breath, his heart froze in his chest, her fingers digging into his flesh.

“What did you see?....What did you SEE?.” The Angel hissed, having no idea what tongue she spoke, her fingertips pushing even further into his throat, almost piercing the skin beneath them.

And just like that, she stopped. The Angel let go of her deathly grip and quickly jumped backwards away from him.

Kyzin rolled onto his knees, coughing and gasping, desperately trying to pull the sweet air back inside his lungs.

He looked up at the woman, completely lost for words. Whatever she was, he knew she was not human, yet she looked almost as human as he.

A cascade of tears flooded Kyzin’s soul, great sobs wracked his entire body. No woman had ever bought him to tears before, nor had he cried like this for many years. She waited patiently for him to get a hold of himself, quietly watching him the whole time. Kyzin didn’t understand what had just happened, the Angel had pushed more pain and emotion into his core than he thought humanly possible.

After a time, the sobs subsided and Kyzin slowly climbed to his feet. The Angel still eyed him carefully, her stunning silver irises emitting a dull grey light, illuminating the cool blackness around them.

They stood staring at eachother for some time, she was only small, only to his chest in height, her dark hair snaked down her back in a long braid that reached her curved behind. He couldn’t see her features well in the darkness, except for her unworldly, huge silver eyes.

She spoke then, her voice soft and husky, sending melodious ripples all over his spine. Bowing, the Angel greeted Kyzin, speaking in a strange tongue.

Having no idea what she said, except that she knew his name. Kyzin was a little shocked that he was shocked, from what he had experienced since she had landed wasn’t exactly an every day occurrence here on Earth, or in his daily life.

Breathing in deeply, Kyzin blurted, quite surprised his voice came out clear and deep. “Who are you?.” He didn’t know what else to say, mentally kicking himself, thinking how stupid he must sound.

The Angel took a step towards him, tilted her head, thinking carefully before she replied.

“As Salaam Alykum Kyzin,...I am Mieli.” She spoke now in his language, it flowed from her lips in beautiful waves, bringing fresh tears to his eyes.

“I....are you hurt....Mieli?”, Again having no idea what to say, he thought she would kill him only moments before, although now she seemed so calm and surreal.

Frowning, Mieli’s eyes traveled over her wiry body, seemingly checking herself for injuries.

“I do not know, however that is of little concern.” It was all she said before lapsing back into the finite silence, staring, quite perplexed.

For some time her grey irises pierced his dark jade, then she softly blinked, the liquid mercury began to cool.

“I am sorry if I hurt you....., and thank you for the sweet breath of life.”

Mieli bowed gracefully, taking a few more steps towards him, reaching her hands out, Kyzin taking them easily, not really understanding why and melted into her soft bronzed flesh.

He was utterly mesmerised, he could not understand what was happening, confused of the pure love he felt from her touch, he immediately fell into her ocean of depth, loving her and trusting her entirely.

The tears came again, they streamed silently down his checks, his head bowed to the ground.

“Mieli.” Kyzin breathed her name, “Who are you?.”

Fear touch Mieli’s flesh, Kyzin watched it swelled inside her exquisite eyes, ignoring his question. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Are you the only one here?.” It was past two in the morning, as far as he knew they were the only ones around for miles.

“I think so Mieli, no one would be out here at this time.”

Finally she released his rare heart, both her hands falling limply to her sides. “I...I don’t feel so....”

Kyzin caught the miraculous winged creature as she crumpled into darkness, her lithe legs caved beneath her, she was out cold, but at least she was still breathing this time.

Pure beauty lay before him, Kyzin stared upon her coppery flesh, her body was barely covered by a shredded silver dress, it had torn to near tatters from her harsh landing, showing off her long sleek limbs that graced her lithe curves.

He noticed a strange tattoo streaking down her left side, starting under her left breast, travelling all the way down her sleek leg and wrapping around her ankle. It was quite a thin tattoo, yet the design was bizarre and intricate, strange symbols were etched in the black ink, almost like a code Kyzin believed.

A long black braid the colour of burnt coal snaked down her delicate spine, it had fallen over her hips, nestling on her hot dark skin.

Kyzin was mesmerised, he was breathless, she was the most amazing creature he had ever laid eyes on, she was perfect in every way.

Deep gashes lashed both Mieli’s thighs and shoulders, although the blood had already gone a dark crimson, clotting over her torn flesh.

He smoothed the stray hairs from her brow, he could not understand the intense emotions moving within him, knowing his love for this creature was absolute, though he could not comprehend why.

The stunning beauty then stirred and opened two huge pools of swirling mercury, staring deep into his soul. Fear dashed past, then only kindness settled inside her shining irises.

Mieli struggled to sit, looking up at Kyzin, rapidly speaking.

“Where have I landed?.” A faint light pulsed from her eyes, searching the sands around them.

“I need to find the land of Otamia, it is a city along the Nile’s delta, it is a matter of great urgency.” Only warmth parted Mieli’s lips, lighting Kyzin up inside.

“You are not too far from Otamia, about a day and a half walk from here. Otamia’s King, Araphel, has taken many of the people from my village, my sister is among them. I am headed towards there now,...I can help you Mieli, I will show you the way.” Kyzin watched her carefully.

“Thank you Kyzin.” The Angel scanned the darkness before her, then continued.

“It is very different here than Azure-Alkun.”

Perplexed by her words, Kyzin questioned, “Azure-Alkun?.”

“Azure-Alkun is the planet where I am from, it is my home. It is the primordial world, primeval in time, the very first planet created by Chaos herself.”

These were strange words to his ears, Mieli was obviously not from this world, she spoke of Chaos and primeval planets, it was far too complex for Kyzin to understand in this moment.

Before he could reply, she continued. “However, this is of no importance, time is of the essence, I must go to Otamia.”

Mieli stood in the darkness, Kyzin’s deep emeralds pierced her silver, he thought he must be going mad, he had no idea what compelled him to help this supreme being, he knew he should be terrified of her, yet all he felt was a profound love, nothing else mattered more in this moment than helping this beautiful creature.

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