Acts of Mercy: A Stepbrother Romance (Men of WRATH Book 5)
Acts of Mercy: Part 2 – Chapter 22

I rock into his massive cock, shamelessly rubbing my clit against the wide head, whimpering with the need to have him inside of me.

“Take me out, little girl. Show me how much you love shoving this cock deep inside that tight little pussy.”

“Yes, sir.” I pull him free, revelling in the contrast between the velvety softness of his skin and the hardness that lays beneath.

“Last night, I took. Now it’s your turn.” His hand reaches up, the backs of his fingers caressing my cheek. “Do what makes you feel good. Tell me what you want.” His eyes are wild with anticipation, but he’s letting me take the reins. A definite feat for a man who thrives on control.

Ironic. When I’m like this with him, I want him to control me. Own every unclaimed part of my body and soul. “All I want is you, Hudson.”

His eyes grow stormy before he flips me over, covering my body with his. “Fuck, baby. You’re going to be the death of me.”

He presses a soft and sensual kiss to my lips, his tongue tentatively savoring me as if I were about to slip away any second.

Wrapping my legs around his waist, I pull him toward me. “More, Hudson. I need more.”

“My greedy little girl.” His jaw clenches as he strokes himself while sliding his swollen head through my slick folds. “You want this?”

I nod, a low whimper emanating from my throat. “Always.”

He lowers his face to mine, his straight white teeth nipping at my jaw. “I’m yours, Alyssa Rogers. Always.”

Before I can get a read on the words, he slides into me with one swift thrust; the world going blurry around me. “God, you feel so good.”

As I hear the words come out of my mouth, I know they’re an oversimplification. Good is such a mild term for what I feel when he’s inside of me.

His length fills me, threatening to split me in two. The overwhelming feeling of fullness in harmony with the overflowing love in my heart.

I love him.

I love his stoicism, his strength, and his fierce loyalty to those that he loves. Damn, I also love his overbearing and overprotective self—even when it clouds his actions and makes him act like a Neanderthal.

My lip quirks, causing his brows to arch. “Should I be worried at your smug expression while I slide in and out of you?”

I run my nails deliciously slow along his back, ending at his ass and gripping the hard globes as if I were hanging on for dear life. “I was just thinking about you acting like a caveman and how much I like it.”

His eyes narrow as he picks up his pace. “Oh yea? You like it when I claim what no other will ever have?”

He’s said these words before, but this feels different. I hum, content at hearing the conviction in his words, but I’m never one to leave well enough alone. “Are you so sure no other will ever have me?”

Something akin to rage flashes behind his now steely gray eyes. “Fuck, Alyssa. Don’t tease me. You won’t like how raw I leave that sweet ass of yours.” His hand grips my throat possessively, all while he continues to punish me with his rough thrusts. “You’re mine. All fucking mine, and I’ll tear down anyone who stands in the way. Even you, baby.”

I bite my lip, loving the fact that he’s willing to fight even my own stubborn self, because lord knows I’ve got enough attitude for the both of us as it is.

“Say it, Alyssa,” he growls, jaw clenched and eyes narrowed.

There’s no need for him to elaborate. I know what he wants. I know what he needs. “I’m yours, Hudson. This pussy is yours and yours alone.”

Like a rubber band snapping back into place, he brings his lips to mine, his mouth devouring me with all the pent up frustrations the past month has brought. In this moment, with our bodies grinding against one another, I know it’ll never be enough.

Like an addiction I have no hope of surviving, I want it all. Even if it ends up killing me, I know I’ll have died a happy woman.

Hudson pulls back from our kiss, his glassy eyes meeting mine, and I know he feels it too. This otherworldly connection.

What was once savage has no turned soft and gentle. Hudson thrusts painfully slow, making me cry out his name every time he hits deep inside me. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“You’re perfect. So. Damn. Perfect.” His calloused hand flutters over my cheek, sliding down my neck and over my breasts before stopping right above my stomach. Five fingers splay over my abdomen as he continues his assault on my pussy. “Mine. Every bit of you is mine.”

I know.

I know what he’s thinking.

