Acts of Mercy: A Stepbrother Romance (Men of WRATH Book 5)
Acts of Mercy: Part 2 – Chapter 16

My heart beats hard in my chest as Hudson and I follow the group into the dining room.

Everyone is ahead of us, leaving Hudson and I trailing behind. With every step I can feel his gaze burning a path down my body. I’m not sure if I’m excited or terrified.

I chance a glance at him and see his body leaning toward mine, both of his muscular arms raising to either side of me, caging me up against a wall. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the last of the group disappear into the dining hall, leaving my brother and me all alone.

“What?” I whisper hiss, not wanting the rest of the crew to know what’s going on.

His eyes narrow into tiny slits as his face descends, his lips hovering over mine as his body presses against me, the thick bulge in his pants rubbing against my stomach. “I hate liars.”

My eyes flicker back and forth between his, trying to figure out what he means. Is this about what happened on the side of the road?

I’m about to ask when his tongue pokes out, running along the seam of my mouth, the action making me gasp. He takes the opening without asking, invading my mouth in one fell swoop.

Stunned, I hold back as he plunders, taking what he wants and leaving my body swaying to the rhythm of his kiss.

He kisses me like a madman.

My hands finally reacting, I reach up and clutch onto his shirt, bringing him closer—needing him closer. I kiss him back with as much ferocity, sucking his tongue and swirling it as if it were his cock.

Hudson groans, rocking his thickening erection into me before he takes in my bottom lip, biting down so hard I whimper. It’s the last thing I feel before he’s pushing me away, his eyes searing into mine.

“I can taste the alcohol…” Breaking the spell, he pushes off the wall and turns to walk away, not sparing me a second glance. “You’re a fucking liar.”

His broad back is all I see as my heart cracks. How can he set me on fire one second and leave me feeling disgusting and used the next?

I’m left panting and confused, feeling my eyes sting, the tell-tell of impending tears signaling I need to hide before someone sees.

I’m walking down the opposite direction, trying to find the powder room, when Bella comes whirling around the corner holding a Jellycat bunny in her hand.

She smiles, pointing at the stuffed animal. “Had to go fetch this for Harper. She won’t eat without—” She stops in her tracks as soon as she really sees me. “Alyssa, what happened?”

Bella pulls me into a hug and it’s as if the waterfall I’d been holding back gets its cue to open. One after another, silent tears fall down my face as a practical stranger holds me. “Shhh. It’ll be okay.” She pulls away, her eyes roaming over my face and fingers swiping at the cascade of tears. “Want me to go beat Hudson up?”

I snort, wiping snot away. “What makes you think it’s Hudson?” I give her a wry smile.

She rolls her eyes. “You mean besides the way he looks at you and that swollen bottom lip of yours? Remember, no secrets, and no judgment ever.”

Her words give me the bravery I need to come clean about our situation, even if it’s only a vague confirmation of what she already suspects. “He’s just so cold and hot all the time. It’s giving me major whiplash.”

Bella pulls me back in, rubbing slow circles on my back while sighing. “Girl, I think that’s their M.O. William was the same way.”

I pull away, looking at the sincerity and pity in her big gray eyes. “How did you get him to stop with the emotional Jekyll and Hyde?”

She reaches for my arm, looping hers through mine and steering me toward the guest bath. “It took him losing me to realize what a giant ass he was being. But Alyssa, you’re still so young. Are you sure you even want to deal with such an emotional rollercoaster? With your situation…” She pauses outside of the door, her eyes filling with worry. “You’re both fighting an uphill battle. It’s like taboo on top of taboo. Not only do you have your age difference, but you also have the sticky familial relationship.”

She doesn’t have to remind me of the reasons we could never be, but I appreciate her concern. “First, I’m not even sure if he wants me that badly. Second…” I stare at her, my eyes welling with tears.

Squeezing my hand, Bella ushers me into the bath. “You don’t have to say anymore. I can see it in your eyes. You’re as lost for him as he is for you. Go, wash your face and freshen up. Let’s just pray for Hudson’s sake, he doesn’t fuck this up enough to regret it. I’m not beyond kicking some WRATH ass.”

The door shuts and I hear a “Hee-yahh” coming from the other side.

