Alkine Academy
Bonding • 25


Smut warning! 🚨

"We would like to talk to you."

We have Jaci in Oras bedroom. We thought at first that we would bond with her without her knowing as a surprise for her birthday but after what Braxton pulled with her, we decided that the best option would to be asking her for her permission first.

Last I heard the bastard dropped out of the Academy over the fiasco with our gang and Jaci. Good riddance is all I can say.

At the moment we're all sitting around on Oras bed with Jaci on the edge between myself and Asher, Ora is laying behind her rubbing her back tenderly. Lately he's been awfully affectionate with her and with him also wanting to bond with her we thought we would give her options as to how and with whom she wanted to do this with first.

"We would like to bond with you. If that is something that you are willing to do with us." Jaci seems surprised by this request. More than likely because we have put it off for so long at this point.

"Why now?" She ask us curiously. Her eyes flickering back and forth between us.

We sort of knew she was going to ask this question. We assumed she would anyway. We came to the conclusion that being honest with her about this situation is the best way to go.

But here's the hard part.

We will have to tell her exactly how we feel about her. We wanted to do it in our way and when we had the chance to be alone with her, making it extra special for each of us and her.

Things aren't always that simple though.

So we devised a bit of a sappy plan on our part to tell her how we feel individually.

We thought Asher should go first him being the youngest of the trio. Neither of us knows what the other has planned we're doing this on a whim but hopefully it will provide her with the answers that's she's searching for.

"Jaci. When I first met you, I think I feel instantly. I longed for my mate for so long and when you came into our life's unexpectedly it threw us in a whirlwind. But it was the best kind of whirlwind for me. I want to bond with you tonight because I am completely and desperately in love with you and I want our journey to continue for eternity. One day, one week, one month, one year, hell one millennium is not enough time for me to be with you. Please allow me to bond with you. To make you mine forever. I love you Jaci." Asher confides in her.

Jaci eyes never left his during his confession. Now those beautiful bright blue eyes have tears falling rapidly out of them over Asher's declaration.

He wraps her in a tender but gentle embrace. Kissing her without abandonment.

How the hell am I suppose to top that sentiment?

Asher breaks away from his and her kiss, he grasp unto her hand tightly, I clear my throat knowing I'm next I feel a shit load of anxiety inside of me. Here goes everything.

"Jaci. It took me a little bit longer than it did with Asher for me to realize that you are the one and only for me. I longed for a mate also but I was impatient thinking that I would never find you. Then when you suddenly appeared in our lives it knocked me on my ass. You crashed your way into my life and eventually into my heart. You make every day of my life feel like a miracle. You are my miracle Jaci. I love you so much. Will you allow me to bond with you?" I confide my heart to her. My true feelings.

She is my miracle. She saved me when she didn't have to. She saved my life and saved my heart from complete and utter darkness. Without her I would probably be more ruthless than Cal is acting toward her now.

Jaci practically jumps up from the edge of the bed throwing herself into my arms. Enclosing her into my arms, I rub my jaw along her neck, squeezing her tightly. Rubbing my jaw along her face our lips grace, her soft pliable lips encase upon mine lovingly. Sealing my path to her I plunge my tongue into her wet warm mouth. Our tongues massage against each other's in a passionate dance.

Ora let's out a deep laugh at her excitement. Hesitantly breaking away from her, Jaci moves her upper half her body toward him with her hand propped on the bed. The tears on her beautiful face are sliding gracefully down her delicate cheeks.

"Jaci. I was an ass. I was a complete ass. There is no excuse for the way I treated you when you first came into our lives. I pushed you away. I hurt you. I am so fucking sorry for all of it but somehow, someway, you got under my skin. You weaseled your way into my cold dead heart and I am so damn happy that you did. You showed me your determination, your bravery, and you showed me how to love. You don't see me as a monster and for that and a many million other different reasons is why I fell head over heels in love with your sweet fine ass. Will you please allow me to bond with you? I want infinity with you. If you will allow me." Ora spills his heart out to her.

Jaci climbs fully onto the bed, straddling Ora, she kisses him deeply. With his arms embracing her, he pushes her closer to him, placing his hand on the back of her head he quickly deepen the kiss.

Jaci moans hungrily, clearing my throat, yet again, they both break apart though not quickly, each eyeing me with a scowl.

Half heartedly laughing at their disgruntled faces, Jaci nimbly crawls away from Oras lap. Sitting crisscross in between his legs, with a pout on her adorable face.

"Sorry but we need to discuss how we are going to this before we get carried away." I tell them somberly.

