Alkine Academy
Jaci • 15

Different povs.

Smut warning! 🚨

"Hey babe where are you?"

Tomorrow night is the big night. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Braxton and I both have our second challenges. My anxiety is at an all time high. I'm only proceeding with this ridiculous notion to prove a point to Ora but more importantly to myself, than him.

That I am not a quitter! I will not bow down to those who deem me not worthy of them.

I will show Ora and Cal that I am someone not to be trifled with.

It's a shame that Asher and Faron have to go through their brothers prejudices against me. They never ask for this but unfortunately these are our circumstances that we have to deal with.

Thanks to two adulterous men!

The assholes!

I wasn't joking when I told Ora that would get with Braxton. I called him up before I left them all and set up a date with him immediately.

Braxton and I have been together every night since then. Though I can't seem to take it any further than just periodically dating him. Beyond kissing him a few times it hasn't progressed beyond that.

My heart is still back in my old home with Asher and Faron. If Ora or Cal presume that Braxton and I are sleeping together then that's on them.

I just wish it hadn't come to this.

It probably doesn't help that I've been living with Braxton since I left them either.

If Asher and Faron knew this information they would probably hate me also. But I didn't have another choice in the matter.

I didn't want to return to living with my Uncle and Starla has already found a new roommate. So unless I wanted to sleep out on the streets this was my only option.

I guess I could have tried to get another dorm room at the Academy but then everyone would know the circumstances of my dormant love life. Not like they don't know about it anyway.

The rumors that started flying around the campus is outrageous.

Apparently one of them being that Ora and Cal rejected me for that cow Cynthia. As if.

Another being that I couldn't satisfy my mates in the bedroom department. Whatever.

I just ignored it all. Trying not to give them anymore power for the gossip mill.

But it hurts.

When I see Ora and Cal in the halls or even in my classes they both tend to ignore me and shun me. Every now and again I catch a hint of sadness in Cals eyes. But then again maybe it's just me hoping that there's some spark still left there.

Regardless, Cynthia has been with them nonstop lately and that's what fucking hurts the most, that they would so gallantly flaunt her around like I meant nothing to them at all.

At least Asher and Faron have tried to communicate with me. I don't want to hurt them but I just can't see any other way around this situation but to just let them go. They way Ora and Cal presumably want me to do.

And I hate it.

Thankfully Braxton has been so understanding about the entire mess. I don't understand why Ora hates him so much. He has been nothing but a gentleman to me he even holds me when I cry.

He's tried his best to talk me out of continuing with this challenges. Though I understand why he's so concerned, I can't let Ora or Cal think that I'm weak.

After my parents died I made a vow to myself that I will be strong for them and I am not going to break that vow, not if I can help it.

"In the bedroom." I yell out to Braxton while I place the last of the laundry in the dresser.

"Hey babe. Want to go out tonight?" Braxton ask me as he stands in the doorway. I can't deny that he is one total hottie. His long hair and those sexy ass tats just does something to me. I see the fire in his eyes when he looks me and oh how I wish that I could feel something for him other than just lust.

It would be so much easier if I could love him. To forget about my treacherous mates and be with the one that would treat me like I actually want to be treated. But he isn't my mate so unfortunately I have no desire be with him. I'm just feeling so lonely and alone that I can't even think straight.

"Sure. Sounds fun. Where to?" Anything to get my mind off of my revolving problems.

Braxton has been trying to keep me occupied almost every single night to try to help me cope and move past all of this. But it's so hard. I guess have issues with letting go or abandonment. Either way I need to try to move on somehow. Don't I?

He will never realize how much I appreciate him for all of his efforts. One day maybe I can show him just how much his tenderness and understanding has helped me through all of this turmoil.

"How about a nice fine Italian restaurant? Then back home for a movie? You're choice?" Braxton comes up from behind me wrapping his muscled arms around my waist.