A goofy grin spreads across my face, thinking of a pregnant Bella doing a karate chop mid-waddle. I’m not sure what I did to deserve such an amazing friend, but I’m thanking my lucky stars that I have. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Navigating this thing with Hudson is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. But despite all the confusion, there’s one thing that rings true in my heart. I’m in love with Hudson Maxwell.


She ignored me the entire time through dinner, and now she’s ignoring me on the ride home. I know I’m pissed at her for lying, but I can’t handle her silence. It leaves me feeling hollow inside.

“Say something,” I command through gritted teeth.

Alyssa whips her head toward me, her eyes flinty. “I’m not your fucking puppet, here to perform at your beck and call.”

There she is. Her words envelop me like a warm blanket, even despite the bite in her tone. Unable to help myself, I continue poking, laughing sardonically as we stop at a red light. “That’s where you’re wrong, Little Red. As long as you’re under my roof… You. Are. Mine.”

Her body shivers, and I’m unsure if it’s from fear or desire.

“Try that again, Hudson. Because if you keep being a dick, I have no problem staying somewhere else. I don’t give a shit if your dad disapproves.”

Her words make me see red, all rational thought escaping me as I pull into an empty parking lot. As soon as my hand places us in park, I rip off her seatbelt.

Flinging her over the console, I settle her core on top of my straining zipper, her legs splayed open, one on either side of me. She rocks her pussy on my length and I just about lose what little self restraint I have left. “You aren’t leaving me, Little Red.” I nip at her jaw, trailing my lips down to the hollow where her neck meets her shoulder—sucking in the tender flesh and reveling in her taste as I thrust my hips up.

She moans, her hands reaching under my arms and pulling herself harder against me. Her breathy voice whispers into my ear, “If you want me to stay, then stop making me feel bad.”

I growl, not liking the control she has over me. Lowering my hand between us, I reach under her dress, finding the drenched fabric that separates her pussy from my fingers and yank. The thin material rips easily, giving me access to her slick folds. “I don’t make you feel bad, Little Red. I make you feel good. Or don’t you remember?” My thumb circles her swollen nub and she bucks into my touch, a mewl escaping her pouty lips.

“Hudson.” My name on her lips sounds like heaven come to take me home.

“Yes, baby. That’s right. Ride my hand like the dirty little girl you are. Let me make you feel good.” My nose trails along her collarbone, taking in her strawberry scent.

“More, Hudson. I need more.” Her hands reach up, gripping my hair between her slender fingers and pulling my face toward her. Our lips crash against each other, devouring one another as if we were each other’s last meal.

With my thumb still working her clit, I insert two fingers, rubbing hard against the spongy area that makes her clench around me.

“My god, Hudson,” she moans, all while I slide in and out of her. My thick fingers pumping and pulling the most delicious sounds from her wet pussy.

“That’s right, baby. Who makes you feel good?”

“You do, Hudson. You do.” She rolls her hips needing more, the action has me biting down on my tongue, remembering how she rolled on top of my cock.

My free hand slides under her dress, traveling up her flat stomach and stopping as I reach her full breasts, squeezing a handful before my fingers pinch and roll a hardened peak between them. “You’re fucking perfect, Alyssa. So damn perfect and mine.”

Her head falls back at my words, her pussy fluttering around my fingers signaling her climax just as she growls out her release. My name falls from her beautiful lips, “Hudson!”

In this suspended moment where the world has faded away and all we feel is each other, life is perfect. Just as it should be. Me and her.

But as soon as her body crashes back down onto mine, reality hits. I just finger fucked my underage sister, her juices still dripping down my fingers as I slowly slide them out of her delicious cunt.

Being the sick fuck that I am, I bring them to my lips and suck, tasting her sweetness on my tongue. Alyssa’s eyes gleam with desire as she stares, her mouth parting as a small breath escapes her.

“Fuck,” she whispers.

“Fuck is right, Little Red.” Lowering her dress, I lift her up and over the console, bringing her seatbelt back over and latching it in place. My eyes flick to the road ahead, pulling us out and back onto the road.

I cock a brow, looking back over to the redhead, still in a daze. “Was that good enough for you?”

Alyssa bites her bottom lip and blushes. “For now.”

Fuuuuuuuuck. This girl is going to be the death of me…. But what a glorious way to go.

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