My breath hitches, and I feel myself rippling around his thick shaft. The thoughts running through my head spiraling, sending me into unknown levels of bliss.

He wants me. All of me. All of me and all of what we could make together.

With one last thrust, he detonates inside me. The feeling of his warm cum spilling into me making me climax that much harder, making me see stars.

Closing my eyes, I feel a calm come over me. I’m safe. Safe in the arms of the man I love. A man who loves me back, even if he can’t bring himself to say it, I know it’s true.

The look in his eyes paired with his possessive touch leaves no room for interpretation, and that realization rocks me to my core.

As if fate’s cruel heart couldn’t stand the thought of my happiness, a wash of guilt falls over me, causing a lone tear to stream down my face.

A reverent hand brushes it away. “What’s wrong, Little Red. Talk to me.”

On a choked sob, I push him off of me. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I tricked you. I’m sorry I lied to you. Knowing what I do now, I can’t even fathom how you’d still want me.”

Hudson lies on his side, his arm gripping me by the waist and pulling my back to his chest. “Shhhh. I’m glad you did, baby. I don’t think I would’ve touched you had things played out differently.”

I know his words are true. His honorable ideas of what step siblings should and shouldn’t do would’ve caused his impenetrable walls to come up, making him take missions far away from home just to keep away from me.

Still. “I never want you to see me the way you look at Julie. I don’t think I could stand to see the disdain in your eyes.”

Hudson pulls my face toward his, both of his hands cupping me with such reverence. “Hey.” He stops until my eyes are focused on his. “I could never look at you that way, Alyssa. You could damn near rip my heart out and feed it to my enemy and I’d still look at you with nothing but love and adoration.”

My breath catches in my throat. I see the truth in his eyes, and I know what he’s saying is real. That we’re real. But still, I question it. “Why?”

Why do I deserve this unconditional love?

Hudson presses a kiss to my temple, his lips hovering as he speaks. “You stir feelings in me I never thought possible.” He blows out a breath before rolling onto his back, his hold gripping me tightly as he brings me to his chest. “I saw all of my brothers fall, one right after another, and I never understood what came over them. Not until you.”

My hand traces impatient circles on his chest, knowing we have little time before he needs to leave.

“You, for better or worst, came into my life like a wrecking ball, obliterating whatever preconceived notions I had about love or even love at first sight.” He squeezes his eyes shut, the motion making my heart ache, knowing this must be hard for him to admit. “My dad never loved my mom, not in the way my brothers love their women. And the only serious relationship I had was the one with Julie, where she ended up being a lying conniving bitch. I just didn’t believe that this,” he motions between us, “would ever be in the cards for me.”

I reach up and touch the scruff on his face, letting my nails scrape against the stubble, causing a scratching sound. He grabs the tips of my fingers and brings the pads to his lips, placing a gentle kiss before continuing. “From the first moment I saw you, I knew I had to have you. And once I had you, I knew I’d do whatever it took to keep you. But then, I found out who you were, and I was so damn pissed at how cruel life could be. So damn pissed that you lied… lied because social norms wouldn’t allow for us to be.”

I press onto my forearms, our eyes meeting in an inferno of lust and love. “What changed?”

“The thought of living a life without you became unbearable. As soon as I saw that little shit’s hand on you, I snapped.”

I smirk. Note to self, send Michael a thank-you card at some point. Little did he know that he’d had a part in making me the happiest girl ever.

“Don’t look so pleased. It took everything in me not to punch him in the face and throw you over my shoulder, letting everyone at your party know that you were mine.”

I chuckle, knowing he isn’t lying. “So now what?”

He pulls me back down to his chest, his hand leisurely strolling up and down my back. “Now I have to go on a mission. But when I get back, we’re definitely discussing how we’re breaking the news to our family.”

Butterflies take residence in my stomach, making my entire body vibrate with energy. I know I’ve asked this before, but I can’t help needing the reassurance, especially since he’s about to leave on a mission.

“So, this is real? You and me?”

He kisses the top of my head, and I feel a smile on his lips. “This is real. You and me, Little Red. Forever.”

I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Pressing my lips to his chest, I mouth ‘forever.’

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