I so long to feel the sparks racing through me. Leaning my head back on his chest, loving the feeling of being touched by somebody. Why couldn't he be my mate? I should feel ashamed for thinking these illicit thoughts that I'm having. But at the moment, I don't care, I just want to be loved by someone. Is that so bad?

"Why don't you get ready and I'll make the reservations?" Nodding my head against his chest for affirmation. He releases me but not before he kisses me on my temple.

Sighing out from pure frustration, why couldn't things be different?

Doesn't matter now anyway, I guess, I can't change what's happened. I can only resign myself to how things are at this very moment.

Turning on my heels I go to the closet to find an appropriate outfit to wear tonight.

Maybe if I just let go for one night and forget about all of my issues I could be happy for once. Just once.

Tomorrow night is going to be hard enough for both Braxton and I so why can't we just enjoy tonight and live like there's no tomorrow? Why can't I let go just this once and just enjoy myself?

That's what I'm going to do! I'm going to happy for once. I'm going to choose me first! I deserve at least one night of happiness. Right?

Picking the sexiest dress I own I decide I'm going to live it up if only just for tonight. If Ora and Cal can do whatever they like why the hell can't I? No I admonish myself, two wrongs will definitely not make a right! I'll just go and enjoy myself to the fullest, maybe even laugh and smile again. Maybe?


I'm so damn happy I get to face the damn orifice known as Ora tomorrow. He's such a pain In the ass. I can't fucking stand him.

The son of bitch has been a pain in my ass ever since I met him.

He knew Cynthia was mine before he went after her but that didn't stop him. He always gets what he wants.

Using his influence on her to get what he wanted from her I'm sure of it.

But shes in my past. Gone, forgotten. Now that I have Jaci I'm looking forward to the future for once. She may not be my mate but I'm going to make damn sure she's mine.

One way or the other I will get my revenge against him. Not because of that whore Cynthia. No, it's because he has done nothing but make my life a living hell.

The only reason I want in his stupid gang in the first place is so I can take over control. Once I have the power, I will rain hell fire down on Ora!

Jaci is just a bonus in all of this.

At first I did want to use her as a pawn against Ora but since I've gotten to know her personally, I actually do find myself kind of liking her. More than I should probably.

She's different than most women I have met. For some reason I can't use my influence on her which makes it all the more challenging for me and I have always loved a good challenge.

With the shit Ora and Cal are putting her through they don't deserve her. She deserves far better them assholes and I plan to be the man that can show her just how incredibly special she truly is.

That's why I want tonight to be extra special not only for her but for me also. Tonight I plan on making her finally mine and only mine. She doesn't need those bastards when she's got me and I'm going to show her just that.

Hearing her footsteps behind me, I turn and nearly swallow my damn tongue. The damn dress she's wearing doesn't leave to much for the imagination. How could Ora and Cal not want this beauty? Whatever, their loss is definitely my gain.

"You look remarkable." More than remarkable but the words I want to usher to her fail me at the moment.

"Thank you. Ready to go?" I simply nod, lifting my elbow out for her to place her hand on so I can escort her out.

This night is going to be one for the books. I can damn well guarantee it.

We ate at the restaurant but instead of going home for a relaxing night watching a movie we decided to stop and have a few drinks. The nights still young so I didn't mind. Doesn't change my plans for her and I later, in the slightest. A few drinks, pop back home, then a rowdy night in bed sounds damn good to me.

What Jaci doesn't realize yet is that I plan on bonding with her tonight. Making her mine permanently. Leaving no doubt that she will forever be mine and showing Ora what exactly he has lost.

Not just for spite. Though I can't wait to see Oras face when he does find out. No, it's because I truly want her to be mine forever. I know she's still hung up on Asher and Faron, that's exactly why I'm not asking for permission. She would surely deny me if she knew what I have intended. That's why tonight is crucial for me. It has to be tonight before our challenge tomorrow night.