Asher scoots back on the bed getting closer to Jaci, he grasp her hand again, laying their hands on his lap. I turn on the bed facing each of them.

This bonding is entirely in Jacis ball field. She has to make the ultimate decision on how she would like to proceed with it: not ours.

"How would like to do this Jaci?" Ora ask her, with his hands gently massaging her shoulders.

"I don't understand." She looks at me simply confused.

"Ok you can do it a few ways. One on one, two on one, or three on one. You can chose when, how, where, this is all on you. We will be happy with whatever you decide. We don't want you to feel obligated or to do anything that you don't want to do." I patiently explain to her. Jaci ponders her options. Furrowing her brows in deep concentration.

We sit and wait patiently for her decision. Regardless of how she will choose to do this we will support any decisions that she has about it; any of it.

We are hers to command, so to speak.

Asher watches her closely. Because of her past dilemma he's the one who wants her to decide for herself about any of this the most without being pressured.

"You don't have to decide any of this tonight. If you want to wait we understand completely." Asher assures her with a gentle tone when Jaci is having trouble making her final decision.

"I think it would probably be best if we did this one on one. It would be more intimate that way. But...I would like to do it all in one night. I want to bond with each of you as soon as I can. I don't want to put it off any longer." Jaci concludes with severe determination in her tone. "If that's ok?"

"Ok, that's perfect, who would like to go first and do you want to be alone just the two of you or...." I leave the question hanging. Wanting her to have the final say in how any of this should go down.

"We can start from the oldest to the youngest of that's ok and you can stay. I kind of like it if you would." Our girl is into voyeurism. I like it.

"One last question. Would you like to do this while making love or would you prefer to do it just by us bonding with you naturally." It's the major decision she will have to make about this entire process. Again, it is entirely up to her in which way she would like this to be handled. We are down for any of these options.

"Can we just see what happens naturally? I mean if it comes down to...that...then I wouldn't object I just don't want it to feel like it is a have to you understand?" Of course we understand completely. It is better if sex is a part of the equation but which ever way makes it easier for her to do is exactly what we will do. For her.

"Ok whenever you're ready to start." I tell her as me and Asher climb off the bed I go to the light-switch, turning it down to a low setting, for extra ambience, I plug my cell into the Bluetooth speaker that's located on the far dresser.

"Any song reference?" I ask her. I would like for it to be as romantic as possible for her.

"Uhm..something sexy I guess." She vaguely answers.

Something sexy? Going through my song list I pick the most obvious song for the occasion.

I'll make love to you by Boyz to Men cascades through the speaker.

With the mood set we begin our bonding ceremony.


An incubus bonding is much different than most supernaturals bonding.

We both have to release our essence simultaneously, then I will proceed to bite her, marking her, and she will do the same.

I explained this to her as I lower myself unto my bed, with me slightly laying across her body, I wedge myself between her milky thighs. Adjusting her and myself, I start to feel tremendously nervous. Bonding for us is more a sexual experience and with her wanting it be natural that may be a problem.

As I explain this to her, she soon comes to realize that she and I will have to consummate our binding, unfortunately since it's not what she first wanted I feel like I'm betraying her.

After I explain this in detail she succumbs, removing her clothes immediately, I follow suit.

Readjusting ourselves in our previous positions, we begin the ritual.

With the music echoing throughout my room, I start this off by deeply kissing her. I'm ravenous, her original scent combined with the scent of her arousal has me harder than a rock.

Grasping her titillating breast, I begin to knead her right one, tracing my thumb along her perk nipple. I hear my brothers on the edge of my room groaning. Jaci released her essence into the room, sending her enticing pheromones casting into the air surrounding us.

Deriving a sexual response from all of us. "Fuck Jaci, I'm going to blow my load before we even get started!" I grit out, trying my damnest not to prematurely ejaculate before we even get to the best fucking parts.

Shaking my head, trying to concentrate as hard as I fucking can on the matter at hand, with my dick being so damn hard at this moment I could actually bust. I decide to move this along quicker than I originally anticipated.

Grabbing ahold of my outrageously expanded dick, I insert it fully into Jacis wanting wet ass fucking pussy. I release my essence as soon I hit balls deep inside of her. "Damn" Jaci moans out. With my own essence causing her cum to leak out at a rapid intensification.

Thrusting my cock in and out of her overripe core, I bite down on the crook of her neck, gently at first, easing her into it. When she raises her hips to meet my demanding thrusts. I bite down harder, marking her with bite excitedly.