I want her claimed and bonded to me before then. Before she sees her fucking mates again. I will do whatever it takes for it to happen. Since I can't use my influence on her, I'm unfortunately having to stoop to use other methods. I acquired the little blue pill from Max earlier just for a little boost for Jaci. This way I know I will be able to claim her easily.

I was able to mange to slip into her third drink unbeknownst to her quite efficiently.

Now all I have to do is get her back home and into my bed.


I watched him slip her the pill into her drink. She never noticed him doing it.

How lucky was I that she walked into the club? I wasn't even searching her out.

But there she is looking magnificent in her little red dress.

With him!

Why is she with him!?

Just seeing them together angers me.

I was so happy to hear about her splitting from her damn mates now I have to deal with another man!

Another fucking incubus!

My pretty little precious eyes. She doesn't know how bad these degenerates are for her.

But I will show her.

I will show her what a real man is.

She will be mine!


So very soon!

My pretty little precious eyes!



Home at last.

Jaci is feeling the effects of the drug intensely. I have to carry her to my bedroom. She's half out of out. Still alert enough to know what's going on though. Hopefully.

"Braxton. You're so pretty." I laugh at her attempt to flirt. Laying her on the bed carefully, I slowly try to remove her dress, but she's impatient and helps me hurriedly, pulling her dress completely off of her quickly.

The only material she has on is a red laced panties. I remove them effectively. Ripping them from her body with ease.

Staring down at that glorious woman, she reaches her tiny arms out to me, wriggling her fingers for me to come forth. I don't hesitate for a second.

Stripping off my clothes as quickly as she did, I rush into bed , climbing in between her welcoming thighs.

I can't believe what a lucky son of a bitch I am. To have this beautiful woman wanting me. Drugged up or not, I know she craves me as mush as I crave her. That alone makes this bonding even more special to me.

I drop myself down to her apex. Savoring her exquisite aroma. Speeding her legs further open she welcomes me wholeheartedly.

Licking that little nub of hers, I send her on a magical ride. Sucking in that pretty wet little bead, she thrashes in the bed. I know the drugs are helping but damn she's so sensitive to my every demanding touch. Her dainty hands wrap around my hair, pushing my face further into her delectable channel. Slipping my tongue into her divide I feel her walls start to clench.

Before she's able to cum, I slide up on her sexy body, positioning my harden cock at her entry, Pushing delicately into her drenched pussy very slowly wanting to savor every fucking second of this.

She's so damn fucking tight, the intensity of being inside of her tightened walls has me losing all of my self control.

Grabbing her under her legs I swoop up on my knees, bringing her legs over my shoulders so I can sink my over expanded dick deeper into her warm rambunctious core.

I feel like I entered heaven. She's everything I thought she would be and more. With each thrust inside of her my intensity flares.

Now is the time.

I place my right hand on her heart. Luckily she's to enthralled to notice my actions. I recite the sacred vows in a low mummer, still driving my inflated dick inside of that desirable pussy. Red light glows under my hand, the binding I create makes this moment even more intensified.

Sparks shoot through me, the red binding light disappears instantly, binding me and Jaci together for eternity.

Her head rolls back on the pillows as soon as the light extinguishes, I feel those silken walls convulse around my cock. "Braxton Fuck!" Jaci roars.

I keep driving my dick into her until I find my own sinful release, my seed spurts into her molten hot core like a damn geyser blowing. "Son of a bitch!" I roar out happily. Ropes of my cum flow inside of her womb.

I did it!

I bonded with her.

For eternity.

The elation I'm feeling at this moment is far beyond riveting.

Hopefully tomorrow she will understand but for now I will enjoy the fact knowing that she will forever be mine and there's not a damn thing Ora or anyone else can do about it.

I may have taken it one step further than even Ora has gone but I did it with no malice. Only joy. I did it for us. For her. She is mine now.

Jaci will forever be mine!

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