Jaci raises her head up, grasping her tiny hands unto my broad shoulders, she bites down on the the crook of my neck, the instant she does I feel our souls connect.

With both of our essences filling the room, my brothers are feeling the effects. They both roar out with a resounding orgasms at the same instant as my balls start to seize up, I feel Jacis walls tighten around my cock like a fucking vice! "Fuck!" I grind out spilling my warm seed all into her with rows my cum overloading her drenched pussy.

Jacis back arches off of the bed, she screams out my name "Ora!" As her climax reaches its pinnacle.

Completely drained I collapse on top of her, our breathing is very erratic but we're more than sedated and extremely dazed.

My bonding is complete!


As soon as Ora is done with his bonding, we give Jaci a small break.

After she is refreshed and back onto the bed, I climb in the bed with her.

I explain my bonding with her before we carry on further.

A simple bite to her neck, that it will not be painful but it will cause a sexual rush when during the process.

We need her to understand all the aspects involved with all of the bondings.

She nods her head in understanding, wrapping her arms around my neck, I lower my head and our tongues start to dance in rhythm to the song that's currently playing.

I chose it just for this occasion. I wanted to express what this moment truly means to me.

Adorn by Miguel serenades throughout the room. Making this moment even more rememberable.

Leaving feather-like kisses all over her, craving for this moment to last forever, I over power her body with tingles and sparks. Alighting our senses along the way. No longer able to contain my control, filled with overwrought lust for her. I plunge my already hard cock into her velvet walls, pivoting into her divide with overzealous thrust.

Scampering onto my knees, I throw her right leg over my shoulder, hitting her G spot she moans out uncontrollably. Leaning over her upper half of her sexy as fuck body, I find the spot I want her mark her on her neck.

"Mark mate!" Samson demands.

With my fangs elongated Samson and I bite down on her neck quickly, plunging my fangs into her supple skin.

Releasing her from the bite I lick the two little bite marks, removing the blood off her neck and sealing the wound.

Our orgasms hit his as soon as the marking is completely taking affect. With my sperm cascading into her womb my dick knots up, clamping onto her womb. "Holy Fucking Shit!" The flamboyant cementing of our binding makes my engorge cock even larger, twitching uncontrollably inside her convulsing walls. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The force of the knot sends us both into a frenzy of desire. "Jaci!" I scream out her name the second the knot hits her center.

We're both breathing heavily from the impact of our put of control climax.

Knowing that it will be a bit before my knot releases her, Asher stops the music then goes to get Jaci and I a warm cloth to prepare for his bonding ritual next.

All I can think while we're both waiting is she is that she is finally ours! Mine and Samsons forever.


Until Faron's knot resends from Jacis womb after their copulation all I can do is wait.

The temptation of running over to her, pushing Faron's body completely off of her and to take my rightful place is overwhelming me.

As I wait very impatiently, I remove all of my garments except for my boxers, then take my respective seat beside Ora.

The waiting is literally killing me!

Bouncing my leg up and down off the floor, Ora eyes me wearily.

"It shouldn't be long now." He's said that three times already trying to assure me.

I humor him by nodding but he doesn't realize how important this binding is to me. I've waited for far too long now and now that the moment is here my nerves are starting fray.

Finally! Faron's knot removes itself from Jacis. I jump up eagerly from my seating as Faron rights himself out of the bed, I climb on the bed taking his place.

"Hold on Asher. Let's get her cleaned up before you proceed." Faron softly tells me. My patience is wearing thin.

As I wait for Jaci and Faron to complete Jacis cleansing, I sit on the side of the bed watching them.

Faron touched her so tenderly it honestly makes me feel inadequate in someways.

I be soft hearted when it comes to Jaci but I've never actually been as tender as Faron is with her now.

Our sexual encounters has been mostly rough and sporadic at the most.

Maybe I should show her how much I actually love her by making love to her rather than having hard core sex?

When Faron finishes his ministrations upon Jaci, instead of eagerly climbing into bed with her like I originally planned, I just stare inquisitively at her.

Taking my hand, I lower it to her cheek, tracing my fingertips across her jaw and neck agonizingly slow.

Jaci eyes me curiously, as I continually trace my fingers along her soft subtle skin.

Seeing Faron walking over to the dresser, he picks up his cellphone, presumably to chose another song.

When the crooning voice of Eric Clapton vibrates through the speaker, with his inspiring song, You look wonderful tonight I gradually make my way over to set in between Jacis legs, eyeing her delectable body.

Before I get started I want her to know exactly what I intend to do.

I'm going to make mad passionate love to you!

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